All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 452 Toronto, Paul is coming!

When I'm alone, it's not that I miss you...

When I'm alone, I'm just afraid of missing you...

When you are alone, if it rains...

In Miami, when Riley with a slicked back hair, sunglasses, and a suit appeared in front of him, in a daze, Su Feng almost thought that he was here to be investigated by the CIA today...

The introduction is Pat Riley.

Nicknames given by Jianghu people:

"The fortune teller".


"Jordan Su Feng is an unrequited lover".

Regarding Riley's coaching experience and past glorious achievements, we will not discuss these later.

In short, you only need to know that in order to get Su Feng, he even gave away a super center like Mourning.

Cruel, indifferent, calculating, and a devil-like coaching style...

These are Riley's labels.

Especially the story between him and Wade, it was even more confusing and confusing.

However, no matter how perverted Riley is...

For Su Feng two years later, Riley and his Heat...

It is indeed a delicious choice.


Although Miami is not suitable for buying a house in a school district and retiring,...

But it is very suitable for Su Feng, who is about to enter his peak period.

First of all, from a geographical point of view, Miami, located in Florida, not only has sunshine and beaches, but also has a basketball atmosphere that can rank among the top in the NBA.

It is also known as the "ball market" as the saying goes.

As we all know, big cities do not necessarily equal big markets, because there is not necessarily a direct relationship between the two.

Therefore, in Su Feng's view, Miami is one of the best targets for his next stop in terms of geographical location.

Secondly, since the team was founded in 1988, the Heat have yet to taste the taste of a championship.

Plus, Riley is almost going crazy thinking about the championship right now...

So Su Feng knew that as long as he could make a contribution in Miami...

By then, his reputation will surely be even closer.

Because of this feeling of first time...

The feeling is always different from the second or third time.

In addition, for Su Feng, who knew Riley's request, he knew very well...

At this moment, Riley needs a championship or even a dynasty to establish his coaching career status.

After all, Riley hasn't tasted a championship in nearly 14 years since he left the Lakers.

And Phil Jackson next door, no matter how miserable he has been in the past two years, now has six championships in hand.

Therefore, Su Feng chose to cooperate with Riley at that time point two years later...

You can basically understand it simply as...

By then he will become the savior of the Heat and even Miami.

And with the blessing of this status, once Su Feng succeeds, his reputation at that time...

Tsk tsk!

Finally, from a time point of view...

The Heat at that time were definitely one of the teams most suitable for Su Feng to form a "single-core team".


Even if Su Feng hadn't appeared, in the original time and space, Riley would have chosen to give up soon and start the Heat's road to reconstruction.

And as a coach who is very good at building...

When working with Riley, Su Feng didn't even need to worry about what kind of help Riley would bring him.

Because with Riley's brain...

How many people in this league have played him?


It doesn’t matter how the Heat suits me...

That was just one of Su Feng's alternative targets.

Because you must know that in this league, there are few teams worthy of your lifelong trust.

So, as a person who likes to take destiny into his own hands...

You may not believe it...

On this day, Riley, who kept hinting at Su Feng, almost took out his underwear to prove how hungry he was for Su Feng's body...

Ah, no, how true is his heart for Su Feng!

Of course, the purpose of Su Feng's decision to meet with Riley this time was to discuss his future, so he did not treat himself like an idiot and wildly raise his own worth.


Does his worth still need to be raised now?

As the saying goes, smart people have their own way of talking.

Well, while not agreeing to Riley, didn't Su Feng also not reject Riley?

Because Su Feng knew that Riley had a strong desire to control, it was basically impossible to have an equal dialogue with him.


No matter how controlling Riley was, Su Feng would never become his tool.


Great Pat Riley, if you really want to get me...

Then show your sincerity.

At least for the next two years, you have to prove to me how much the Heat want me.


My next home is not just Miami...

Look, what is the art of negotiation.

Neither humble nor arrogant.

While keeping a low profile and respecting the other person, you should also leave yourself ample escape routes.

Don't show arrogance based on your current worth, nor be self-righteous based on your own intelligence.

Since it is cooperation, isn't mutual respect the biggest prerequisite?

There is something to say...

For a moment, when talking to Su Feng that day, Riley really felt that the young man in front of him was just like Auerbach...

Is he really only 23 years old?

Riley asked himself this more than once.


The more Su Feng's performance in this meeting surprised Riley, the more Riley yearned for Su Feng...

Because Riley believed that the cooperation between him and Su Feng would be very pleasant.

"No wonder even a loser like John can win two crowns..."

At the end of this meeting with Su Feng, Riley sighed silently.

As for Su Feng, after the conversation with Riley ended, he quickly adjusted his mind back to his summer reinforcements.

Because the future is always unpredictable.

Only those who grasp the present can be qualified to talk about the future.

Miami, after meeting with Riley...

Under the official arrangement of Nike, Su Feng, as the three star players of the "Phenomena" series, together with Carter and Yao Ming, participated in a sneaker promotion event hosted by Nike.

According to Nike's plan, in September this year, the "Phenomena" series will launch a new style of Su Feng boots, while Carter's "Half Man, Half God" branch will compete with Yao Ming's "Great Wall" branch in October. joint name.

I have to say that although Carter and Yao Ming's joint sneakers haven't been released yet, Su Feng knew with his toes that these shoes would sell very well.

Because currently in China and the United States, the popularity of Yao Ming and Carter is simply not too high.

"What evil capitalists! This is clearly squeezing the wallets of leeks!"

On this day, Su Feng once again felt the abomination of capital.

Therefore, Su Feng has made up his mind that when he returns to Toronto, he will sign Parker to his team.

After all, how could Su Feng let a cute and well-behaved baby like Parker be exploited by capital?

In addition, it is worth mentioning that while doing sneaker promotion activities in Miami this time, Su Feng also met a celebrity from his original time and space.

At that time, because it happened to be a break in activities, Su Feng went to inspect his future territory alone.

The result is coincidentally...

Just when Su Feng was adding nutrient solution to the Coke he secretly bought, a yellow girl about 170 centimeters tall and wearing glasses happened to bump into him.


Su Feng's mentality collapsed on the spot!

Because this is the Coke that he has just added the Supreme Nutritional Solution!

And the most important thing is that it has been frozen!

Who can withstand the high temperature in Miami in July?

So, Su Feng decided to have a good discussion with the girl wearing glasses.

"Beautiful young lady... do you know that you just cost me a cup of Coke from 1982?" Su Feng said in a resentful tone as he looked at the girl with glasses.

" you speak Chinese? My English is not very good." The girl with glasses said as she looked up at Su Feng.


Fellow fellow...

That's okay.

"Are you here to travel to Miami? Alone?" Su Feng asked as he looked at the Chinese girl in front of him who looked a bit silly.

“No…I’m here to get some information.

I just got separated from my friend, and she said... There was a guy named Su Feng, who was a very famous basketball player. He was doing an event in Miami, and she wanted to see if she could get an autograph. "The girl with glasses replied.


Su Feng?

Does this girl seem to be talking about me?


Girl, isn't Su Feng himself standing in front of you?

But that's all...

Because he felt that this girl was not very smart, in Su Feng's opinion, she might not necessarily know him.

After all, no one stipulates that you must watch NBA or know who Su Feng is.

Eh, that's not right...


Going out to collect materials?

This vocabulary...

Why does it sound so familiar?

After taking a closer look at the girl with glasses in front of him, Su Feng asked curiously: "Going out to collect information? What is your occupation?"

After hearing this, the girl with glasses said "ah" and replied: "I...I...I am a writer. Of course, I haven't started writing about myself yet." of!"


"By the way, do you know Howard Philip Lovecraft?" After a pause, the girl with glasses suddenly asked.

At this time, Su Feng, after being stunned for a long time, said subconsciously: "Are you talking about the one who wrote Cthulhu?"

"Wow! You actually know about Cthulhu?" Looking at Su Feng, the girl with glasses suddenly became energetic.

"of course I know......"

What an international joke, one of Su Feng's biggest grievances before time travel was that he failed to chase down the Lord of Mysteries, so how could Su Feng know about Cthulhu?

"Well, I came to the United States with my friends this time just to find some inspiration for writing about Cthulhu.

But because she is a fan of Su Feng, she had to come to Miami to participate in Su Feng's sneaker promotion event...

Alas, I don’t know what that Su Feng looks like. Anyway, whenever she hears Su Feng’s name now, she acts like a nymphomaniac. "The girl with glasses said after letting out a long sigh.

Su Feng: "Then do you think I look good?"

The girl with glasses pushed up her glasses and said, "Is it... okay?"

Su Feng: "..."


Gu Liang, your myopia is not 1000 degrees, right?

Such a handsome guy is in front of you, and your answer is just okay?


Is there another one?

Su Feng was depressed.

Don't brag or be slanderous, this girl is really not very smart.

However, as a "gentleman", Su Feng decided to help this girl because of her poor IQ.

"Then do you need me to help you find your friends?"

"No, thank you. My friend told me before that if I can't find her, then I'll just stay where I am.

Oh, by the way, you are also here to participate in Su Feng's sneaker promotion event? Are you a foreign student? asked the girl with glasses.

Sorry, I am Su Feng!

Well, now, Su Feng had to quietly buy another bottle of Coke.

However, just when Su Feng was about to turn around and leave...

But the girl with glasses suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes.

"What's wrong?" Su Feng looked back at the girl with glasses and asked with a question mark on his face.

"It's nothing... I just think you look like a star." The girl with glasses said.


After stroking his hair with his hand, Su Feng suddenly became a little narcissistic and said with a smile: "Do you know who I am?"

The girl with glasses shook her head, "I don't know, didn't we just meet?"

Su Feng: "..."

Sorry to bother you.

"Ah ah ah, yes, yes, do you know Zunlong?" asked the girl with glasses.

Su Feng: "..."

"No...I'm sorry, I might have been a little rude just now...

My words are indeed a bit harsh sometimes, so just don't take it to heart. "Looking at Su Feng who was not in the right mood, the girl with glasses apologized.

And at this time...

Su Feng really didn't know what he should say.

All in all, this was the first time in his life that he was left speechless by someone.

And the story that happened next made Su Feng feel even more confused.


After secretly buying a second bottle of Coke, he bumped into this girl with glasses again.

Hong Kong Zhen, if it weren't for the fact that he was well-informed in his previous life and could see the naive nature of this girl at a glance, then Su Feng really almost thought that this girl came to "encounter" him intentionally... ..

"Hug...I'm sorry, I...I didn't mean to."

Su Feng: "..."

"I...I just realized that I bumped into you before, so I wanted to come back to make it up to you...

But I didn't you were too tall, so you didn't see me..." Looking at Su Feng who suddenly fell silent, the girl with glasses said.



Basking in the hot Miami sun in July, looking at the bodyguard not far away from him, who almost rushed to protect him, at this moment, you may not believe it, but Su Feng felt even more uncomfortable than before when he lost the title.

So, under the strong request of the girl with glasses, Su Feng finally drank that damn bottle of Coke with her compensation.

And at this moment, after using the corner of his eye to glance at a notebook that the girl with glasses was looking through...

Su Feng was no longer calm.

"Cline Moretti?" Su Feng always felt that this name was very familiar to him.

"Ah, did you see it?, it doesn't matter if I tell you.

In fact, this is the name of the protagonist I will write about in the future. "The girl with glasses said to Su Feng after closing her notebook.


Su Feng sprayed out the third bottle of Coke in his hand.

"Did you get choked?'s not my fault this time." said the girl with glasses.

" writers should all have pen names, right?" Su Feng asked after taking the tissue handed to him by the girl and wiping his mouth.

"Well...I...Although I haven't written it yet, when I write a book in the future, I have already thought of my pen name. I will call it... .”


Cuttlefish that loves diving?

Su Feng was shocked.

Because he never expected that the girl with glasses in front of him would be one of the resentments in his heart in his previous life.

Although considering Su Feng's current status, he shouldn't be so rude.


Su Feng really never expected that the author who made him spend countless starting coins in his previous life...

Not only is she a girl, but she is also a girl with a naive personality...

In addition, while chatting, Su Feng learned that the original name of this girl with glasses was Shen Shiyu.

"Leave your contact information. In fact, I am also a fan of Cthulhu. If you write it in the future, I would like to read it."

Su Feng, who felt that he was expected to kill his inner demons early in his lifetime, said this when he parted with Shen Shiyu.

And at this time...

After sizing up Su Feng for a long time, Shen Shiyu tore off a page from his notebook, wrote down his contact information and handed it to Su Feng.

"You don't look like a bad guy.

But, let me say it first... I may not write this book until more than ten years later, because now I don’t have enough writing skills and not enough experience. "Shen Shiyu said.

After hearing this, Su Feng shook his head with a smile and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as you show it to me as soon as you write it."

Hey, isn’t it faster to go to the original author to urge updates than to do so on the website?

Have you seen, what is hard-core book chasing?

He, Su Feng, traveled to his past life to find the original author for a book on the Internet!

Whether Su Feng can kill his inner demon in advance remains unspecified for now.

In Miami, after Nike's sneaker promotion event ended, Su Feng, who was quite satisfied with his future territory, flew back to Toronto with Yao Ming and Carter.

This summer, Yao Ming, who is not playing in the Asian Championships, will also train with Su Feng.

As for Carter, he was originally going to stay in Florida to play with McGrady...

But who would have thought that a few days ago, Tracy McGrady had gone to Europe with Kobe Bryant.

Therefore, Carter, who felt betrayed by his cousin, decided to return to Toronto and accept a severe beating from Su Feng.

"No, isn't it because Tracy didn't call you when she went to Europe? What's so sad about this?

And if you follow me for special training, and then you will torture Trish completely when he comes back, isn't this a joyful thing? "Looking at the dejected Carter, Su Feng patted his shoulder and said.

"It seems to make sense." With Su Feng's encouragement, Carter said, cheering up again.

On July 7, Su Feng's "Steel House" officially opened for business in Toronto.

In addition to Carter and Yao Ming, Su Feng's future successor James will also come to Toronto to receive special training from Su Feng this year as in previous years.

The only difference from previous years is...

This year, James brought one more person with him after seeking Su Feng's permission.

As a talented high school student of the same generation as LeBron James.

Talented guard from North Carolina.

Su Feng is one of the future Pippen candidates.

The future chief point guard of the NBA. UU reading

Chris Paul.

"So now the question is, when I'm one-on-one with Paul, should I beat him by 57 goals or 58 goals?"

In the House of Steel, looking at the still young "Pippin" that James brought to him, Su Feng was almost smiling from ear to ear.

ps: The second update of 5.1k is here! Tomorrow Ah Qiao will strive for more! Keep begging for double monthly tickets! Please subscribe!

In addition, the character Shen Shiyu will play a big role in the future. As for what role it will be, Qiao cannot spoil it, but in Qiao's outline, this character is definitely worthy of the first half of the chapter. Believe me! mwah!

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