All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 439 Become famous in one battle, UFO troubles

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In the Verizon Center Arena, Iverson and O'Neal, standing in the center circle preparing to jump the ball, look like a world-famous painting.

And even though he wanted to scold his mother in his heart, for O'Neal, what he was most afraid of at this time was...

It’s not a jump ball with Iverson.

Because if O'Neal remembers correctly...

In the All-Star Game of the 9798 season, after sending Iverson to jump ball with him, what the Eastern Stars did to him next can only be described as crazy.

At that time, in Madison Square Garden, New York, you know...

The Eastern Stars not only attacked him mindlessly during the game...

In addition, they actually played "shark chop" in the All-Star Game, a tactic that lacked the spirit of fish doctrine and made the fish angry!

Although, last summer, after sacrificing face and practicing "taking the piss pot" hard, there are not many teams that dare to use "shark-cutting tactics" against O'Neal in games.


If O'Neal were allowed to shoot free throws in the All-Star Game in front of fans all over the world...

It's better to let him die!

All right......

Now comes the problem.

Because O'Neal has been using a "urinal pot" to shoot free throws in games this year, some people may ask, is there any difference between using a "urinal pot" in the All-Star Game and his usual use of a "urinal pot"? ?

Of course there is a difference!

Don't you know that Su Feng usually builds a memorial arch for himself after cheating?

You know, introducing TM involves dignity and is a matter of face!


When he noticed Iverson walking towards him tonight, the memory deep in O'Neal's heart that once made him so heartbroken was instantly awakened.

Fortunately, after the jump ball with Iverson started, O'Neal was pleasantly surprised to find that the Eastern Stars had no intention of executing the "shark-cutting tactic" on him right away.

However, as a fat-headed fish that has been tortured by Su Feng to gain experience...

After halftime, O'Neal still watched cautiously for a long time, and then used his big butt to squeeze Yao Ming away and grab the position in the low post.

Immediately afterwards, after receiving a pass from Kobe, O'Neal first turned around in the low post, and then made an unmarked shot under the basket.

In his infancy, Yao Ming could not compare with the monster O'Neal in terms of tonnage and strength. O'Neal took the lead for the Western Stars, 2-0.

And on the court, just when O'Neal was triumphantly preparing to retreat...

At the scene in Washington, Director Zhang, who was just about to conduct analysis with Su Junyang beside him, almost sprayed the saliva he still had in his mouth directly on Su Junyang's face.

In the entire stadium, for a while, the cries of "Oh, buy it!" were heard one after another.

Because on the court, after O'Neal scored the opening shot for the Western Conference Stars...

Can you believe it, the "point guard" responsible for running the Eastern Conference offense tonight...

Is it Yao Ming, who is 226 centimeters tall?

On TNT TV station, Smith, who felt like ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart, held his head in the commentary box and said: "This is so crazy! This is so crazy!"

Yao Ming......

Responsible for dribbling the ball past half court?

And looking at Yao Ming's dribbling posture, it doesn't look like the Eastern Stars are playing haphazardly!

Well, look at Yao Ming's serious posture when dribbling, the momentum with which he directs his teammates to move with his hands, and that serious face with Chinese characters...

It's so obvious that he came prepared!

At halftime of the Western Conference Stars, at this moment, Su Feng couldn't be happier looking at O'Neal's confused face.

Because the future...

If O'Neal still plays this trick in the All-Star Game, then he can only admit that he is Yao Ming's disciple.

No bragging, no blackmail, okay...

No matter who has the upper hand between Yao Ming and O'Neal tonight, from Su Feng's point of view, Yao Ming has already won.

Because after the game, the news that Yao Ming served as the "point guard" in the All-Star Game will definitely become a hotly discussed scene.

On the court, after Yao Ming dribbled the ball past half court, you may not believe it, but Iverson actually took the initiative to move up to the high post to cover him.


O'Neal was unhappy.

Because as a master of manipulation in the NBA, how could he tolerate being manipulated by others?

However, just when O'Neal pounced on Yao Ming like a mountain, the young Yao also proved that he was by no means a piece of mud that he could not hold up.

In the top arc, I saw him elegantly avoid O'Neal with a wonderful behind-the-back dribble, and then hit a three-pointer.

As for the Verizon Center Arena, as the basketball got into the basket very cooperatively, at this moment, where were the fans sitting and watching the game in the entire arena?

For a long time, in people's deep-rooted thinking, big players should play towards the basket.

In the 1990s, centers like Olajuwon were already deviant in people's eyes.

But who would have thought that tonight, this little 20-year-old Yao would once again subvert people's views?

Although this is a scene that can only be seen on the All-Star Game stage...


For a lunatic like Old Nelson in front of the TV, he feels that this may be the style of play that will lead the next era.

On the field, the game continues.

The Western Stars, who were still in a state of confusion, had Kobe dribbling the ball through half court.

At this time, O'Neal, who had just been teased by Yao, also took the initiative to reach out to Kobe in the low post and ask for the damn ball.

From a high position, Kobe lobbed the ball to O'Neal because O'Neal was going to attend his wedding soon.

However, just when O'Neal was about to hit him hard and crush Yao behind him...

But in a daze, he heard Xiao Yao behind him seeming to be reciting something silently.


Because Kobe is too far away from O'Neal, otherwise he would definitely translate for O'Neal.

Because at this time, what Xiao Yao was reciting silently was a very simple pronunciation of Chinese numbers.

So now comes the problem.

Why did Yao Xiao silently count 1 and 2 when defending O'Neal?

The answer is simple.

Because this is a magical spell.

As long as Yao can withstand O'Neal and count to 3 silently...

Then he will successfully summon the help of Tim Duncan from Boston's mobile fortress!

This was the agreement between Duncan and Yao Ming before the game.

Three seconds.

As long as Yao Ming can hold O'Neal for three seconds, Duncan will definitely flank O'Neal on his weak side!

It is true that at this time, Xiao Yao's desire to defend O'Neal one-on-one is tantamount to wishful thinking.


What if we add Duncan?


You think adding Duncan is not enough?

Don't worry...

On this "fish night", it's not just Xiao Yao who has his own special spell.

Before the game, Duncan, who formed a "carrot cake friendship" with Su Feng, also had his own special spell!

Moreover, because when Su Feng and Duncan are on the same team, both of them will receive bonuses from the "Destiny BUFF", so...

Duncan didn't even need to count silently like Xiao Yao. On the court, Su Feng had already arrived, and together with Duncan and Xiao Yao, they completed the three-man encirclement of O'Neal in an instant!

On the bench of the Western Stars, Old Dunleavy, who was in charge of coaching the Western Stars this year, almost spit out the coffee he just drank after seeing this.

"Shaq...does he have any grudge against them?"

Looking back at O'Neal's teammate Kidd on the bench, the old Dunleavy asked curiously.

On the sidelines, Kidd shook his head and said he didn't know what the situation was.

At this time, O'Neal, who was forced into a blind corner by Yao, Dengsu and three others, was going crazy.

Because of these three people, one is in charge of the sky, one is in charge of the ground, and the other is responsible for digging down the three roads...

What do you think O'Neal can do?

Pass the ball?

If O'Neal could pass the ball, would Duncan and Su Feng still be worthy of the praise of "top help defenders"?

Hard hitting?

If O'Neal could really do it against Yao Ming, Duncan, and Su Feng, NASA would definitely be the first to jump out and pull him into slices.

As a result, just like this, in a daze, O'Neal began to miss the cute and gentle "shark-killing tactic".


On the court, the basketball in O'Neal's hand failed to escape the fate of being cut off by Su Feng.

The Eastern Stars fought back.

Yao Ming is still responsible for dribbling the ball through half the court.

At the Verizon Center Arena, Stern, who was sitting in the stands at this time, also discovered that this kind of live-style game was more popular than the previous all-star games with real swords and guns?

Moreover, this kind of integrated game can also play a role in reducing the physical burden of the stars to a certain extent.

In Su Feng's previous life, the reason why the NBA All-Star Game developed from a real-life event to a completely entertainment event was actually because of Stern's strong push behind it.

It's just that in this life, Su Feng inspired the CEO in advance.

Of course, in the next ten years or so, when fans are tired of watching the entertainment-oriented All-Star Game, the real-life All-Star Game will become a memory that old fans miss even more.

to be honest......

Human beings are creatures that jump around repeatedly and like the new and dislike the old.

But no matter what, at least on the night of February 9, 2000, Washington fans were happy.

On the court, with the help of his teammates, Xiao Yao successfully broke through O'Neal in the high post, and with Garnett's divine assist, completed a wonderful solo breakthrough.

2 to 5.

After scoring the goal, Xiao Yao followed the advice given to him by Su Feng and learned O'Neal's dominating move on the court.


But O'Neal was very angry.

Because in O'Neal's view, Yao Ming not only messed up in front of him tonight, but he also used his signature moves to mock himself. How can O'Neal tolerate this?


Can't bear it...

What can I do if I can't stand O'Neal?

The Eastern Stars made it clear tonight that they are going to kill themselves.

Well, look...

When that damn McGrady broke through, Su Feng couldn't even defend himself!

Damn it!

I didn’t take you to play like this!

This is obviously a game for ten people, why do I feel like I am redundant?

O'Neal's mentality collapsed.

Throughout the first half of the game, watching the stars of the two teams perform back and forth, can you believe that O'Neal didn't even have a few decent close-ups in the rest of the game?

Fortunately, what makes O'Neal more gratified is that after being stunned by the Eastern Stars at the beginning, relying on the outstanding performance of Kobe and McGrady, the Western Stars always took the initiative in the subsequent games in the first half. right.

In fact, judging from the structure of the east and west in this life, compared with Su Feng's previous life, where the west was strong and the east was weak, at least in the next few years, the east and west will be in a relatively balanced state in terms of strength.

And the reason why the Western Stars can gradually take the initiative in this game...

It has nothing to do with Su Feng, Duncan and others being busy with their work.

But because...

Tonight, head coach Miller Carr of the Eastern Stars obviously didn't want to give the Celtics players too much playing time.


Seeing that the Celtics players were trying to save their energy for the next regular season, how could Su Feng let Karl's conspiracy succeed?

Do you want to stay healthy?

OK, if you want to raise it, then let’s raise it together.

Anyway, the Eastern Stars have been winning for many years, and Su Feng doesn’t have any special tasks in this year’s All-Star Game...

So, after Su Feng and Karl reached a certain tacit understanding, in the second half of the first half, Sprewell, Stackhouse and others felt comfortable.

Because they were not supposed to get much playing time, but they actually became the actual main force of the Eastern Stars tonight.

At halftime, the score between the two teams was 63 to 51, with the Eastern Stars trailing the Western Stars by 12 points.

After the halftime break, the good touch between Kobe and McGrady continued.

Tonight, the only thing that made these two people feel unsatisfied was probably that Su Feng's defense was not as tight as usual.

It's like when you are dating, although the girl is very good-looking, she is very loose in some aspects.

However, as Su Feng's good brothers, considering that Su Feng really needed to recuperate recently, Kobe and McGrady didn't care so much.


On the side, O'Neal was never happy.

Because most of his playing time tonight overlapped with Su Feng and Duncan, whenever he wanted to yell "Look at my power, I am invincible" in front of Yao Ming...

Behind young Xiao Yao, Duncan and Su Feng will arrive immediately.

As for CCTV, watching Yao Ming's various imaginative performances on the court, Director Zhang also sighed with emotion: "If the Eastern Star Team is in better shape tonight, then maybe Yao Ming can really become this year's All-Star Game MVP."

no way......

In Su Feng's previous life, Kobe and Tracy McGrady were both famous All-Star game kings.

Therefore, as the eldest brother of the second and third brothers, how could Su Feng argue with them?

In the end, relying on the outstanding performances of Kobe and Tracy McGrady, who scored 27 and 28 points respectively, in this All-Star game night where people's minds were full of "Yao Ming playing point guard", the Western Conference Stars defeated 127 to 113. , successfully ended the Western Stars' 4-game losing streak against the Eastern Stars.

And if we want to calculate the specific time, there was no All-Star Game due to the suspension of the 9899 season. The last time the Western Conference Stars defeated the Eastern Conference Stars in the All-Star Game, it had to be traced back to 1995.

In the VIP stands, looking at the skyrocketing ratings that night, after the game, a beaming Stern graciously allowed McGrady and Kobe to share this year's All-Star Game MVP.

In the entire game, the Raptors and Celtics seven-man team responsible for paddling only scored 41 points together.

And Yao Ming can be said to have become an instant hit on this night.

On this night, in addition to scoring a double-double of 28 points and 12 rebounds, his various "point guard-like operations" in the game are also destined to be immortalized together with his emoticons.

As for O'Neal...

Forget it.

Brother Shaq is depressed.

After the game, Kobe, who won the All-Star Game MVP, was overjoyed. He said in an interview that because McGrady had agreed that he would keep the MVP trophy, he would give the trophy to Vanessa. Consider it a wedding gift for both of you.

On the other hand, although McGrady didn't remember when he promised Kobe, considering that Kobe was about to get married to Vanessa, McGrady just accepted it as a follower this time.

At this point, after the joyful Washington Stars Weekend ended, the stars went back to their homes to find their mothers.

On the 13th, the Raptors faced the Cavaliers away from home.

As a result, in the first game after the Star Weekend, the three of Sukana, who had full chemistry, scored 78 points together, helping the team beat the Cavaliers 117-81 on the road.

It is worth mentioning that in this game, when James appeared on the sidelines, the Cavaliers fans in the entire arena were discussing this young man from Akron.

Unlike fans in other places, many Cavaliers fans have gone to watch James play live, so for the people in Cleveland who are already in despair at this time, they are all looking forward to the future when James enters the NBA. To be able to draft this local talent from Ohio.

Naturally, the demands of Cavaliers fans cannot escape Stern's eyes.

In fact, no matter how many times history repeats itself, as long as the Cavaliers management can strengthen their determination to mess up, then it is almost 100% certain that they will choose James.

Because long before James decided to skip college and enter the NBA directly, Stern had already prepared a savior for this desperate city that had been ridiculed for many years.

This was very uncomfortable for Su Feng.

Because he doesn't want to settle in Cleveland in the future.


Anyway, Su Feng has plenty of time.

So the worst case scenario is to wait until your prince makes a decision, and then play "Throne Heritage Basketball" with him...

Look, this is "Throne Basketball"!

Isn't Jie Tei better than Boruto Den Ran, ah, isn't it better than brother basketball?

Of course, these are all things for later.

Su Feng is certainly looking forward to the future, but what he is even more looking forward to now is whether the Raptors can achieve dynasty glory in one go this year.

On the 15th, after returning to the Airline Center Arena, UU Kanshu Facing the Knicks who came to send warmth, the Raptors officially started their season finale with a 47-point victory. .

And this day, after the game...

After careful consideration, Carter finally found Nash.

"Steve, are you free? I have something to tell you, but you have to promise me that you can't tell anyone else."

After hearing this, and after nodding, Nash looked at Carter, who was rarely serious for once, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Vince.

I guarantee that the conversation between you and me will only be known to us. "

PS: The second update of the 5K-word chapter is here! Keep begging for recommendation votes and base monthly votes~!

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