All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 405: Wishful thinking about little Kobe Bryant, 4th place obsessed brother Da Fengfeng

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Time flies, in this rare summer without Kobe...

Su Feng found that his previous idea of ​​continuing to gain weight this summer was too naive.

Generally speaking, after the season ends, most NBA players will have nearly half a year to complete self-improvement.

Players like Su Feng, who played from start to finish, have nearly four months to continue to upgrade.

However, due to the Olympic Games this summer, let alone special training projects such as muscle building that take time to accumulate...

Even if it is just a simple weight gain, Su Feng has already consumed enough by studying English with Britney.

However, Su Feng was not very sorry for not being able to increase his muscle mass to 110 kilograms before taking Xiao Yao and others to report to the national team.

Because even if the NBA cancels the HC rules next season, the shadow of HC rules will still be seen everywhere in the NBA next season.

After all, in order for players to adapt to the new rules, the NBA generally provides a transition period.

Therefore, since he was unable to gain weight this summer, Su Feng focused his special training on cultivating new black technologies.

As early as the previous Eastern Conference finals, Su Feng discovered a major drawback of using the "Emperor Breakthrough" after starting the Emperor Engine.

That is......

Even if he is made of steel, he cannot withstand the consumption of countless straight-line breakthroughs.

In addition, he had to be on the front line of the Raptors' defense on the defensive end. Therefore, from July to August, Su Feng had been following Fraser to learn the magical skill of throwing.

So now comes the problem.

Thinking about Su Feng, who is currently the number one player in the NBA, why can't he even make a throw?


How could Su Feng not know how to throw?

In fact, all the skills you can think of on the basketball court, not to mention Su Feng, even Ben can master them without confrontation.

But if you want to maximize your basketball skills in a high-confrontation, fast-paced game environment like the NBA, even Jordan at his peak...

People are still cultivating and improving.

Especially with the development of the times and versions, players have to constantly update their skills.

To put it bluntly, when it comes to basketball skills, there is basically no end to learning.

Because Su Feng has a long wingspan and large hands, based on these characteristics of Su Feng, Fraser designed another set of "Don't look at it, you can't learn it" for him during this summer special training. Will” series.

To put it simply, unlike Parker, Nash and other small guards who throw to avoid inside defenders, Su Feng's throw is more like cheating.

Because he can catch the basketball with one hand, if a defensive player wants to interfere with his shot, he must intercept him before he takes off.

Otherwise, once he is completely open in the air, then combine it with the magical skill of throwing...

Basically, it's the same as the previous "Maple's Ganpu" and "Maple's Backward", you can only bet that he won't make it.

"Speaking of which, if I master this technique...

Will this reasonable system give birth to another skill named after me? "

On this day, under the obstacles designed by Fraser, Su Feng, who had just finished practicing two thousand throws, thought silently to himself.

Maple throw...

Listen, what a domineering skill name?

On August 1, according to the time agreed with the national team to meet in Sydney, Su Feng officially took Xiao Yao and others on a special plane to Sydney.

In the past July, several major events happened in the NBA.

First of all, after some tricks, the Suns finally succeeded in freeing up the salary space to sign McGrady.

However, unlike the 7-year, 93 million contract that Su Feng remembered, this time McGrady only signed with the Suns for 5 years.

Moreover, it is still a "4+1" contract.

It can be seen that the confidence of Brother Tracy in this life is indeed different from his previous life.

In Su Feng's previous life, it seemed that the 7-year contract McGrady signed with the Magic in his early years was very good...

But in fact, as the NBA's salary cap continues to rise, a seven-year contract like this is basically signed by young stars to do their own thing.

Of course, because McGrady knew nothing about his talent at that time, it was understandable that he chose a longer contract to be on the safe side.

In this life, with two championships in hand and an All-Star selection, McGrady's personal aspirations are completely different from Su Feng's previous life.

In short...

His current pursuit in life is no longer just about bullying Kobe.

But, how to kill the big BOSS Su Feng before the end of his career.

Kangkang, what does it mean to be a young man with dreams?

After McGrady joined the Suns, Su Feng was also curious about whether in this life, after McGrady joined the Suns, his career lifespan would be extended because of the "Sun Miracle Doctor".

Although McGrady has some innate problems with his body, Phoenix is ​​a magical place where even Hill can have a second spring...

Su Feng always felt that McGrady might actually have a more glorious career in this life.

In addition to the news of Tracy McGrady joining the Suns, the Celtics have not been idle this summer.

After some friendly negotiations with Duncan, the Celtics and Duncan officially reached an early contract extension agreement with a term of six years and a total value of more than 100 million.

Because after the Celtics renewed their contracts with Marbury and Ray Allen, the salary cap was already close to the luxury tax trigger line...

So even though the Celtics got Duncan through the Bird Rights' super-cap contract extension this time, next season, Su Feng at least doesn't have to worry that the Celtics will suddenly give him a ruthless role.

However, even if you are not as poor as Chad, the owner of the Raptors...

But after reaching a contract extension agreement with Duncan, it is said that the Celtics boss hid in the toilet and cried for a while.

Because Duncan successfully triggered the "Su Feng Clause" when renewing his contract this time, in Su Feng's view...

At least half of the luxury tax Stern will receive from the Celtics next season will be his own contribution.

In addition, it must be said that there is an interesting phenomenon in the NBA this year in terms of personnel turnover.

That is, many management staff of Eastern teams have begun to migrate to the West on a large scale.

This group of people ranges from the general manager to the scouts. Basically, anyone can be randomly selected. In the past, they were all senior executives.


Given the dire state of affairs in the East...

In order for these people to form another championship team in their lifetime, what can they do except leave the land in the east and explore the west?

Next season, if nothing else happens, basically no one will exclude the Raptors from the Eastern Conference Finals without any accidents.

Therefore, all that is left for other teams to compete is the chance to play the Eastern Conference Finals with the Raptors.


Can you beat the Pacers led by Bird?

Can you survive the return of Iverson next season and draft Yao Ming's Philadelphia Gang?

Oh, it turns out you can beat me...

Then you think about it again, the Celtics led by Auerbach?


You said you couldn't?

Then he's still playing tricks!

In Su Feng's previous life, the trigger that originally led to the large-scale exodus of people from the East to the West was generally believed to be Michael Jordan.

But in this life...

This credit will definitely fall on Su Feng in the future.

At this point, if young people in the future want to surpass Su Feng, they must at least be like Su Feng and beat away most of the people in the entire district.

There is something to say...

It seemed very comfortable to Su Feng.

Because this summer, no one on the Internet thinks that he can't surpass Jordan in the future.

After all, at the age of 22, he has already done things that many players cannot do in their lifetime.

In contrast, in Los Angeles, Kobe is still dreaming of defeating himself just by gaining weight...

How naive would you say this Black Mamba is?

Moreover, in order to ignore him this summer, this guy actually spent his own money to form a team of trainers.


What Kobe didn't know was that the trainer he hired named Michael...

It was the student brought out by Su Feng's chief trainer Mancias.

Therefore, even if Kobe has been deliberately hiding from him this summer, Su Feng probably knows him better than he knows himself.

According to Kobe's weight gain plan, he will gain weight to about 104 kilograms in one go this summer.

In other words, he has to gain nearly 8 kilograms of muscle.

In order to complete this plan, he even refused the sign of the American Dream Team Four under the pretext of accompanying Vanessa.

have to......

Vanessa takes the blame.

In Su Feng's previous life, if Su Feng remembers correctly, Kobe also rejected the Dream Team's invitation because of Vanessa.

But this life...

Vanessa was simply pulled out by Kobe as a shield.

But don't say...

Although there are many fans of the US team who think Vanessa is a vixen, after Kobe's parents learned the true situation, the relationship between Kobe's family and Vanessa became more harmonious.

Because in Joe's view, his daughter-in-law made huge self-sacrifice for Kobe's career.

Of course, no matter what, at this juncture when the NBA is about to cancel the HC rule, Kobe, who will weigh 104 kilograms next season, will attract Su Feng's attention.

Especially after the Lakers added Kidd...

Next season, overall, the Lakers' defensive line configuration will be able to compete with the Raptors 50-50.

And Los Angeles…

Originally, Michael was not going to follow Kobe's instructions and design a plan for him to gain 8 kilograms of muscle.

Because in Michael's view, professional players gain weight so quickly in a short period of time that their bodies cannot withstand it no matter how hard they are built.

But what he never expected was that Kobe's physical condition, during the process of gaining weight, turned out to be better than he expected.

In Su Feng's previous life, Kobe Bryant's weight at his peak was maintained at around 104 kilograms for a long time.

Except for a few seasons when he competed with Malone, Payton and others for the low position, Kobe at this weight not only has both speed and flexibility, but also has a pair of iron elbows that are very powerful.

However, no matter how talented Kobe is...

If it weren't for the ordinary nutrient solution that Su Feng provided him, so that he could recover his physical fitness in time after training, then I'm afraid, as Michael had predicted before, he might have become sluggish before he became bald.

Of course, no matter how physical fitness can be restored, the recovery effect of ordinary nutrient solutions on the human body is limited.

For example, suppose your physical energy tank has 100 points, but your physical energy tank is only 80 points, and the recovery speed is only 50 points...

Ordinary nutrient solutions can at best have the effect of delaying your fatigue.

Therefore, in Su Feng's view, Kobe's obsession with defeating himself, and his body that can also be regarded as a historical level of resistance, are probably the reasons why he has made such rapid progress this summer.

On the evening of the 1st, Su Feng, Xiao Yao and others officially arrived in Sydney.

Men's basketball coach Zhang Bin has been waiting here for a long time.

Different from his previous life, due to his appearance, the Chinese men's basketball team is second only to the United States in terms of winning odds at the Sydney Olympics.

Therefore, although the NBA is the highest level league in the world, for the majority of rabbits, they are even more looking forward to the performance of the Chinese men's basketball team in this Olympics.

For this reason, in order not to shoulder the burden of hindering the rejuvenation of the nation, the Bayi team even did not hesitate to ban Liu Yudong, the "God of War" who was injured, but could still fight through injuries in this year's CBA finals. .

Of course, it was precisely because of this that Xiao Yao won the CBA championship ahead of schedule and officially participated in the NBA draft this summer.

In short, looking back at the development of world basketball in the past few years, Su Feng can be seen basically everywhere.


Take the men's basketball team's upcoming friendly match against Argentina on the 7th. It is said that the super rookie on their team, Ginobili's idol, is Su Feng.

According to CCTV reports, when Ginobili was interviewed by Datianchao TV, his biggest regret was that Argentina failed to qualify for the Olympics this year.

However, he is already very satisfied to be able to play against the Chinese men's basketball team in a friendly match.

Because when he was still young, he learned basketball skills by watching Su Feng's games.

"Not... later, when Ginobili was younger?"

Su Feng was stunned when he heard Ginobili's interview quotes relayed to him by the CCTV reporter.

Because if he remembers correctly, he seems to be one year younger than Ginobili, right?

" this the disadvantage of debuting early?"

After thinking about the causes and consequences of Ginobili's interview quotes in his mind, Su Feng silently sighed.

In addition, the Chinese men's basketball team's friendly match opponent on the 11th, Russia's super rookie Kirilenko, is said to be a fan of Su Feng.

Therefore, one can imagine how many young fans Su Feng will receive during this Olympic Games...

However, despite the fact that these people keep saying that Su Feng is their idol...

But Su Feng knew very well that when the time came, he was afraid that these people, one by one, would rush towards him on the court with their elbows.

As the saying goes, who does the sky bypass?

Thinking about how hard Su Feng chased stars on the field back then, now...

It's up to him to face the fans he has cultivated in the past two years.

And Chicago.

Almost at the same time.

Michael Jordan, unwilling to be left alone, has decided to hold a "Heroes Meeting" again in Chicago before the start of next season.

Anecdotally, many Jordan fans regard this as a sign that Jordan wants to come back.

And in fact...

These fans are absolutely right.

Since people have been saying that Su Feng will surpass himself in the future, after a year's rest, Jordan feels that the current league does not respect him very much.

To put it bluntly, Jordan is actually too busy.

Because when most people praise Su Feng, they usually praise him one or two words.

So, what do you think there is to be jealous of?

What's there to be angry about?

As for that?




In Jordan's opinion, as for.

Therefore, he wanted to give it a try. He still had a few percent left in his body now.

Can I still educate today's young people?

If possible, he wouldn't mind coming back again and using his strength to tell those who doubt him that even if he is nearly 40 years old, he can still be the "dad" of many people.


Jordan's plan is wonderful.

It's just that he shouldn't have invited Pierce and Artest to this "Heroes Meeting".


In August, when Su Feng was leading the men's basketball team to actively prepare for the Olympic Games...

Chicago, Jordan fans are heartbroken.

Because during a half-time training, several ribs were broken by Pierce and Artest...

Therefore, Boss Qiao, who had a grand plan, was carried out of the field on a stretcher just like the FLGA that Mourning had set for himself.

And so...

Su Feng almost cried with laughter.

"No...Michael, why don't you stay at home and take care of yourself? Do you still want to come back? Do you really want to watch me dunk on your head on the court?"

Today, UU reads a book www.uukanshu. net When making a friendly phone call to express condolences to Boss Qiao, Su Feng couldn't help but complain.

I'm not bragging, but if Jordan chooses to come back in this life like he did in his previous life...

Then Su Feng would definitely do it and dunk on top of Jordan's head.

Because even though Boss Qiao, who has come back for the second time, will reach the peak of his personal skills, his body can no longer keep up with his brain...

PS: Updates are coming! mwah! Wow, I have been updating for more than half a month! It seems that continuous exercise can really help a lot in staying awake. Thank you all handsome readers for your support! Keep begging for monthly votes and recommendation votes!

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