All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 362 The three views are completely destroyed, God versus God!

Who am I, where am I, and why am I racing against these two monsters?

At the Oracle Arena, after the first round of the slam dunk contest preliminaries was over, McGrady looked lazy, as if he hadn't woken up...

Stackhouse, Francis and others have never been so desperate as tonight.

Originally, before participating in this year's slam dunk contest, the conceited Boss Fu always felt that people had exaggerated Su Feng and Carter.

However, tonight, after witnessing Carter's "wall-hanging dunk" and Su Feng's "360-degree dunk from the free throw line", even Francis had to admit...

Su Feng and Carter do not belong to the earth at all.


Our global village is holding a slam dunk contest, why do you think you two aliens came to join in the fun?

Are you really bullying the people on earth for not learning physics well?

In the arena, when tonight's second round of dunk preliminaries began, there were no fans sitting there.

TNT TV station, Derek laughed: "Although this statement is unfair to the other contestants tonight, if we can fast forward, I think each of us would like to fast forward to the next scene between Vince and Su. Round duel.”

On the court, Ricky Davis, who took the lead in the second round, was obviously emotionally affected. He failed to dunk the ball after taking off and turned around, and only scored a guaranteed 30 points.

Then Stackhouse also played average and only scored 40 points.

In the VIP box, Stern, who felt that the dunk contest format could be improved, immediately turned to his assistant Mark and said: "In the future, we can appropriately reduce the number of participants, and don't let people fishing in troubled waters like this come in."

Hearing this, Mark nodded and wrote down Stern's suggestions in his little notebook.

At Oracle Arena, many fans who stood up returned to their seats because of Davis and Stackhouse's anxious performance.


The third player to appear in the second round quickly let this group of naive fans know what the real "game of the century" is.

In Su Feng's previous life, in fact, if McGrady and Francis were replaced in the previous life, both of them would have had a chance to compete for the slam dunk contest championship.

It's a pity that Carter was so eye-catching that people forgot about the wonderful performances of Tracy McGrady and Francis in this game.

However, fans in this life are in for a treat.

Because during the second dunk, McGrady, who was stimulated by the two Sukas and felt a little aggrieved by his younger brother, simply let himself go.

On the court, McGrady was seen running from behind the backboard.

Then, after receiving Nash's bounce pass, McGrady made a stretch pull rod in the air, and with his head below the basket from behind, he turned around and dunked the ball into the basket.

This was an action that McGrady had originally given up before the game.

It is also Iguodala's classic move in the dunk contest in the future.

"Oh my god! Is even Tracy going to announce that he has joined the outer space UFO organization now?" Derek shouted in surprise on TNT TV.

There is no doubt that this is also a dunk worth 50 points.

However, when it came to scoring, the judges disagreed.

Because in Kenny Smith's opinion, if tonight's 50 points were based on Su Feng and Carter, then McGrady would not have been able to score 10 points with him.

Smith even believed that if Su Feng completed the dunk first tonight, he would only give 9 points for Carter's "wall-hanging dunk".

Therefore, amidst the boos, Smith, who insisted on using Su Feng as the standard for scoring, only gave McGrady's dunk 9 points.

"Kenny is too strict. It seems that his 10 points will no longer be given out casually tonight." TNT TV station, Derek, who knew that Smith was under great pressure at this time, explained for him.

On the court, after missing 50 points, a hint of displeasure flashed through McGrady's sleepy eyes.

Fortunately, a few minutes later, Francis also joined Smith's 9-point luxury package tonight.

On the court, after Francis completely threw his body into the sky, he was like a huge scythe, splitting the entire California in an instant.

In Su Feng's previous life, this was Francis' famous performance in this slam dunk contest.

There is no creativity, but it is difficult to replicate.

Because Francis, whose actual height is only 183 centimeters, the ball stretched to the extreme in both height and strength after taking off.

Just like the most high-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods, Francis's style of simplifying the complex can give people a different visual impact in the first place.

The only regret is that the "stubborn" Smith still refused to score 10 points for Francis.

As a result, the fans quit now.

Because in the eyes of the fans, isn't Smith deliberately causing trouble?

On the sidelines, Su Feng, who saw this scene, knew that Smith would never be a judge in the slam dunk contest again in the future.

However, in Su Feng's view, Smith's strict scoring method is more scientific.

Because his 9 points were not given randomly.

On the court, when McGrady and Francis scored 9 points in succession, people in front of the TV were very curious about how Carter would conquer Smith.

“Vince should be feeling the pressure by now.

Because if he couldn't get past his first dunk, Kenny wouldn't give him 10 points. "TNT TV station, Derek said with great expectation.

And about fifteen seconds later, Vince Carter gave his answer to the world.


That's just an adjective for people in general.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps, five steps...

After Carter took five big steps with great rhythm...

At this moment, the dunks that had appeared in the dunk contest in the past lost their color.

Carter soared into the air and completed an incredible turn with great power in the air.

At the same time, a strong wind almost destroyed the entire North America in an instant.

Look, that's Carter's right arm catching the ball, a storm rolling up like a windmill.


When dunking, at this moment, you can't find adjectives in the dictionary to praise Carter's dunk.


That's Vince Carter.


He is the dunk god in Su Feng's mind.

none of them.

Perhaps future generations have surpassed Carter in terms of difficulty and skill.

But only by being here can you feel firsthand what Vince Carter did in the 2000 All-Star Game in Oakland.

10 points.

At the judges' table, the five judges immediately raised their 10-point signs.

Even Smith, who had been extremely strict before, did not hesitate at all.

The fans at Oracle Arena, who were completely intoxicated with this game of the century, at this moment, other than holding their heads in wonder and wanting to kneel down to Su Feng and Carter, what else can they do?

Moreover, can you believe that this is just the second round of this battle of the century?

On the court, after Carter's dunk was completed, everyone's attention was once again focused on Su Feng.

At this time, even Britney, who was still angry with Su Feng before, couldn't help but become nervous for Su Feng.

After all, after Carter's dunk that shocked the United States just now, even if Britney doesn't understand basketball, she also knows...

At this time, Su Feng had the word "danger" in capital letters on his head.


Just like when he declared war on Chicago, at this moment, Su Feng couldn't feel the tension.

On the sidelines, after carefully looking around at tonight's guests, Su Feng looked at O'Neal and said with a smile, "Shaq, can you do me a favor?"

O'Neill: "..."

All right......

Although from the bottom of his heart, O'Neal did not want to help Su Feng, a competitor, but after hearing the booing from the fans at the scene, O'Neal, who never dissipated the fans' interest, nodded and still stood up and left his position.

"What do you need me to do?" O'Neill asked curiously, looking down at Su Feng.

"You just need to hold the basketball and stand under the basket." Su Feng said to O'Neal with a smile.

"That's it?" After posing under the basket, O'Neal, who couldn't guess what Su Feng wanted to do, asked with confusion on his face.

"Yes, that's it." Su Feng nodded with great satisfaction.

At this time in 2000, the idea of ​​the "flying man dunk" was not as widespread as it would be in the future.

Su Feng knew that if he directly told O'Neal what he wanted to do, O'Neal would definitely not agree to her given his current self-esteem.

Therefore, the old O'Neal had no idea that he had been tricked by Su Feng again.

Look, Shaq!

With this ball, I am avenging you for not being able to dunk on you back then!

In the penalty area, a second ago, the naughty O'Neal was still dancing happily with his shoulders...

And the next second, a black shadow flew over his head.

Su Feng, who was running from the baseline, grabbed the basketball raised by O'Neal with one hand, and suddenly, like a scorpion with its tail wagging, he jumped over the basket with his head and poured the ball into the basket with his backhand!

This is one of Bai Jordan's famous stunts in the future.

However, compared to the ordinary person Bai Jordan leaped over, it was obviously more difficult for Su Feng to fly over O'Neal.

Because O'Neal is not only tall, but his body shape is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Therefore, Su Feng's goal was based on his injury immunity.

Otherwise, this one-shot horse in the air would have to rupture his ligaments.


If we say, Carter's dunk just now was the ultimate expression of strength.

Su Feng's ball is the human limit of skill and height.

On the court, looking up at the replay on the big screen, O'Neal, who had just realized what had just happened, suddenly became unhappy...

Compared with the displeasure that arose in his heart, an emotion called shock soon came to O'Neill's heart.

Because Su Feng's "Flying Scorpion Tail Swing" was so shocking?

In O'Neill's view, this is simply not something humans can do.

No surprises.

After triggering a burst of cheers that was comparable to Carter's just now, Su Feng also received a full score of 50 points for this dunk.

And I don't know why...

In the hearts of those who witnessed this battle of the century, Su Feng was as handsome as he could be at this moment.

So now the problem.

Why is Su Feng so eye-catching at this moment?

The answer is naturally the "Golden Legend Charm Experience Card" that Su Feng got when he upgraded to [Tianzong Wizard] for the first time. (See Chapter 78 for details.)

Although this divine object has been sleeping quietly in Su Feng's treasure house, in fact, Su Feng had already decided its destination after studying the effect of this charm card that year.

Therefore, tonight, with the bonus of charm value BUFF, coupled with the beauty that transcends borders...

To use the voices of the rabbits in front of the TV at the moment:

Empress Nuwa was a little too biased when she was making figurines.

"Oh my God! Are we really not dreaming?

To be honest, after this year's dunk contest ended, I felt that this competition would no longer need to be held.

Because in my opinion, no one can top Sue and Vince tonight. "TNT TV station, Derek said with emotion.

On Datianchao TV, Director Zhang also described tonight’s game as “unprecedented and unprecedented”.

It has to be said that although languages ​​have different expression methods, when humans are in extremely shocked situations, people's first reactions are actually roughly the same.

At Oracle Arena, after the second round of preliminaries, the on-site host interviewed the stars on the sidelines about their feelings.

Duncan said: "I'm sorry, I didn't learn anything about it in the textbook.

In my opinion, Sue and Vince have gone too far with this question. "

Garnett said: "Vince is like a monster from Mars, and Sue...

I think he may be from another galaxy. "

Julius Erving said: “We’re always striving to be taller, faster, stronger...

So, please stop comparing me with the younger generations.

They are already better than the blue, far better than the blue. "

In the third round of preliminaries, because Su Feng and Carter both received perfect scores in the first two rounds, the results of this round will not affect their results.

However, in this round, Carter and Su Feng still showed their unique skills.

The former, after connecting with his cousin, won applause with a wonderful crotch dunk.

The latter, after a seemingly careless run-up, once again ignited the scene with a one-handed spinning chop similar to that of LaVine in the future.

In the end, Francis, who once again split the entire California with an alley-oop, entered the finals of the dunk contest together with Su Feng and Carter.

The absent-minded McGrady cunningly sat back on the sidelines and became a spectator.

What an international joke...

From McGrady's point of view, getting stabbed in the heart once in this preliminaries would be fine.

Is it possible that he should be humiliated again in the finals?

As the saying goes, character determines destiny. Although McGrady's growing environment has changed in this life, his deep-rooted character is still something Su Feng cannot change.

As for the Oracle Arena, before the finals started, in the stands, after getting the ratings report for tonight's NBA All-Star Game from Mark, even the wily Stern couldn't help but pick out three things about Mark. A big question mark.


Mark, are you really talking about our ratings and not the Super Bowl?

You know, since Stern took office, his ultimate dream is to increase the NBA's international influence through global strategies.

Because Stern knows very well that in North America, compared to other major leagues, the NBA can only be regarded as the younger brother.

But tonight, the miracle happened so suddenly.

The Oakland All-Star Game had exploded in Su Feng's previous life. In this life, due to Su Feng's appearance, various chances and coincidences triggered energy that Stern didn't even dare to think about, just like nuclear fusion.


After the excitement, Stern also knew that there would be no way to hold the NBA All-Star Game from now on.

Because there are outstanding seniors like Su Feng and Carter, who will dare to participate in the dunk contest in the future?

The more immortal Oakland is tonight, the harder life will be for the NBA in the future.

This is not about favoring the past over the present, but the present of the future...

How can we surpass this ancient time?

Live in Auckland, in the first round of the finals, Francis, who was a mortal and side by side with two gods, used a big move that Su Feng had never seen before.

After changing hands at the hip, Francis attempted another half-turn dunk.


With this ball, Francis obviously couldn't resist gravity like Su Feng and Carter. He jumped extremely high and fell quickly, causing his final dunk to hit the neck of the basket.

According to the rules of the dunk contest at this time, Francis' dunk ended in failure and only scored a guaranteed 30 points.

So, in the stands, Mark once again got a tip from Stern.

That is, this rule will need to be changed in the dunk contest in the future.

Otherwise, no one would dare to do some of the more difficult dunks during the competition.

"After all, not everyone is named Vince Carter and Su Feng!" Stern said with emotion after patting Mark on the shoulder.

And on the court, just when Stern was impressed by the talents of Su Feng and Carter...

Suddenly, Mutombo from Africa was invited to the court by Carter.

"Vince, are you going to perform a flying dunk too?" Derek said in surprise on TNT TV.

At the scene, after watching Su Feng leap over O'Neal's scorpion tail in the preliminaries, the fans were curious about how Carter would perform this dunk.

"This is Vince's dunk with the lowest success rate during training, right?" McGrady looked at Su Feng curiously on the sidelines and said.

On the side, Su Feng nodded.

On the field, after taking a deep breath, Carter ran towards the African mountains just like Su Feng did in the preliminaries.

In terms of style, because Carter is closer to the future Gordon, when giving him suggestions, Su Feng naturally gave him the most ideas.

However, it turns out that Gordon's gymnastics talent is indeed unique.

Therefore, slightly different from Gordon, Carter's shot is more like the shot he made in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

After an incredible leap over Mutombo’s head…

Carter's right arm grabbing the ball once again set off a storm!

In the eyes of countless fans who suddenly dilated, UU Reading Vince Carter completed his first dunk in the final!

————"Flying Mountain Windmill!"

"My God..."

"Is this still human?"

"You tell me this is something humans can do?"

No surprises.

Including Smith, five judges gave 10 points.

It has to be said that tonight's slam dunk contest is simply a large-scale human three-view cleaning scene.

And this time...

On the sidelines, Britney has already integrated into the atmosphere of the fans...

Admit she was really anxious.

Because Vince Carter is like this...

Can Su Feng really be defeated?

PS: This chapter is slightly better than yesterday. The fifth edition has been published. Give yourself a 9 points, okay!

PS2: I will continue to beg for monthly tickets at the end of the month! Of course, you guys can also save some, because there seems to be double the amount at the end of the month? So now the question is, if you want to "cheat tickets", do you have to update it at least twice?

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