All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 348 I don’t know what the limit is (the wine in my hometown is so good!)

After reaching the PY deal with Nash, on the court, looking back, the Knicks attacked, and Sprewell almost took another big hit from Su Feng.

Using the overbearing and unreasonable "big pincer" to open the way, in previous games, even if Sprewell's touch was not good, he could still score steadily through this kind of overbearing breakthrough.

However, tonight, Sprewell was kicked to the iron plate.

Because as "Little Malone" and "Little Barkley" among outside players, Su Feng is really not afraid of opponents who compete with him physically.

For this ball, facing Sprewell's desperate three-step hit, Su Feng first used physical confrontation to force the "madman" to slow down. Then, at the moment Sprewell started to take off, he also took off.

Then, just as Sprewell was about to send the ball to the backboard with his right hand, he suddenly discovered a fact that made him desperate.

That is......

In order to avoid Su Feng's interference, he had already started to fall to the ground after choosing to stay in the sky for a while, but...

Su Feng is still flying in the sky!


At this moment, Sprewell, who felt that he was about to follow Kobe's footsteps, reached out decisively and grabbed the ball back.

At the same time, after forcibly twisting his body into a twist, the "madman" hurriedly threw the ball to the outside.


It has to be said that Sprewell's hand is a bit bigger than someone else's, otherwise Su Feng would definitely reward him with a Cantonese-style shot.

And just after Su Feng forced Sprewell to throw the blame away with a jump pass, from the outside, it was Houston's turn to show off his textbook catching and shooting skills.

Houston's rhythm of receiving the ball was not good, but after a slight adjustment, he successfully hit the Knicks' first three-pointer of the night without hesitation.

23 to 38.

On the sidelines, Van Gundy, who had been frowning tonight, relaxed a little because of Houston's three-pointer.


In the blink of an eye, the Raptors' counterattack was just around the corner!

This season, after trading Oakley and Thomas for Camby, it seems that the Knicks have made a lot of money, but in fact...

In Su Feng's view, this is a classic "lose-lose" deal.

Because after losing Thomas, the Knicks' inside moves this season are not only generally slow, but also once Ewing comes off the court...

In front of him, Canby, whose thighs were not as thick as his own arms, had no deterrent effect on Su Feng.

In the second quarter of the game, because Su Feng hit two "magic three-pointers" right from the start, Sprewell was like a mad dog, refusing to let Su Feng shoot another three-pointer.

However, as an excellent scorer, as the saying goes, comprehensive development is king.

Therefore, even if his hand was smooth tonight, Su Feng did not blindly look for outside shooting opportunities.

With this ball, Su Feng used a cool reverse run to get rid of the "madman" and quickly cut into the basket.

On the outside, Nash, who had been observing Su Feng's movements, immediately sent shells to Su Feng.


There was a loud bang in the sky, and Maple Emperor made his domineering appearance!

Less than 2 minutes into the second quarter, Su Feng had already scored his 20th point tonight.

have to......

This time Van Gundy had to call a timeout.

Because compared to Su Feng's unstoppable scoring momentum, what made Van Gundy uncomfortable after Su Feng's overbearing alley-oop dunk was...

These damn Knicks fans have switched sides again!

Although the start of the new season was extremely difficult, as an ambitious and ambitious coach, Van Gundy has not given up on his "championship dream."

Therefore, even if the situation tonight is extremely passive, Van Gundy does not want to lie down and let him go.

One thing to say, in Su Feng's eyes, it would be great if other NBA teams could learn more from the Knicks.

Because first of all, when playing against the Knicks, especially against the Knicks in the Van Gundy era, you will have more than a 50% chance of getting the pleasure of "double home court."

Secondly, when you feel good and want to play for a while, you don't have to worry about the Knicks team surrendering.

Take a look, what is the conscience of the industry?

Introduction is like the conscience of the industry!

It is worth mentioning that during the timeout, Su Feng, who returned to the bench to rest, also received "criticism" from Davis.

Because in Davis' view, Su Feng felt so good tonight, but he only made so few shots, which is really not worthy of his status as the leader of the Raptors.

Under Davis' "strong condemnation", Su Feng was required that all the Raptors' next offenses must pass through his hands.

No matter who gets the ball, they must hand it to Su Feng as soon as possible. If someone receives Su Feng's pass, the first thing he must consider is to take action immediately.

After listening to Davis's tactical arrangements, Su Feng immediately felt that the world was full of "malice" towards him.

Because he obviously wanted to train Davis to be the "Godfather of Basketball", but he never expected that Davis has now become the "Godfather of Sewers".

Yes, that's right.

Compared with the "sewer tactics" that the Raptors played around Su Feng at the beginning tonight, there is no doubt that after Davis's arrangement, this is the real "sewer tactics"!

Su Feng's past life, and future Harden and Westbrook were all beneficiaries of this tactic.

Even if they are in bad shape, they can always hit a triple-double.

Harden even often hits the legendary "quadruple-double."

Well, a quadruple-double with double-figure turnovers.

However, although this tactic does not seem to be complicated, it is not without its merits.

Because the whole team plays around one point, the players on the field will have a clear idea.

You know, because the pace of NBA games is too fast, it is unrealistic for you to want players to think a lot on the court.

Therefore, sometimes the simpler the tactics, the more surprising the victory. This is why.

Su Feng felt great tonight.

Coupled with his organizational skills that are gradually reaching the standard this season, Davis feels that this strategy proposed by D'Antoni and he is responsible for modifying it has a high possibility of helping Su Feng create a super performance tonight. Luxurious data.

Therefore, Davis did what he said without any hesitation. Taking advantage of Van Gundy's opportunity to call a timeout, he decisively issued an order to all Raptors members to accompany Su Feng into the sewers.

In order to give Su Feng a better living space, Davis also took Carter back after this timeout.

In this way, in addition to Ben, who is responsible for blocking Su Feng's position on the court, other Raptors players have strong long-range attack capabilities.

Kangkang, what is luxury?

Using Carter as a spot-up shooter, I wonder if you are extravagant enough!

On the court, the game continued after the timeout.

Through the pick-and-roll, Sprewell curved his way into the paint and scored two points for the Knicks through a throw.

25 to 40.

Su Feng did not stalk Sprewell on this ball because during the timeout, Davis gave the Raptors players instructions to relax a little and enjoy the game.

And for such instructions, as long as your business is normal, you can hear it...

Davis's implication is that everyone should not take their precautions too seriously.

In Su Feng's previous life, if you have watched the game between the Warriors and Mosaic, you will know that during the game, the defenses of these two teams often "missed people".

The reason for this, apart from the fact that a certain player was opened by Artest's Sharingan in his early years, is also partly because they hope that their opponents can play faster.

It seems that this "retreat to advance" tactic is very unscientific, but in fact, such tactics can often help the Warriors and Mosaic bring their opponents into their rhythm.

Although the NBA game version in 1999 is still very different from the future version, the talent of this Raptors gives them the capital to compete with their opponents.

On the court, it was the Raptors' turn to counterattack. Nash handed the ball to Su Feng just after halftime, and then Carter raised the ball to the high position to create a wall for Su Feng.

On the outside of the Knicks, Sprewell was able to keep up with the Raptors' swingman tactics, but the moment Carter and Su Feng completed the pick-and-roll, Long couldn't keep up.

Carter went straight to the basket from the center. After receiving a somewhat stiff pass from Su Feng, the UFO took off without hesitation and completed a solid dunk on Camby's head. !

25 to 42.

On TNT TV, Smith said with a smile: "I can't remember how many post players Su and Vince have dunked on each other this season. To be honest, these two are simply a nightmare for all post players!"

On the court, looking back, the Knicks attack.

As the Knicks' last fig leaf, Houston hit another three-pointer from the outside.

At the scene, there was sporadic applause for Houston.

28 to 42.

The Raptors attacked, and after Su Feng blocked Nash in the high post, he got the opportunity to play Van Gundy's son Ward in singles.

Facing Su Feng, who was one size bigger than him, Ward neither dared to hit the ball too close nor too far away.

Because he was so close, he was afraid that Su Feng would bump into him.

But when he was far away, he was afraid that Su Feng would shoot him.

As a result, after dribbling the ball back and forth, the nearly 20,000 fans in Madison Square Garden quickly became intoxicated by Su Feng's...

Step through flowers and butterflies!

In front of the TV, Iverson, who was recovering from his injuries at home, almost sprayed his fiancée in the face with a mouthful of salt soda when he saw this scene.

Because in this ball, whether Su Feng's dribbling attitude or his grasp of the rhythm, in Iverson's opinion, he looked very much like himself.

Well, there's nothing wrong with Iverson's feelings.

Because it was he who taught Su Feng this trick back then.

And in recent years, in order to strengthen his memory, Su Feng also learned this trick based on Iverson's game videos.

It's just that Su Feng didn't have much chance to use this trick before.

But now, he is Toronto Irving!

On the field, Ward was staggered by Su Feng and almost "knelt down" in front of Su Feng's ankles.

However, although Ward relied on his short stature to maintain his center of gravity, he could no longer control Su Feng.

In an instant, Su Feng had already penetrated the Knicks' inside line!

At this moment in the Knicks' paint, Camby admitted he panicked.

The No. 2 overall pick in 1996 has never felt as weak and helpless as he did tonight.

Facing these two supermen, Carter and Su Feng, what do you think Canby can do?

On the Knicks' bench, for some reason, Ewing felt a little bit lucky.

Bang, swish!

On the court, facing Camby who was standing there with open arms waiting for death, the basketball held tightly by Su Feng shot into the basket like a meteor!


The introduction is...

————Meteor slam dunk!

Su Feng was obviously excited about this ball. He could have dunked Camby directly, but in the end he improvised a stunt that made him famous.

In Madison Square Garden, compared to the cheers that Houston received just now, at this moment, the fans at the scene were chanting Su Feng's name like crazy.

On the sidelines, in order to continue to show the world that she and Su Feng were living a "happy" life together, Britney also took the initiative to stand up and join the cheering camp.

As a result, the North American otakus who saw this scene in front of the TV put down their hands that were about to smash the TV in frustration, not to mention how much they wanted to have a real men's fencing competition with Su Feng.

TNT TV station, Smith said: "Last season, when Su won the regular season MVP, many people were curious about whether he could make progress in the future.

And this season, we can see that Su answered us with practical actions.

I think people who thought they could step out of Michael's shadow after he retired were doomed to be disappointed.

Because although Michael has retired, don't forget that there is still a 'phenomenon' named Shufen in the league! "

On the court, while Smith was bragging about Su Feng, the Knicks players who were forced to play away also made mistakes.

Van Gundy's son Ward sent the ball directly to Nash's hands.

The Raptors took advantage of the situation to counterattack, and Su Feng hit another unreasonable chasing three-pointer from the outside!

Moreover, because the ball felt so rhythmic when it was released, Su Feng's body turned back involuntarily and disobediently.

For children who often play basketball, in fact, many people have experienced the state of being able to shoot no matter how hard they shoot.

It's just that Su Feng's touch tonight is no longer as simple as looking at the basket as looking at the sea...

Instead, it was as if a green energy bar appeared in advance next to his shooting hand.

Therefore, this is definitely not what Su Feng wants to do.

It's because his body simply doesn't listen to the instructions of his brain.

When have Knicks fans in the "Basketball Mecca" ever seen such a scene?

You said it’s okay if you shoot fast-break three-pointers...

But why do you dare to turn around in advance and open your hands to celebrate?

Answer us, Su, why do you dare to be so arrogant?

However, although Su Feng's shot was very pretentious, after he successfully hit the ball, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net All the Nimies in the stadium were overjoyed.




You may not believe it, but for an arena that sees stars from other teams perform all year round, Knicks fans love such arrogance!

Smith, who saw this scene on TNT TV, also laughed and said: "This is absolute confidence! Absolute confidence in your own strength!

Oh my god, I don’t know where Su’s limit is tonight! "

PS: Friendly PY a book written by the LV5 boss author Lan Bai Tian: "I'm Really Not Her Disciple". Friends who are interested can read it.

PS2: The wine in my hometown is so hard to the head... I actually fainted all day long. Let the hangover take over, and when you wake up, I will cook a delicious meal for all of you readers.


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