On the 16th, the Eastern Conference semifinals G1 game between the Raptors and the Pacers began in Toronto.

Because the NBA will announce the major awards for the 1998/99 regular season on the 20th, before the start of this game, Mr. Kamura did a lot of tricks to support Su Feng.

Many fans held signs at the home court that read "We want freedom of speech, but more importantly, openness, fairness and justice" to protest Stern's previous comments about Su Feng being too young.

If you are not clear about the situation, you may think that there will be a protest in Jiacun tonight.

In addition, the large-scale positive documentary "The Time of Inheritance" co-produced by Su Feng and Jordan was also "screened" at the Raptors' home court before the start of the semifinals.

In fact, it is a documentary rather than a short story edited from some scattered daily footage.

In the film, the bitterness behind Su Feng and Jordan is best explained.

For example, even a tenacious and unyielding man like Michael Jordan will sometimes get tired and lie down.

However, what moved fans the most was the "mutual encouragement" between Su Feng and Jordan in the film.

The "loving" Su Qiao impressed countless "naive" fans.

"Sue, if it weren't for your support, I think I might have given up."

In the camera, the scene of Jordan soaking in an ice bucket made countless Qiao Mi shed tears.

"No, Michael, you are Michael Jordan, how could you give up so easily?"

At that time, when faced with Jordan's question, Su Feng spoke to him solemnly.

"Michael, what has always been the motivation for you to play?"

In addition, the scene of Su Feng repeatedly missing shots on the training field also immediately made people very curious about what will happen to Jordan and him next.

At this time, Jordan suddenly patted Su Feng on the shoulder and said to him meaningfully: "Whether it's fame or fortune, these things will eventually pass."

"But Su, you know, there is only glory that I can't let go of.

Look, when people are climbing a mountain, it is always so easy to take a step back, but if you want to continue climbing up, you have to work twice as hard.

Pick up the basketball and keep training! Even if you miss the first ten shots, as a leader, you have to make a decisive move on the eleventh shot. "

At the Canadian Airlines Center Arena, more than 20,000 Raptors fans were moved to tears after watching this short story documentary about Su Feng and Jordan.

On the Raptors bench, Carter, Tracy McGrady, Nash and others wanted to go back to the bathroom to puke.

Hong Kong is true!

If they didn't know the truth, then they really didn't know that Su Feng and Jordan could be so thick-skinned!

God, how on earth could these two people say such a disgusting conversation without changing their expressions?

Of course, no matter how disgusting Carmena and others feel at this moment...

In New York, after watching the documentary via live broadcast, Stern was crazy with joy.

Because for Stern, who urgently needs to promote the globalization process of the NBA, Jordan passed the torch to Su Feng...

It is an excellent demonstration of the NBA's openness and tolerance.

Moreover, no one knows better than Stern that if you want to promote the NBA, you must first promote basketball.

And wanting to promote basketball around the world...

If there are always only American stars, then how can the NBA attract fans from other countries and increase the sense of involvement of fans in other countries?

Therefore, after the release of this unprofessional documentary about the Raptors, Stern had a hunch that the opportunity for the NBA to become global has now appeared in front of him.

A team from Canada.

A young leader of international players after Jordan.

Go ahead, Raptors!

Although Stern only said this to himself in his own heart, don't believe it when he says it. In the summer of 1999, he, Stern, was definitely the number one dragon honey.

As for the Pacers at the Canadian Airlines Center Arena, Bird felt like he was being forcibly treated as a villain.

Damn you truck driver!

In the era of employees and players, they have to be the silly villains of the Lakers. Do they have to continue to be the naive villains of the Raptors in the coaching era?

Uh, make sense.

Bird, who was wearing a suit tonight, stood on the sidelines so domineeringly. You said he is not a gangster godfather, nor does he look like a villain...

Who really believes it?

have to......

No one knows better than the cunning Bird what the Raptors' intention is in releasing this documentary now.

On the one hand, they wanted to support Su Feng in the MVP battle, but on the other hand, they also wanted to win the favor of neutral fans.

In short, coupled with the good impression the Raptors left on fans before, the Pacers have been completely suppressed by the Raptors in terms of momentum in this series.

However, in Bird's view, shouldn't the Raptors' big move be reserved for the finals?

Even though the Raptors respect him so much, Bird is still very happy in his heart.

But when Bird thought about it, if such a sensational promotion method was used in the finals, it would be a real push.

However, no matter how cunning Bird was, how could he know that the Raptors' publicity tonight was nothing more than a younger brother compared to the next big move.

In the arena, after the short story between Su Feng and Jordan was played, the fans now looked at the two men with completely different eyes than before.


On the court, Su Feng didn't know why, but he always felt that the atmosphere in the Airline Center Arena was a bit strange now.

But that’s all.

Anyway, winning the game is the most important thing in Su Feng's opinion.

At the scene, after the players of the two teams have finished warming up, the starting lineups of the Raptors and Pacers tonight are as follows:

Pacers: Davis, Davis, Rose, Miller, Jackson.

76ers: Ben, Jordan, Su Feng, Carter, Nash.

Just like when the Pacers played the Raptors in the regular season, Bird knew very well that if there is no strong point in the second lineup that can deal with the Raptors, then it is very likely that you will not be able to wait for the decisive battle after the main force returns, and you will Will be beaten to death by this Raptors substitute.

Therefore, Schmitz and Mullin were still hidden on the bench by Bird tonight.

The Pacers' starting inside line tonight is still the familiar double-Davis combination.

The Davis who plays center is Antonio Davis, and the one who plays power forward is Dale Davis.

Antonio is 208 centimeters tall and weighs 100 kilograms. He is a light blue-collar jumper.

Although Dell's registered height is 211 centimeters, his actual height is about the same as Antonio's. In addition, this guy is also a blue-collar jumper.

In the center of the field, Ben and Antonio are responsible for jumping the ball to start the game.

Relying on the deterrence brought by the "explosion head", Ben successfully jumped the first attack for the Raptors.

The Raptors attack, and Nash is responsible for dribbling the ball through half court.

As for the Pacers, Jackson, relying on his big butt, actually wanted to have a physical and spiritual exchange with Nash as soon as he came up.

However, how could Nash, a veteran driver, like a tank like Jackson?

After dribbling lightly, Nash passed Jackson in one step.

However, Jackson, who didn't want to let Nash go, insisted on letting Nash experience what sensuality is...


The referee blew the whistle.

During the regular season games, the Raptors players at that time had a deep understanding of the ferocity of the Pacers' defense.

In order to avoid being beaten by the Raptors into a simple offense, it has now become the consensus of all teams in the league to use fierce defense to delay their offense.

Therefore, even though he was almost knocked off the court by Jackson, Nash didn't say much.

The game continued. Using his movement, Su Feng successfully found a position on the wing.

Tonight, it is Rose who is responsible for guarding Su Feng on the Pacers side.

As a result, Jackson on the Pacers had just finished bullying Nash, and now it was Su Feng's turn to bully Rose with a Chinese-style buttock...

Ross, who is 205 centimeters tall, has gained 98 kilograms this season. Based on his size alone, it will not be easy for Su Feng to defeat him.

However, for Su Feng, who received special training from Barkley in his early years and practiced countless rounds with Jordan this season, he is now definitely a master of the previous generation in the technique of meat, egg and onion chicken.

Boom, boom, boom!

Under Su Feng's hard and sometimes weak back blows, Ross could not guess Su Feng's offensive route at all.


And with a violent impact, at the moment when Ross withstood Su Feng, Ross never expected that Su Feng would actually hit him in the opposite direction.

Reverse pull-up, tactical pull-back...

On the other side, at this moment, Jordan always felt that he saw himself from ten years ago in Su Feng.


0 to 2, Su Feng made a free shot, opening up the scoring account for the Raptors.

On the Pacers' bench, Bird knew that Su Feng's indiscriminate attack goal would be his life if he could score such a goal.

Just like when he could always ignore defensive players and score those incredible goals, to be honest, Bird didn't know why he was so accurate most of the time.

Maybe, this is a superstar!

Looking back, the Pacers attack.

In this series, Miller is not as lucky as Houston.

Because before Rose's offensive methods have been fully developed, he only deserves Carter's defense.

Miller, who received VIP-level service from Su Feng, was followed closely by Su Feng.

And every time Miller wanted to push Su Feng, he found that Su Feng could always avoid his little moves cleverly.

What kind of international joke are you kidding?

This trick was used by Su Feng to deal with Jordan back then. How could Su Feng fall into this trick himself?

On the court, with Miller being entangled by Su Feng, Jackson began to bully Nash with his butt.

No way...

Although Nash defended very seriously, Jackson's butt was indeed not something Nash's small body could withstand.

With two bangs, Jackson easily broke through Nash's defense.

However, just when Jackson wanted to hit the target in one step, Jordan opened his big hand and blocked Jackson's way.

There is a saying, if you can let a bunch of super swingmen serve as your defensive tools, even Kidd, the current number one point guard in the league, will not get any referral treatment.

Jackson, who was stopped by Jordan, had no choice but to throw the ball to Dell.

But in the Raptors' penalty area, just when Dell was about to get up and attack the frame, Ben completed a classic one-two defense.

Look, it's Battlestar!

Under Ben's interference, Dell's hook shot deflected from the basket, and Carter, who retreated to the penalty area, successfully protected the rebound.

Smith, who saw this scene on TNT TV, laughed and said: "Although the Raptors' absolute height does not seem to be very high, when it comes to protecting rebounds in the backcourt, they have truly achieved everyone's strength."

On the court, Carter took off the rebound and dribbled the ball to counterattack.


Go fuck it then!

Miller, who retreated immediately, noticed Carter's jumping position and his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

No, Vince, you can also take off?


One step from the free throw line, Vince Carter's hands came to slam the frame.

As the saying goes, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times, and nothing can be said without bragging. When it comes to dunking in actual combat, no one can match Carter.

The Canadian Airlines Center Arena exploded instantly.

On the Raptors bench, looking at his arrogant and domineering cousin, McGrady helplessly spread his hands.

Hong Kong Zhen, in McGrady's opinion, Su Feng is definitely a decent man.

Because even when faced with such a cousin, Su Feng never gave in when it came to dunking.

And you may not believe it if you tell me...

He even accepted Carter's invitation to compete in the slam dunk contest with him in the future...

Therefore, Su Feng like this is not a man, then who is a man?

On the court, Carter's dunk immediately boosted the morale of the Raptors team. Miller, who was dunked by Carter, couldn't pinch Su Feng's waist even if he wanted to regain the court. ?



This seems like a good idea.

The Pacers attacked, and this time Miller successfully ran out of the space.

Su Feng, who was pinched hard on the waist by Miller, gritted his teeth and followed at the last moment, but Miller still successfully completed the attack.


3 to 4.

It is worth mentioning that after Miller made the shot, Su Feng took off his clothes and exposed the scar on his waist to the referee.

To put it bluntly, this is Su Feng's defensive blind spot.

If most basketball players hadn't had a good habit of cutting their fingernails, who knows if Su Feng's waist would have been left with a bunch of claw marks after the game.

On the side, when he saw Su Feng's aggrieved expression, Jordan patted his shoulder knowingly, "That's what Reggie is. Thank you for your hard work, Su."


Not hard.

Because for Su Feng, who cares about everything, if he, Reggie Miller, can score 5 points tonight, then he, Su Feng...

Then Su Feng will ask McGrady to retire immediately and become a truck driver!

Don't ask, just ask the team leader. Su Feng has the final say in everything in the Raptors.

On the field, the game continues.

Raptors attack.

Su Feng, who has a small mind and never waits ten years for revenge, directly called Carter to come over and pick-and-roll with him.

After putting Miller in front of him, Su Feng slammed directly into Miller's defense zone.

As a result, Miller suffered severe damage to his ribs.

Miller, who has a rib-shaped body, is no match for Su Feng's cold-blooded steel elbow?


When he was almost knocked away by Su Feng, Miller looked at the referee aggrievedly.


With Su Feng's standard back hitting action, even if the referee is not evil in the future, it is impossible for him to call a foul, let alone in this era where hand-to-hand combat is the theme?


After turning his back and hitting a layup to score another two points for the Raptors, Su Feng finally relieved his hatred.

When he came back and noticed that Miller was still trying to pinch him, Su Feng directly used his big hand to slap the back of Miller's hand hard.


Are you still pinching me?

As for Miller, when the back of his hand was hit red by Su Feng, Miller was also anxious about the ball.


Labor and management will be pinched!

Bang bang bang...

On the sidelines, the referees who were originally paying attention to Jackson's singles against Nash always felt that they heard some discordant sounds.

But every time they cast their gaze in the direction of the sound, they could see nothing except Su Feng and Miller who "respected each other like guests"...


On the court, after a battle of wits and courage with Su Feng for about ten seconds, Miller finally gained the upper hand.

It's a pity that after Su Feng drew red on his hand, how could Miller maintain his accuracy?

I have to say that the current version is indeed a very unfriendly version for pitchers.

An indiscriminate attacker like Su Feng is okay.

The worst case scenario is that you just have to stand up to your opponent's black feet and black hands and be done with it.

But for a pitcher like Miller who needs movement to get around opportunities, sometimes, who knows how much effort Miller puts into getting shots?

On the court, Miller hit the iron with a three-pointer, and the Raptors quickly counterattacked after picking off the rebound.

However, the Pacers fell back just as quickly.

So, the Raptors' classic fast break transition came.

This ball, because of the "palm and back" game with Miller just now, on the wing, after squeezing away Jaylen Rose, Su Feng did not choose to shoot, but chose to rush in, carrying two Dai Dai under the basket. Weiss drew a foul.

Su Feng walked to the free throw line and made one of two free throws. At this time, the Raptors players who were about to high-five Su Feng discovered that Su Feng's big hands were already one part red and one part purple.

Be reasonable...

Brother Feng is too difficult. In this life, it is really not a joke.

Maybe the pace of NBA games in the 1990s was not as good as it will be in the future, but the defensive moves at this moment...

How can that be compared to the future "Joke Era"?

On the court, the game continues.

As the first quarter progressed, Bird had the same experience as Van Gundy in a daze on the Pacers' bench.

That is......

The Raptors' tactics are not difficult to deal with.

But Su Feng this season...

He is simply the most handsome guy in the NBA.

Especially after the playoffs, he was fully fired up and his condition was completely different from other players.

23 to 29.

At the end of the first quarter, the Pacers trailed the Raptors by 6 points.

Originally, UU read www.uuknshu. net For Bird, who has hidden two main players, the second quarter is an excellent opportunity for the Pacers to chase points.

However, in the second quarter of the game, with Su Feng still not resting, he led Tracy McGrady, Old Curry and others to play, but he had already become a nightmare in Bird's eyes.

At this point in the game, even a ruthless person like Bird couldn't help but ask himself:

In the second quarter, can we really catch up with the score instead of watching the score get wider and wider?

After asking himself this question, Bird turned his eyes to Su Feng. For the first time in his life, Bird felt a kind of "fear" towards a certain player.

This thing...

Is TM made of iron?

PS: Wuhu! 200 was finally saved! (If you continue to roll, there will be almost no people left, and you will cry!)

PS2: Continue on the 19th!


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