All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 283 Aren’t we just cutting?


At the Great Western Forum Arena, after Kobe Bryant scored two points for the Lakers with a "superior" jump layup, Su Feng felt

This Kobe has really changed.

As one of the most common skills on the basketball court, the principle of the jump step is not complicated.

But with Kobe's jumping moves, even if you cover his face, Su Feng can find him among millions of people.

I have to say that whether it is the sense of rhythm or rhythm, or the visual and auditory aspects, watching Kobe play is definitely a top-notch enjoyment.


What Su Feng never expected was that this Kobe would actually start to learn to counter-trick himself.

Although no matter how strong the defense is, it is impossible to guard against players like Kobe.

But as a "brother who is a master" in defense, Su Feng had just taken a fake move that only masters would do.

On the Raptors bench, after playing against the Lakers tonight, although his words are as tough as ever, in his heart, Jordan really feels old.

Now, Boss Joe is no longer naive to believe that as long as the Bulls do not disintegrate, they will still be the most powerful contender for the championship.

Because, with what the Lakers played tonight, Jordan knew very well that it was impossible to stop O'Neal with just Rodman and Langley.

Moreover, if the Bulls were to beat the Lakers, how dare Boss Joe sit on the bench drinking tea like he is now?

On the court, the Raptors attack, with a strange pick-and-roll from the "Sock Brothers".

This time, "Little Fish" Fisher changed his defense in place and stayed close to Su Feng.

However, when he saw Su Feng's big and scary elbow pushing towards him,

Suddenly, Fisher dilated his pupils.

Fisher, who had just bullied Nash with his big elbow, suffered a serious blow.

Because no matter how good his power is, he can't compare with Su Feng, who now has the power of 09 Qiao.

Boom, boom, boom!

Under the blow of Su Feng's domineering emperor, Fisher, who had previously felt that his stage was huge, could not have imagined that his stage tonight would be...

Just getting beaten?

How can the quality of the Lakers' backup defense be compared to their main lineup?

And Kobe, who knew that Nash would definitely score a three-pointer, was even less likely to leave Nash open and help defend Fisher.

So, after being pushed into the attack range by Su Feng, Fisher was desperate.

Seeing Su Feng forcefully fight in front of him, Fisher felt as aggrieved as a little daughter-in-law at this moment.

37 to 29.

Su Feng is in good form tonight. After scoring this goal, he has already scored 10 points for the Raptors.

In turn, the Lakers attacked and punched hard, but Fisher, who was actually submissive, immediately handed the ball to Kobe after dribbling the ball past half court.

At this moment, if Fisher's thoughts were translated, it would be roughly as follows:

Kobe, I'm being beaten, help me beat him to death!

As a result, don’t say it

On the court, Kobe defeated Su Feng in singles again.

Su Feng: ""


Su Feng felt that he had to adjust his thinking on defending Kobe.

Because the less he wanted to follow Kobe's routine, the easier it was for Su Feng to follow Kobe's way.

On the court, the Raptors counterattacked, and this time with Smith's cover, Nash successfully broke into the inside.

In the Lakers' penalty area, as soon as Dazhi saw Nash's thin body, he felt like he was seeing a fellow player.

However, just when Dazhi wanted to slap Nash down with a look of joy on his face, Nash avoided Dazhi and scored the ball with his low hand.

There is one thing to say, Nash singled out Da Zhi, this is definitely a world-famous painting.

Because if Su Feng were to form a lineup with the worst defense that Chinese fans know well, then these two would definitely be teammates.

39 to 31.

It was the Lakers' turn to attack. This time, after seeing Wang Zhizhi trying hard to get the ball in the low post, Kobe stopped his "unilateral abuse" of Su Feng and lobbed the ball to Da Zhi.

After seeing this, Director Zhang also said: "This season, Kobe has passed a lot of balls to Da Zhi."

In Su Feng's previous life, as one of the stars who visited China the most, Kobe not only had the famous scene of giving Dayao a shoulder rub in the All-Star Game, but he also performed a flying dunk on the Jiayuguan Great Wall.

In this life, because of Su Feng's relationship, Kobe had a natural affection for Chinese players.

Take the previous game between the Lakers and the Bulls. After the game, Kobe Bryant spoke highly of Hu Weidong.

And tonight's battle is not only a dialogue between the two giants from the East and the West, but also a Chinese derby.

So after noticing where Wang Zhizhi was going, Kobe passed the ball to Da Zhi without hesitation.


Looking at Ben's devilish big elbow, Wang Zhizhi's heart suddenly skipped a beat after receiving the ball.

Using his excellent footsteps, Wang Zhizhi was Xiao Yao's nightmare in his early years.

However, as Xiao Yao gradually grew up, the gap between Dazhi and Xiao Yao actually became wider and wider.

Give a very simple example.

That is, even though Wang Zhizhi has footsteps and skills that even O'Neal admires, he just can't use them.

Because in higher-level competitions, you must ensure confrontation first, so that you can ensure that your technical movements are not deformed.

In the Lakers' usual training, similar to Su Feng's memory, Dazhi was still half O'Neal's footwork technical guide.

But training is ultimately different from competition.

Su Feng hopes that Da Zhi can recognize himself as soon as possible, because there are some things in reality that Wang Zhizhi cannot change no matter how confident he is.

After dodging this ball back and forth, Wang Zhizhi completed the shot by leaning back.

It's a pity that he couldn't score the ball because his movements were deformed when he took the shot.

"Compared to Hu Weidong and Su Feng, Dazhi still has a long way to go." CCTV, Director Zhang said with emotion.

"Although Dazhi's confrontation seems to have improved a lot, as an insider, he should play more decisively." On the side, Director Sun also agreed.

On the court, Wang Zhizhi looked a little frustrated after missing a good singles opportunity.

But fortunately, the Positive Energy Section patted his back and said with a smile when he retreated: "Don't be nervous, Wang, you have to dare to fight more. Ben is much shorter than you, so you don't have to be so afraid of him."

have to

On the side, before Su Feng could sigh, Fisher already had the urge to cry and faint in the toilet.

Because look at how Kobe treated the king, and then look at what kind of treatment he received?


Even if the world feels unfair, in Fisher's view, it is impossible to complain.

After all, working hard without complaining, being a tool guard for the Lakers with peace of mind, and winning championships beautifully is what the book "Scheming" taught him.

At the beginning of the second quarter, it turned into a performance between Su Feng and Kobe.

Under Kobe's psychological guidance, in the second quarter, Wang Zhizhi showed his potential to become a space-based fourth position.

You know, the triangle offense is not just about post players who can play in the low post.

The same goes for forwards and defenders.

On the premise that Kobe moved to the low post, Wang Zhizhi who moved to the high post was obviously much smoother than when he was in the low post.

Wang Zhizhi has a good basketball IQ. When the men's basketball team encounters a zone defense in the future after returning to China, Wang Zhizhi will know that he should go to the free throw line to catch the ball without even having to be reminded by the coach.

Now, no one stipulates that the center must stay in the paint and play.

Especially as a tool man for this Lakers, in addition to that, in fact, even Glen Rice has to accept the setting of becoming a fixed-point shooter.

Therefore, through tonight's game, the "Zen Master" who discovered that Dazhi and Kobe have a good tacit understanding has decided to give Wang Zhizhi more opportunities to partner with Kobe as a substitute in the next game.


Although the Lakers played a high-quality offense in the second quarter, when Boss Joe and other main players returned, the Raptors still led the Lakers by 6 points.

In order to catch up with the score, O'Neal, who was back in action, began to launch a fierce splash attack towards the Raptors' position.

And Ben, who was dominating the court for only half a quarter, was once again beaten into a Ben by O'Neal.

No way, facing someone like O'Neal, even if he wants to show off his power, he can only act like one.

In Su Feng's previous life, even at his peak, Ben couldn't deal with Xiao Yao and this fat-headed fish.

After all, if you don't include his afro in your height calculation, and your actual height is slightly shorter than your own, how can his model compare with those two perverts?

However, what makes "Zen Master" think hard is that in addition to Su Feng's good form tonight, the Raptors' other insurance, Boss Qiao, also showed off his power.

Jackson, who knew Jordan's strength well because he had loved him before, feared Jordan as much as he feared him.

"Before the start of the new season, Su Feng said in an interview that he and Jordan were doing secret training together. Now it seems that Jordan has recovered at least 70% of his strength." CCTV, after Jordan continuously passed the dislocation After winning the singles, Director Zhang smiled.

On the court, for the Lakers, the world problem that troubled Kobe before the game appeared in front of him again at this moment.

That is when the Raptors changed back to their starting lineup, there was only one Kobe, but there was Suchokamy on the opposite side.

This is the most perverted part of this top swingman lineup.

Because you simply can't target the Raptors' offense.

And the most terrifying thing is that once these four people form a link, the relationship between them will not be as simple as 1111 equals 4.

However, unlike other teams, the Lakers, who have the absolute upper hand in the paint, also prevent the Raptors from using high-quality defense to launch a steady stream of counterattacks and fast breaks.

After the first half of the game, the Raptors and Lakers were two teams, but neither could restrain the other.

Su Feng knows very well that if the Raptors' opponent is the Lakers in the finals this year, then both sides will have to compete with each other to see who is in better condition.

Take tonight's game as an example. When both teams are in excellent condition at the same time, the Raptors will have an even greater advantage as the game progresses.

To put it simply, the Raptors, who play with a swingman lineup, have a higher upper limit, while the Lakers with O'Neal have a more stable lower limit.

In the first half of the game, when the Raptors returned to the locker room with a 61-55 lead, the fans watching the game in front of the TV felt extremely happy.

In New York, Stern, who is also paying attention to the war, has made up his mind.

"Let the referees pay more attention to the Raptors and Lakers. This year is a shortened season, and the players are relatively tired. I don't want these two teams to suffer from attrition because of excessive actions in some games." Looking at his assistant Mark, Stern said.

Mark nodded, "I know, I will control the scale."

As Stern's confidant, Mark knew very well how much Stern's so-called care must be controlled.

In Los Angeles, after the halftime break, as the Raptors' shooting percentage dropped slightly, the Lakers quickly caught up with the score through O'Neal's strong attack.

At the critical moment, Davis decisively launched the "shark-killing tactic".

In the first half of the game, the Raptors did not use the shark-killing tactic because the "shark-killing tactic" would also disrupt the team's own offensive rhythm.

But when the Raptors' offensive efficiency declined, Davis had no scruples when using the "shark-cutting tactic".


In front of the TV, even 50-year-old Raptors fans felt a little confused when they saw the Raptors substitutes coming on one after another.

Because they really don't remember that the Raptors still have such a number one figure.

However, this group of Raptors substitutes who didn't even have names became the key to determining the outcome of the night.

If Su Feng had only felt that the Raptors had opened 64 against the Lakers before, then when O'Neal's free throw shooting was not good, Su Feng felt that

The Raptors' winning percentage can definitely be improved to 91.

Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang!

In the third quarter of the game, O'Neal fainted from free throws.

On the Lakers' bench, "Zen Master" was also a little confused by Davis's decisive and coquettish operation.

But originally

The Raptors can beat the Sharks, and the Lakers can beat the clock.

But in this life, after Ben was forced to practice holding a urinal by Su Feng, in the new season, the Lakers really don't dare to hit Ben, whose free throw percentage is as high as 698.

And when the Raptors sent O'Neal to the free throw line again and again, Ben finally ended his chill.

Ben, who straightened his chest, looked like a giant at this moment.

I, Ben Wallace, am a free throw shooter!

It's just O'Neal, why should I be afraid?

"Su is indeed right. Rather than carrying a urinal, being sent to the free throw line like a fool at this time is really shameless."

Seeing O'Neill, who had divine power in his body, but was locked up by the Raptor with a fairy-binding lock, and then sunk into the Pacific Ocean with a huge boulder, Ben sighed silently.

"Oh, UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett O'Neal's free throw, how many free throws did he miss?" CCTV, after the Raptors gradually opened up the score, Director Zhang laughed.

"There have been 6 free throws in a row, oh, no, 8 free throws have been missed." Coach Sun, who was taking notes carefully on the side, said.

On the court, O'Neal, who missed eight consecutive free throws, was already doubting his life.

On the other hand, "Zen Master" felt that Davis was too shameless.

Because the Raptors have always been in the lead, but Davis is unreasonable!

John, can you please have a little face?

Now, how can there be any reason to use killing tactics when your side is ahead?

All right

That is to say, Davis can no longer hear what the Zen Master is saying.

Otherwise he will definitely tell the Zen Master.

Aren’t we just cutting it?


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