According to the schedule, the Raptors’ opponents in the opening game of the new season will be teams with luxurious lineups and championship aspirations.

New York Knicks.

Originally, when formulating the schedule for the new season, Stern initially planned to have the Raptors go to Philadelphia in the opening game, allowing Su Feng and his old club the 76ers to

"Joining forces" to create a cliched plot of "rebellious ninjas surrounding Kimuraha" to attract a wave of attention.

However, after Jordan announced that he was joining the Raptors, Stern decisively gave up the plan.


In Stern's view, instead of worrying about whether the Raptors should go to Chicago or Philadelphia for the opening game, it would be better for the Raptors to go to the famous "Basketball Holy Land" and play an opening game with the Knicks that will explode in attention. Say it again.

It has to be said that in terms of overall performance, in this league, if Stern considers himself second, then absolutely no one dares to say that he is first.

You know, as soon as the new season NBA schedule was announced, the game between the Raptors and the Knicks became a hot topic among fans.

So, just like this, with Boss Joe driving the local market and Maple King driving the overseas market, for a while, after the lockout ended, the popularity of the NBA did not decrease but increased.

Can you believe it?

Affected by the Suqiao merger, the three major television stations in the United States have adjusted their broadcast plans for the new season.

Although they haven't played a single game in the new season, there is no doubt that the Raptors have become the only home team in the eyes of many fans.

It is worth mentioning that on February 2, as ESPN announced the team strength rankings for the new season, the Raptors successfully caused a wave of topics.

Because they are ranked seventh on this strength list and are overrated in the eyes of many experts.

There is no way, even if Jordan joins the Raptors, but according to the rational analysis of American experts, they do not believe that Jordan, who is in severe decline, can become the savior of the Raptors in a short time.

After all, when he came back for the first time that year, Jordan, No. 45, left many "famous scenes" due to lack of practice.

Therefore, when looking forward to the season, 9 out of 10 American experts believe that reaching the second round of the playoffs is already the limit for this Raptors.

And the expert who dared to deviate the most only made it to the conference finals.

It’s just that as one of the three giants of TNT in the future

Kenny Smith of “I Am What I Am, Different Fireworks” doesn’t think so.

In Smith's view, this group of people is focused on the wrong things.

Smith, who had accomplished great feats with Su Feng back then, knew very well that for a ruthless monster like Su Feng, he would definitely become the NBA's biggest surprise in this shortened season.

“I think how far the Raptors can go in the new season mainly depends on how much Su has improved during this long layoff.

Maybe some players will slack off during the lockout, but believe me, that player will never be Su. "

On TNT TV station, while doing a preview program for the new season, Smith cheered crazily for Su Feng.

However, in the eyes of his colleagues, Smith's understanding was just a personal embarrassment to Su Feng.

Because in the eyes of this group of experts, even Jordan is not the savior of this Raptors, let alone the 20-year-old Su Feng?

One thing to say, there is really a reason why the three giants of TNT can conquer the fans in the future.

Because if you carefully review the explanatory quotes of these three people, you will know that it seems that these three people are joking and having random meetings every day, but in fact

The truth is often hidden in these jokes.

In Toronto, with the "help" of Su Feng, Jordan, who was trying to recover, became angry.

For Jordan, who always likes to turn pressure into motivation, when he saw the reports and evaluations of the Raptors by the media and experts, Jordan only regretted that he did not have a Chicago typewriter in his hand.

Otherwise, he would have to take this Chicago typewriter and blow it into the damn mouths of these stupid experts.

But unlike the angry "old gangster"

Su Feng was extremely happy when she noticed that only Smith was "backstabbing" her.

For Su Feng, who is well aware that public opinion changes faster than women, and readers can turn pages of books faster, he knows very well that according to the current development of public opinion, it is only a matter of time before the Raptors will detonate the NBA in the new season.

It is worth mentioning that due to the dense schedule of the new season, Davis, a young genius who had an idea, made a decisive decision after entering February:

Before the team leaves for New York on the 4th, the team's training session will be changed from one day to half a day.

According to the season schedule, from February 5th to May 5th, in just 9 days, each team will play 50 regular season games.

Therefore, it seems that there are fewer games in the shortened season, but this season, the consumption of players is much greater than that of the ordinary regular season.

After all, during the lockout period, there were not many players who liked to beat themselves up as much as Su Feng and the others.

Therefore, Davis decided to reduce the team's training volume in the new season and let the players take more rest.


Jordan, who was practicing hard and beating himself up, was not very happy when he learned of Davis' decision.

You know, when he joined the Raptors, Jordan originally planned to join forces with Su Feng to put pressure on the team management and let the Raptors replace Davis and invite Phil Jackson.

However, Su Feng, who knew Jordan's idea at the time, successfully made Jordan give up this stupid idea with only two reasons.

Su Feng's first reason at the time was that if "Zen Master" came to coach, then if the Raptors won the championship, would the credit go to his "Zen Master" or to you, Jordan and me, Su Feng?

If Jackson, who has already won five championships, can win another championship with the Raptors, who will dare to say that he is a hugging coach in the future?

Su Feng's second reason is, who said that "Zen Master" must be better than Davis?

Wasn't it true that when Davis led the 76ers, he defeated the Bulls led by Phil Jackson?

There is no doubt that compared to the first reason, it was the second reason that Su Feng really convinced Jordan.

Because Jordan has reason to believe that if he continues to talk to Su Feng, this guy will say this to him every day:

"Oh, the great Michael Jordan, I defeated you with my own hands, do you still remember?"

In short, for an excellent tool coach like Davis, in Su Feng's opinion, no one is more suitable to lead this Raptors than him.

It’s just that it’s the same as Kobe, even more so than Kobe.

How could a person like Jordan not be anxious when Davis announced that the team would have half a day off every day?

"Su, don't watch the video for now. I know you have a good relationship with John. Can you ask him to change his training plan?" On this day, Jordan looked at Su Feng worriedly and said.

Although Jordan could go to Davis himself to respond to the unscientific training plan, in the eyes of boss Qiao, who is obsessed with face, if he can control Su Feng, his little brother, then why should he come forward in person?

Regarding the suggestions put forward by his old deputy, Su Feng said to him: "Michael, why do you want to change the current training plan?"

"Su, isn't our goal for the new season a championship?" Jordan asked in confusion.

“Who said that championships have to be crazy training?

Michael, you know, this is before the regular season, not the offseason.

Didn't Grover tell you that players should reduce training as much as possible during the regular season? "Su Feng blinked his big eyes and said to Jordan.

Jordan: ""

How could I believe your evil deeds!

Back then, you kid just took advantage of the loophole agreed between Grover and I and made a crazy improvement during the regular season, okay?

"Su, I admit that this Raptors is very talented, but we still have a lot to improve." After forcibly suppressing a lot of shortcomings in his chest, Jordan said to Su Feng.

"For example, the great Michael Jordan, look, in the video, your defense was too 'amateur', right?" Su Feng, who was watching the video on the camera, turned to Jordan and said.


Whew, boy, although you look better than Pippen and you play better than Pippen, that doesn't mean you can challenge my limits again and again!

Perhaps noticing that Jordan was really a little over the top, Su Feng adjusted his mood and said to Jordan: "Don't worry, Michael, we really need rest now more than training.

And you've also seen the schedule for the new season. We have to play 50 games in 9 days.

If we keep training with high intensity, we will have to lie down before our opponents can defeat us.

Also, didn't you see it during that training camp in Chicago?

Apart from you, among those old guys, how many of them do you think can get back to their form after the start of the new season? "

Listening to Su Feng's words, Jordan nodded and said, "But Su, I still feel that our current training intensity is too low."

Su Feng was happy and said: "That's okay. If it's a one-on-one fight or a bullfight, I can fight with you all day."

Jordan's face darkened and he said, "I'm talking about other people!"

Su Feng spread his hands and said, "Don't worry, when the new season starts, you will know how the 76ers defeated the Bulls."

Jordan: ""

One thing to say, in this life, after becoming teammates with Jordan, Su Feng knew how loud this guy was, and why Kwame Brown would be so angry at him in the future.


Since joining the Raptors, Jordan has discovered that today's young people are not generally difficult to criticize.

You said Jordan sprayed Carter?

wake up

Regarding Carter's emotional intelligence, Jordan had just finished criticizing him one second, and the next second he would definitely get an angry retort from him.

As for McGrady, even though Tracy’s brother also has a heart of glass, in this life, after his growth trajectory went astray, the shell of McGrady’s glass heart is now also equipped with a layer of anti-injury armor.

As for Ben, this guy is rough and thick-skinned, and he is very anxious. If he really does it, Jordan doesn't think he can take any advantage in the PK with Ben like he did when he beat Cole.

So, during these days of training, Jordan discovered that, apart from a bunch of nameless substitutes, the only one he could bully in this Raptors team was Nash.

And Nash

After spraying Nash once or twice, Jordan never sprayed Nash again.

Because Nash, who has the "group pet attribute", will often have four Sukamaben standing behind him at the same time.

What kind of international joke did Nash lose his mentality? Could it be that Sukamai was counting on Jordan, who still had a ring of meat on his belly, to feed them cakes?

It is our duty as the Brothers of Steel to protect our Nash!

After a wave of adjustments, the entire Raptors team headed to New York on the 4th to prepare for the opening game against the Knicks on the 5th.

Jordan, who had been feeling very depressed recently, felt extremely uncomfortable when he was squeezed into a small private plane with a group of young people who used him for meetings every day.

If you ask whether Jordan has ever regretted joining the Raptors, at least now, he feels that his head must have been caught in the door before he chose to join the Raptors.

Fortunately, Su Feng, who is good at observing words and emotions and is familiar with "Emotional Intelligence", brought the conversation topic to Jordan.

Boss Qiao is vain.

While bragging to the young people about how he defeated the entire league, Jordan happily touched Su Feng's head with his big hand.

After Jordan filled the cup, Nash, who still felt that he had not heard enough, added: "Michael, can you tell us another story about your first three consecutive championships?"

I have to say that aside from his character, Jordan does have many advantages on the basketball court.

For example, Qiao Qiaojie's ability to tell stories out of chapters is simply a result of training in the starting point class.

"I'll tell you more next time. Now, I'm a little sleepy."

Looking at the group of young people whose appetites he had successfully whetted, Jordan put on his blindfold with satisfaction.

On the afternoon of the 4th, the Raptors officially arrived in New York.

Because he knew that his condition was not as good as before, Jordan, who valued this opening game very much, did not go anywhere after coming to New York this time.

The other Raptors players also stayed in the hotel honestly under Su Feng's control.

However, the next day, during the team's pre-game meeting, Jordan, who had made a lot of preparations for this game, was completely confused when he noticed that Davis only spent fifteen minutes explaining the tactics.


John, is this your tactic?

Our opponent tonight is the Knicks!

It is a super team with Ewing, Houston, Big Mom and other All-Stars, as well as Sprewell in exchange for the new season!

Shouldn't we show them a little respect?


When Jordan kept asking Davis if there was anything else that needed to be emphasized, Davis touched his head and looked at Jordan and said:

"I've said it very carefully, Michael. Is there anything else about this Knicks that I haven't noticed?"

Jordan: ""


John, are you sure that the tactical arrangements you just mentioned that I can name are also considered tactical arrangements?

Aren’t the things you just mentioned part of our training these two days?


After suddenly remembering something, looking at Davis with a happy face, Jordan suddenly felt that he understood.

"Su, is it possible that the training contents that John has arranged recently are all for this Knicks team?"

Before preparing to change equipment and enter the field to warm up, Jordan looked at Su Feng curiously and said.

After thinking for a while, Su Feng nodded and replied: "Yes, Michael."

After receiving Su Feng's affirmative reply, Jordan, who was a little impatient at first, felt relieved.

However, what Jordan didn't know was that Davis' training content and tactical arrangements were aimed at

In addition to the Knicks, it also includes the opponents the Raptors need to face in the next 49 games.

Su Feng saw Jordan's impatience, but he didn't want to explain anything in particular to Jordan.

Because after playing a few more games, Jordan will know how strong this Raptors is.

Moreover, the impatience of the "old gangster" was also expected by Su Feng.

As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos.

The current Jordan is not as good as before, so after joining the Raptors, he is aspiring to a championship as he was with the Wizards in the future. It is impossible not to be anxious.

However, Jordan's current impatience is a good thing in Su Feng's opinion.

Because even Jordan is anxious, then think about it, before the opening game, are his fans also anxious?

Urgent, right?

Anyway, the more anxious the fans are for the Raptors now, the more pleasant surprises they will get after a while.

"I said, I have a proposal." Before the opening game started, Su Feng said with a smirk and his arms around Kamai.

On the side, Jordan, who was changing his sneakers, almost twisted his waist after hearing what Su Feng said to Carter and McGrady.

Look at the sky

Do you think it's because today's young people are too crazy, or are old guys like me really no longer able to carry the knife?

Looking at the swollen Su Feng, and the equally swollen Carter and McGrady,

Jordan felt it was necessary to remind these young people that the Knicks were not easy to deal with.


After thinking carefully in his head, Jordan felt that it wouldn't be a bad thing to let these young people hit the wall.

But, will the three Sukamai really "recognize themselves" in this game like Jordan thought?

On February 5th, at 30 pm local time in New York, in the "Holy Land of Basketball", when the young Raptors came to the world

In this era, we simply don’t know how many future Hall of Fame players there are on this Raptors team.

Look, the center with a 10-centimetre-high afro and a "seven-foot" tall man is Ben Wallace, who is about to be awarded the title of "Battle Fortress".

Look, the shooting guard who wears the Raptors' No. 15 jersey and always likes to show a smile that he thinks is handsome will soon be Vince Carter, the "half-man, half-god" given to him by Su Feng.

Well, that point guard with flowing and handsome long hair, who looks very popular, is the helmsman appointed by Su Feng, and he is not the "Sun King" Steve Nash yet.

So, add Jordan and Su Feng.

Twenty years from now, when looking back at the season opener between the Raptors and the Knicks, almost without exception, the most mentioned memes will be:

"So, McGrady doesn't deserve to have a name in this Raptors?"

Madison Square Garden.

When NBA president David Stern came to supervise the battle and listened to the ratings reported by his assistant Mark, UU Reading How could this smiling president know that now, he was close to the NBA exploding? , with the last 30 minutes left.

And in the commentary box, those commentators who are lamenting that the Knicks lineup is getting closer in the new season, how can they know that in this season, it is impossible for any team to be better than this one? Raptors.

Under the watchful eyes of more than 20,000 New York fans.

Under the watchful eyes of a bunch of celebrities and high-class people.

With the expectations of more than 200 million fans in China and the United States combined.

"", they are crazy!

ps: After changing to the twenty-sixth edition, I finally wrote more than one chapter.

I'm going to work overtime today. I'll finish another chapter before I go to bed. Of course, those who can't wait can go to bed first, okay?

:. :


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