All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 264 Chicago Heroes Association and the Cracked God (Return from the injection! 5,600 words!)

If Jordan also plays the Orange Light word game, then at this moment, the following options seem to appear in front of his eyes:

Option A: Just retire. After retirement, who cares about the flood?

Option B: Find a way for the Bulls management and Pippen to take a step back, keep their beloved Pippen, and grow old together...

Oh, bah, let’s beat that nasty Su thief to death together!

Option C: It's time to say goodbye to Chicago, go and win a championship somewhere else, and let those damn Leinsdorf and Krause regret it themselves!

Obviously, because Jordan is a notoriously short-sighted player, when Su Feng defeated him in this life, option A was the first option abandoned by Jordan.

Because no matter what, Jordan doesn't want to leave any regrets in his career.

Therefore, Option B and Option C are the reasons for Jordan's entanglement.

Facts have proved that there is no distinction between national boundaries and status in this thing called difficulty in choosing.

On January 6, after the preliminary framework of the new labor agreement had been set, Jordan found his agent Falk and wanted him to help him make suggestions.

"Michael, whether you choose to retire or continue playing, I support you."

What made Jordan depressed was that after hearing his confusion, Falk decisively kicked the ball back to Jordan.

How dare Falke, who knew the stakes of Jordan's retirement, be that sinner of history?

Falk knows very well that this decision can only be made by Jordan himself, otherwise, he will definitely be sprayed to death by a group of Qiao Mi in the future.

Of course, as Jordan's loyal minister, Falk did not give Jordan some useful suggestions.

for example:

Falk advised Jordan that no matter what choice he makes next, Falk hopes that Jordan can confirm his status first.

After all, Jordan, who is about to turn 36, is no longer young.


During the lockout, no one knew better than Falk how high Jordan was having fun.

You know, after winning his fifth championship last year, Jordan, who believed that labor negotiations could not be reached for a while, had not conducted systematic training.

Jordan, who constantly travels to major casinos and Atlanta, currently weighs 109 kilograms as the best evidence.

In Su Feng's previous life, although he also liked to fuck himself, compared to his successor, Jordan always wanted to have fun and fuck him.

Take his first comeback as an example. At that time, in order to regain his form, he was willing to be an ascetic for an entire summer.

But after going 72-10 and winning the championship, Jordan never hesitated when it was time to go to the casino to spread his money.

Therefore, in Falk's view, no matter what choice Jordan makes next, he must remind Gang Leader Qiao.

Michael, it's time for you to get on the treadmill. Are you ready?

"That's it, I will hold a training camp in the near future to confirm my status." Looking at Falk, Jordan said.

"This couldn't be better." Falk, who has a good rapport with Jordan, laughed.

I have to say that Falk is indeed a smart man.

Because the proposal he gave to Jordan was not just as simple as hoping that Jordan would accept it.

In fact, this agent has another purpose.

That is:

No one knows better than Falk how much people in this league are afraid of Jordan.

Well, just like the Bulls front office felt that 35-year-old Jordan was not too old last season, but everyone thought that 31-year-old Pippen was "almost dead."

Falk knows very well that as long as Jordan can confirm his status, whether it is option B or option C, Jordan can make a choice with confidence and boldness.

On the same day, as the final agreement in labor negotiations was about to be finalized, the NBA also began to allow players to use the team's training hall to recover.

Although Stern doesn't understand football, the president is not naive enough to think that these players will keep training obediently during the lockout period.

Therefore, in order to prevent the next new season from becoming a competition between rookies, in Stern's view, it is still necessary to open the venues in advance for players to train.

So, just like that, after being away for more than half a year, Su Feng was completely shocked when he saw Davis again!


This fat man who looks almost 300 pounds, who is he?

Could it be said that if you want to become a famous coach, you must first become a fat man?

Lifting Davis's double chin with his hands, Su Feng asked curiously: "John, can you tell me, what exactly did you experience this past summer?"

Looking at Su Feng, Davis, who was out of breath even when talking now, said with a depressed look:

"Throughout the summer, I was thinking about how we should play in the new season, and while I was thinking about it, in order to relieve the stress, I became obsessed with chocolate..."

Su Feng: "..."

All right......

The reality is so cruel.

Most people only want to gain weight for a moment, but if they want to lose weight...


Let’s discuss first whether to eat hot pot or grilled fish later.

But don't tell me, Davis' chin feels really good in Su Feng's opinion.

Of course, while Su Feng kept tapping Davis' chin, Carter, Nash, McGrady and others were completely stunned.


Brother Feng, this guy is the head coach!

However, Davis not only wasn't angry when Su Feng clamped his chin, but also came up with the idea that in order to allow Su Feng to clamp his chin all the time, he could put aside weight loss first.



How could John Davis, the mighty Raptors head coach, use Su Feng as an excuse because he was afraid of losing weight?

“It seems like you guys haven’t taken a break during the offseason.

I think we can do something big in the new season. "

After reviewing the elbows and chest muscles of Su Feng and others, Davis, who felt that the Raptors would definitely be able to make the playoffs in the new season, smiled happily.

You know, because Ben has not officially signed with the Raptors, Davis's evaluation on this day did not include Ben.

It is worth mentioning that on January 7, just as the Raptors players were gathering one after another, Su Feng, who originally wanted to establish prestige in the team, received a call from Jordan on this day.

If you translate what Boss Qiao said to Su Feng on the phone, it would be roughly as follows:

‘I, the God of Chicago, the leader of the Blacksmith Gang, sincerely invite Su Feng, a young hero from the North, to attend the Chicago Heroes Conference from the 9th to the 16th. ’

Su Feng, who was invited by Jordan, knew that it was Jordan's old tradition to hold this kind of training camp before the start of the summer.

Take the summer of 1996 as an example. While beating himself up, Jordan also invited the league's superstars to train with him in Chicago.

In the future, when he returns with the Wizards, he will also hold such a training camp, and in the training camp, he also educated Pierce, who had been rude to him before.

To put it bluntly, before returning the double business to God, Jordan is also a player who likes to stand on the fifth floor and watch the league.

Use your own reputation to gather these superstars and stars of hope together. On the one hand, they can help you quickly recover, and on the other hand, you can also observe the status of your opponents.


Hong Kong, does Jordan use the same system as himself?

"Go ahead, this is a good opportunity. I read the news and the players Michael invited this time are all famous superstars in this league.

Being able to receive his invitation means that you are already one of his strongest enemies in his mind. "

That day, when the team was training together, Davis patted Su Feng on the shoulder and smiled.

Su Feng nodded.

Indeed, this training camp is a great opportunity.

Because Su Feng was also very interested in the status of the group of people invited by Jordan.

In addition, you said that with so many super giants queuing up to give themselves blacksmithing points, for the "greedy" Su Feng, how could he miss it?

Although Su Feng's current blacksmithing value is 1.4 billion, he still needs to maintain his daily consumption.

As the saying goes, be prepared and be prepared, so on the 9th, Su Feng went to the meeting alone, and headed for Chicago under the envious eyes of McGrady and Carter...

And Chicago…

Jordan, whose elbows, belly, and legs were all thicker, was originally very happy.

Because you don’t know if you don’t see it, and you will be shocked when you see it.

Looking at his cousin Barkley, who had not yet broken up with him, Jordan was extremely happy.

You said, this fat man can still fly?

Barkley, who was the first to arrive in Chicago, was extremely embarrassed because he had been trying to make donuts all summer, let alone barely dunking. Now he was struggling even for layups.

And then, after Malone, who had a PK with him in the Imperial City last season, also arrived in Chicago, Jordan was even happier.

Although Malone is not a donut, he did not train much during the lockout period.

Therefore, Malone's skills are still there, but his physical condition is also very bad.


Less than two days after exchanging blows with these old rivals, Jordan began to panic when the hopefuls arrived in Chicago one by one.

In the past summer, Duncan, who had been training with his brother-in-law, came here in an honest manner, and then educated all these insider Hall of Fame players...

In Su Feng's previous life, the Spurs' ability to win the championship in the 1998/99 season had something to do with Duncan's outstanding form at the time.

Especially in the playoffs of the 1998/99 season, Duncan, who led the Spurs to sweep the Lakers, averaged 29 points per game with a shooting percentage of over 50%.

As for O'Neal opposite him, besides being double-teamed by the Spurs, his mentality exploded...

O'Neal, who was always short of breath in that round of playoffs, not only failed to hit 50% from the field, but also averaged only 23.8 points per game.

To put it bluntly, opportunities will only come to those who are prepared.

If you regard the 1998/99 season as a watershed, then after this watershed, those superstars who were famous in the 1980s and 1990s have since fallen.

And the players, mainly the golden generation of Pan-96, have since stepped onto the stage of history.

In the 1997/98 season, Drexler, who still averaged 18+ output per game, chose to retire after the lockout was over. This is an example of this.

Due to a long period of lack of training, the lead of the veteran players has been virtually erased.

Of course, because Duncan is an inside player after all, Jordan, who had beaten O'Neal, did not feel panicked because of Duncan's excellent state.

What really makes the "God of Basketball" feel nervous...

It’s still the twin stars from Lower Merion.

Su Feng never expected that he, who had originally arranged to meet Kobe Bryant in the regular season, would join forces with Kobe Bryant at the Chicago Heroes Meeting and beat up Jordan.

Yes, you read that right, really fat.

To put it bluntly, if Jordan still had a 99 rating in the system last season, then...

Who is this fat guy who looks a lot like Jordan?

In a short period of time, relying on technology, Jordan can certainly suppress either Su Feng or Kobe in a one-on-one match.

But as long as Su Feng and Kobe continue to send out requests for singles...

Then Jordan felt that he couldn't play this game at all.

With both making great progress in the summer, Su Feng and Kobe have become the most handsome boys in this Chicago Heroes Conference.

“Michael, stop getting mad at Sue and Kobe.

You need time now to get back the feeling of the game, instead of being defeated by two young people in front of the media. "

In order to show the Bulls management that he can still play, Jordan, who invited a lot of media to the Chicago Heroes Conference, felt that he had committed a huge death.

Because before he could regain his form, he now became the experience baby of Su Feng and Kobe.

In New York, after reading the Chicago media reports, Stern has become determined. No matter how bad the Raptors' new season is, he is determined to engage in "8V23" in the new season.

In Stern's view, Su Feng and Kobe are simply two little angels, cuties sent by God to end the Jordan era.

Although Stern hopes that Jordan can ensure his godhood, he also hopes that the NBA can continue to operate after losing Jordan.

But this time, after the news that Su Feng and Kobe Bryant defeated Jordan in Los Angeles spread throughout the United States, people all focused their attention on the Lower Merion twins.


Now comes the problem.

Su Feng or Kobe, who is the best in Lower Merion?

Don't you think, Stern, who was still worried about where the NBA would go in the future after the lockout, felt that he had found his future direction all of a sudden.

Therefore, at the regular meeting of NBA executives for the new season, after Stern officially proposed the idea of ​​"8V23", all league executives, like Stern, believed that this set of duels was very exciting.

Because although young insiders such as Duncan and Garnett are also worthy of praise, in the NBA, outside stars are not as popular as inside players in terms of attention and topicality.

Su Feng and Kobe have a cool and capable playing style, while the other is handsome and graceful, and the former is in the Nike camp, while the latter is in the Adidas camp...

In addition, Su Feng is currently recognized as the standard-bearer of Chinese basketball and Asian basketball, and is Stern's best choice to be the leading international player in the future.

Kobe is Jordan's successor and the new hope of American basketball.

So, look, these two people have a lot of topics to talk about.

In addition, this time Su Feng and Kobe also used Jordan to gild and hype in Chicago, so the league executives knew that just by hyping the duel between Su and Kobe, many fans would come back to watch the game in the new season.

As the saying goes, God will eventually go away, but if God can share his destiny with Suko and Suko when he goes away, then in Stern's opinion, it would be the best.

And Chicago…

At Falk's suggestion, Jordan gave Su Feng and Kobe no more chances at the next Chicago Heroes meeting.

An "old gangster" is still an "old gangster" after all. Before he regained his form, Jordan was such a scoundrel.

You said you won't fight if you can't beat him. What's the difference between you and Jordan?

Oh...this person is Jordan?

That's okay.

All right......

Jordan originally hoped to use this Chicago Heroes meeting to prove that he is not old yet when he is about to turn 36, but now his original intention has completely gone astray.

Because under the deliberate promotion of a certain big boss, the story of Jordan's defeat by Kobe and Su Feng was deliberately amplified, and Boss Qiao's own crazy recovery in this training camp was forgotten by people.

To put it bluntly, in Su Feng's opinion, Jordan is an out-and-out pervert.

If when he first came to Chicago, Jordan's overall ability rating was affected by the lack of training in the summer, and it might not even be 90, then in just one week, Jordan quickly regained his skills and feel.

And next, as long as Jordan can exercise his body a little, in Su Feng's opinion, he will still be the boss that the dragon-slaying boys can't slay no matter how hard they try.

You know, in Su Feng's previous life, even Jordan during the Wizards era could average 20+ per game.

In this life, he has not practiced much for more than half a year, and it will be much easier to get back to his form than it will be in the future.

However, when public opinion believes that Jordan is really old, the Bulls uniform team that was originally planning to rebuild, now...

Jordan could only choose option C.

At Krause's suggestion, Bulls owner Leinsdorf had made up his mind.

Under the new labor agreement, he can give Jordan a maximum salary contract for another two years, but he must send Pippen away.

After all, with a six-year contract and Pippen's age, the Bulls didn't dare to let Pippen rot in their hands.

Jordan, who could have used his strength and reputation to negotiate with management, has completely lost the initiative to negotiate with the Bulls uniform team due to this Chicago Heroes Meeting.

Jordan, who had thought twice before, decided to settle for the next best thing.

That is, in his opinion, it is okay if the Bulls want to send Pippen away, as long as they can get him a good helper, then he is not unacceptable.

Of course, the premise is that Leinsdorf must promise himself that after he retires in the future, he will give himself a certain share of shares and allow himself to participate in the decision-making of the Bulls management.

However, Leinsdorf flatly rejected Jordan's proposal.

Well, Leinsdorf certainly didn't reject Jordan's proposal because he knew about Jordan's future as the boss.

But because, for a capitalist like Leinsdorf, how could he let Jordan get involved in his own industry?

So, after sending away the two young heroes Su Feng and Kobe, Jordan...


"In that case, don't regret it in the future!"

Jordan said angrily during the final negotiations with Leinsdorf.

Even though, at the moment when Jordan was angry, Leinsdorf felt his heart tremble...

But after looking at each other with Klaus, Leinsdorf, like Su Feng in his previous life, refused to negotiate on the issue of the Bulls' shares.

Su Feng, who had just returned to Toronto, was a little confused.

Because he never expected that the question he was asked the most during interviews with reporters in the past two days was whether he knew where Jordan would go in the new season...

As the most popular player on the basketball court in the 1990s, Jordan, who will never retire in this life after breaking with the Bulls boss, where he will go next has become a topic of greatest concern to the media and fans.

In the eyes of reporters, those players who participated in the Chicago Heroes Club might know some information about where Jordan went.

"I don't know if Michael will leave Chicago. I don't know where he will go. It has nothing to do with me. I just want to focus on the new season that is about to start."

And Su Feng, who originally planned to use the above tone to answer the reporters, might have done so on a whim...

I saw him looking at these busybodies with a smile on his face and saying:

"Let me tell you secretly, maybe Michael will come to Toronto and join forces with me to win a championship."

As for what Su Feng said, UU Reading reporters felt that Su Feng was too joking.

After all, in the eyes of reporters, Jordan could not go to the Raptors anywhere.


Don't tell me, after the media wrote Su Feng's joke, some people actually thought that Su Feng and Jordan teaming up was a very interesting thing.

Moreover, this person...


Jordan himself.

PS: I got a shot, Qiao’an, don’t worry.

PS2: I looked at my detailed outline of the upcoming plot yesterday, and I think it’s too much!

But...if I can finish it, it will probably be the best part of the book before the next one comes.


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