All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 232 When the Philadelphia Demon Sword is unsheathed

In other words, since becoming the noble Lakers starter in the new season, Kobe's mood has been much better.

Much like what Su Feng remembers, although Fox is missing from the Lakers in this life, Kobe has improved faster than the same period and even went a little off. The Lakers have achieved a good record of 12 wins and 3 losses so far in the new season, ranking first in the Western Conference. third.

In addition, Kobe, who averaged 178 points, 58 assists, and 44 rebounds per game in the new season, has also been selected into the top five ball highlights this season through no-look passes.

Yes, you read that right, it’s the Magician’s no-look pass, not the King’s invisible pass.

Kobe, who wholeheartedly regarded Su Feng as a negative example, because he paranoidly believed that Su Feng's playing style was wrong.

So, just like this, he went further and further on a road that didn't originally belong to him.


Perhaps because he wanted to tell O'Neal that he could also play in the low post, Kobe has added a lot of low post offense in recent Lakers games.

As for Kobe's temper, O'Neal didn't care too much.

Because, in O'Neal's view, he finally found such a perfect Pippen, so he should take good care of him.

In the new season, the only thing that makes O'Neal more "depressed" may be that when he visited Orlando this season, Hardaway could only sit on the sidelines and shivered.

It’s so uncomfortable, Anfernee!

Have you seen this, is this pushy brat standing next to me more powerful and hotter than you?

Well, I have to say that men’s pleasure is really simple sometimes.

If O'Neal's joy is to show how much love he and Kobe have in front of Hardaway, then Kobe's joy may be to bully poor little brother Tracy.

No way, because the 76ers' record in the new season is also good, and Su Feng's statistics are better than his own, so Kobe has no intention of chatting with Su Feng.

However, recently, after noticing the news that two famous coaches, Riley and Karl, "criticized" Su Feng for playing too solo, Kobe felt that he should still find a chance to comfort Su Feng.

After all, as Su Feng's best friend, how could Kobe see Su Feng acting like a fool and making all kinds of "silly" investments?

However, on this day, after making several calls to Su Feng but not answering them, Kobe felt that Su Feng must have had an explosive mentality and become autistic.

It’s so uncomfortable, little Su Feng!

With a character like yours who is paranoid and refuses to listen to any advice, besides me who is considerate, who else would comfort you at this time?

Kobe had read the schedule and knew that the game between the Lakers and the 76ers would have to wait until next year. Therefore, Su Feng probably felt "uncomfortable" for a long time when Kobe wanted to come.

New York, Madison Square Garden, Su Feng was doing pre-game warm-up training when he sneezed inexplicably.

Speaking of which, Su Feng felt that there were a lot of people talking about him behind his back recently.

Of course Su Feng knew about Riley and Carl's "criticism" of him, but

Based on Su Feng's understanding of these two old foxes, he knew what these two old foxes wanted to do without even looking.

Because it is not the style of these two to "criticize" themselves at this juncture.

Su Feng's current reputation is at its peak. Nike and the Alliance have all invested a lot of resources in Su Feng. Under such circumstances, why do you think people like Riley and Karl "criticize" Su Feng?

According to Su Feng, there is only one truth:

That is, these two people are laying minefield for Brown.

In order for it to explode, it must first expand.

Where do so many routines come from in life and reality?

The trick that Riley and Carl played was called counter-routine.

You think they are bragging about Brown stepping on Su Feng, but in fact their target is Su Feng.

Now, why do you think there are so many transactions?

Because in this league, there are old coins like Riley and Carl!

Brown, who is good at picking peaches, is now the man in the game. No matter how high his IQ is, he can easily fall into the trap set by Riley and Carl.

Because no one likes others to praise themselves.

As for the "criticism" of Su Feng from the outside world, in Brown's view, this is a good opportunity for him to show his "love" to Su Feng.

Take this game with the Knicks as an example. When Iverson was absent due to injury, Brown not only put Stackhouse in the starting lineup, he also specifically found Su Feng before the game and asked him to Attack with confidence and boldness.

Hong Kong Zhen, if Su Feng hadn't known that after Iverson was injured, Brown could only rely on himself, then Su Feng might have been deceived by Brown.

After all, if a star of hope who has been questioned by the outside world recently can gain the trust of the head coach, it is easy for him to have a good impression of the head coach.

In Su Feng's previous life, before Iverson broke up with Brown, the reason why he respected Brown very much was because every time Iverson was criticized outside, Brown would take the opportunity to fool Iverson.

How complicated are the people’s hearts in this world?

That's all

For the current Su Feng, he knows that no matter how he develops in the future, only by showing his worth can he ensure that he can stand at the top and overlook others.

So, since Brown is begging to fight, why not fight?

And just when Su Feng was taking warm-up shots on the court,

"Lily, please tell me, why do we have to come to the game?"

Off the field, in the side seats, a blond girl complained to her companion who was holding her.

"Well, my dear Princess, you are now a mature artist under a record company.

Therefore, you have to learn in advance to live like a star. "The girl named Lily answered the blonde girl.

"Oh, I really want to step on your big pie face with your high heels. Damn it, who stipulates that celebrities must come to watch the game?" the blonde girl said impatiently.

"At least your idol Madonna doesn't think so, my dear Princess." Lily spread her hands towards the blonde girl and said.

"But, Lily, tell me, why do we have to come to the arena a full hour before the game starts?" the blonde girl asked in confusion.

“I asked Tom that this game is broadcast live across the United States and is the highlight of this year.

You see, there are so many TV reporters. When they see two cute girls sitting on the sidelines, they will definitely take a picture of us. "Lily winked at the blonde girl.

"So Lily, you and Tom that night?"

The blonde girl gossiped and hugged her best friend, while Lily proudly puffed out her small breasts to show that she had been through this before.

"Oh my god, how can you say that even to Tom?" The blonde girl was stunned by her best friend.

"Tch, at least I'm better than someone." Lily rolled her eyes at the blond girl, and then her eyes were attracted to Su Feng who was warming up on the court.

"Is that Sue from Nickname Phenomenon, Melon, King?"

Although Su Feng's cross-border good looks have far less influence in the Mi Li family than he does in East Asia, how could a nymphomaniac like Lily not be fascinated by Su Feng?

"My Princess, have you seen Su's sexy and strong muscles?" Lily said, pulling the blond girl.

At this time, in order to deal with her best friend, the somewhat listless blond girl just looked up at the figure on the court who was practicing shooting.



"What's wrong with you?" Lily asked with concern, looking at the blond girl who was completely petrified.


“Hey, let me tell you, there’s no shame in being attracted to a macho guy.

With Su's figure and face, there were so many people queuing up to have sex with him. "Lily elbowed the blond girl twice and said.

In the seats on the sidelines, the blond girl covered her face with one hand and said, "I said I've seen him before, do you believe it?"

Looking at the stern expression of the blonde girl, Lily nodded first, then shook her head.

"Blow as hard as you can. Su is a big shot. If you had seen him before, you would have shown off to us long ago, right?"

"But I have really seen him." The blonde girl stamped her feet.

"Okay, so what happened between you and him?" Lily said doubtfully.

"No, nothing." The blonde girl shook her head.

"Tell me, honey, have you seen him on TV?

Trust me, this is not a very funny joke. Lily said, giving the blonde girl a white look.

"Don't you still remember when you tricked me into going to Philadelphia to record a song?" the blonde girl asked.

"Uh, dear, didn't we agree not to mention that matter again?" Lily said slightly embarrassed.

"I'm not talking about the thing you lied to me about. What I'm talking about is that after I was almost molested by the producer and ran away because I was lost, so"

"So, you met Su who fell from the sky?

Then he gently sent you back to the hotel, and you two said, Oh, damn, this is definitely the most vulgar and lame story I have ever heard.

Dear, this is a routine only used in soap operas. Please don’t tell me that it happened to you. Lily said looking at the blonde girl.

"No, nothing happened between me and him, because he didn't even give me a chance to thank him," the blond girl said.


Isn't now the best opportunity to thank him? Lily encouraged the blonde girl.

"But I feel like he has forgotten me." The blonde girl said.

"Be sober, and there will be no intersection between you and him.

You are just a young artist signed by a record company, and he is an all-star player.

I think you should have at least heard of the legend that he defeated Michael Jordan, right? "Lily said.

"Lily, that's not what you said about me just now. Damn it! When you asked me to pay for courtside seats, you still said that I was already a big star." The blonde girl widened her eyes and stared at Lily said.

"Oh, sorry, okay, you have to forgive me, my dear Princess, but I mean, since he has helped you before, you should thank him in person." Lily said.

"Then let me try?" the blonde girl looked at Lily and asked.

"Try, if he answers you, remember to ask for my signature." Lily winked.

"Damn it, I knew you wanted me to get your autograph." The blonde girl stamped her feet and said.

"Hey, okay, my dear Princess, isn't that because you are beautiful?

The book says that girls who love to laugh and are beautiful will have good luck. "Lily said righteously.

So, just like that, the blonde girl

Well, she silently moved to the 76ers' bench. She waited until Su Feng was thirsty and returned to the bench to get some water, then she said to Su Feng:

"Hello, I'm Britney Spears. Don't get me wrong. I'm not your fan or anyone else's fan. I'm not here to get your autograph or take a photo with you. I just want to tell you in person. You, 1 or 2 years ago, in Philadelphia, thank you for sending me back to the hotel."




Looking at the blond girl who suddenly appeared in front of him, Su Feng finally came back to his senses after looking at her carefully for three seconds.

"You really forgot about that."

Britney sighed, "But I still have to thank you. To be honest, I've never seen you play basketball.

I didn’t know that you were the Chinese melon who defeated Michael Jordan, but”

"I have always wanted to ask you a question, am I really safe?" Britney looked up at Su Feng seriously and said.


Su Feng was happy.

Because although he could no longer remember where he and Britney had met, the words "she looks safe" sounded like he said them himself.

"It's okay." Su Feng said after picking up the sports drink and taking a sip, looking down at Britney.

If Su Feng remembers correctly, Britney shouldn't have become popular yet.

Although she doesn't know much about Hollywood and the American entertainment industry, Su Feng remembers that Britney had to wait until she made her first confession of love in 1999 before she became popular across the United States.

Of course, just how sweet Britney was in her early years with her hot body and stunning looks will mean how hot she will be twenty years from now.

In addition, before "Taylor Swift" was born, this girl was simply the number one scumbag identification machine in the American entertainment industry.

As for everything about Britney, Su Feng probably only knew this much. Anyway, this girl was quite unlucky in terms of emotions.

The 16-year-old Britney is indeed very sweet and has a good figure, but for Su Feng, who hugged her from left to right in her previous life, Britney's attraction to him is really limited.

Therefore, after waving to Britney, Su Feng was ready to return to the court to warm up.

But at this moment, Britney grabbed him and asked, "Did you just say you were okay?"

Su Feng: ""

"No, I think you must have heard wrong.

What I just said clearly is that you are as beautiful as the dawn rising on the horizon, lighting up the entire Madison Square Garden. "In order to avoid being forced into a male trap by Britney, Su Feng improvised.


"Okay, don't be stubborn, please let me go. If this is misunderstood in the future, it will be bad for me to find a girlfriend in the future." Su Feng showed Britney a melon-like smile and said .


Britney was stunned, because to be honest, she had been surrounded by a group of licking dogs before, how could she have experienced such a sad experience?

On the court, the chance encounter with Britney did not disrupt Su Feng's proper rhythm.

At Madison Square Garden, after the players of the two teams finished warming up, the big screen immediately showed the starting lineups of the two teams tonight.

Knicks: Ewing, Oakley, Johnson, Houston, Ward.

76ers: Ratliff, Big Ben, Su Feng, Stackhouse, Snow.

Don’t believe it when I tell you. Among the four major centers, the opponent Ratliff is least afraid of is probably Ewing.

This game without Iverson is not easy for the 76ers, but one thing is that Su Feng is really greedy for the ridiculously high iron value of the Knicks team!

And if Iverson is absent from playing against other strong teams, the 76ers may be finished with Brown's offensive ideas.

But playing against the Knicks?

That's hard to say.

Van Gundy, who has become increasingly bald, had been frowning before the game.

Because the 76ers left such a deep impression on him last season, after Van Gundy studied several games of the 76ers this season, he thought that the 76ers' offensive routines should not be so simple to him. Only after cracking it.

Then the question comes

How complex is the 76ers' offense this season?

On the court, after Ratliff made the first attack for the 76ers, looking at Su Feng who was pulled up to catch the ball, Van Gundy was even more nervous off the court than the Knicks players on the court.

The "aunt" who was responsible for following and guarding Su Feng had a big ass, so fighting him in the low position was not a good choice in Su Feng's opinion.

Therefore, after glaring at Snow and asking for the ball, Su Feng decided to use the No. 4 tactic for this ball.


Su Feng's No. 4 tactic, as the name suggests, means to pull away.

Su Feng, who was grabbing the ball with one hand, feinted Johnson twice and then suddenly went straight to his left hand.

Johnson is very powerful, but he is no match for Su Feng in drag racing.

Seeing that Su Feng was about to break through Johnson's defense, the other four members of the Knicks recovered at the same time, with the tough-looking Ewing as the core. If you dare to come in, we will lock you down.

However, Su Feng, who always likes to greet men, how willing to risk his life when this ball is charged?

Heaven turns to the left, UU reads books www.uukanwhn and soldiers turn to the right, moving forward indomitably is the essence of Middle Eastern-style breakthrough!

However, on the flank, Oakley decided to use a sack to tell Su Feng that in New York, it is useless even if you are not afraid of death!

However, just when Oakley pounced on Su Feng with all his strength, Su Feng's figure suddenly disappeared in front of him like a ghost.

Right and left.

After Su Feng's magical steps stepped out, the entire Madison Square Garden was shocked.

This is astonishingly:

European step.

Of course, unlike Harden's Euro-step in the future, Su Feng's Euro-step is more similar to that of a certain Pampas Eagle.

And it is worth mentioning that after the first "Battle of Destiny" with Duncan, the skill Su Feng drew at that time happened to be

"Original stunt: Manu Ginobili's original snake move."


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