All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 199 Phoenix bathes in fire, desperate to survive!

For Dennis Rodman, the 1997 season can be said to be a terrible season.

In the regular season, after that kick, the difference from last season was that I was always sought after no matter what I did off the field...

Criticized by reporters, cursed by fans, ostracized by teammates...

Overnight, Rodman has even been labeled as "if the Bulls cannot defend the championship, it must be because of Rodman".

Rodman, who has always gone his own way, doesn't seem to care about these so-called secular comments on the surface, but as long as you don't become an immortal, then who can really live without eating the fireworks of the world?

In Su Feng's previous life, Rodman's poor performance in the playoffs this season was related to the fact that he often relieved pressure through multi-person activities off the court.

Rodman is not a time management master like Jordan, so naturally he cannot be as cool off the court as Jordan and still be a "God" on the court.

No matter how you look at it, the league's rebounding leader couldn't even average 9 rebounds per game in the playoffs, which is definitely an unqualified performance.

In addition to off-court pressure, the 35-year-old Rodman is no longer young.

In the second half of the regular season, his repeated injuries also restricted his legs.

In addition, character determines destiny.

Rodman's low self-esteem and introverted character destined him to be a person who easily goes to "extremes".

When he was with the Pistons, Chuck Daly treated him like a father, so in return, during his time in the Motor City, he had been a member of Daly's "good boy army".

After Daley retired from the front line, Rodman began to become more arrogant and unruly.

The reason is that he is similar to Ah Fu in "Slam Dunk", he is the kind of person who desperately wants to be noticed.

In Su Feng's previous life, Rodman did many things to attract attention.

The most famous one is that he "made up" all kinds of dirty jokes to complain about Madonna. Madonna was so angry that she later told the media that he was a bad person.

Of course, only he and Madonna may know whether the jokes Rodman "made up" are true or false.

All in all, in Chicago, without the privileges and tolerance given by Jackson, as well as his admiration for Jordan, Rodman's concentration may have been distracted by the pile of "balls" off the court.

Facts have proved that this Bulls still need Rodman after all, otherwise their small lineup's defensive power will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, even if he performed poorly in this series with the 76ers, Jordan has always used his charisma borrowed from God to comfort Rodman.

It was precisely because of this that after Rodman was squeezed out by Pippen in the G3 game, he had the idea of ​​"I want to help the team through something I can still do."

As the saying goes, how dirty your shoes are after walking in the mud, then how dirty the NBA was in the 1980s and 1990s.

During those years in the Motor City, Rodman, who studied under Laimbeer, learned many tricks that could change the situation of the battle.

In the G3 game, when the Bulls were about to be pushed into the abyss, Rodman's target was originally Su Feng.

However, Rodman, who was very smart, soon discovered a problem, that is, the cost-effectiveness of attacking Su Feng was not high.

Regarding doing bad things, Rodman always kept in mind the guidance of his predecessors.

If you really decide to take action, you must find the right target and kill the most important member of your opponent.

Therefore, from beginning to end, Rodman's goal has always been Iverson.

In the second half of the G3 game, Iverson didn't give himself such a chance, and in the G4 game, Iverson was always able to cleverly avoid him.

As time went by, the 76ers gradually caught up with the score, and Rodman couldn't wait any longer.

Fortunately, Rodman felt that God still favored him.

Because when he noticed Iverson and Su Feng rushing towards the Bulls' position at the same time, Rodman knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come.

Iverson, who jumped up to feed Su Feng a piece of cake, was all focused on Su Feng. The referees and people's eyes were also attracted by Su Feng's dashing dunk.

Rodman, who pretended to be weak in defense, held his head in annoyance. As he approached Iverson, he made a hand and elbow move in front of Iverson's face that was not easily noticed.


Rodman's combination of punches went very smoothly, because the unsuspecting Iverson was "headshot" by him.

And what surprised Rodman was that he originally just wanted to anger Iverson with a bad move, but he achieved better results with this elbow...

Because Iverson stepped on the instep of his left foot while falling to the ground.

Although I don’t know if Iverson was twisted, according to the original plan, after Iverson fell to the ground, Rodman felt aggrieved, panicked and at a loss and began to shake his head wildly.

At this moment, he seemed to be sad about this "accident".

He didn't mean it, he really didn't mean it!

"Go to hell! You *******!"

This may be the most swearing Su Feng has ever said.

After the dunk landed, Su Feng spoke both Chinese and English, angrily rushed towards Rodman, and pushed the "big bug" who was standing there several meters away.

And just when Su Feng raised his fist and prepared to punch Rodman in the face, suddenly, Michael Jordan, who was closest to him, hugged him from behind.

"Calm down, kid!"

To be honest, at this moment, Jordan himself didn't know why he wanted to stop Su Feng.

Because if Su Feng throws that punch, no matter what the result is, this kid will be expelled from the field.

Su Feng, who was locked up by Jordan's strongman, was spraying and kicking forward randomly.

The Zhongzhou Arena suddenly fell into chaos, and under Jordan's eyes, Kukoc and Harper barely managed to hold Ratliff back...

On the other side, Pippen was holding Big Ben and being dragged several meters away.

The referees stopped the game in time. At the same time, the tools on the 76ers bench rushed into the court and fought with the Bulls players who wanted to build a wall for Rodman.

"I know you are angry, but please believe me, this is definitely not our intention!" Jordan said while locking Su Feng.

You may not believe it. Although Jordan wanted to beat Su Feng to death, at this moment, he just didn't want Su Feng to be impulsive.

This is a complex and tangled emotion.

I'm afraid Jordan himself doesn't believe that Rodman didn't do it on purpose.

Because Jordan himself was "shadowed" when he was young.

But no matter what, Jordan hopes to continue fighting with Su Feng.

At this moment, the "old gangster" did something very un-"gangster"...

The punch that Su Feng did not throw also allowed the 76ers to successfully leave the "last hope."

On the court, Rodman ran all the way back to the locker room. Rather than saying that he ran back to the locker room, it was better to say that he was chased to the locker room by Ben.

Thinking of the tasks Su Feng had given him before the game, Da Ben hated that he was too far away from the incident and that he still had a Pippen hanging on his feet.

"If you ****** have the ability, you can see if I can destroy you!"

In a furious state, Ben stood guard at the door of the Bulls' locker room, and the sound of his fists banging on the door of the locker room even alerted the security personnel on site.

But the security personnel, who share the same hatred as the players, are already on their way to get the keys to the locker room door...

In front of the TV, Stern, who was enjoying the battle, was completely angry.

Rodman, Rodman again!

God knows how many things Stern dropped at this moment?

What makes Stern even more angry is...

Just as the referees were trying their best to control the scene, another game started at the same time as the 76ers and Bulls game, in Orlando...

There was an accident too!

In addition to the regular season, Penny Hardaway, who played in closed games for seven consecutive games, could no longer stand up after being kicked three times by Heat players...

In pain, he hugged his knees and kept beating the floor.

Orlando fans were angry, and Magic players scuffled with Heat players on the field.

In the two focus battles, bad news came out, which made Stern's anger level explode.

"Everyone likes to play dirty, right?"

At this moment, Stern has no knife in his hand, otherwise he would definitely be knifed by Rodman and Riley.

From the bottom of his heart, Stern certainly hopes that both series can reach tiebreaker.

But he doesn't want the Bulls and Heat to play Game 5 in this way.

Because the two sides are playing in the same environment as the 76ers after turning off the air conditioning. The difference is that this kind of black-footed and black-elbow behavior has always been what Stern has always hated.

The camera returned to the Zhongzhou Arena. After Rodman hid in the locker room, the referees spent a lot of effort to separate the players on both sides.

Davis stood on the technical stage and kept yelling at the referees.

"He's hurting people on purpose!"

At this time, the referees did not dare to give T randomly.

In order to avoid further expansion of the conflict, the three referees made a decision to expel Rodman from the game immediately after discussion.

As for the other players, although there was some back-and-forth, since there was no real fight, the referees decided to make it a big deal and make it a trivial matter.


Blame me! It was me who failed to protect Allen. "

Ben, who had been chasing Rodman all the way, looked at Su Feng remorsefully and said after returning to the court.

Su Feng patted Ben on the shoulder, "Let's go check on Allen's injury first..."

At this moment, Su Feng knew that it was useless to blame anyone.

After "calming down", Su Feng knew very clearly that Iverson's injury was the most important thing at the moment.

“It’s sprained, I definitely won’t be able to play this game.

We have just tried to get him to stand up and take a few steps, but he is now in pain even standing.

I estimate that Allen will most likely miss the next playoffs. "

After the team doctor entered the field to initially check Iverson's injury, Hans, the team doctor in charge of diagnosis, said to Davis.


No matter how "calm" Su Feng was after hearing the bad news, if Davis hadn't hugged him, he would have really planned to rush to the Bulls' locker room, take Ben with him and fuck Rodman together. .

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!


Don't feel sorry for me, the game is not over yet, we are only 1 point behind. "

Before returning to the locker room, Iverson looked at the teammates who stood up for him and said with both emotion and annoyance.

Iverson was really angry with himself because Su Feng had obviously reminded him several times before.

But he obviously still underestimated the determination of the evil people in this era to do something against him.

Iverson was very angry when Rodman elbowed him down, but when he felt the heartbreaking pain from his right foot slipping, Iverson...

I really want to give myself a slap.

This may be the first time Iverson has seen Su Feng so angry.

However, he was not happy at all.

When he saw Su Feng preparing to punch Rodman, if Jordan hadn't held Su Feng back, Iverson would have really wanted to climb up and stop Su Feng.


Su, it's all my fault for being overconfident. After playing well in a few games, I forgot who I was.

But bro….

If you can, please don't give up hope and keep fighting because...

We really can beat this bull!

Tears began to fall from the corners of Iverson's eyes at some point.

He was unruly, proud, and never bowed his head. At this moment, he was held in Su Feng's arms.

As a "husband and dog friend" of AI, Su Feng didn't want the world to see the side of Iverson's collapse.

"Alan, thank you. Without you, we wouldn't be where we are today."

While stroking Iverson's head, Su Feng hugged Iverson tighter.

"Don't worry and go get treatment, Allen. I... took over this game!" After sorting out his emotions, Su Feng took off Iverson's headband and put it on.




After taking three sharp breaths, Su Feng glanced at his teammates who were standing on the bench looking at him.

"I said...why are you all standing there?" Su Feng asked.

Feeling Su Feng's completely different aura at this moment, Stackhouse subconsciously blurted out: "Wait...wait for you to give the order."

Su Feng nodded, then grabbed Kenny Smith.

"There's nothing to say, the referee has already made the decision.

That ***** has been ejected, but I can't guarantee that the league will suspend him afterwards.

So, I don’t need to emphasize the difficult situation we will face next, right? "Su Feng said solemnly.

Hearing this, the 76ers players nodded.

"Ben, Theo, grab the rebound."

"Jerry, Kenny, cut down on the mistakes."

“If you can’t open things up, give me the ball.

When an opportunity arises next, everyone must be more determined.

Allen can score nearly 30 points for us in a game. Only by uniting can we fill his scoring gap. "

"I don't like to be sensational, so I won't say anything like 'for Allen.'

But I think we should be on the same page when it comes to beating the Bulls. "Su Feng said.

On the side, he saw Su Feng calm down. Although it was clear that Su Feng was arranging tactics for him, Davis did not interrupt him.

"Just follow Su's arrangements and defeat the Bull!" After Su Feng finished speaking, Davis roared.

“Beat the bull!”

On the court, the game resumed after being interrupted for nearly twenty minutes.

On the Bulls side, after Rodman was ejected, Longley replaced him.

Although they are unwilling to admit it, in the mutual exchange between Rodman and Iverson, the Bulls do have the greater advantage.

Regarding this advantage gained through "accident", the Bulls players know very well that they need to be low-key.

Therefore, when the game was interrupted, Jackson kept emphasizing to the players that they must stay calm and rational next.

Looking at Su Feng who had finally cooled down, Jordan didn't say anything to him anymore.

Because this is the NBA.

This is the NBA in the 1990s. If you feel uncomfortable or wronged, then win the game and eliminate us!

Thinking back then, Jordan's road to kingship was not achieved in this way?

In this alliance, you either have to accept the situation or you have to overcome obstacles.

Jordan didn't know why he stopped Su Feng from punching just now, but if this kid does something irrational again, Jordan will never stop him.

Go cry, go make trouble, and see who will care about you in the NBA.

Before the game restarted, after giving a final warning to the players of both teams, the referees worked up a 120-point spirit.

On the Bulls' bench, "Zen Master" really admired the 76ers.

Because after losing their star player, their morale not only recovered quickly, but...

They played very methodically.

After losing Iverson, they did not show that kind of revengeful action, but really focused on the game.

In the Zhongzhou Arena, although I was still hoping that Iverson could come back with colorful auspicious clouds to save the team, the fans at the scene were cheering for the home team at the top of their lungs.

CCTV, Director Zhang is constantly giving advice to the 76ers...

During the game, as the live broadcast cameras showed the replay of Rodman's elbow, many passers-by and fans hoped that the 76ers could eliminate the Bulls tonight.

However, the impact of the 76ers losing Iverson is always greater than the Bulls losing Rodman.

Rodman, who was hiding in the locker room, clenched his fists with a smile after seeing the team gradually opening up the score on the court.

According to Rodman's experience, even if he is suspended for a few games, as long as the Bulls can get past the 76ers, the Bulls will definitely be able to survive until he is released from the ban and comes back.

Scotty, do you see that?

Even if you don't like me, on the court, as long as the team needs me, I will have my own way to "help" the team.

Lie on my crotch and do crazy output!

What about being a clown?

As long as the Bulls can successfully advance, Rodman can still sacrifice himself.

Who says bad guys can't have championship dreams?

At the Zhongzhou Arena, after half the game, the score between the two teams had opened to 56-42.

Sympathy for your opponent is the greatest cruelty to yourself.

Qiaopi and the two had no sympathy for the 76ers.

Unlike when Iverson retired from injury, the team was still able to work together...

At this moment, as the point difference between the two teams gradually widens, facing the cruel reality, the 76ers players who lost Iverson are suffering from inner torture.

Once the thought "We can't do it without Iverson" arises, the gap in the current lineup between the 76ers and the Bulls will undoubtedly become apparent.

Under Jordan's death entanglement, Su Feng was unwilling to take 10 crazy shots in the second quarter, but the result was the fate of only scoring 4 points.

Is that the end?

At the end of the second quarter, Su Feng questioned himself like this more than once.

Unfortunately, in all the games Su Feng simulated against the Bulls before, without Iverson, the 76ers would definitely not be able to win.

Just as Iverson said to Su Feng, Su Feng has always been protecting Philadelphia, and Iverson was protecting him.

It is worth mentioning that, similar to the fate of the 76ers, in Orlando, the Magic have also been opened up by the Heat.

Even though Orlando fans were furious, the Magic just couldn't win without Hardaway.

In reality, how can there be so much "justice"?

Perhaps many years later, people will still question Rodman's flagrant foul, but if the Bulls can successfully win the championship this year, they will still gain a large number of championship fans.

Just like Su Feng's previous life, most people only remember the Spurs' five championships and the Warriors' championship. After a long time, except for true fans and older football fans, who will remember it? The "dead souls" at the feet of Bowen and Pachulia?

Be it sportsmanship or fair play, absolute fairness will always exist only in ideals...

The Bulls will not miss the opportunity of Iverson's absence, because as long as they can bring this game back to Chicago, they can completely reverse the balance of this series.

During the halftime break, the DJ announced to the fans that Iverson would not return for this game.

The news was suggested by Pat Krause.

This is to prevent fans from having too high expectations for Iverson's "Return of the King" and causing them to behave irrationally after this game.

In fact, compared to the players, Pat Kraus and Berlinberg are more rational at this time.

Of course they also hate Rodman, but in the face of reality, these two talkers chose...


Just wait, Chicago Bulls, we will definitely come back next season!

During halftime, the 76ers' locker room was very quiet...

Iverson has gone to the hospital for further diagnosis. Although the 76ers lost this game with a big score, it does not mean that they will be eliminated, but...

Game 5, going to Chicago, without Iverson, how should we play?

And the scariest thing is that it would be okay if this game was the fifth game.

In the G4 game, with a 2-1 lead, it was easy for the players to think, "If it doesn't work, let's give up this game, and wait until we have enough energy to fight in the fifth game." "One fight" idea.

Kenny Smith, who owns two rings, kept comforting his teammates.


Even if he is eloquent, at this moment, the 76ers are no longer a matter of fighting spirit or not.

The 76ers certainly have fighting spirit.

However, the biggest problem for the 76ers now...

There is no hope of a comeback in sight.

Davis had already given the players large bowls of chicken soup before the start of the third quarter, but what was the use?

In the third quarter of the game, as the Bulls continued to play steadily, the time...

Just like that, it was wasted every minute.

The quiet Zhongzhou Arena was full of fans with dull eyes and no idea what they were looking at.

In front of the TV, the rabbits were heartbroken watching this moment, and they all hated Rodman in their hearts.

"I said...How about we stop here today?"

In a daze, and not sure why, the figure of Kobe suddenly appeared in Su Feng's mind.

"No matter how many times you play, you won't be able to win me." Kobe said while patting the ball and looking at Su Feng.

It's strange to say that if he just wanted to gain iron value, Su Feng would have given up long ago.

After all, after becoming friends with Kobe, he would have countless one-on-ones with Kobe every day.

But for some reason, Su Feng just didn't want to admit defeat.

As a die-hard Kobe, Su Feng could no longer remember how many games he had watched Kobe in his previous life.

And if you want to ask Su Feng which game impressed Su Feng the most...

That was really Kobe's retirement battle.

"Let's continue, Kobe! Are you afraid of me?" After losing to Kobe again and again, Su Feng could always stand up again and again without Bi Lian.

And Kobe never tires of it.

Is it fun to torture Su Feng?


It's just that Kobe wants to know where Su Feng's limit is.

So, unknowingly, Kobe was competing with Su Feng day by day. Su Feng arrived at the court at 3:50 every morning, so he would arrive at 3:49.

"It's not that giving up is not in my dictionary...but because of Kobe?"

When the camera returned to the Zhongzhou Arena again, Davis asked for a timeout in order to give the players a break.

And in a daze, Su Feng suddenly started talking nonsense.

Snap, snap, snap!

After giving himself three loud slaps, Su Feng looked up at the dome of the Zhongzhou Arena, where Kobe's shadow seemed to appear...

"Hey, let me tell you, you rubbish 76ers little starter, I'm going to the finals!"

When thinking of Kobe's proud expression, Su Feng felt both angry and funny.

The reality is really cruel.

Su Feng knew that even if Kobe helped him again tonight, what awaited him would be a defeat 99.99% of the time.

But at least, he has to come back to his pretentious comparison with Iverson.

68 to 52, 16 points...

There are 5 minutes and 29 seconds left in the third quarter...

Su Feng suddenly held Da Ben's hand.

Daben: "..."

"Ben, please!"

Then, Su Feng held Ratliff's hand again.

"Theo, please!"

Needless to say, both Ben and Ratliff knew what Su Feng meant.

On the side, Stackhouse also stepped forward to shake hands when he saw this, but this time, Su Feng did not refuse him.

"Ben and Theo can rebound for you... Then I'll lend you my skills." Stackhouse said to Su Feng seriously.

Su Feng: "..."

Let's face it, Su Feng really doesn't want to do that with your spray-like touch...

Then, every 76ers player stepped forward to shake Su Feng's hand, as if they were performing a prayer ceremony.

"Su, don't worry and go fight!" Davis said, patting Su Feng on the back.

Perhaps because he felt that his sentence was not suggestive enough, Davis added:

"I allow you to launch an attack at any location and at any place!"

Su Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said: "Coach...I have done this for a long time."

Davis: "..."

Oh my god, don’t you think it’s more sensational to say this in this environment?

To be honest, although Davis was very moved by the fact that Su Feng had not given up yet, as the game progressed, Davis really did not have the slightest hope of a comeback.

He just doesn't want this 76ers to lose their fighting spirit.

Maybe, we still can't escape the fate of being defeated by the Bulls 2-3 this year, but we have already been there, haven't we?

We scared the Bulls into a cold sweat, and we forced the Bulls to even use damaging moves like Rodman!

We deserve to be proud and deserve to leave with our chests held high.

Don't feel sorry for yourself, don't hate yourself for not being strong enough, turn all this into motivation for moving forward, and we will definitely come back next year.

At the Zhongzhou Arena, the fans who were a little confused at first saw the scene on the team's bench. Although everyone was still a little confused in their hearts, the cheers rang out again.

Never give up, it’s not just a matter of shouting.

Even though reality is like ice that never melts, in a basketball game, as long as you don't give up, the suspense of victory or defeat will still exist.

Seeing this on NBC, Williams said with emotion: "The 76ers...have really brought us too many surprises this season."

Especially their number 23...

How durable are rabbits?

"Ben, after this game is over, how about you give me a haircut?" At the end of the timeout, Su Feng suddenly patted Ben on the shoulder and smiled.

Daben nodded, "Okay!"

Okay, now that the script of "cutting hair" after losing has been arranged, let's go and beat him!

You must first do not leave any regrets to yourself, then you can welcome a better tomorrow!

And on the court, at this moment when Su Feng completely relaxed...

Drip, drip, drip.

"The host has been detected and has not given up yet."

"We are testing the level of desperation in Game 4 of the 1996-1997 season, the first round of the Eastern Conference playoffs, the Chicago Bulls VS Philadelphia 76ers."

"Despair level: ★★★★★★★★★★!"

"Detecting [Nirvana] badge activation conditions..."


[Nirvana] Badge has been opened! "

"The passive effect after the [Nirvana] badge is turned on: increases the stability of the host's shooting in the entire area by 10%, and the host's ability to withstand interference when shooting +10."

"[Nirvana] Badge Active Skill: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (Unique): After turning on this skill, the system will automatically turn on the shooting hot zone effect in the entire area for the host."

“Note that PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is the only skill.

Therefore, after the host uses it, this skill will be automatically replaced by another hidden skill of the [Nirvana] badge.

Please confirm with the host whether to turn on ‘PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds’! "

Reality is indeed cruel, but reality is sometimes more crooked than novels and comics.

"What this all-area shooting hot zone means is... as long as it's my range, am I going to be as smooth as when I shoot my hot zone shot?"

As we all know, the shooting hot zone is a table developed on the basketball court based on the shooting percentage of different areas of the player to facilitate viewing the area where the player is good at shooting.

Every player has his own hot spot for shooting. For example, for the future Curry, his hot spot will be outside the three-point line.

Generally speaking, when a player shoots in the hot zone where he is good at shooting, his shooting percentage will be much higher than his usual shooting percentage.

Therefore, Su Feng, who did not have much time to analyze, after reading the introduction of the [Nirvana] badge, simply understood it as a plug-in that could improve his subsequent feel.

So here's the question, this is the first time Su Feng has triggered the [Nirvana] badge.

Judging from the settings of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, this skill can only be used once.

Should I use it for this game, or save it for the future?

In just a few seconds, Su Feng made a decision.

Judging from the activation status of the [Nirvana] Badge, Su Feng cannot guarantee that he will be able to activate the [Nirvana] Badge in the next G5 battle.

Because... this badge not only requires the level of desperation in the competition, but also requires Su Feng not to give up in the face of adversity.

Su Feng is not a god. He cannot enter such a state of not giving up unconsciously without special training.

If he had been thinking about this badge during the G5 battle, then in Su Feng's opinion, this badge would definitely not be turned on.

Therefore, it is definitely unrealistic to use it in the G5 war.

As for the future…

Although from a selection point of view, using this badge cannot change the 76ers' defeat tonight, it is indeed better to use it in the future.


Su Feng didn't want to wait for the future.

The worst thing is, wouldn't it be nice to become super strong in the future and never play such desperate situations again?

But tonight is different...

Even if there was only one in 10,000 chance, Su Feng wanted to give it a try.

Because with Iverson likely to miss the next playoffs, this is the 76ers' chance to defeat the Bulls.

Regardless of the fact that the Bulls are 16 points ahead of the 76ers, UU Reading However, in order to maintain their lead and the huge consumption in the first three games, the Bulls are also short of men and horses.

As for where this season will go?

That's not important. What's important is that only by winning this game can Su Feng pray that Iverson will have a chance to come back.

How can a basketball game have so much future?

Didn't Duncan's big hand tell James?

Cherishing the present is the way to go!

"Turn on!" Su Feng communicated with the system in his mind before stepping onto the court.

"Ding——! 'PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' has been started!"

PS: This chapter has nearly 9,000 words. Including the previous chapter, there are 14,000 words. There is still 6,000 words left. Well, today I applied to give Ah Qiao two more hours! Ah Qiao strives to submit the next chapter before 2 a.m. to complete the 20,000-word update commitment!

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