All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 173 Heaven goes to the left, warriors go to the right

Hey, young Jerry Stackhouse, North Carolina star, are you going to push this red button in front of you?

Stackhouse: What the fuck?

according to!


On the court, as a breeze blew across his face, Su Feng inexplicably felt a chill coming from the Bulls bench.

Of course there is no chance of wind in the indoor basketball hall.

But at this moment, whether you believe it or not...

When the hot man lifted the towel covering his shiny bald head, there was obviously no sound in the United Center, but the BGM of thousands of bulls galloping seemed to ring in everyone's ears.

All right......


Taking the most severe beating is a fate that every soldier cannot escape.

Speaking of which, in the second battle of his career, Su Feng tried to provoke the "old gangster".

Therefore, since it is impossible to undo Stackhouse's provocation against Jordan...

At that moment, instead of thinking about which of the thirty-six ways of military boxing should be used to educate him, it is better to think about how to deal with Jordan who is about to return to the court.

Pi Erye, who was submissive in the first three quarters, completed a heavy punch.

On the court, the Bulls attacked, and after successfully causing Su Feng's thug to foul, Pippen, who was having a hard time tonight, used his best trick.

The ultimate summoning spell:


On the technical stage, the two teams got back the decisive lineup at the same time after the dead ball.

Bulls: Rodman, Kukoc, Pippen, Jordan, Harper.

76ers: Ratliff, Big Ben, Su Feng, Stackhouse, Iverson.

"Su..." On the field, looking at the murderous Jordan, Ben patted Su Feng on the shoulder with a worried expression.

“Tell Theo…to leave Dennis alone.

Next, I need you to join me on defense. "

Su Feng is not so arrogant that he can guard Jordan alone.

To deal with this kind of player who is the No. 1 player in the league, in fact, in "Slam Dunk", Xiangbei has already given the answer.


Wasn't it Jordan who was playing?

Pippen went to the free throw line and made 2 of 2 free throws. On the court, it was the 76ers' turn to attack. Su Feng took the initiative to raise the high post to play a pick-and-roll for Iverson, sending Pippen into Iverson's bowl again.

Iverson is in great shape tonight. The regular season is not a series. As long as the "Answer"'s critical hits can be evenly matched with the "Old Rogue", the 76ers still have a slim chance of winning.

God knows, how many times has EDG been overturned with a 10,000 gold lead?

Whether it’s e-sports or basketball, never give up until the last second.

What's more, he is currently leading.

Boom, boom, boom.

It is still the familiar butterfly step through flowers, and it is still unique and unparalleled.

In Su Feng's previous life, many streetball masters from China and the United States imitated Iverson.

But in fact, they only mastered the movements of this move and did not understand the essence of this move.

The key to Iverson's unrivaled performance lies in the moment when he accelerated at the end and his left shoulder shook.

That move can almost be said to be fake, causing the defensive player to mistakenly think that you want to go left, that is, to the right side of the defensive player.

This kind of breakthrough, whose main purpose is to deceive defensive players, is also the reason why Iverson's peak period was slightly longer than that of Rose, Hill and others.

Because Iverson doesn't just speed up or change direction without slowing down.

It's more like he's doing Tai Chi, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, making it hard to guard against.

Kaka... On the court, at the moment when Iverson passed him, Pippen always felt that he heard the protest coming from his ankle!

Pi Erye's ankle, who pursues "freedom, peace, and democracy," has not stopped tonight. You know, people's ankles also have ankle rights, okay?

Ankle birth is difficult...

Especially when it comes to Pippen's ankle, it's even more difficult.


After passing Pippen, Iverson continued his score as soon as he came on the court. This was a "183" style shot!


As strong as Iverson was some time ago, his critical hits will be as high tonight.

In this life, after being teammates with Kobe and Iverson, Su Feng discovered that you can really only use quantum mechanics to explain the shooting percentages of these two players.

Looking back, when the Bulls attacked, Jordan no longer moved according to the triangle offense. He directly hit it with his shoulder, got stuck in position, and reached out to Harper for the ball.

Allowing Jordan to handle the offense as he pleases is the privilege given to him by the "Zen Master".

Don't think too complicated about the Bulls' play, because most of the time, in the fourth quarter, giving the ball to Jordan is their most unsolvable tactic.

This is the advantage of having an outside star.

And this is why O'Neal had to wait until Kobe Bryant grew up before he could take over the league.

In Su Feng's previous life, the Jazz and Spurs adopted similar defensive strategies to deal with O'Neal in the future.

That is to first send someone to top him, forcing him to start digging from a high position, and then when he is about to dig from a high position, directly attack the three people.

Reality is not about playing games. You know, if O'Neal can throw the ball out when he is flanked, it is already very good.

Therefore, once the Lakers have Kobe on the outside who can hold the ball at critical moments, the Lakers will be unstoppable.

On the court, Su Feng had to shoulder the blame for what Stackhouse had just done.

As the 76ers' first line of defense, what Su Feng has to do is to keep up with Jordan as much as possible, hold Jordan back, and buy time for his teammates to help defend and attack.

Blindly attacking Jordan will not end well, because if you attack Jordan too early, it will directly give your opponent a five-on-four opportunity.

Boom, boom, boom!

On the field, facing the tough attacks from the "old gangster", Su Feng adhered to his faith as a warrior!

"Heaven to the left, warrior to the right!"

In compliance with the HC rules, Su Feng withstood Jordan's first wave of back blows!

It's just, Jordan...he's Jordan.

After suddenly withdrawing his force, Jordan actually completed his back turn at the same time.

What kind of coordination and core strength is this?

Su Feng felt that it would be a pity for the "old gangster" not to change his career to practice gymnastics.

But... after thinking about the scene of Jordan wearing gymnastics clothes, Su Feng felt that it seemed a bit spicy.

On the court, Jordan "walked".

Yes, you read that right, this guy is walking in the air!

Facts have proved that Newton's coffin board cannot suppress people like Jordan.

Although Su Feng will have many bouncing monsters in his past life and the future, if you really want to compare it with actual combat, there are really not many players who can walk in the air under this kind of defense...

Big Ben and Ratliff are in place to help defend...

But when they were about to land, Jordan was still in the sky...

The NBA is worthy of being a comparison league.

Between the current Jordan and the future Hundan who can leap over seven-foot-long players and dunk in games, do you think they are not competing against each other?


Su Feng's heart was completely calm, and he even wanted to laugh a little.


, Jordan's super pull shot once again ignited the atmosphere of the United Center.

Bulls fans suddenly became excited!

From the perspective of the fans at the scene, the ticket price for this night was definitely worth it.

Regarding the mentality of Bulls fans, you can understand that after you get the skin you want, you always feel that you have made a profit.

Anyway, players never lose money, and Penguin loses money every year.

It was the 76ers' turn to attack, but Su Feng was as calm as ever.

Because Su Feng knew that if he panicked at this time, the game would definitely be over.

Just like Fukatsu said to Miyagi, no matter how beautiful the goal is, it is only two points.

In pick-and-rolls and running positions, Su Feng continued to actively create the best output environment for Iverson.

Pippen came back strong, but he was almost at the end of his strength in this game.

Even before the start of this game, Su Feng had anticipated the difficulty he would encounter in the game, so Jordan's "god from heaven" was naturally among his considerations.

At this time, letting Iverson eat, sleep and beat Pippen is the most efficient way for the 76ers to attack.

Su Feng had prepared the whole game to lay the groundwork for a counterattack against the Bulls tonight.

On the court, Mr. Pi once again became the backdrop!

Iverson, who broke into the Bulls' paint, couldn't be stopped by Rodman alone.

Relying on outside rotation and pressing defense, the Bulls can defeat many teams, but when facing Iverson, their weakness of lacking top rim protectors was fully exposed.

The future series between the Heat and the Mavericks is an example. The role of the boxing champion does not lie in how many points he can score for the Mavericks in a game, but in that he can help the Mavericks weaken the breakthrough effect of James and Way.

, "Answer" scored his 30th personal point tonight!

NBC TV station, Williams said with emotion: "Pacers head coach Larry Brown deserves to be the person who knows Allen Iverson best in the league. Allen does have the potential to become the strongest attacker in the NBA."

It's a pity that Su Feng didn't hear Williams' explanation, otherwise he would have killed these thieves with a brick.

The game continued, the Bulls attacked, and "Old Rogue" twisted his waist and completed a turnaround jumper that was inconsistent but still beautiful.



Helpless, Jordan, who has regained his touch, is so helpless.

No matter how good the defensive player is, he can't prevent Jordan from taking action, because the offensive player always has the right to take the initiative when attacking.

In order to avoid being flanked by the 76ers, Jordan has obviously extended his attack range this time.

If you don't look at the outcome of the game, Su Feng actually enjoys being beaten like this.

Because even if he lost 10,000 defensive points, in Su Feng's mind, his one-on-one defensive potential...

Added 1 more point.

On the court, the 76ers attacked, and the Bulls narrowed the defensive area this time.

Except for Pippen who continued to follow Su Feng, the other Bulls players focused on Iverson.

Su Feng felt that there was a reason why the Bulls boss was unwilling to pay "Zen Master" a high salary in the future.

Because the "Zen Master"'s annual salary of several dollars does sometimes give you the feeling that it is too easy.

Su Feng's ball continued to lead Pippen towards Iverson.

The second master couldn't bear it anymore this time. He forced his way around the pick-and-roll and "hugged" Su Feng.

Normally, after Pippen bypasses the pick-and-roll, he would usually add: "Watch where you run, you damn strawberry pudding."

But facing Su Feng, Pippen really didn't want to waste the energy of speaking.


No matter how good a plowing cow is, if you keep it plowing, there will be times when it can't stand it anymore!

"Ai Feng" failed in the pick-and-roll, and Iverson was not in a hurry. After all, he had no patience and could not break the Bulls' pressing defense.

Ratliff came up with 8 seconds left in the 76ers' attack. Rodman had no intention of following, so Harper had to retreat.

Rodman is a bad character, but he is definitely a cunning defensive player.

Once he follows the ball, not to mention that the Bulls' penalty area is unprotected after Iverson breaks through. If Iverson makes a hit, who will grab the rebound?


Without Rodman, who said Iverson could only make breakthroughs and mid-range shots?

After Ratliff blocked Harper, "Answer" decisively used the screen to shoot a three-pointer!



Su Feng's previous life, during the season, you will find that Iverson's critical strike rate dropped significantly when facing the Bulls.

As for the reason...

Just look up Iverson's three-point attempts and you'll know.

To beat a team like the Bulls, just having a breakthrough is not enough. You must have a three-dimensional offensive method to make them lose sight of one thing.

Although there is a reason for shortening the three-point line this season, when facing a breakthrough player like Iverson, the three-pointer is actually the easiest opportunity for the Bulls to give him.

Because the Bulls want to deal with Iverson, they have to be careful. After all, if you go to Langley, aren't you giving Iverson a chance to play?

Under the premise that the Bulls are small, Rodman is the fifth position and the only reliable rebounding point on the Bulls field.

Stackhouse now relied on his own hatred value to bring his senior to the outside, and Su Feng even attracted Pippen out of the penalty area. Therefore, neither Qiaopi nor Qiaopi could help Rhodes immediately. Man.

And in this way, whether Rodman is on guard or not, Iverson can boldly take action.

Because he came out, Iverson teased him.

If he doesn't come out, Iverson will kill him.

Therefore, this is the fundamental reason why Iverson averaged 32 points per game and shot over 50% when facing the Bulls this season.

All in all, how to defend the Bulls and who to defend, Iverson, is a problem they will never be able to solve.

Of course, the main reason why the 76ers were able to fight the Bulls tonight was because the regular season and the playoffs cannot be generalized.

If Stackhouse hadn't touched that damn switch, Su Feng felt that by this point in the game, the 76ers' chances of winning would have been over 50%.


On the court, the Bulls counterattacked, and Jordan also responded with a three-pointer to the 76ers.

Su Feng: "..."

Jie Nima must be cheating!

Su Feng always felt that Jordan's current state was even more exaggerated than the zone he was in when he watched basketball in his previous life.

"I said, system, how about we discuss it and you give me the whole thing?" Su Feng suggested reasonably.

Unfortunately, the system did not reply to him this time.

The game continued, and the fourth quarter of the game turned into a scoring battle between Iverson and Jordan.

On the 76ers side, Su Feng was helpless against the "old gangster" sticking out his tongue.

The Bulls were troubled by Iverson's unreasonable offense.

On the sidelines, Phil Jackson has already smelled the 76ers' deeper threat to the Bulls from this game.

In the opinion of "Zen Master", if the 76ers can further strengthen their forward and defensive line next season, then the Bulls...

But I really dare not say that I can eat them steadily.

Iverson and Su Feng are like opponents specially arranged for the Bulls by fate.

The former is something that the Bulls just can't solve.

The latter seems to have inexhaustible physical energy.

Looking at Pippen who was crumbling on the court and whose physical strength was exhausted, in the eyes of "Zen Master", Su Feng was even more threatening than Iverson.

Pippen, who scored 28 points tonight, didn't score a point in the second half of the fourth quarter. It wasn't because Pippen didn't want to score points, but because he really didn't have the energy.

Su Feng is too annoying.

If you only look at the data, you will think that Su Feng, who only scored 13 points, seems inconspicuous. But if you watch the whole game, you will find that Su Feng is everywhere on both offense and defense tonight.

"The strong mental attributes of Chinese players are truly well-deserved." Before the game against the 76ers, Phil Jackson, who had seen many decrypted reports on Su Feng's physical fitness, thought to himself with emotion.

In the eyes of "Zen Master", Su Feng must have relied on his tenacious fighting spirit to survive until now.

Speaking of which, Jackson had heard Pippen mention that there was a good defender in China...

What does it seem like to be called Hu?

"Zen Master" decided to go back and ask for information about the Chinese defender.

Although "Zen Master"'s contract will expire at the end of this season, how is it possible to say that he doesn't want to play another dynasty while Jordan is still at his peak?

Therefore, "Zen Master" thinks about it, if the Chinese defender named Hu also has Su Feng's tenacious fighting spirit, then it seems that it would be good to recruit him to be a catfish tool man?

By the way, while the "Zen Master" was practicing Zen, the two teams were already fighting to the last moment on the court.

, with 47 seconds left in the game, the leading 76ers called a timeout.

It turns out...

A three-pointer, it's one more than two points.

In the fourth quarter, Iverson and Jordan almost hit the same number of goals, but because Iverson scored two more three-pointers than Jordan, the 76ers always maintained the lead.

Su Feng felt that all the hard work he had done up to this point was worth it.

Because Iverson did not let himself down tonight, he really took out a unique magic weapon!

It is a sword that can kill bulls and gods!

After this game is played, win or lose...

Su Feng believes that in the future, Amy will definitely brag about this game for the rest of her life.

Because just watching this game, judging from the perspective of one game, Iverson did achieve a 50-50 tie with Jordan.

You know, when the 76ers requested a timeout, Iverson had already scored a career-high 46 points tonight.

If Su Feng remembers correctly, in his previous life, Iverson's highest score in a single game during his rookie season was 50 points, which he scored in a game against the Cavaliers at the end of the season.

But here comes the problem...

Can scoring 46 points against the Bulls have the same "gold content" as scoring 50 points against the Cavaliers?

On the bench of the 76ers, Davis explained the tactics and patted Su Feng on the shoulder at the end of the timeout and said:

"If Allen's offense is blocked, then Su, we will leave it to you to complete the offense."

Su Feng nodded. This attack was very important for the 76ers, because if they could score the ball before running out of time, it would basically kill the game.

On the court, after the timeout, it was Jordan who was responsible for guarding Iverson on the Bulls side.

There is a saying, because of Iverson's actual height of 178 centimeters, Jordan's effectiveness in guarding Iverson may not be as good as Harper's.

But at critical moments, Jordan is the kind of player who would rather be killed than leave regrets for himself.

On the court, Stackhouse is responsible for serving the sideline ball.

Jordan had Iverson tightly entangled with this ball. It has to be said that at this time, he can still have such physical fitness and toughness...

As well as his exaggerated center of gravity when facing players smaller than himself, Jordan is worthy of the title of the God of Basketball.

Under the continuous pick-and-rolls from Ben, Ratliff, Su Feng and others, Iverson just struggled to get around and received Stackhouse's pass.

At the same time, the timer starts counting down!

At this moment, the entire United Center was chanting defense, defense.

Iverson looked up at the timer while looking warily at Jordan, who was responsible for guarding him.

The "old hooligan" who was extremely focused played a very oppressive defense. If it weren't for Iverson's innate character of not being afraid of heaven and earth, who would dare to act rashly with this ball?

With 8 seconds left in this attack, Iverson did not call a pick-and-roll.

Boom, boom, boom.

Accompanied by the sound of beating the ball like a war drum, Iverson charged into the battle with his Zhuxian Sword!

Left, right, right, left, boom!

However, the unparalleled butterfly step can pass through Pippen, but cannot pass through Jordan at this moment!

Michael Jordan opened his long arms. No matter how many miles Iverson could turn with one somersault, at this moment, he could not escape the "old gangster"'s five-finger mountain.

Iverson, who had quick eyes and quick hands, quickly pulled the ball behind his back and moved the basketball to the other side.

However, you can't escape the first day of the lunar month, but you can't escape the fifteenth day.

Jordan slid forward and completely enveloped Iverson under his defense!

There were 4 seconds left in this attack, and Iverson almost lost the ball!

He looked around anxiously for an answer, but on the other side, Mr. Pi used his last strength to "hug" Su Feng tightly!

Only 3 seconds left!

"Pass the damn ball to me!"

Don’t believe it if I tell you, this 76ers...

In addition to "Ai Feng", there is another player who is not afraid of anything.

That is:

Stackhouse was missing a link in his brain and picked up the wrong script.

Iverson didn't dare to delay and quickly passed the ball to Stackhouse, but Stackhouse didn't make any adjustments. After catching the ball, he turned around and dumped it!

It doesn’t matter whether the ball can be scored or not, the senior taught me that it only counts after taking the shot!

In the Bulls' penalty area, Rodman held off Ben and Ratliff.

If the battle between Jordan and Iverson on the outside just showed their physical skills, then now...

Rodman, Ben, and Ratliff competed in strength.


Stackhouse failed to hit the three-pointer.

Ben and Ratliff tried to suppress Rodman at the same time.

However, Rodman broke free with this ball.

The three of them took off almost at the same time. Ratliff was the first to reach the basketball in the 76ers duo with the numerical advantage!

However, Ratliff failed to grab the rebound because due to Rodman's interference, Ratliff could only hit the ball outward.


After the basketball landed, it bounced towards the Bulls bench!

Stackhouse, who was closest to the basketball, wanted to fly to save the ball. However, at the moment he was about to save the ball, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Step aside--!"

Soon enough, Su Feng made a diving save. Before the basketball was about to touch someone off the court, he hooked the ball back and handed it to Stackhouse!

Immediately afterwards, Su Feng had no time to apologize to Phil Jackson, who was jumped by him. With the cushion of the "Zen Master" brand sofa cushion, Su Feng got up and rushed towards the Bulls' penalty area immediately.

On the court, because the NBA had not introduced the 14-second second attack rule at this time, after the 76ers saved the ball by Su Feng, the Bulls players on the court almost pounced on Stackhouse in unison.

As for Stackhouse, he is famous for his squatting free throw shooting and has a pretty good free throw shooting percentage, so he is not very afraid of the Bulls' foul-making tactics.


When he saw the figure rushing towards the Bulls penalty area, Stackhouse did not hesitate and threw the ball directly to the basket!

It's too late. No matter how many times Jordan activates "God Comes Down to Earth", he can't return to the penalty area in such a short period of time.

Su Feng's charge was not as majestic as it was powerful, but it was so unflinching.


As a crack appeared in Huashan thousands of kilometers away, Su Feng succeeded in the dunk!


With only 17.9 seconds left in the game, UU Kanshu Su Feng's dunk almost killed the game!

At the United Center, Bulls fans were silent.

On the court, Jordan put his hands on his hips and silently stared at the scoreboard.

Pippen, on the other hand, put his hands on his knees and was miserable.

As for the sidelines...

"Zen Master" is very tired...

I want to practice "Zen" well, but who knew that Su Feng would come flying in?

That is to say, Phil Jackson is still young now. Otherwise, the bump that Su Feng just made would have hurt him so much!

"Su, you will be the one to hit the winning shots from now on!" After Su Feng scored, Iverson excitedly jumped on Su Feng's back again.

Su Feng smiled and joked, "Melon" is a nickname, but it comes with a bonus, isn't it?

In Su Feng's previous life, Anthony's "killer" could really give you a collection of his top 20 goals.


not easy!

Not easy!

But no matter how difficult it is, if you can hold on to the last 17.9 seconds, then from Su Feng's point of view, everything will be worth it!

PS: Daily 1/2! This chapter is nearly 7,000 words. Well...according to Yingjiang's rules, the next chapter is guaranteed to start at 5,000 words!

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