All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 168 Best goal of career!

In Garnett's view, he may not be a real "wolf", but Su Fengjie is a real "dog".

Garnett has never felt as heavy as he did tonight...

Because no matter where he goes, Su Feng will be "hanging" on his waist.

Don't be surprised, in the 1990s, as long as your moves were not bad, the referee didn't care at all about this "sticky-waist" defense.

As we all know, basketball is a sport where if you are taller than your opponent, you will take advantage.

So the history of basketball development can also be seen as a history of blood and tears against big men.

Su Feng took the initiative to apply to guard Garnett tonight, not because he was fully confident that he could guard Garnett to death.

In fact, if Garnett really wanted to use his height to "defy" Su Feng, then Su Feng would have nothing to do with him.

Therefore, Su Feng's purpose was clear from the beginning.

His task tonight is to restrict Garnett from catching the ball, master the sticky skills, and disrupt Garnett's game rhythm.

Basketball is not a game of 2K, nor is it a sport where the winner can be determined by comparing heights.

Otherwise, if there is a competition involving the Chinese men's basketball team, then FIBA ​​might as well just give the championship to the Chinese men's basketball team.

Su Feng's wingspan is as high as 219 centimeters, which allows him to use his wingspan to prevent Garnett from catching the ball comfortably after "hanging" Garnett.

On the court, Garnett, who has a high "basketball IQ", took the initiative to move up to the high position to cover Marbury in order to get rid of Su Feng, a annoying little elf.

He hopes that Marbury can use his screen to break through the 76ers' defense to reduce the pressure on his side.

However, Garnett soon discovered that he was thinking too much.

Because the moment he completed the pick-and-roll for Marbury, Su Feng directly bypassed the pick-and-roll without giving his little elbow any face.

Garnett: "..."

By the way, Su Feng just used a "fake move to help prevent" to persuade Marbury to retreat.

What is deterrence?

Deterrence does not come from Harden's embarrassing stare.

Su Feng's skills on the defensive end are absolutely genuine.

Su Feng took the initiative to apply to play 4 tonight in order to destroy the pick-and-roll and the pick-and-roll among Garnett's three tricks.

Ben has always been an inside player, and no matter how fast his lateral movement is, he can't compare with a help-defense monster like Su Feng.

On the Timberwolves' bench, Coyotes coach Saunders quickly saw the clues.

Because the Timberwolves had already lost a lot of time in this attack, Sanders kept telling Marbury to find a way to pass the ball to Garnett on the sidelines.

After all, the matchup between Garnett and Su Feng is always a mismatch.

Marbury glanced at Iverson. After all, he didn't choose to mess with the ball. After observing the positions of Su Feng and Garnett, he dropped the ball to Garnett's hand.

For this ball, Garnett had to work harder than usual just to catch the ball, because in order to bypass Su Feng's defense zone, Garnett had to jump up to catch the ball.

On the court, Su Feng took advantage of the gap when Garnett caught the ball and directly grabbed the position, forcing Garnett to hit him from behind in the high post.

Because of the height difference between Su Feng and Garnett, Su Feng knew very well that once Garnett asked for the ball from a deep position, it would be difficult for him to defend himself.

However, if Garnett can be allowed to hit him in the high post, the situation on the court will be completely different.

After catching the ball, Garnett held the ball high with both hands and prepared to attack after taking a breath.

Look at me!

I’ll hit it again!

I support it!

Garnett: "..."

On the court, Garnett, who wanted to eat Su Feng by force, showed an expression as suspicious of life as a future Love.

On the court, Su Feng was seen holding Garnett's waist with both elbows, one kidney in his left elbow and one kidney in his right elbow. After steadying his horse, he looked like a Philadelphia Malone!

If you don't look at height and only look at muscle density, Su Feng, who currently weighs close to 93 kilograms, has thicker arms than Garnett.

Proper use of rules is what a good defensive service personnel should do.

In order to provide customers with the best service, Su Feng has always been dedicated and dedicated to his duties.

On the court, Garnett failed to dig in at this position, causing the game to be very embarrassing.

He didn't dare to waste any more time, because if he delayed any longer, the 76ers' flanking attack would be in place.

After adjusting his body's center of gravity, Garnett turned over and shot a jump shot. The ball was full of wolf flavor, and it was a long-distance bite after firing the magic dragon spear.

Su Feng rushed forward and successfully disrupted Garnett's shooting rhythm.

In Su Feng's previous life, Tony Allen once made a very successful defense against Durant.

Although Mr. Tony couldn't guard Durant every game, Durant was quite embarrassed by Mr. Tony in a few games.



Garnett's difficult turnaround jump shot bounced around the rim before finally getting into the net.

There is no way, Su Feng has already reached the limit of what he can do. If he can score this kind of ball, that is Garnett's own ability.

But looking at Garnett's smiling expression when he retreated, Su Feng knew that his defensive strategy had been successful.

In Su Feng's previous life, Garnett's biggest problem was that his critical hits were not high enough.

Because on the defensive end he has to defend, and on the offensive end he has to pick and roll defenders, so it is impossible for you to expect him to throw more than 30 times a game like Kobe and Iverson.

In addition, he lacks real offensive means. Once the opponent applies oppressive defense to him, Garnett's shooting percentage will be very unstable.

Especially for Garnett at the beginning of his career, this problem was particularly obvious.

In Su Feng's previous life, before reaching his peak, in the 1990 season, in the first round of the playoffs with the Trail Blazers, Garnett's shooting percentage was limited to over 38.5%.

What do you mean a playoff game doesn't mean?

In the 20102 season, in the first round of the playoffs with the Mavericks, Garnett's shooting percentage was limited to 42.9%.

What, twice doesn’t make the point?

In the 9899 season, in the playoffs with the Spurs, Garnett's shooting percentage was only 44.3%.

It's not that Garnett didn't have a good lineup during his time with the Timberwolves, it's just his style and characteristics that determine it. In fact, he is more like a larger Pippen.

Su Feng decided to target Garnett tonight, not only to disrupt his rhythm on the offensive end, but also to make Garnett unable to support his teammates on the defensive end.

On the court, during the 76ers' first attack just now, because Iverson shot too fast, Garnett had no idea about Su Feng's grinding.

But now, when the Timberwolves retreated and set up a defensive posture, Su Feng started running, it was really...

Sneaking wolves on the spot.

Tonight, after Su Feng mentioned the No. 4 position, both Harris and Stackhouse have outside shooting range.

Before the game, Su Feng specifically told Harris that if Garnett and his teammates switch defenses, then he has only one task, and that is to contain Garnett on the outside.

Because Gugliotta has never been an excellent frame protector, he mainly relies on help defense and positioning to help the team when defending.

Iverson brought his own special effects tonight. He once again attacked the right wing with this ball. Marbury couldn't react in time. Iverson broke into the paint and added two more points for the 76ers.

4 to 2!

The gun shadow returned to its position. From Iverson's opening state, Su Feng could tell that what this guy pulled out from his weapons shop tonight was a peerless sword.

The kind with a high critical hit!

In turn, the Timberwolves attacked and Garnett felt uncomfortable.

Because he had just followed Su Feng and ran back several times, how could he recover so quickly?

The instant consumption of basketball is exaggerated, let alone a big man like Garnett?

So, he shook his head to signal to his teammates that he needed to slow down.

On the court, Gugliotta and Marbury played a pick-and-roll, and the latter also showed gorgeous ball-handling skills and successfully passed Iverson.

Marbury also scored a layup, 4-4.

In this game, both teams have young talents. The Timberwolves have Garnett and Marbury, while the 76ers have Su Feng and Iverson.

Datianchao TV station, Director Zhang said: "Tonight is a battle between Iverson and Marbury, Su Feng and Garnett, it depends on which side can't survive first."

On the side, Director Sun echoed: "Su Feng's physical fitness has always been a magic weapon for his survival, so I think Garnett is likely to be unable to hold on first."

Director Sun told the truth this time.

On the Timberwolves' bench, Sanders had already called up another Garnett, preparing to move Garnett to the No. 3 position on the court.

On the 76ers side, the clever Davis also called Big Ben at the same time.

Sanders couldn't help but cast a glance at Davis: "Do you mean, you are going to fight us to the death tonight?"

Davis held his arms in his arms, and his expression couldn't be simpler: Soldier against soldier, adversary against general, king against king, let's just go through it honestly.

When the 76ers attacked, Su Feng also started a pick-and-roll with Iverson, allowing Iverson to hit the big one and shake Garnett's ankle.

Garnett's assist defense ability is very strong. Under normal circumstances, he is really not afraid of switching to guard the opposite small guard.


This little guard from the 76ers...

His name is Allen, and his last name is Iverson.

Boom, boom, boom!

On the court, with Iverson's unique dribbling rhythm, Garnett felt even more sad and angry than his senior Karl Malone.

Why target warriors like us who wear assassin outfits!

Su Feng: Nonsense, the stacked armor battle is the best!


On the court, Iverson's left shoulder shook, and after dribbling under his hips, his signature Crossover appeared.

Iverson's crossover range is huge, his center of gravity is low, and his speed is unparalleled.

"Oh, I'm going to lose, I'm going to lose, Garnett was knocked down by Iverson!" Director Zhang explained excitedly on Datianchao TV.

This ball Garnett was first led around by Su Feng, and then tortured back and forth by Iverson. So, the moment Iverson completed his killer move, Garnett lost all center of gravity and sat down on the court.

But that's Garnett.

Because the moment he sat down on the court, he put his hands on the ground and forced himself to stand up!

With this kind of abnormal physical fitness, if you say that he is not a guabi, then you can't "blame" Su Feng for being a guabi, right?


Iverson was happy.

Oh, little brother, do you still dare to get up?

Then I'll shake you again.


At the moment when Garnett's focus was about to rise, Su Feng's previous life, what he considered the best goal of Iverson's career, appeared!

Su Feng on the side was dumbfounded.

Look at the sky, Iverson's perverted dribbling, why are you telling me that I don't have the talent to practice it?

Is it true that a primary school student can play in the NBA just by taking a TikTok?

Garnett was in tragedy, because he was stubborn and unyielding, and before his center of gravity was fully established, he took another "unmatched" shot by Iverson.

"Hey! Two consecutive hits, that's a double score!" Director Zhang from Datianchao TV Station joined the show excitedly.

On the court, seeing Garnett really unable to get up this time, Iverson rushed to the basket with satisfaction and made a free layup.

6 to 2!

On the 76ers' bench, Kenny Smith took the lead in waving towels, and Ben was responsible for stopping his excited teammates.

no doubt......

Iverson's goal has already locked in the top ten of his career.

Moreover, in this life, the background of Iverson's continuous staggering is still Garnett...

The excited Iverson immediately rushed towards Su Feng. After the two high-fived each other, Su Feng shook his head and said with emotion: "Allen, your dribbling can't be done even if Earvin Johnson practices it for another 100 years." Not as good as you!"

Iverson was amused and elbowed Su Feng twice, "I have a low center of gravity and fast speed. That friend of yours is too careless."


Su Feng felt that after this game, Garnett would have to blacklist him.

Because of the ball just now, if I hadn't taken him for a walk first, he would probably have been passed by Iverson at most.

On the basketball court, the rhythm changes rapidly, and every tiny detail may affect the final result.

Sure enough, on the court, what was different from before was that there were three more black lines on Garnett's face.

In Su Feng's previous life, had Garnett ever been so humiliated?

If you know Garnett well enough, then you know that Garnett's career has rarely been as solid as Duncan's.

Because being unable to prevent yourself is temporary, but being iron-blooded is lifelong.

How can Garnett's IQ be comparable to that of ordinary high school students?

When Iverson knocked him down for the first time, Garnett wanted to stand up quickly to avoid becoming a backdrop. However, how could he have imagined that Iverson, a pervert, could knock him down a second time?

What a miscalculation!

The Timberwolves attacked, and Garnett was determined to find some space to come back from this ball.

He caught the ball from a high position, and Su Feng couldn't stop him.

After he raised the ball with one hand, he suddenly took a tentative step and started to speed up. Su Feng pressed closely on him. However, Garnett suddenly stepped inside the three-point line and directly stepped up, using an elbow passed by Malone to break the wave. The shot was completed.


"Hey, this shot is very difficult. Garnett is a little angry." Director Zhang said with a smile on Datianchao TV.

"This kind of ball is usually called a lucky ball on the basketball court, and Su Feng has already defended it very well." Director Sun added.

Director Zhang: "..."

6 to 4.

On the court, the 76ers were attacking, but Garnett was fierce on defense. He followed Su Feng tightly, not giving him any chance.

Tonight, Garnett finally understood what it was like for both high school players to be each other's little angels?


Not at all!

However, when the ball saw Su Feng preparing to take him to Iverson again, Garnett's expression became less calm!

Damn it, are you still coming?

Garnett decisively grabbed the position in advance and did not give "Ai Feng" a chance to pick and roll, while Su Feng took advantage of the opportunity to sneak behind Iverson.

Kevin, who told you that my shooting range is only that short?

You know, back in high school, half court was my shooting range, and now...

My range is the entire field!

Well, although I really want to say the above words to Garnett, the above words are limited to Su Feng's personal Waiwai.

Su Feng received a back pass from Iverson at the old NBA three-point line.

However, due to the interference of Garnett's big hand, Su Feng failed to hit the target.

But in the penalty area, Ratliff has successfully suppressed Gugliotta.

After Garnett was moved out of the penalty area, Gugliotta was no match for Ratliff.

For this ball, Ratliff took off the rebound and dunked himself.

8 to 4!

Ratliff, who dunked the ball, let out a "whoop" sound, as if he was the owner of the center of the target.

On the Timberwolves' bench, Sanders took a timeout and was ready to make substitutions.

What is worth mentioning is that when the players from the two teams walked towards the bench, Garnett glanced at Su Feng angrily.

That expression was very similar to O'Neal, who had been sent to the free throw line by the 76ers before.

Su Feng felt that after tonight, he would definitely not be able to play brother basketball with Garnett in the future...

In fact, don't tell me, in Su Feng's heart, Garnett can be ranked in the top five of his second-in-command rankings.

In terms of the rationality of the lineup alone, Su Feng's view of the configuration of the Demon God Emperor Buddha Shark is far less reasonable than that of the Demon God Emperor Wolf Shark.

But there is one thing to say, Su Feng targeted Garnett in this way tonight, but except for the ball that was knocked down by Iverson, Garnett was still eye-catching on both ends of the offense and defense.

The name of Wolf King is well-deserved.

that is......

There is no thumping on the chest and feet, and there is a little bit of internal flavor missing.

After the timeout, the Timberwolves switched to a double-Garnett lineup.

Sanders' intention is obvious, trying to use a tall lineup to suppress the 76ers' smaller lineup.

Su Feng's short guest insider career is over, Philadelphia Malone is offline, and Philadelphia Big Jiba is online!

The Timberwolves attacked, and Gugliotta showed his superb shooting skills from the high post. Ratliff was a little worried about Marbury and did not dare to pounce outside. After scoring, Gugliotta hammered his chest. To Ratliff:

Labor and management are the wolves in the center of the target!

Turning around, the 76ers attacked. With Garnett desperately defending, Su Feng hit the ball hard again.

After Big Ben grabbed the rebound and saw that no one was around, he happily missed the rebound under the basket and successfully grabbed a rebound.

Then Daben happily played the board again...

The goal was scored.

To be honest, Ben's bad behavior of rebounding for himself is really disgusting.


You may not believe it, but Ben really didn't mean to get rebounds, because he is the kind of person who may not be able to score if you let him go.

On the court, the Timberwolves attacked, and Garnett felt that he was extremely frustrated tonight.

It was obvious that Su Feng didn't score a single point, but he just couldn't feel happy at all.

Especially as time went by, Garnett's unexpressed anger finally made him unable to bear it anymore!

Before the end of the first quarter, when Marbury's layup was blocked by Ben, the game was interrupted. Garnett looked at Su Feng, who was standing next to him, ready to cling to his waist. After glaring at Su Feng...

He suddenly stretched out his big hand, UU reading www. turned back and forth on Su Feng's head several times!

Su Feng: "..."

No, brother, with that fierce look on your face just now, I thought you were going to have a fight with me?

As a result, just introduce?

Director Zhang, who saw this scene on Datianchao TV, laughed and said, "Don't tell me, Garnett seems to have a really good relationship with Su Feng."

Garnett was finally happy.

Looking at Su Feng's messy hair, after scoring another mid-range shot, he hit his chest with a very arrogant expression...

Fortunately, Garnett was not Duncan. Thinking about it, Su Feng thought that being pinched by him twice would not make his hair lose weight.


PS: Guaranteed second update with a total of 10,000 words!

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