All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 523 Regret knowing the answer

523、I regret knowing the answer

"General Lu, information has come from Hongmu Town and Bailong Town, which was captured before." An officer came to the combat command center of Torch City and handed a stack of documents to Lu Weiwei.

Lu Weiwei has already changed into a military uniform. On the straight black general uniform, the bright red Nod Brotherhood scorpion tail badge is extremely eye-catching. On his red epaulettes, a black scorpion tail indicates his Nod major general rank.

He spread his hands without looking back, the officer put the document in his hand, and Lu Weiwei took out the document inside to examine it carefully. Among them are some written descriptions and some photos of the battle between Redwood Town and Bailong Town, but most of these photos are blurred, but a lot can still be seen.

And in one of the photos, the T-60A power armor standing on the wreckage of an armored vehicle in the wind and rain is impressive! The heavy armor, the dazzling headlights, and the huge laser gatling in his hand, almost everywhere show the horror of this weapon in a very sharp way, and the whole body is also full of the ferociousness of mechanical punk.

"So, this is the secret weapon of Ruin City? It seems to be the armor brought from the world of "Radiation". This thing is too typical in this game series, it is called power armor. I saw it when my college roommate played the game. Pass." Lu Weiwei handed the photo to Ni Dong and said.

"According to the accounts of some survivors, the ruined city rushed into Bailong Town with this powerful armor, and the battle ended in less than an hour. The loss was minimal." The officer added, "This kind of individual soldier The armor can't even penetrate heavy machine guns, and it's extremely flexible. Compared with people without armor, there is almost no difference in movement speed. In battle, only rocket launchers and artillery can threaten this armor, but the hit rate..."

"Forget about Bailong Town. After all, it is only a medium-sized town with more than 2,000 residents. What about Hongmu Town? How long has it been? It was defeated?" Ni Dong asked with a frown.

"Redwood Town has a relatively strong armored force, which is relatively strong among the scattered settlements in the third east district. Their commander thought that they were stronger than the ruined city, so they sent armored forces to counter-attack the army in the ruined city one came one..." The more the officer said, the voice became softer, "We don't know any information about this battle. We only know that Redwood Town was completely terrified after that. I had the guts to surrender when the power armor appeared outside the city..."

"If I remember correctly, Redwood Town was mainly established by a Nod armored unit left over from the last war. They have more than 80 M2-F light tanks, 10 tick tanks, and 40 armored vehicles of various types. There are many vehicles. How can such an armored force be completely wiped out, so that there is no one left?" Ni Dong frowned.

Lu Weiwei shook his head, "There is no need to worry too much. After all, the M2-F light tank is a product of the last era, and it was refitted from an American M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. When the battlefield is suitable, it will be ticked by the tick tank. It is not surprising that the exchange ratio is 50:0. What's more, we already know that Chun Yuyan has a terrifying robot."

"What I'm more concerned about is, is there any news from Marlowe?" Ni Dong asked.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, as soon as he finished speaking, Marrowe opened the door and came in, followed by two people dressed as doctors. However, Marrowe's face was pale now, and her whole body was devastated, as if she had suffered a heavy blow. Seeing his appearance, Ni Dong was startled, he had never seen Marlowe like this! Generally speaking, she is still an optimistic person, and her mind is relatively simple. What made her become like this.

Suddenly Ni Dong thought of something, his heart skipped a beat, and he asked in a trembling voice, "Marrowway, did the autopsy result?"

Marlowe shook her head in despair, then nodded immediately, and a doctor behind her opened a video recording.

【...Dissect me, and you will know the answer. may regret knowing this answer at that time...] The director's voice came from the video, and the camera also turned to his face with a strange expression.

【...Dissect me, carefully examine every organ in my body! The answer is in there! And hell is in it too! Ha ha ha ha! 】

The director in the video laughed wildly, and then saw the angry doctors start to use the knife. Vivisection without any anesthesia, the scene was extremely bloody, accompanied by the pitiful scream of the director. But he was still laughing wildly while screaming.

"" Duan Heshan couldn't stand the scene, covered his mouth and vomited so fat beside him.

Lu Weiwei took a deep breath and said slowly, "What happened?"

Marrowe smiled bitterly, and said softly, "He's right. We'll regret knowing the answer..."

Another doctor came up behind her and pulled out a glass box filled with formalin, inside which was a white object that looked like a flattened octopus. This thing was still stained with blood, soaked in formalin, and the blood that hadn't completely melted around it turned into filaments rippling in the water.

"What is this?" Lu Weiwei asked in a deep voice, his face becoming extremely ugly.

"We have conducted preliminary research, so far we can only judge that this may be a biochip implanted inside the director's pituitary gland. As we all know, the pituitary gland is covered with a layer of dura mater, so..." The doctor also sighed , obviously he can also understand the seriousness of the matter.

"So what!" Ni Dong went up and grabbed the doctor's shoulder and asked loudly.

"So... unless you kill the person and dig out the brain, otherwise... you can't find out at all..." the doctor said with his head bowed.

"What's wrong with not being able to find out? What about MRI? What about X-ray scanning? What about CT? What about brain wave testing? You tell me I can't find out with so many methods?!" Ni Dong lost his composure and yelled loudly.

The doctor shook his head and said, "No way. I can't find out. This biochip seems to grow together with the brain, and is integrated with the entire body system. It has blood circulation, nerve response, and even the immune system... There's no way with any existing technology to detect the presence of a biochip without killing him."

Crash... The stack of documents in Ni Dong's hand dropped and scattered all over the ground, but he didn't seem to notice it. His eyes were a little dull and he said: "In other words, confirm that the director is a clone?"

"It should be. We still can't understand the principle of this biochip. Because according to the implantation situation, it is too late to operate it even when it is just born. But it is impossible to operate it in the embryonic state. Because this kind of chip will not grow, this size is too big for an embryo. It can only be considered as a one-shot adult brain, that is, similar to 3D printing... the doctor said.

"3D printed a clone that is exactly like a human being and cannot be detected by any medical method?" Lu Weiwei rubbed his temples fiercely. The result was indeed too terrifying, too terrifying!

Now they understand what the director said before he was dissected, and they will regret knowing what the answer means.

Because when they know the answer, when they look up to the world again, they find that the world is so strange!

who is real Who is fake?

Maybe when they go to get a shave, the clerk will cut their throats with that shaving knife...

Maybe the guards they trusted for more than ten years will shoot them in the head while they sleep...

If it is 3D printed, how fast can such a person be produced? How many clones are there in Ruin City now?

Will an army of hundreds of thousands of clones rush out of the ruined city when they attack?

Who knows?

Sometimes ignorance really is a blessing. Because when the truth is in front of us, not everyone has the ability to bear it!

Thank you for the 3,500 starting coins rewarded by the Great Demon King of the Abyss! !

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