All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 387: Open Sesame

387、Open Sesame

Sure enough, upon hearing Knight's words, Madison Lee, the director of the advanced systems department, stood up abruptly, and said loudly with an angry look on his face, "What do you mean? Are you trying to say that it is our responsibility for the situation to become like this?" ?"

Knight waved his hand and said: "That's not the case. I want to shape you. The enemies we face this time are no small matter. In the past, most of the enemies the academy faced were ordinary people, and laser guns were enough. But now our enemies are completely different! Whether it is the power armor of the Brotherhood of Steel or the tanks that appeared on the side of the Volunteer Army, our serious shortage of firepower has been magnified..."

As he said that, he stared at everyone present, and slowly concluded, "That is to say, gentlemen, although we claim to have the most advanced technology in the world, there is no doubt that we have fallen behind. "

"The technology of the college represents the evolution direction of all mankind! It is definitely not comparable to those shoddy tanks and power armor!" Dr. Higgs said loudly.

Knight ignored him, but turned to Madison Lee and asked, "What can we do now about weapons?"

"The only thing that can be effective in a short time is to increase the power of our laser weapons. But you know, our laser weapons are made of plastic. If the power is increased, the possibility of the gun melting will be greatly increased! And... "Madison Lee said, looking in Sean's direction with some embarrassment.

"And what?" Knight asked.

"And this will further strain our energy supply, and facilities in many parts of the college must be temporarily shut down." Madison-Lee said.

"Shutdown? This is absolutely impossible! Once the genetic samples I save are shut down, all the genetic samples will be lost!" Dr. Higgs said loudly.

"This is war, Dr. Higgs." Knight looked at the other party seriously, and said slowly: "If you can't survive, then everything is empty talk! So, now, except for synthetic human manufacturing and weapon manufacturing, all other The facilities in the area must be shut down to concentrate energy!"

"You are... bandit behavior!!" Higgs roared, "You don't even know the significance of our research project to human beings!!"

"What I'm doing is to let you survive as much as possible. As for the others, I don't want to think about it. But you can change the angle. I must guarantee your lives so that you can continue to shine for the scientific research cause. Yes Right?" Nate's tone was flat.

"Holy Father! He..." Higgs turned to Sean and shouted.

"Now Knight is the leader of the academy, this is his decision." Sean said lightly. When he spoke, his eyes kept staring at Nate, his deep eyes seemed to see through him, "I believe that you can lead the academy out of this predicament, father."

Knight nodded and turned to look at the command center screen.

At this moment, suddenly there was a terrible roar from the rock formation above his head! Everyone present looked terrified. They saw that the water glasses in front of them were shaking with the loud noise! !

"It's Chunyuyan...he started..." Knight said quietly, his tone was very complicated, with unclear emotions.


On the ground, the former site of the Federal Institute of Technology is being bulldozed one by one. Six excavators are lined up in different directions to dig out the fragile concrete ground after 200 years of wind and rain, and then start digging the ground below. soil.

After the soil layer was hollowed out, three drilling machines dedicated to mining also drove over, set up the bracket, and the front rollers stretched into the dug hole and rotated rapidly to break up the hard rock layer, and then passed through the hole with the hopper The conveyor belt brings up the gravel.

Even at night, the Volunteer Army set up more than a dozen industrial searchlights around, illuminating the entire construction site as if it were daytime.

The excavation work lasted for three days. During these three days, the roar of the machinery did not stop for almost a moment. They even used explosives in some relatively strong places!

The rumbling explosion sounded like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's hearts!

For the Volunteer Army, this is the drum of victory! But for the academy, this is the death knell of failure!

Chunyuyan and Yiyi stood quietly by the side, watching the excavation site in full swing. In fact, in this battle, he took advantage of Knight's becoming the leader of the academy, and fought a time difference. He used Knight's on-site command to allow the academy to invest a large number of synthetics, including the elite eradicator troops, to fight the Brotherhood of Steel, which greatly consumed the vitality of both sides.

But even so, the academy was hardly a match for the Brotherhood of Steel. If Chun Yuyan hadn't used the fact that Paladin Danse was a synthetic human to make a fuss and collapse the morale of the Brotherhood of Steel, the Brotherhood of Steel might even push back the academy's army! It can be seen how powerful the Brotherhood of Steel is!

And even the Academy, if they are not allowed to consume a large number of elite troops in a short period of time, then once the war is prolonged, with their endless synthetic human army, the Volunteer Army is likely to be severely hit. After all, if the college doesn't want it, the synthetic human army that can use molecular teleportation to instantly reach any part of the Federation is definitely a nightmare for the Volunteer Army!

What's more, if the academy gets a beryllium oscillator, then when they complete the controllable nuclear fusion reactor, the production speed of synthetic humans will not only be dumplings, but also the speed of pouring rice!

Therefore, this battle seems easy, but it can only be achieved in a few days, and it will be even more difficult if Knight has not become the leader of the academy. To defeat the Academy, there is nothing more suitable than the Academy itself.

The college is like a BOSS that can go berserk. Once the time is too long and the berserk mode is turned on, then the group can only wait for the group to be wiped out.

"After defeating the academy, what are you going to do with them?" Preston walked over and said.

"If it were you, how would you deal with it?" Chunyuyan asked rhetorically.

"The college has committed heinous crimes against the citizens of the Federation! Kidnapping, murder, massacres, human experiments... Such organizations are cancers of the Federation! If they are allowed to exist, sooner or later they will heal their scars and forget the pain, and make a comeback ! So, I want to completely destroy the academy!" Preston said through gritted teeth.

"The scientists in the college are still useful to me. I will take them away from the federation and work under strict control. Therefore, the bomb you prepared can be saved." Chun Yuyan said.

"In the battle of defeating the academy, you have made great contributions. It is your right to decide the future of those people in the academy." Preston nodded.

Just as I was talking, suddenly there was a crashing sound from the excavation site! Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of cheers among the soldiers!

Chun Yuyan hurried over with Yiyi, only to see that after digging more than 30 meters deep, the drilling machine seemed to have dug through a piece of the ceiling, and suddenly collapsed, revealing a large hole with a diameter of 5 or 6 meters!

The entrance to the academy has been opened!

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