All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 350 Find a Fatty

350、I found a fat man

scanning! !

[The scan is complete, the Fat Man nuclear bomb launcher has been entered into the infinite base database and can be built. Tip: The launcher's ammunition fat nuclear bomb has exceeded the scope of ordinary ammunition, and needs to be scanned and manufactured separately. 】

Does it need to be made separately? Chunyuyan scratched his head, then looked at the technology list, and found that this launcher was only a level 2 technology, and the technical content was not great. If you want to say it, it is basically a launcher that uses high-pressure gas to launch things, and also uses the impact of bomb explosions to increase the range.

He raised his head and asked the soldier, "Where is the thing fired by this launcher?"

"Fatty nuclear bomb? Inside, Sturges is checking the condition of the fuze, and he can move it only after making sure there is no danger." The soldier pointed to the inside.

For this expedition, Preston brought along Sturges, a mechanic from the Volunteer Army, because there were already several production lines on the side of Sanctuary Hill, so it was not so important for Sturges to be there. Now that the castle is in ruins, Sturges can play a bigger role.

Chunyuyan hurried over and saw that Sturgi was carefully checking in front of a chubby man who looked like he was firing a large mortar shell. He had already removed the fuze of the shell and checked it in his hand. After a while, he reinstalled the fuze and tightened it with a relaxed expression.

"Is this the fat man's nuclear bomb?" Chun Yuyan walked over and asked.

"That's right, the Fat Man nuclear bomb. It was developed by the U.S. military on the basis of the M-388 nuclear shell before the war. Because it is too large, it cannot be launched by artillery in the traditional sense, so a launcher was specially designed. " Sturgi said, pointing to the launcher in Chunyuyan's hand.

"Can you show me?" Chunyuyan asked.

"Of course, I know you like these things. But you have to be careful. The sensitivity of the fuze of this nuclear bomb is similar to that of a mortar shell. If the fuze is activated here, then we will dig a hole for ourselves." I don't have time." Sturgeon said with a smile.

Chunyuyan also felt a little nervous, you must know that Nima is a nuclear bomb! As Sturges said, if he detonated here, even if he could fly, he would not be able to fly out of the range of the explosion. He walked over carefully, put his hand on the fat man's nuclear bomb, and read the scan silently.

[The scan is complete, the Fat Man nuclear bomb has been entered into the infinite base database and can be built. 】

| Fat Man Nuclear Bomb——

Construction conditions: Level 4 manufacturing center.

Build time: 300 minutes.

Construction resources: 10Kg of metal, 20Kg of low-purity refined Tiberium, and 1Kg of medium-purity refined Tiberium.

Function: Explosive equivalent of 8 tons, direct damage radius of 200 meters, effective damage radius of 650 meters, nuclear radiation death radius of 800 meters, permanent nuclear radiation damage radius of 1.7 kilometers. Please use it in an open area as much as possible, and keep launching at an elevation angle of 55 degrees, let alone use it indoors, otherwise you will not even have time to dig a hole for yourself. |

"Hey, why did you learn to repeat all the systems?" Chunyuyan was a little surprised.

[Because this is a very appropriate description. 】

Chunyuyan scratched his head. He compared the data of Fat Man's nuclear bomb launcher just now, and found that with this type of launcher, the maximum range is only about 2 kilometers.

"Nimma, this weapon is completely a suicide weapon! The radiation spread radius is 1.7 kilometers, and the maximum range is only 2 kilometers! Note, this is the maximum range, the largest! That is to say, even in theory, it is only 300 meters The safe range? Couldn’t it be that the angle of elevation is not enough after shaking your hands, so you have to blow yourself in?” Chunyuyan crazily trampled over ten thousand beasts in his heart, and couldn’t help screaming at the system’s complaints in his mind [Note 1 】.

Sturgi glanced at him and said: "It seems that you also know the technical data of this fat nuclear bomb, yes, this kind of weapon is so cheating. So it is said that before the war, the fat nuclear bombs were all worn by people wearing Soldiers of the T-51B launched it, so even if they blow themselves into the killing range, they can still rely on the T-51B's good radiation and impact resistance to resist the past."

This product is simply cheating! Chunyuyan rubbed his forehead and complained wildly. But after thinking about it, maybe it would be a good choice to use it to bomb the plane. But... Scary! ! Chunyuyan was suddenly shocked! What if you come across this weapon yourself? Wouldn't it be too late to even run? 【Note 2】

"Sturgi, what is the quantity of this kind of weapon in the Federation?" Chunyuyan asked quickly.

"Although I can't say that there are many, but I did hear that some ruthless predator organizations have one or two fat nuclear bombs in their hands. But if you are worried about being suddenly fattened by someone on the road, that's a big deal. Don’t worry, because no one wants to blow themselves up. Even if some people use this weapon as a bluff, it’s nothing more than a bluff, after all, once it’s used, it’s gone,” said Sturgis.

"In other words, if you push people to a desperate situation, there is still a risk of getting a nuclear bomb!" Chunyuyan began to feel a little scared. Fortunately, I didn't come across an organization with a fat man in his hand. Otherwise, even if his strange Tiberium physique can absorb nuclear radiation, if he is too close to the center of the explosion, he will be destroyed by an 8-ton equivalent nuclear bomb. It's fried to pieces! !

What is the concept of 8 tons? That is the volume of the most classic Dongfeng trucks filled with two trucks of TNT! Chunyuyan secretly made up his mind that when he went to wipe out those predator organizations in the future, he had to be more cautious. It was best to sneak in quietly and make sure they didn't have fat nuclear bombs.

Sturgeon paused, and then said: "But I can be sure that the Brotherhood of Steel has fat nuclear bombs, and the number of them is not low. There are definitely more than 10."

"Don't worry, at least they are still an organization with a bottom line, and they will not throw nuclear bombs into the settlements. Speaking of which, the civilians we recruited on the road turned out to be our life-saving charms. Otherwise, if there were only Combatants, maybe the fat man would be thrown away if the talk collapsed that day." Chun Yuyan looked up to the other side of Boston Bay, and the giant airship Prydwin of the Brotherhood of Steel was vividly in his mind.

A month later, when the showdown with the Brotherhood of Steel is really not a very optimistic situation! !

At this time, Preston walked over from the other side, his face a little dignified, "It has been determined that the corpse in the armory is the former leader of the Volunteer Army - General McGann. From the terminal records, the castle is It was destroyed 47 years ago, that is, in 2240... Moreover, it seems that the one who captured the castle was an extremely huge monster!"


[Note 1]: Yes, the prototype of the Fat Man nuclear bomb is the M-388 tactical nuclear bomb. There are two versions with an explosive yield of 10 tons and 20 tons, and the corresponding ranges are 2 kilometers and 4 kilometers. Moreover, this kind of thing developed by the United States to fight against the torrent of steel in the former Soviet Union is such a foolish thing with a small difference in killing radius and range. In other words, as an individual light weapon, if you run slowly after launching They will blow themselves up. So Eagle Sauce started to explode himself, it is not worse than the Japanese at all...

[Note 2]: I still remember the situation where a certain UP owner at station B opened Wushuang with a burst shotgun all the way, and when he was killing it, a fat man fell from the sky and died instantly...

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