All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 2109: Swallowed

Blinded all the secrets!

Even the will of the heavens in this celestial realm could not perceive the current situation.


Huang Mengmeng couldn't help exclaiming when she saw this scene.

Then Huang Mengmeng churned again, searching around to find out if Han Chen had been absorbed into this place.

At this moment, Huang Mengmeng's whole body changed again, and it was clear that Tian Tuanling moved her out.

Immediately after, Huang Mengmeng saw a trance all over her body, and a small compartment similar to a cage appeared behind her.

The sky-tunneling pot naturally installed a small window in that place, and the small window was moved out. Huang Mengmeng hurriedly looked at it and said, "Here, what's the matter?"

At this moment, a fat boy appeared behind Huang Mengmeng. I don't know if he was too tired. The Heaven Swallowing Spirit in front of him is also blue and white.

The trick just now must be very expensive.

"Look, what the **** is going on? Where is Han Chen? Didn't I say, is it all done by catching that space horse? Why is Han Chen now? Where is Han Chen? "

Huang Mengmeng shook the little fat baby next to him and said, his face was full of anger and sorrow.

Just now, the space horse must have pounced on Han Hanchen in one bite, and eaten Han Chen.

"Ah, don't hold me! Han Chen is not dead, he is just mingling with the space horse." Big Fat Wawa said, his face was even more exhausted, and his big eyes flashed with anxiety.

Obviously now, it is not just Huang Mengmeng who is anxious, but also this big fat baby swallowing the sky.

It was really close just now. I didn't expect that the space horse was too cunning, and it actually rushed over. Moreover, Han Chen also said that he should lure the enemy to go deep, and don't do it too early to start the snake.

This made Tuntianling slow down for a while, and it turned out to be such a ghost now, which is really annoying.

How could I do such a thing!

Huang Mengmeng only felt very uncomfortable in her heart, but in Tun Tianling's heart, why not?

At this time, Tuntianling only felt that he was uncomfortable and couldn't breathe.

Consciousness began to become a little fuzzy.

But Huang Mengmeng quickly woke up again, "You, you are talking! What about Han Chen, where is Han Chen!"

"Isn't Han Chen there?" The Tuntian Ling said at this moment. When the Tuntian Ling said so, the existence of that place was very angry.

Then those forces were suppressed by this terrifying place.

"Where? You tell me where? Why can't I see it!" Huang Mengmeng was also angry.

"It's in that pitch-black space horse." Tuntian Ling said weakly.

Hearing this, Huang Mengmeng was shocked at first, then shocked, and roared, "How can you let him swallow him more than a space horse! That would be deadly! You didn't see it just now. , Just for a while, only the dantian in Han Chen's body remained, and the rest of his body was swallowed by the space horse!"

"I, why didn't I think so! I also know that it is dangerous! But the master said, we must lure the enemy into deep, what can I do!" The Tiantian Ling said in a choked voice.

But all this to no avail.

In that room, it was mostly pitch black, and I couldn't see anything, and I didn't even know how Han Chen was.

There is no doubt that there is only a mass of nothingness inside, and no one knows what kind of nothingness is showing off inside.

"Let me in!" Huang Mengmeng banged on the small window and shouted at Tuntian Ling.

"That space horse is not a bully existence. If you make him lively, he will kill him. You are going in. Your name is lost there. Do you think I am worthy of the master!"

Tuntianling is also justified and confident for a while now, if Han Chen comes out, Huang Mengmeng is gone, Han Chen must slap himself to death.

He would never do such a stupid thing.

"You, you, it's really unreasonable! How dangerous Han Chen is inside, let me go in and see if he is alive or dead! We can't just wait here, do nothing!" Mengmeng is going to lose her mind.

But when she thought that it was Han Chen, and her opponent was the Space Horse, she always felt that any of her worries were not groundless, and that it would pose a very big threat to Han Chen, the so-called reduction of unnecessary threats.

She needs to go inside to confirm!

"But, I can't help it, I can't, I can't do it!" The big fat baby swallowing heavenly spirit choked by Huang Mengmeng, back and forth, as if Huang Mengmeng took another step, he immediately disappeared.

Now Tuntianling is also very worried about Han Chen. If Han Chen really has a problem, then his current reloading is probably not much better.

"You, it's you, it must be you who conspired to frame the master, and then when Han Chen dies, you can escape. What a strategy!"

Huang Mengmeng furiously pointed at Tuntianling and cursed.

Seeing Huang Mengmeng's smart little loli, that Tuntian Ling instantly turned into that vicious and poisonous woman, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his heart, but it was Han Chen who asked him to do this, and he can't be blamed.

Tuntianling turned his heart, and immediately turned into nothingness, dissipated in this space, and turned into nothingness.

"You, where did you die! You stubborn dog slave! You, you are really mad at me!" Huang Mengmeng said this time.

But no matter how Huang Mengmeng shouted, the Tuntian Spirit really didn't appear.

But when Huang Mengmeng was furious, Han Chen's condition was not good at this time.

Just now that was successfully attacked by the space horse. Han Chen had the element of releasing water at the beginning, but after releasing the water to the end, the guy actually shot directly. Once he shot, everything was restored to the original condition immediately. It was very peculiar. .

Under such circumstances, Han Chen was naturally pushed to the corner by the space horse.

At this time, Han Chen's body was swallowed up by the Space Horse. The place possessed a very strong corrosiveness, and such corrosiveness could completely submerge people.

In such a submerged situation, all the powers are quickly fading away, and the divine power and the power of faith in the body have been completely locked up.

This is the good thing that heaven will do.

The only benefit is that at the last moment, the already prepared Scarlet Demon Mist shielded Han Chen's heart and held his Dantian tightly.

If the space horse rushed towards Han Chen's dantian desperately from the beginning, in that case, Han Chen would still have a great chance of being destroyed. The latest chapter address of the National Heavens Mobile Game: the full text of the National Zhutian Mobile Game: mobile game txt download address of all the people in the world: mobile phone reading of all the heavens mobile games: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2109 was swallowed), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Mobile Game of All the People", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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