All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1662: Rune Heavy Water

Those sea tribes summoned by Han Chen's divine power, including killer whale tribe, flood dragon tribe, lizard tribe, etc., formed huge seamen and set off an unparalleled attack.


The scene was full of horrible figure fluctuations.


One of the killer whale beasts screamed up from the sky and swallowed the thunder and lightning that fell into the sea by opening its mouth wide.

That lizard sea warrior, riding a seahorse, sprinted quickly in the water, from his arm, with the force of galloping, he threw his javelin fiercely towards the weakest place of the lightning beast. !

And the terrible dragon, turning the river to the sea. Under its leadership, the turbulent water condensed into dozens of water columns, directly rushing into the sky, and the force of terror instantly pierced the sky.

They originally belonged to different sea tribes, but in the call of Han Chen, the sea **** clone, they united into me for a huge army.

It has the ability to extinguish all the lightning arcs and electric lights near that lightning beast.

When Han Chen saw such a scene, he was immediately stunned, watching the sea clan shouting and rushing toward the terrifying enemy lightning beast, without hesitation!

He called Haishen Long live to Han Chenshan.

The power of belief in the heart that had been cultivated before turned into dozens of invisible golden rays of light rushing towards Han Chen, making Han Chen's energy that he had consumed just now fully recovered.

"Is this the power of faith?" Han Chen was bathed in the golden light and felt the incomparable warmth, like the sun wandering at eight or nine o'clock in the early morning, making people feel the whole body comfortable.

After Han Chen attacked, Han Chen felt the energy ripples turned into horror and attacked the lightning beast.

The lightning beast saw those tiny creatures, attacking itself, the fierce lightning beast, sprayed thunder and lightning into the sky, screamed several times in its mouth, and sparked dozens of lightning around.

The thunder and lightning that had been attacked and wiped out just now, this time once again covered the entire sky, and the violent seawater was also stimulated by the intense thunder and lightning.

"court death!"

Seeing that these thunder and lightning were about to energize all the sea people nearby, when they were scorched, Han Chen's sea god's scepter tightened, and then the terrifying sea water energy immediately changed from his hands.

The sea water energy this time is completely different from the previous one.

This time the sea water energy has become more blue.

There are some peculiar rune imprints in the water.

"Rune heavy water!"


As Han Chen whispered in his mouth and waved the scepter in his hand, the heavy water gleaming with runes immediately turned into a cloud of mist and rain, hitting the thunder light around the lightning beast.

"What is this!"

There was a hint of clarity in the tyrannical eyes of the lightning beast, and he immediately felt the difference.

After he saw that the heavy water of the rune touched the lightning, the movement of the lightning immediately slowed down, as if controlled by time.

The terrifying energy immediately swallowed the thunder and lightning.

"You are in hell, I will tell you!"

Han Chen was also surprised by this rune heavy water. He didn't expect that after the first condensing, he would have such a miraculous effect.

Seeing the effect of that person, Han Chen immediately commanded Rune Heavy Water and surrounded the lightning beast.

That rune heavy water was secretly refined by Poseidon over the past few decades. The knowledge almost poured out last time, but it was a pity that the **** of destruction in Han Chen controlled the spirit, otherwise Han Chen would be unlucky. Up.

That is to say, with the help of the God of Destruction, Han Chen could take all the belongings of the Seagod clone into his arms.

In the next few days, Han Chen was studying the rune heavy water in the Poseidon clone storage bracelet.

However, Han Chen did not find the divine hidden space of the Seagod clone, so Han Chen could not find all the other clones of the Seagod.

However, the other clones were obviously weaker, and they couldn't pose too much threat to Han Chen. Otherwise, it wouldn't be such a long time. The Seagod Lord God hadn't come to trouble Han Chen yet.

In this way, Han Chen accepted Poseidon’s things logically.

Today, this is the first time that Rune Heavy Water is used for actual combat. I never thought it would be so easy to use.

All of a sudden, the lightning and movement of that person was restricted.

Han Chen sighed lightly, and sighed for the terrifying rune heavy water. The application of the time attribute in the time attribute, the more and more sighed the master **** is powerful.

Therefore, Han Chen couldn't help but worry even more about the gods Lan and Lei Yurou summoned that day. It was a very terrifying existence. Even if Han Chen could continue to fight, it would be miserable if he was stared at by the two main gods at the same time.

Therefore, Han Chen must now fight quickly to solve the lightning beast in front of him. Anyway, the life forbidden zone is in front of him. Seeing that the situation is not good, Han Chen may have to go straight into the life forbidden zone.

Fortunately, Han Chen has been to two or three life exclusion zones, so naturally he is not afraid of anything in it. Therefore, after Han Chen thinks about his way back, he is not as afraid as before.

So Han Chen said to Tianlan who was still calling, "I helped you solve the lightning beast, and you will come to me in the restricted life zone."

Han Chen did not receive a reply from Tian Lan after finishing the transmission. It seems that she is in a critical period.

Han Chen could also see that the two forces of thunder and lightning and the Milky Way were entangled in the sky, very stalemate.

But as the day Lan summoned longer and longer, the silver light on her body became denser and denser, and it seemed to surpass the power of Lei Yurou's divinity.

Therefore, Han Chen was not so worried. If only this could not be resolved, it would inevitably have the consequences in his eyes, and Tianlan would not be the proud son of heaven.

Han Chen thought so, and then immediately summoned the Seagod's scepter in his hand, tumbling, manipulating the rune heavy water, and howling the sea breeze, quickly compressing the power over there.

The lightning beast saw Han Chen manipulating the Rune Heavy Water once again, and felt the important power coming from Han Chen's side, and immediately reacted.

Although it is a lightning beast, it has lost the rational thinking of the human race, and now it also feels a serious threat from the rune heavy water, when it is about to avoid it.

But suddenly that Han Chen manipulated the rune heavy water and immediately wrapped it up. It roared angrily, summoning the arc and thunderclouds around, and madly attacked the rune heavy water, but all those who came near The attacks all turned into slow attacks.

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