All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1659: Thunder God Wall

I don't know what exactly the Thunder Light Divine Wall came from, but it was very surprising.

Lei Yurou had already seen the Dao of that day. It was really terrifying. Even if he summoned the Thunder God Wall at the bottom of the box, he couldn't completely block the influence of the Dao of that day, so that he is getting weaker and weaker now. , If Ah Da over there is unable to break through and pass the news out, the hard support on his own side may end up being his own life-saving white silk.

In this way, the divinity in Lei Yurou's body was exhausted, and even the stinky boy facing the eternal realm would be killed fiercely.

So what Tian Lan said about worrying about herself is referring to the current situation, which is still particularly uncomfortable.

Tianlan, this little girl, is really insidious, and he controls the battlefield very accurately, even knowing his current situation.

However, this Tianlan may not be able to support the Order of Heaven for how long.

After all, everyone has the same cultivation base, staying at the peak of the Daewoo-class late stage, but Tianlan's cultivation base has been strengthened a lot, I don't know if it has broken through the false gods.

If it breaks through, this time, Ah Da hasn't made a breakthrough, I'm afraid the lives of the four of them will be confessed here.

"No, it seems that I was really disturbed by the other party. Obviously something is wrong. Doing this by myself will definitely harm me." Lei Yurou said to himself.

Just as he was talking, Lei Yurou added another point of divinity to his Thunder God Wall, making that Thunder Light God Wall even more unpredictable.

Let Tianlan's Heavenly Dao Ling's attack be a stop.

"That kid will definitely be killed by Ah Da! After Ah Da sends out the news, our Lei Dao Sect will definitely use thunder escape technique, which will be teleported from a distant door. Don't blink at that time! We! It will leave you dead without a burial place!"

Lei Yurou showed a touch of cruelty, bit her teeth tightly in her mouth, and desperately supported her.

"Is it too early for you to conclude at this time? Do you think you are the only one who hides the strength?" Although Tianlan is helpless with the other side's Thunder God Wall, she is able to manipulate the heavenly order at this time, and she is still controlling the clouds. Monitoring there, and constantly simulating thunderclouds, generating thunderclouds, and constantly attacking the Thunder God Wall, but every time it was absorbed by the Thunder God Wall.

This made Tianlan very depressed, but there was no way to do this, only to see if Han Chen, you broke through again.

"What, you mean!"

Listening to Tian Lan's words so confidently, Lei Yurou suddenly forgot why she insisted, and why she didn't run away quickly!

If it is really like what Tianlan said, then Han Chen's cultivation is definitely more than that, there must be a huge secret hidden in the kid!

At this moment, when Han Chen fought with Ah Da, there was a fierce battle flame, thunder and flame intertwined!

That terrifying combat power shattered the surrounding space and turned it into a ruin. There were all kinds of terrifying power in the ruins, which shattered everything here. The horrible energy swept wildly, pouring all the surrounding seawater in, and the lightning evaporated the seawater again, covering the surrounding area, showing a lot of seawater, and the terrifying seawater energy kept engulfing all around.

"How is that possible!" Seeing such a scene, Lei Yurou was completely shocked.

What are these things, why are there such terrifying energy fluctuations.

That huge lightning beast used the terrifying energy displayed by their Thunder Gate's secret arts, which contained unsimulated power, and the power of the Thunder Gate above burst out even more terrifying power.

That was the energy that completely surpassed the peak of Daewoo-class late stage.

But now, it was completely given by Han Chen, and it seemed that there was no effort at all to see that kid flickering.

Who on earth is this kid who has such terrible energy?

"Hey, that piece of fire! Is that the sacred fire on the fire list?" Lei Yurou finally saw the terrifying flames swaying around Han Chen, always when Han Chen could not resist the lightning, suddenly Shot.

After a sudden shot, the lightning attack can be easily blocked.

"This is just the beginning." Tianlan was much more relaxed, showing a smile, Han Chen's cultivation base, she could see clearly, the secret of that kid, even he himself did not know.

She felt that Han Chen felt very incredible.

She actually possessed a power that made her feel heart palpitations.

People feel very disturbed.

Only this kind of person would make her pay more attention to it.

But what really frightened her was that near the last seagod pill, she saw with her own eyes that Han Chen had killed a declining seagod with a godhead.

This is very scary.

The sea **** who possessed the godhead was killed by Han Chen.

But when those sea clan chiefs wanted to challenge the sea god's power, they were easily killed by the blue sea **** spirit.

All this seems to be filled with magic.

And what caused this to happen was the man in front of him, Han Chen!

It's really shocking.

Tianlan thought so in her heart.

Han Chen didn't know what Tianlan was thinking. If he knew what Tianlan was thinking, he would just pass away with a smile.

Han Chen also felt that this huge lightning beast was a bit troublesome. If he could summon the Seagod out, then Han Chen would be worth it.

But now Han Chen has no extra choice, using his own energy to cultivate a terrifying pseudo-god realm.

At present, Han Chen is only a cultivation base of the pseudo-god, but it is more than enough to face the lightning beast.

Just as he thought, Han Chen immediately raised his cultivation base again, instead of just showing the eternal realm cultivation base just now.

The terrifying energy fluctuations shattered the surrounding void.

"Who is your kid!"

It was Ah Da who noticed Han Chen's divine agitation for the first time. After the battle was in the current state, the secrets hidden in Han Chen's body were gradually revealed.

"You, you are not a cultivator in the late eternal stage! Just now I thought it was me who couldn't beat the flame essence, but I didn't expect that in the end it was your cultivation base that was not Daewoo-class!" Na Ah Da showed a pair of horrified eyes.

The movements in his hands were more frequent, and the lightning beast was operated with more complicated and terrifying techniques.

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