All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1648: Reincarnation

"No, that's not right, this is not reincarnation..." Han Chen immediately noticed the difference. All of them were just imitations. The mirror image of reincarnation that appeared this time was still not so real, and there was no breath of reincarnation.

So Han Chen easily saw through the trick.

"It's time to go out..." Han Chen smiled, "You must be waiting very impatiently."

With that said, Han Chen summoned a blue sea **** clone, plus the void spirit...

The people of the three large sea tribes outside, after displaying the formation, they immediately felt a rather horrible scene in the formation. The appearance of such a scene immediately made them relax their vigilance.

The patriarch of the Jiaolong clan said, "I'm afraid that there is only waste residue left in the situation now?"

"Yes, this kid must have been turned into ashes." The other person said, the evil shark tribe cherishes words like gold.

"Then we might as well pay attention to the Sea God Pill. The amount of blood obtained this time will definitely satisfy the Lord Poseidon’s God Furnace. Therefore, the Sea God Pill bred must be of great value. And the number must be better than before. That's too much." said the lizard clan.

"If there are so many, our Flood Dragon clan should be divided into a bit more. Our boundless sea controls the widest domain." The patriarch of the Flood Dragon clan said.

"What are you talking about? Why, I have to give you more pill. I want to split equally, right, evil shark clan man!" said the lizard clan.

"Hmph, you are a provocation, but I will take action. We, the Flood Dragon clan, don't have a guilty species." The Flood Dragon clan said.

At this time, the three of them were silent for a while. After all, the strength of the Dragon Clan is not to be blown, and it is quite powerful. If the Dragon Clan makes a move, neither of them will win the battle together, so the gain is not worth the loss.

"Huh, I'm still afraid of you? Come on, let's do it!" Just at this moment in the void, imitating the voice and shadow of the lizard family, said.

The patriarch of the dragon clan didn't expect that this little lizard clan would really dare to stir him, and he was furious, waving the jewel in his hand, and he was about to inspire a demon light at that person.

At this moment, the evil shark clan said, "Someone is imitating us!"

"Okay, the three of you shouldn't argue here anymore. If it's time to take action, you three will go together, I have never been afraid of Mo." At this moment, a person claiming to be Mo was heard from the void. sound.

"Who on earth are you, you are so arrogant, in the place of our boundless sea, you dare to yell at the three sea gods at the same time!" The Flood Dragon clan is even more furious, and they are questioned one after another about their own strength, so the Jiaolong clan chief is a little impatient. Said.

"You asked me who I am. You are so funny, let you ask your ancestors!" As he said, a blue sea **** appeared in the void, and the surrounding space immediately turned blue. A bark.

"You, are you our sea god?" The evil shark clan's man obviously slowed his mind for a while, and didn't react. Seeing the blue sea god, he really thought it was the sea **** coming.

The rest of the lizard tribe and the dragon tribe closed their mouths without making any sound. Obviously they were judging what the appearance of this person in front of them meant, so they were waiting.

"Hehe, that's right, I am your sea god!" The voice answered coldly. It came out from the mouth of the blue sea god.

No one can understand such a situation for a while.

The people of the three great tribes are kept in the dark.

"What kind of sea **** are you, do you have evidence? You don't even have a sea **** scepter!" The dragon family had already seen the sea **** clone in the reflection world just now, and it was already about to perish, so their admiration for the sea **** , And it's not so noble anymore.

"You want evidence, don't you, then I will give it to you!" The blue seagod showed a pair of majestic eyes, and his cold tone exuded strong confidence.

"On behalf of the right to use the ocean, master the life and death of sea creatures, Poseidon, Boses!"

"Come out! My Seagod Scepter!"

At this moment, as the majestic voice of the blue sea **** remembered, after chanting, the sea-blue sea **** burst out blazing blue light, and the terrifying energy ripples rolled down from the sky and poured into the blue sea god. Doppelganger.

The sea god’s scepter also turned into a terrifying existence from it. The sea god’s scepter, which exuded blue, fell into the hands of the sea **** avatar, and the dark clouds covering the sky were immediately summoned from all around. Howl!

The terrifying wind blew over from the broken void and began to sweep everything here, and the entire spire began to tremble violently, as if it would be pulled up from the ground at any time and flew into the air.

"You, are you really Lord Boss, the sea god?" The evil shark tribe people suddenly realized from the majestic sea **** scepter and the terrifying power of the sea breeze, sea water, and sea electricity!

What a horror at first glance, even if it is not a sea god, it is really a new sea **** at this time.

"You, you are not the sea god! I know, you must not be! Why are you so stupid, the evil shark clan, how can you believe that this person is the sea god!" The dragon clan had just heard this person claiming to be Mo.

Isn't this the same human **** who was besieged by them before?

But how did that brat escape?

Moreover, he could still master this terrifying Seagod's Scepter and other big-killing weapons. Even their patriarchs would not be able to master the Seagod's big-killing weapons. Otherwise, all the gods would be absorbed.

But how did the person in front of him do it?

"I don't believe you are the Sea God!" The Lizard Clan also saw the scene just now, knowing that Han Chen and the others had pulled one of the Sea God's clones away from their autonomous consciousness.

So could the Seagod clone at this time be that person posing?

"Those who believe in me will live forever, and those who do not believe in me die! You make a choice!"

The blue seagod immediately showed his teeth and claws, and when he said the first sentence, the lightning and thunder in the sky burst immediately, appearing extremely violent.

When he died in the second sentence, the violent divinity seemed to merge with the majestic power of the gods, and immediately suppressed the three large sea tribes breathlessly.

The evil sharks obeyed the honorific title of the sea god, and immediately knelt on the ground, muttering a prayer, "My respected Lord Sea God, represents the right to use the sea, and controls the life and death of sea creatures, Sea God, Boses! Please listen to you The call of the servant, my evil shark Kshatriya, follow any call of the lord!"

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