All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1626: Sea volcano

"Master God, we have something important to report today." The man said.

"Come in, then." Han Chen said nonchalantly, at this moment the beautiful young woman also cleverly fell into his seat.

After the man came in, he saw the beautiful young woman, but he didn't seem surprised at all. Instead, he nodded at the woman.

"Do you have anything to do?" Han Chen's tone revealed a sense of majesty.

"We discovered the movement of Haishan Mountain, and came to consult Lord Shangshen whether we need to restart the direction and let us head towards Haishan Mountain," said the tall man.

"Well, Nannoin, you did a good job." Han Chen smiled, and the man in front of him claimed to be Nannoin.

Han Chen naturally followed by calling him that.

"This is what we should do. Since we have promised Lord God, we will definitely do it. Please don't worry." The man said.

"Well, if there are other pill conceived in Hai Volcano at that time, I can help you take it out and give you as a reward." Han Chen also said readily.

Before that, Han Chen had learned about the formation conditions of Hai Volcano with this.

In this sea volcano, the temperature of the flame inside is very high, comparable to the real fire of the Taoist Crow, very terrifying.

In this sea volcano, if the higher the level of the **** pill conceived, the higher the danger. If it is an ordinary eternal state, there is basically no return.

So that's why when Han Chen came to them, they couldn't wait for Han Chen to stay and enshrine him like a Buddha.

At this time they were waiting for Han Chen's words. Nanuoin, who took the lead, showed a pleasant smile and said to Han Chen, "Thank you, Lord God, we must do our best to find out the news for adults!"

"Well, do you have anything else?" Han Chen smiled.

"We retired," Nannoin said, and then the whole person leaned back while arching.

Small eyes glanced at the glamorous young woman, and finally stepped back without saying anything.

The glamorous young woman was about to say something, but Han Chen suddenly said, "You can withdraw."

Seeing Han Chen's cold face, the glamorous young woman naturally knew that her best chance to seduce had been lost.

As a married woman, she naturally understands the heart of a man very well. At this time, if you really have a hot face and a cold butt, it will be counterproductive, so it is better to relax.

I will definitely take you down.

The beautiful face of the beautiful young woman showed toughness.

Then he glanced at Han Chen complainingly and left Han Chen's room.

There were not many waves in Han Chen's heart. He could see that the woman was at odds with the seven men, but he shouldn't have reached the so-called furnace war.

Otherwise, how could you allow glamorous young women to be so maverick?

So it is estimated that the possibility of compiling by beautiful young women is even greater. So Han Chen didn't think much.

Instead, he took out the God-Slaying Axe to continue to comprehend, this God-Slaying Axe four-image formation, only those given by Mo Xiaotian.

Mo Xiaotian did not give Han Chen the other number of formations behind.

However, Han Chen also knew that this simple four-elephant formation had already caused Han Chen to struggle painfully. If he wanted to truly master the four-elephant formation, he had to quickly comprehend the four-elephant formation.

Just as Han Chen was about to enter Ding and test the four-elephant formation, he suddenly heard choppy waves coming from outside.

At this moment, the terrifying sound of one after another came to the outside, and they all seemed to be frightened by the high waves on the sea level.

Han Chen retracted his mental strength and turned into a stream of light and rushed out. The tall man Nannoin in the middle of the deck also looked at the scene outside with nervous expression.

The soaring waves flew up out of thin air, overturning the surrounding ocean, and even the flying boat was almost overturned.

Those people looked at the terrifying figures around, naturally showing a frightened expression.

"The report, Lord God, because we turned a corner, thinking about the sea volcano moving, and the sea volcano was originally known by both the sea and human races, where the mysterious pill will be produced, so these places like this will There are a lot of them. So from just now, we have encountered a lot of sea beast attacks!"

"Now that there are so many sea beasts, should we retreat first!"

Nanuo Yin said to Han Chen who had just come out.

Han Chen looked at the sea beasts who surrendered. Most of the cultivation bases were below the Daewoo level, so Han Chen didn't care too much.

What really made Han Chen cared about was that he didn't expect that sea volcano would attract so many sea beasts.

And these sea beasts looked very manic, because they didn't seem to be afraid of the killer whale beast Han Chen had just captured.

Although the killer whale beast roared loudly and killed a large number of the sea beasts nearby, the sea beasts still feared death.

Nanuoyin took out the flying sword with colorful feathers, and flew out the flying sword once, all dragging the long colorful light, but the energy ripples on it could bless the flying sword and make the flying sword shine bright. Light.

The Elementary Sea Beast of the Eternal Realm that had come close was severely pierced.

Following Nannoin, the others fought bravely, fighting desperately against the overwhelming sea beasts.

But manpower is limited after all. After they fought for a day and a night, these crew members had already fallen to the ground in pain, a strong smell of blood wafting from the deck, and the bodies of sea beasts piled up on the flying boat.

"God, we can't do it! You go first." Nannoin said towards Han Chen.

In his eyes, Han Chen had already killed nearly a hundred sea beasts at this time, but those sea beasts were endless, and they couldn't kill them.

Han Chen was also panting at this time, all in tatters, but these were all pretends, fearing that they would know his true cultivation base.

But in this way, their own God has become more majestic in their hearts, because even so, Han Chen's cultivation is much more exquisite than theirs. The terrifying methods and various techniques make them see Dazzled.

"Don't worry about me, you just kill them." Han Chen said with blood on his face and bloodshot eyes, but he said very tough.

But secretly, Han Chen was quite relaxed, and he didn't even use one-tenth of the divinity in his dantian, which was enough to slaughter those sea beasts.

For a time, Han Chen's side had already piled up mountains of sea animal corpses and thick plasma, covering the deck in front of him.

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