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Chapter 1192: One sword, Tian Qing

"Yuanyuan, I used to stay in the abyss for a long time. During my stay here, I spent most of my time observing or trying to understand the laws."

Han Chen took Wu Yuan to a lofty mountain, "If the past observations were only auxiliary, then after only 1/3 of the territory around me now, many things I observed before have been confirmed, such as Here, it is directly connected to Tianzhu Mountain."

Han Chen stayed in the abyss for a long time. In addition to collecting intelligence and studying racial disasters, he spent the most time in observing the laws.

The discovery here is only an accidental discovery, but it now seems very important.

"Here, it is directly connected to Tianzhu Mountain?"

Wu Yuan was a little surprised, "Could it be that the abyss was able to activate Tianzhuyuan's great formation?"

"Yes, the original function of Tianzhu Mountain in Tianzhuyuan is actually for defense. Of course, it is not used to defend the abyss, but to prevent too powerful enemies from interfering with the interests of this place. After all, they are not willing to pay all for fighting here Energy, but if you don’t compete here, it means you have lost your source of recruitment."

Han Chen explained, “So after a lot of discussions between the various forces, they finally decided to build Tianzhu Mountain to suppress the Tianzhuyuan’s gas transport, or to make the Tianzhuyuan pool shallow, so that it would be a dragon. You can’t do it in this shallow pool. If you want to go further, you have to leave here, but it’s very difficult to return after leaving here."

The reason why Tianzhuyuan was able to form a pattern of 24 Tianzhu forces was to set a balance. If someone wants to grow here, then growth to the legend is the limit.

After becoming a legend, I want to go further, and there are not so many legends to kill you.

After all, there are less than 200 legends in total, and even if they are all killed by one person, there are only two levels that can be improved.

After the epic with the highest level is killed, you cannot increase the level.

So even if it was Han Chen, his highest level in the Tianzhu original period was only 79, but it was because of the invasion of the abyss that his level increased so quickly.

As for why the level of the Lord of the Stars and others are so high, it is because of countless years of accumulation, experienced battles of civilizations one after another, or simply the chess pieces placed here by all forces.

But such a formation was in turn used by the abyss.

It was only by coincidence that Han Chen observed this incident. The Abyss was related to Tianzhu Mountain.

Wu Yuan fixed her eyes and found that the space here is indeed somewhat different. The space here, especially when building a passage to God's Domain, seemed very easy.

But in this relatively thin space, it seemed that there was an Optimus Pillar, which supported or even covered up this thin space.

But the vision here is very hidden, and you won't be able to find it if you don't look carefully.

Mengmeng's figure appeared on Wu Yuan's shoulder, and said, "It's hard for me to find it here. Seeing this should be the work of other void elves."

Void elves are very important to the earth, and extremely precious, but there are still some "reserves" for the entire God Realm.

Even if you don't raise a void elf, you will be embarrassed to call yourself the pinnacle power.

"The earth now has entered a rare peaceful period, and at the same time has entered a period of rapid development, but if we are blinded by the current peace and lose our enterprising spirit, then after the current peace is broken, it is our earth's disaster. It's time."

The sword of the night demon appeared in Han Chen's hands, and the powerful dark power gathered on his shoulders. The sword of the night demon, as a weapon of the detachment, was related to time.

Of course, he is not taking a path that affects time, but using time.

The essence of [Stacked Stars] is actually to seal the past attacks, and then put them in the present, in the same space and the same time as the current attacks, and then superimpose the ultimate power, as Han Chen’s realm grows The power of stacked stars can be stacked up to 9 times.

In other words, Han Chen's strongest move can be strengthened nine times.

That is not a simple damage enhancement, but an extreme damage.

After all, after surpassing the opponent's endurance limit, every bit of damage is real damage.

So even if it is just entering the realm of mythology, the attack power is already considered top in the existence of mythology, and it is even equivalent to a true god.

In addition, his realm is already very high, so that his damage is easier to hit weak places.

As more and more dark power condensed on the sword of the night demon, the ground under Han Chen's feet began to shatter, and the surrounding space was also affected.

But then, the power of a law began to repair everything around it.

Mengmeng took Wu Yuan and came to a place ten thousand meters away from Han Chen.


Han Chen gently waved the sword of the night demon in his hand, and the powerful sword energy cut through the space, forming a dark crack that seemed to swallow the light, and flew towards the huge mountain not far away.

The black crack sank into the mountain, as if nothing happened.

Just a few seconds later, some spider-web-like cracks began to spread from the place where the sword gas disappeared. In just a minute, they spread to the entire mountain peak, making the entire towering mountain seem to be porcelain. , As long as you touch it with your hand, it will break.


A loud noise without warning came from within the mountain, and then the entire mountain began to collapse.

"Yuanyuan, let's go! The sky here is about to collapse!"

Han Chen took Wu Yuan's hand, took one step forward, and stepped into the void.

Wu Yuan was a little unsure, but she let Han Chen leave this place with a hand.


A loud noise came from behind Wu Yuan. Wu Yuan couldn't help but turn her head and found that it was not only the peak that was broken, but the space above the peak. The sky above was broken into a big hole, from this big hole as the center. The broken place is constantly spreading.

After this sword, the entire sky will fall for this one.

"Is this your current strength?"

Wu Yuan stared at everything behind her blankly. Her biggest wish was to catch up with Han Chen. Perhaps this goal was not very lofty, but her wish was extremely pure.

But under this sword, her confidence couldn't help but shake.

With this sword that drew heaven and earth, can anyone really do the same thing?

"It's not that my sword dumped the heaven and the earth, but my sword cut off the pillar that supported the heaven and the earth."

Han Chen touched Wu Yuan's hair and comforted, "If you can find the flaw, you can also do it."

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