All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1166: I want to go home


The dark upper **** feels that his brain is a little disjointed, what does this master mean? Is it possible to have a family without his strength?

"Since you are so wink and meet the windshield like this, then I think you should have seen that I do not belong to this world." Han Chen said.

The Dark Lord didn't speak, and he didn't have any surprises with this answer.

As the top existence in the entire sea of ​​chaotic stars, he is no stranger to the invasion of external creatures, and even this world has encountered many star beasts.

This powerful figure who suddenly emerged from the outside world seems to be reasonable.

"If you chose to take refuge in me a few years earlier, then I will definitely recruit you as my servant without hesitation. Even if I know you have great ambitions, I won't care, because what I like most is ambitious. As long as I can get things done well and achieve my goals, I don’t care about these."

Han Chen's voice is very soft, and no one can hear it under the effect of the restraint technique, but he knows that the upper gods must be able to hear it.

"But the timing you choose now is very unfortunate. I know that you are still very useful to me. Accepting you will be of great help to me. With your help, Daqin Congress has become this The master of the world should be one step closer to my dream future."

The dark upper **** suddenly felt this inexplicable panic in his heart.

He wanted to say a few words, but instinctive fear made him shut up.

Although it was just instinct, he could feel that if he interrupted at this time, it would definitely arouse the anger of the character in front of him.

Now he has not completely lost his hope of survival, so he can only listen obediently.

Maybe when I hear the last time, there will be a turning point!

His feeling is indeed correct, if he interrupts now, he will have no hope of survival.

"In order to be able to give my hometown a chance and fight for a future for my hometown, I left my hometown, but I have been away for a long, long time. It has been so long that there are many familiar people and things in my mind. It's a little fuzzy in it."

"Of course I can freeze their looks in my soul, but that makes no sense. It's just a way of deceiving myself."

"Coming into this world, what I'm looking for is the first-line possibility. Now I have found this possibility, so I can actually go home now. It's just to make this possibility bigger, so I Just stayed here for some time."

"This is already the limit for me. A brighter future that allows the world to develop in line with my expectations has actually lost its meaning to me. What I am most happy about now is that I have found a The reason for me to go home."

For Han Chen, he actually didn't have to change the pattern of the world.

For him, the most important thing is actually the opportunity and possibility to change the world.

Now he has found the weakness of the gods of the way of faith, or a means that can use faith, and has the possibility of subverting the existing system.

So where the world will go in the future is beyond his control.

Even if he can control it, it doesn't make any sense.

Because no matter what he does in this world, it is impossible to completely copy it to other worlds. Only his current practice can be copied.

Even if he leaves now, it doesn't matter anymore.

Even if the change of this world fails in the end, his goal itself has been achieved.

But what he is happiest now is not to find such a possibility, but to have a reason to go home.

After completing the task here, he can finally go home.

"However, I can still give you a chance."

Speaking of the last, Han Chen still said to the dark upper god.

He hasn't spoken to others in his heart for many years. The first is that no one in this world can be equal to him because of the difference in status. The second is that no one else can understand his feelings.

But now there is a person who has a high enough status but has to listen to him. He can confide in others before leaving.

"Master, please speak." The dark upper **** said respectfully.

"When I leave this world, there can be no higher gods in this world, so it is impossible for you to retain your personality as a higher god."

The memories in Han Chen’s eyes have dissipated, replaced by serious and serious, “If you can demote yourself from the upper **** to the middle **** when I leave this world, then I can consider keeping you alive, and then you can Look for someone named Janette, she is a more promising person in this world.

Become her servant, become her support, this is your vitality in this world, this is your hope to continue living in this world.

There will be chaos in the future of this world. Under that level of chaos, I don’t know where she can go. If you become her servant, you may have a brighter future, or you may usher in it. More bleak destruction, but it doesn't matter.

Because the future of this world is destined to change, if you are unwilling to embrace this change, I will deal with you before leaving.

I just give you the choice, whether to listen or not, then it's up to you. "

"Follow your orders, my master!" the dark upper **** replied piously.

Han Chen didn't know his true thoughts and didn't pay attention to it.

Rather than giving him a choice, it is better to tell him that you will either die or accept the path I arranged for you.

However, being able to give him a hope of survival is also a reward for listening to his own pain.

As for whether this dark upper **** wanted to listen to him, he no longer paid attention.

The time he gave the other party was very limited, and whether he could seize the opportunity was up to him.

With that, Han Chen left the Dark Spirit Empire and went to the next empire.

After arriving in the next imperial capital, Han Chen swung his sword and directly lifted the restraint of the angel soul level hidden on earth in the imperial capital cathedral.

The angel, who had lifted the **** of the soul, immediately attacked the surrounding bishops and believers after a short period of adaptation, and the entire Imperial Capital Church caused chaos.

They didn't expect that those angels would attack themselves suddenly, and then suffered heavy losses when they were caught off guard.

And Han Chen didn't hesitate to attack the gods through the connection between the believers and the gods.

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