All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1149: Lie to you

"Asshole, who is doing this kind of thing? Is it the head of the Great Qin Kingdom?"

The **** supported by the Holy Empire uttered an angry roar in the kingdom of God. Now his bright kingdom is full of black spots. These black spots continue to spread, forming a curse, and constantly polluting His kingdom of God.

He came to God's punishment time and time again, but those people were completely indifferent.

He is not like the glorious Holy See on the Zulong star, but he does not have the accumulation of the power of faith for 1,000 years. After all, in the uninterrupted war, his power of faith is constantly being consumed.

Although there will definitely be accumulation, it will definitely not be too much.

Among other things, why did the eight upper gods survive such a long time?

If your power is too strong and it may threaten the status of the upper gods, how can the upper gods tolerate you?

Therefore, under the curse of millions of people, his kingdom of God soon appeared extensive pollution.

"No matter who you are, I will never let you go."

The gods of the Holy Empire made an angry roar.

Fortunately, this kind of curse did not last too long. If everyone is allowed to pray continuously, then no matter how loyal believers they are, they will be suspicious. After all, this was before the war, not in normal times. when.

After the prayer, everyone looked at Han Chen with doubts.

Doesn’t it mean that after they pray, they will be blessed by the gods?

Why did they not feel a substantial change?

At this moment, a believer suddenly shouted.

"I feel it, I feel the sacred power in my body. Is this the blessing of the gods? Thank the gods for their gifts."

"Me too, I also feel the blessing of the gods."

"That is the blessing of the gods, this is the grace of the gods, and I feel that my body is full of infinite power."

"Hahaha, I am the most loyal fighter and the most powerful fighter under the merciful lord."

Although their voices could not be heard by everyone like Han Chen, they still caused a small commotion and attracted a lot of envy and hatred eyes.

The people around could not tell whether what they said was true or not.

"Why didn't I get the blessing of the gods? I am also the Lord's most loyal fighter!"

"When you say this, are you questioning the judgment of the gods?"

"Ah! I'm guilty, I actually have doubts about the decision of the gods."

Those who complained about why they were not blessed immediately knelt on the ground, began begging for forgiveness from the gods, and continued to declare their guilt.

Some people even choose to commit suicide because they are too guilty. These people have not received the mercy of others.

If you are truly pious to the Lord, then you should be blessed by the Lord.

Therefore, these people who have not received the blessing of the gods must be people with weak faith.

These people dare to question the great God of Light, even death cannot atone for their sins.

What's more, if your faith is firm, it shouldn't be questioned.

Seeing these people who claimed to have been blessed by the Lord, Han Chen's mouth twitched.

People who have faith are terrible.

He has not explained this yet! Unexpectedly, these people have started to make up their own brains.

For those who claim to be blessed by the gods?

Some of these people saw other people claim this, so they also said this to themselves, and they kept hypnotizing themselves in their hearts: I am also a blessed person.

There are still some people, it is psychological.

Under the powerful hint of psychological effects, some people can even freeze themselves to death, not to mention those who think that they have become infinitely powerful and possess infinite power after receiving the blessing of the gods.

Seeing this mess of believers, Han Chen's mouth was drawn with a smile.

Blame it on your ignorance!

So he shouted to the believers:

"What I just said is a lie to you. Even if you pray to the gods, you cannot get the blessings of the gods. You **** who are born with sins, you ants, you filthy inferior people, what? May be eligible for the blessing of the gods? Hahaha..."

Janet: "..."

At this moment, Han Chen's tall image in her heart collapsed.

Seeing the prestigious appearance of the archbishop in their eyes, many of the believers below felt that their faith had collapsed.

Why is it like this?

"No, it's impossible, I obviously felt the blessing of the gods."

"I am the most loyal servant of the God of Light. The blessing I received from the God just now is obviously true. How could it be fake? You are lying to me!"

"It turned out to be fake. No wonder I didn't get the blessing of the gods."

"These crooks dare to deceive the gods!"

Some of the believers underneath are in madness, some have begun to be insane, and some are fortunate that there is no sign of wavering in themselves and their beliefs, they are just being deceived.

Especially those people who pretended to be blessed by the gods, when facing the questioning eyes of those around them, many people showed a panic expression.

So angry people rushed forward and beat all those who pretended to be blessed to death.

Never reason with those who have strong beliefs, these people are more difficult to deal with than women.

And regardless of whether they have firm beliefs or not, most people will have the feeling that there are more people justified. As long as we have enough numbers, then we should do whatever we do.

Of course, this mentality and respect for the strong have the same effect.

"His fake, this archbishop must be fake."

"Just now the archbishop dared to pretend to be the will of the gods. He must be a fake."

"Give me all, kill him."

After the angry people killed those who claimed to have gained the power of faith, they began to point the object of anger at the archbishop.

Han Chen said with a panic on his face: "You untouchables, dare to question me, the messenger of the gods. I am the spokesperson of the gods in the world. My words and deeds represent the great God of light, even if you deceive you. It is an honor for you ants, guards, to take all these untouchables to me."

However, the guards also looked at him with angry eyes.

Because they are also deceived.

When countless believers rushed towards him aggressively, Han Chen's figure became faint, and then the true archbishop whose figure was hidden was pushed to the foreground by him.


Before the archbishop could say anything, he was overwhelmed by the angry crowd.

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