All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1103: Caroline's choice

Chapter 1,103, Caroline's Choice

Han Chen believes in human destructive power and creativity.

No matter how terrifying the special life is, after getting to know the other party, the terrible level is actually not that deep.

"You said that the threat of the God of Light is temporarily gone, what do you mean?"

Vivienne was a little surprised.

Hasn't the God of Light already fallen? Why is there no more?

Will the **** of light be resurrected and come back?

"There is one thing you are right about, and that is that our planet needs time."

Han Chen said, "So the existence of the God of Light can effectively buy time for our planet and help us delay the pace of underground creatures."

"Then you killed him?" Vivian didn't understand Han Chen's thoughts.

"The reason I killed the God of Light is because the threat of the God of Light is too great."

Han Chen explained, "I was not qualified to be targeted by the God of Light alone in the past, but now that I have become his enemy, no matter what method he uses to deal with me, it seems that it is possible, so I cannot Take such risks.

Faced with such an ancient and powerful existence, I absolutely cannot give the other party a chance to breathe, but it does not mean that the identity of the God of Light cannot be used. "

With that, he brought Vivian to a place.

A space channel opened here, and an angel with 12 wings appeared from the channel.

"She just has angel blood, not our angel family."

Although the other party looked like an angel, Vivian could tell the difference between the other party and the real angel family at a glance.

The opponent is just a person who has gained the power of an angel.

"Carolyn, long time no see."

Han Chen said hello with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, when we met again, it would be in this way."

Caroline looked at Han Chen with complicated eyes, "When your teammates found me, I still couldn't believe that you would take such a risk, but in a blink of an eye you have succeeded."

When Han Chen killed the God of Light, his teammates were not idle.

Xia Mengsi was in charge of those believers, and part of the rest went to find Caroline.

Anyway, now Caroline has seized the time to make a public appearance, so it is very simple to find Caroline.

Caroline couldn't believe it after being told by the members of the earthly team what Han Chen had to do.

He is going to kill the gods?

Is he crazy?

So bold enough to want to kill a god?

Even more frightening is that he has already begun to take action.

Now in a blink of an eye, he has actually succeeded.

This made her feel that there is something unreal in this world.

"As a blasphemer, I think you should yearn for the death of the gods more than I do." Han Chen said.

"I really long for the fall of the God of Light."

Caroline did not shy away from this, "but I don't want to be in this form, because the glorious Vatican still needs a god."

She really hoped that the **** of light would die, because she herself was a blasphemer.

Being a blasphemer is a very dangerous thing.

Because it means becoming an enemy with a true god.

However, she still has feelings for the glorious Holy See. The current glorious Holy See needs the protection of a god, and the God of Light is a good choice.

This is like the feudal society in ancient China. The emperor has an irreplaceable position. Of course, the name of the highest ruler can not be called the emperor, it can be called the emperor, it can be called the death, or even the regent, but there must be one The highest will exists.

Otherwise, the whole country will fall into chaos.

"The Glory Vatican needs the gods, but this does not mean that the **** of light is necessary."

Han Chen said frankly his thoughts, “As someone who has stolen a part of the power of the God of Light, I think you should be able to become a new **** and replace the God of Light in the glorious Holy See.”


Caroline shook her head, "I'm still far behind."

She is still very self-aware, knowing that there is still a big gap between herself and the true gods.

"It doesn't matter, they don't know."

Han Chen looked indifferent, "Anyway, no one in the entire Glory Vatican can beat you, and no one can break you down. As long as you raise your arms and shout and show a small part of the power of the gods, then the entire Glory Vatican’s People will treat you as a real god, and if someone really wants to demolish your stage without knowing how to promote, then you can shoot them to death with your backhand.

Of course, if you think it’s a bit early to succeed now, you can also package yourself as a spokesperson for the gods walking in the world, calling on everyone to continue to believe in the **** of light, while stealing the authority of the gods secretly, step by step toward the real light. The **** walked.

Anyway, there will not be a real **** who will stand up to refute you, so you can play as you like. "

Play as you want...

Caroline felt a little speechless.

Who would treat the position of a **** as a trifle?

However, Han Chen's statement really moved her.

She has now got rid of the physical body in the world, and her body is completely spiritualized. Now her own soul is like water without a source, and new living water must be introduced to activate it.

Now that the God of Light has fallen, this is her chance.

What's more, the glorious Holy See really needs a new god.

Regardless of whether the **** is real or fake, they all need a **** to stand up and lead them forward to help them face the dangers and overcome difficulties together.

They were used to living under the guidance of the gods in the past, but now they suddenly lost the gods, and they didn't know what to do.

Without the guidance of the gods, the glorious Holy See would be ruined.

No matter what the Glorious Holy See, that is also Caroline's hometown!

So now when Caroline faces Han Chen, her feelings are very complicated, because she finds that even if she hates, it's hard to hate it.

"I will choose to be the spokesperson of the gods on the ground, and finally, after solving the disaster on the ground, I will choose to return to the kingdom of light."

Caroline finally made up her mind, "When I return to the Kingdom of Light, that is, when I become the God of Light, but..."

She took a serious look at Han Chen: "I can't guarantee that by then, I won't be your enemy."

If she can really become a god, she will naturally become an enemy of God's Domain and an enemy of Han Chen.

"What does it matter?"

Han Chen looked indifferent, "I can't guarantee, who can tell the future?"

As he said, he took out a few holy artifacts full of light.

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