All Heavens: Invincible from the Great Xuanhuang World

Chapter 956: Eternal disaster, chaotic killing, and a Thunder Emperor!

In this land of king-level spiritual veins, Fang Yu directly obtained two supreme skills.

The first kind of unique skill is the supreme mystery created by a saint, called the practitioner without boundaries, and it is an explanation of the way of "the practitioner".

Once you have mastered this unique skill, you can enter and leave any field, any country, and any place without any harm.

This unique move contains an extremely powerful spiritual will. Even if ordinary immortals obtain it, it would be difficult for them to understand it. However, Fang Yu can understand it because the divine fist he created is called the Immortal Fist. In order to achieve the great goal of eternal life, He is also constantly moving forward to achieve his goal, which is very comparable to the never-ending spirit of the pilgrim saint chasing the sun.

Walker without borders means a great heart, great freedom, great wishes, and great ideals. If it is obtained by a small character like Yi Tianxing, it cannot display its full power, but after being obtained by Fang Yu, he can display this unique skill. of supreme mystery.

And from a small character like Yi Tianxing, Fang Yu not only got the peerless martial arts of Walker Wujiang, but also the peerless martial arts of Yi Dao Shenquan.

Yi Dao Shen Fist, this is a secret skill left by no less than Tianjun. If you practice it to the extreme, it will affect your own destiny, the destiny of all living beings, all the mysteries between heaven, earth and the universe, cause and effect, Qi, fate, and blessings. Luck, etc. will all have great insights.

In Fang Yu's King of Ten Thousand Realms map, there is a world called the Yangshen Realm, in which a being named Hong Yi seems to have been born, who will soon attain the enlightenment of Yi Zi in the coming years.

Although Fang Yu has not sent a clone there yet, many things happening in this world are also under his sight.

For Yi Dao, that world will also give Fang Yu some inspiration.

Now that Fang Yu has obtained these two supreme mysteries in his body, he can travel faster between heaven and earth and deduce all living beings faster.

"I just deduced that there are nine king-level spiritual veins in the tomb of the Oniwu Saint Lord, which are nine formation eyes, and there are many magic weapons among them. Now that we have obtained the king-level spiritual veins here, we can also obtain other Local treasures, of course, there may already be people in other places with king-level spiritual veins, and it seems that there must be a fight."

Fang Yu said, stretched out his hand and grabbed, killing all the masters of the Great Yi Sect, and then transformed into an ancestor of the ancestor god who created the world, and fiercely grabbed the king-level spiritual veins in the distance.

King-level spiritual veins are difficult for ordinary ancestors to capture, but now Fang Yu takes action, and infinite terrifying power appears in his body. That terrifying power gives Xu Muyun and Bi Yuer a kind of It felt like there was nothing Fang Yu couldn't do under this terrifying power.

Incomparably powerful power fills the world, trying to grasp the complete king-level spiritual vein in his hands.

"Senior Brother Fang Yu is so powerful. This terrifying power, just leaking a little bit, is enough to shock us to death!"

Xu Muyun felt Fang Yu's powerful power, with a shocked look on his face.

"Yes, Senior Brother Fang Yu is a genius among peerless geniuses. He is invincible in the Golden Immortal Realm. After being promoted to the Ancestral Immortal Realm, his strength is improving by leaps and bounds all the time, reaching a level that we can hardly imagine. . Poor Yi Tianxing, one of the three young masters of Tianji, who is known as the supreme divine calculator, but he can't calculate anything in front of Senior Brother Fang Yu. He actually lost his mind and attacked Senior Brother Fang Yu. He can only die. He will die. It’s useless even if you get a trick like Walker Wujiang.”

Bi Yu'er shook her head and looked at the power that Fang Yu was exerting now. She recalled that the many golden immortals taught by the Great Yi were not of the same level at all. The insignificant power exerted by Senior Brother Fang Yu was enough to defeat the Great Yi. Those who taught him were killed thousands of times.

The people from the Dayi Sect actually came to my door.

"Treasure hunting is always like this. When you see the treasure, you will rush forward regardless of anything, not even caring about the other person's background. What can you do? I can only kill him."

Fang Yu also spoke at this time, and with the flow of his power, he continued to shrink the entire king-level spiritual vein, shrink it, and then shrink it, and finally absorbed the king-level spiritual vein into his body.

All of a sudden, a king-level spiritual vein was collected, and the many ancestral gods and kingdoms in Fang Yu's body all exuded extremely powerful Yuanshi Qi. Now Fang Yu seemed to be able to exhale the Yuanshi Qi with just a breath.

However, this much Yuan Qi quickly combined with Fang Yu's spiritual will, giving rise to new ancestral gods, new ancestral immortal laws, and a new divine kingdom of the universe.

Suddenly, the king-level spiritual veins did not show any aura in Fang Yu's body.

"A king-level spiritual vein was really taken away by Senior Brother Fang Yu!"

Xu Muyun and Bi Yu'er looked at this scene and cheered, this is unimaginable wealth.

Now if Senior Brother Fang Yu decides to leave the Yuhua Sect, he can open up a great sect of kings. A king-level spiritual vein, a king-level spiritual vein, is enough to open up a great sect of kings!

A king-level spiritual vein is enough to cultivate countless golden immortals, and existences in the ancestral immortal realm can also cultivate many, and even existences in the yuan immortal realm are not impossible.

If Senior Brother Fang Yu's cultivation reaches the level of the rumored Yuan Immortal or Saint Immortal, and he establishes a king sect in some places, then there will be no problem!

"Let's go, let's go to the next place. There are still several king-level spiritual veins here. I think with my strength, I can get a few more."

Fang Yu collected Xu Muyun and Bi Yu'er. He seemed to be a saint walking in the endless void. He was boundless and free. In an instant, he ignored countless formations and reached the other side of the bone tomb. One place.

While passing through many times and spaces of this bone mound, many thoughts were conveyed from the bone mound.

Fang Yu saw a large number of people attacking the formation in front of a portal. Those attacking the portal were clearly members of the Makino family and the blood of War King Tianjun.

These more than ten masters of the Makino family joined forces and performed the seven moves of Judgment, directly blowing open the door.

When the gap in the door opened, many people saw that inside, there were dozens of dragon-like flying dragons of different colors, all of which were first-order Yuanshi spiritual veins.

In addition, there are some ancient treasures flying around, forming a natural formation, and a lot of treasure light leaked from the gaps in the door. Some golden immortals were not paying attention, and their bodies were pierced by the treasure light, and they transformed into For pus and blood.

"This is a big treasure secret room!"

"So many spiritual veins, a total of thirty-six first-order Yuanshi spiritual veins! There are also many immortal weapons, all of which are top-grade immortal weapons!"

"What should we do? The Makino family is guarding the door, and we can't rush in. If so many treasures fall into the Makino family, their power will expand too much!"

"But the Makino family cannot offend even the Heavenly Court!"

"Indeed, although the War King Tianjun has not appeared for tens of millions of years, he still exists. Who dares to offend this Tianjun. And there are many big shots in the Makino family..."

"Look, the prince of Ziwei Palace in Tianting seems to be hesitating whether to take action to seize the treasure. With his status, he does not dare to offend the Makino family easily."

"But the treasure is so touching. Prince Ziwei, Prince Shenxiao, Prince Miaoluo, etc. are all here, and they all want a piece of the pie."

"It's a pity that Murong Shi, the crown prince of the Jade Palace, and Jin Mieyu, the crown prince of the Golden Pavilion, didn't get any treasures, but died together."

When Fang Yu flew to the next king-level spiritual vein location, he saw many masters of the Makino family facing off against the princes of many institutions in heaven. Dozens of first-level spiritual veins and many high-grade immortal weapons were enough to be relevant. The good monk fell out.

Even if the Makino family had a Tianjun, it would be a bit difficult to swallow these treasures now.

Soon, conflict broke out.

A peerless golden immortal in the Makino family took action and directly beat several golden immortals from the king's sect to dust.

The Golden Immortal of the Makino family, the Golden Immortal Laws on his head were like wild dragons, and they condensed into a huge dragon cauldron on the top of his head. On the dragon cauldron, the tall figure of the War King Tianjun appeared, holding a dragon in his hand. The scepter is the staff of judgment, holding the power of judgment.

This is the peerless golden immortal of the Makino family, the Wanding Army God, the Makino Army. He has already mastered the seven forms of judgment, and has cultivated the holy law to reach the realm of heaven and earth. Many years ago, he once penetrated into a demon sect, the Ayu Demon Sect. In the middle, he killed dozens of golden immortals of the same realm with his bare hands and escaped.

Now this time he personally took action and killed several golden immortal masters from the king sect, hoping to shock the heroes.

But the wealth here was so impressive that the princes of many institutions in heaven couldn't help but roared and took action together.

For example, the prince of Ziwei Palace directly activated the supreme secret skill, and a violent force condensed into a purple crown on top of his head, which was the supreme secret skill of Ziwei Palace.

Even the prince of Ziwei Palace sacrificed an immortal sword, which contained the aura of the ancient holy way. It was actually a top-grade immortal sword. After being sacrificed by the prince of Ziwei Palace, the immortal sword directly forced the Makino army back, and then Entered the stone chamber.


"Get a piece of the pie!"

Many masters have taken action against the monks of the Makino family. These monks are either the princes of many institutions in heaven or the elites of the king's sect. If they encounter the Makino family one-on-one, they will naturally retreat. However, Everyone took action together, which actually increased their courage, and everyone competed for the treasure.

"It's really chaotic. Everyone is taking action for spiritual veins, resources, and high-grade immortal weapons."

Fang Yu's eyes saw everything clearly. At this moment, Fang Yu could clearly see the countless skills and mysteries in the bodies of the heavenly princes who took action, like the "Ziwei" practiced by Prince Ziwei. Fang Yu could see clearly the "Fighter Wuji Killing Emperor Fist" and the "Shenxiao Doumu Yuanling Breaking Killing Thunder" practiced by Prince Shenxiao.

The princes of these heavenly institutions all have great backgrounds. Whether it is Ziwei Palace or Shenxiao Palace, they are both famous institutions in heaven. Their young masters and princes are naturally not weak in martial arts. The prince of Yufu and the prince of Golden Pavilion.

Nowadays, with Fang Yu's level, there is no need to kill these princes in order to compete for dozens of first-order Yuanshi spiritual veins, but it is not difficult to obtain their inherited martial arts.

Fang Yu gained more and more martial arts knowledge here.

The Nine Heavens Golden Emperor's Immortal Breaking Technique.

The Holy Way of the Jade Emperor is wonderfully composed of the Great Master Sword Technique.

Ziwei Fighter Wuji Killing Emperor Fist.

Shenxiao Doumu Yuanling broke through the big thunder.

Etc., etc.

Many martial arts are mysteries recorded in the Heavenly Court's "Martial Arts of the Emperors", and were peeked by Fang Yu.

Fang Yu's body reached the second place where the king's spiritual veins were located.

Just when Fang Yu arrived at the place where the king-level spiritual veins were located, there was a buzzing sound.

Several rays of light also appeared at the place where the king-level spiritual veins were located.

One of them was a young man, dressed in yellow clothes. His body stood upright like a spear. Naturally, a sharp sword energy rose into the sky and pierced the sky.

There was no Golden Immortal Law in the body of that young man, but it exuded an aura that was like an ancestor, like the ancestor of all things, like the supreme ancestral god.

An ancestor!

The body of this ancestral immortal also contains an artistic conception of mastering the impermanence of life and death, and seems to be a soul reaper walking in the world.

"Impermanence! The most wanted criminal in Heaven! A peerless strongman who defected from the law enforcement team of the Divine Prison, and is one of the strongest geniuses in Heaven trained by the Thunder Emperor!"

The moment they saw this young ancestor, Xu Muyun and Bi Yuer were shocked at the same time.

They immediately recognized that the person who arrived with them at this king-level spiritual place this time was a peerless powerful man named Wu Chang.

Life and death are impermanent and impermanent, the most wanted criminal in heaven! He was once a member of the law enforcement team of the Divine Prison and Heavenly Court.

In the Heavenly Court of the Heaven Realm, there are several Heavenly Kings. The main ruling giant is the Disaster Heavenly Lord, who controls the disasters in the Heavenly Court. He also has countless emperors under his command, who are the top leaders of the Heavenly Court.

Other heavenly kings in heaven, such as the eternal king, like to cultivate peerless geniuses and do not take power too seriously.

Like the Lord of Chaos, he lives in his own paradise of chaos and enjoys bliss and freedom.

For example, the Killing Heavenly Lord lives in his own killing place and cultivates countless sons of killing.

In addition, there is a Thunder Emperor Heavenly Lord. Although he is young and is a Heavenly Lord born in this era, this Heavenly Lord is absolutely invincible to the beings under the Heavenly Lord.

This Thunder Emperor established the Divine Prison in Heaven and absorbed many geniuses into it.

Countless geniuses have entered the heavenly prison, and often have to go through the most brutal fighting before they can survive. Only the most powerful geniuses can survive to the end, and even receive personal guidance from the Thunder Emperor.

Therefore, the Divine Prison established by the Thunder Emperor is a very terrifying force in the entire heaven, and the many law enforcement disciples of the Divine Prison are also the biggest opponents of the peerless geniuses of many kings and factions.

Divine Prison, Divine Prison, coupled with the word law enforcement disciple, it is obvious that the meaning of Thunder Emperor Tianjun establishing Divine Prison is to enforce the law for many sects in heaven and control everyone's life and death.

The cultivation level of each of them is naturally very high.

The peerless geniuses who are able to enter the divine prison, and those who survive and still appear in the outside world are the perverts among the perverts, because these perverts train every day and exert several times their combat power, causing the Golden Immortal Law in their entire bodies to break. After the oil is exhausted, he jumps into the thunder pool of the Thunder Emperor to be baptized. He endures countless pains and maintains his spiritual intelligence before being reborn from the ashes.

Some peerless geniuses encountered extremely cruel training. When they jumped into the thunder pool for baptism, they could not bear the pain, so they were directly melted by the thunder pool, and all the essence became the nutrients of the thunder pool.

Therefore, all the disciples of the Divine Prison who can survive are all masters among peerless masters, and are much more powerful than the princes of many institutions in heaven.

But now, what appeared in front of Xu Muyun and Bi Yu'er was not only Wu Chang, the most wanted master on the list who had escaped from the Divine Prison, but also eight disciples of the Heavenly Divine Prison appeared in front of them.

The nine masters appeared in an instant.

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