All Heavens: Invincible from the Great Xuanhuang World

Chapter 806 The Lord of the Divine Court, Fang Yuxianzun!

In the Boundless Heaven, everyone stared dumbly at the captured Jin Family Immortal Mansion, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Have you seen it? It seems to be Yu Yutian's Jin family! They were captured directly by that existence?"

"We are in Wuliangtian now, and the Jin family's immortal mansion is in Yuyutian. Are they capturing the Jin family through a boundary wall?"

"God, what kind of magical power is this? The distance between the first level of heaven and the first level of heaven is extremely far. Even if I have the strength to reach Yu Yutian from Infinite Sky, it will take several months. And now that person exists We caught him here and captured Yu Yutian’s Jin family!”

"The Jin family is Yu Yutian's invincible immortal family. It has existed for more than one era. It is the most invincible ancient family above my nine days. There are countless masters in the sect, but now have you seen that person? Just grab it with a big hand, and the masters of the Jin family have no power to resist!"

"The Lord Tianjun of the Jin family is finished, and so is the entire Jin family. So, my Wang family in the Infinite Heaven is actually finished too? The two major immortal families are completely finished in one day? The situation in my Nine Heavens and Ten Earths has changed drastically! "

Many people were talking about it, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. They couldn't believe it was true, but it had really happened. The Wang family from Wuliangtian, and the Jin family from Yu Yutian , it’s over now, completely over.

The loss of two major immortal families in nine days and ten places in one day is a matter of extremely long-term impact.

"The Jin family and the Wang family are two great immortal families. What on earth did they do to make that being do such a thing?"

"If that existence takes action against us, wouldn't we also die without a burial place?"

"I feel a sense of fear and ominousness!"

Of course, there are also many forces who are afraid and very afraid.

But at this moment, Fang Yu's voice sounded in the void.

"Although the Jin family and the Wang family are immortal families above the Nine Heavens, they have long colluded with foreign lands in an attempt to destroy our Nine Heavens and Ten Lands. Today, I personally take action to kill these two cancers. All my people above the Nine Heavens All powerful people can come to our Tianshen Academy to observe the ceremony."

This voice was so majestic that the words came out from the Infinite Sky and were directly transmitted to Yu Yutian, Weiwei Tian, ​​Dachi Tian and other heavens and earth, and fell in the ears of everyone in the nine heavens and ten lands. At this moment, no matter the three thousand paths in the lower world, The monks in the state, as well as the masters from other heavens and lands, all heard Fang Yu's words.

When everyone hears this voice, a kind of awe rises in their hearts first, because this voice conveys a kind of righteousness, a kind of awe-inspiring, a kind of nobility, a kind of creation, and countless mysteries are contained in this voice. , which makes people feel enlightened when they hear it.

Then, anger arose in the hearts of many monks. They were angry that the Wang family and the Jin family of the Changsheng family were so hateful. As the descendants of the true immortals of the Changsheng family, they colluded with foreign lands to subvert the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

I don’t know how many seniors are fighting bloody battles on the frontier for the safety of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, while some immortal families in the rear are making trouble and colluding all the time. This is simply unforgivable!

"Damn it, damn it. I've heard about the Wang family and the Jin family. They are the rumored supreme family, the True Immortal family, enjoying boundless glory. But they actually betrayed me for nine days and ten places. This is really abominable!"

"The damn Immortal Family, they have decayed in these long years, their hearts have become cold, but my heart is still warm, I can still fight!"

"Thank you to that being for catching the traitor hidden in my Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Otherwise, once the war with the foreign land starts, before my Nine Heavens and Ten Earths take action, troubles will happen everywhere in the border areas!"

"These cancerous tumors that have betrayed me for nine heavens and ten earths, their crimes are so countless!"

The crowd was so excited that it was impossible to write about it. When countless monks heard about the Wang family and the Jin family, they were extremely angry. Fang Yu could feel this anger. In his eyes, the countless anger was transmitted from many times and spaces. , turned into the anger of all living beings, and he could stimulate this anger, so that this move combined with the many magical powers he practiced, turned into a unique skill that can make people fall into death.

The anger of all beings.

This move seems to be called the wrath of all living beings.

All living beings also have anger, but many times the anger of all living beings is not of much use, but when the anger of all living beings is integrated by Fang Yu's many magical powers and turned into a great immortal technique, it is a very terrifying martial arts will. , the wrath of all living beings is too numerous to describe. Anyone who encounters this trick will fall, and their soul will fall into boundless darkness, unable to extricate themselves.

"All living beings also have anger, it is the anger of all living beings."

Fang Yu groaned softly, and as he spoke, many void passages opened, directly extending from the Infinite Heaven to each heaven and earth. Any force in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths could come through this passage as long as they wanted to watch the trial.

The Wang family and the Jin family are indeed traitors to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. There is a lot of evidence for this matter. Fang Yu has obtained their memories, so this matter is naturally true.

When these evidences were seen by many monks in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, everyone was angry and cursed, and the Wang family and the Jin family became a cancer in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

This is not to eliminate dissidents, but really for the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

When the Wang family and the Jin family were really thrown into the pillar of shame in history, many big forces gathered together to discuss a major matter, which was to strengthen the connection between the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, merge the many forces, and establish a common great power. power.

This common force decided to name it Shenting after discussions among many forces.

Today's era is the era of Shinto, so we must establish a heavenly court in the Shinto era, which can be called the divine court.

The master of this divine court is naturally the great Taoist ancestor, Fang Yuxianzun, and other forces can also enter this divine court and work together for the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Of course, the newly established Divine Court will also establish an army of Divine Soldiers, known as divine soldiers and generals. Each force will first send out its own disciples to maintain the number of divine soldiers and generals in the Divine Court in the tens of millions.

Warships, warships, countless space formations, many magic weapons and generals.

The entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths must unite and become a unified force. They can no longer act independently as in the past.

"From now on, there will no longer be an Immortal Academy. We old antiques from the Immortal Academy are also willing to join the Divine Court, become a member of the Divine Court, and contribute to the Divine Court. As for the geniuses under our command, their paths are a bit wrong. They are no match for the Immortal Lord, but after joining the Divine Court, they may be able to go the right way.”

An elder of the Immortal Academy sighed with emotion. This elder's cultivation level is also in the supreme realm, and his seniority is astonishing. However, he has now announced the dissolution of the Immortal Academy and brought the entire Immortal Academy under the Divine Court.

"Yes, our celestial academy has also produced a lot of geniuses. Look at Zi Ri, Lan Xian, Lu Hong, and Da Xutuo in this era. They are all outstanding. Although they have taken the wrong path, there are still The chance of salvation, those geniuses we have trained in the past years, they will also serve the Divine Court. And the most outstanding disciple we trained back then, Chu Shanhe, his disease may also be cured by the Immortal Lord, of course we You will definitely pay the price you deserve.”

Another elder from the Immortal Academy spoke. Next to him, there was an old man with sallow skin, gray hair, and a skinny figure.

This old man has no fireworks, he is very ordinary, his complexion is yellow, he seems to be an old man in the secular world, and he is a little sick.

In today's era, not many people know him, but half a million years ago, his reputation spread all over the nine heavens and ten lands. He was said to be able to conquer mountains and rivers, and he had the qualifications to dominate the world. He and another person were known as the unparalleled twins.

This was a peerless genius cultivated by the Immortal Academy half a million years ago. He was brilliant in the era half a million years ago. However, something happened later, and a shocking change occurred. It involved a lot of things, not only involving Chu Mountain and River, but also Some young kings.

That year, Chu Shanhe and others took people into a forbidden area of ​​life in Jiutian. In order to explore the weapons left by a certain Immortal King, these people were like newborn calves who were not afraid of tigers. They dared to go to the forbidden area of ​​the Immortal King before they became immortals. As a result, Only one of the eight kings returned, Chu Shanhe. As for the other young supremes, they naturally died.

Moreover, Chu Shanhe has become ill since then and lacks the overbearing spirit of the past.

Some people said that the blow was so great that he lost his enterprising spirit, while others said that all his friends were wiped out, which made him crazy and unable to accept it.

You must know that the seven people who went to the restricted area with Chu Tianhe were all the most amazing young supremes of that era, and one of them was even tied with Chu Shanhe, and he was also his Taoist companion.

There is a reason for all this, and the most precise reason is that he was struck by the black and white light of life and death when he was in the Nine Heavens Forbidden Zone. He was not wiped out, but survived and kept the black and white light of life and death in his body.

The black and white light of life and death is simply not something that a disciple like Chu Shanhe can obtain, but he actually got it, and of course he paid a huge price for it. He couldn't move lightly, and he would suffer terrible pain if he used his divine power.

He has suffered for half a million years, and this time he has arrived.

All the elders and disciples of the Immortal Academy must join the newly established Divine Court. Chu Shanhe has naturally become a soldier of the Divine Court, and can even be said to be a general of the Divine Court, because he was the young supreme one half a million years ago, and now he has Very strong combat power.

This time, the elders of the Immortal Academy asked Fang Yu, hoping that this great being could take action to save Chu Shanhe.

"The black and white light of life and death, this kind of light is indeed not something that a junior like you can bear, but since you survived, I can save you."

Fang Yu looked at the old man named Chu Shanhe and saw the black and white light in his body. This black and white light of life and death contained a strong aura of life and death, and was indeed a valuable treasure.

The black and white light of life and death comes from the restricted area. If he is still a virtual immortal and gets this black and white light of life and death, he can even try to understand the law of life and death.

Of course, now that he is in the realm of an immortal, this black and white light of life and death has no meaning to him.

He clicked a finger to create a seal, slightly sealing the black and white light of life and death, and then sent the new method to Chu Tianhe. Chu Tianhe's expression suddenly trembled and he was greatly shocked.

"Thank you, Immortal Lord! Thank you, senior! If it hadn't been for senior's intervention, I really don't know what kind of torture this junior would have suffered. Now with senior's new method, the great path can be achieved!"

The young Supreme from 500,000 years ago felt a sense of comfort, and a look of joy and shock appeared on his face. This black and white light of life and death had caused him pain for 500,000 years. If it weren't for the promise he made back then, he might even have died. He was going to commit suicide, but it was this damn black and white light of life and death that caused the tragic death of his Taoist companion and the tragic death of his friend. He would never spare this black and white light of life and death, so he has been there for half a million years. Confronting the black and white light of life and death.

But today, the black and white light of life and death was actually sealed by the Immortal Lord. As long as he practiced the new method, he could slowly refine the black and white light of life and death, and finally turn it into his own strength.

The strength of that being was really terrifying. He was worthy of being the Lord of the Divine Court, and worthy of being the Supreme Immortal Lord who casually destroyed two immortal families!

"Thank you Immortal Lord. If it hadn't been for Immortal Lord's intervention, the child Tianhe would have suffered for countless years."

When the elders of the Immortal Academy saw this scene, they looked happy and offered a lot of immortal gold and Taoist books while speaking.

This great Lord of the Divine Court saved a middle-aged Supreme, so they must make contributions to this existence.

"The black and white light of life and death that tortured Chu Tianhe has been sealed. That existence is really powerful!"

"We must also make a huge contribution to the Divine Court and show our loyalty. Only in this way can it be possible for that existence to pass on the new law."

"Yes, many of our disciples have not yet given birth to their sons, but after those guys from the Xu family dedicated their iron-blooded battle flag, they gained the trust of the Immortal Lord and were rewarded with new methods. Their respective strengths improved very quickly. !”

"Although I don't have the complete fairy weapon, I still have the half-broken fragments of the fairy weapon, and I must donate them!"

When many forces saw this situation, they became excited and dedicated many treasures to the newly established Divine Court. Many fragments of fairy artifacts, rare materials, Taoist techniques, etc. were all dedicated to the new Divine Court.

The entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have fallen into a frenzy of devotion, which is completely different from the previous situation where they were working independently and constraining each other.

Many treasures were consecrated, many Taoist and magical powers were passed down, and new ways of teaching were also taught to reliable people. Suddenly, many young monks in the nine heavens and ten places still had half a foot to step into the supreme realm. The monk's strength is increasing rapidly.

Not to mention the younger generation of this era, just the geniuses who have been cultivated for millions of years, such as Xiang Feng, the peerless genius of the Immortal Academy who has been cultivating Taoism for millions of years. Tian Gong, the red-haired god king who claims to be able to burn out all evil spirits. Their strength changed rapidly after they obtained the new method. Their strength increased dozens of times compared to before, enough to become the gods among the divine soldiers and generals of the divine court. Will.

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, after the establishment of Shenting, reached a prosperous state.

All things are revived and full of vitality.

The whole world has come to life.

Fang Yu, the Lord of the Divine Court, is the most sensitive to all these changes.

On this day, he was worshiping at the Iron-Blooded Immortal Tower, and his eyes suddenly looked towards the place where Da Chitian was.

"They are coming." (End of chapter)

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