All Heavens: Invincible from the Great Xuanhuang World

Chapter 784 There are so many things in this infinite sky

In the land of Three Thousand Daozhou, the leader-level figure from Jiutian saluted Fang Yu. They have now seen that there are too many geniuses in the Three Thousand Daozhou. Their peerless genius from Wuliangtian, Lin Tian, After being beaten all the time, if this continues, the so-called assessment method of defeating Lin Tian and passing the assessment will naturally no longer be used.

In particular, they felt that the master of the Yuhua Immortal Sect seemed to be no worse than their supreme figure in Jiutian, so they immediately changed their mind and asked Fang Yu to go to Jiuzhongtian to establish the Immortal Sect.

"It's not a bad thing to establish an immortal sect in Jiutian. The young geniuses from the three thousand states can also go to Jiutian to have a look and communicate. Maybe they can get some opportunities."

Fang Yu nodded, and his eyes looked high in the sky, directly from the realm of Three Thousand Daozhou to the high Nine Heavens.

With a slight movement of his mind, a huge space-time wormhole spread from Three Thousand Daozhou to Nine Heavens. Through this space-time wormhole, everyone could even see a continent outside the wormhole.

"That, that is, Infinite Sky! That existence actually opened the time and space channel to Infinite Sky directly from here?"

"What kind of magical power is this? You know, if you want to reach here from my infinite sky, you need to rely on a huge teleportation array, and such a teleportation array needs to consume ten percent of energy every time it is transported. This time between us So being able to reach Three Thousand Daozhou consumes a lot of energy and activates the teleportation array, but that being can open a space-time wormhole at will?"

"Doesn't this existence need to consume energy to open a space-time wormhole? If it can really do this, wouldn't it be possible to attack the enemy at will, and the enemy will not even have time to react?"

"What kind of method is this? It's really terrifying!"

"Fortunately, this being is not my enemy in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but the power of my Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Otherwise, with just such a hand, not many of my Nine Heavens and Ten Earths monks would be able to grow up!"

This time, several young peerless geniuses and leader-level figures who arrived from Jiutian and Wuliangtian had extremely shocked looks in their eyes after seeing that Fang Yu could easily open the space-time channel. As for the monks from the three thousand Daozhou, Although shocked, the monks who had been watching for nine days were also shocked, and a kind of pride rose on their faces. It seemed that the master of the Yuhua Xianmen was the most outstanding and supreme figure in their three thousand Daozhou. face.

The face of their three thousand Daozhous is very dignified even in the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Senior, please, all my friends, please!"

The leader-level figure from Jiutian finally came to his senses and asked Fang Yu to go to Infinite Heaven with many geniuses from Three Thousand Daozhou.


Fang Yu nodded and stepped into the space-time wormhole. Later, Shi Hao, Huo Ling'er, Six-Crown King Ning Chuan, Taiyin Jade Rabbit, Little Fatty Cao Yusheng, and many young geniuses entered the space-time channel. As time and space flowed, , they suddenly arrived on an ancient continent.

There are nine heavens in total in the endless void, and the Infinite Sky is one of them.

Standing in the infinite sky and looking out, many stars are arranged everywhere. Compared with this ancient continent, they seem to be grains of sand one after another.

And in the sky high in the infinite sky, there are more than one sun. Each area has a fixed sun, which rises in the morning and sets in the evening.

This also involves the power of nature in the underworld, which is the same as the three thousand worlds in the eternal world, the Xuanhuang world, etc.

No big world can be illuminated by one sun or moon, so there are many suns and moons shining together, showing the mystery and magic of nature.

The same is true for the Infinite Sky. There are many suns here, illuminating the Infinite Sky.

Of course, from a certain point of view, Fang Yu himself can also turn into a big sun, lighting up the infinite sky. He can even sacrifice the infinite sand, and that exquisite Taoist artifact can also illuminate the infinite sky.

It seems very appropriate to use the Infinite Eternal Sand to illuminate the Infinite Sky. However, when Fang Yu arrived in this world this time, he did not bring the Infinite Eternal Sand with him, which was a bit regretful.

"Senior, look, some of those suns were transformed from the corpses of Gu Jinwu!"

The leader-level figure of Infinite Heaven spoke to Fang Yu and pointed at some suns in the sky.

"What, is that the sun transformed by the Ancient Golden Crow?"

"Then how powerful is the Ancient Golden Crow? Their strength is probably far greater than the existence of the leader level of my three thousand Daozhou. I don't think our leaders can compare to the sun."

"So many suns, it's amazing!"

Many young geniuses looked at the sun high in the sky and felt shocked, especially when they knew that the vastness of the infinite sky was many times larger than the three thousand Daozhou.

This is really a world outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

The Nine Heavens, including the Infinite Heaven, are all high above. Compared with the Ten Heavens, they are vaster and more talented.

Just like the eight realms in the lower realm are equivalent to the three thousand states in the upper realm, although the gap between the ten lands and the nine heavens is not that exaggerated, it is also many times greater.

"We have obtained a lot of treasures in the Ancient Immortal Era, but without the help of the Immortal Lord, we are afraid that even if we want to go to some Tianshen Academy here, we may have to spend all our savings!"

"This place is really too big, much bigger than our three thousand states."

"Have you seen that there are so many gods here? It feels like the gods are no longer valuable."

"Fortunately, we have all gained a lot in the Immortal Era, otherwise we are all Venerables and we would be like slaves here!"

Many geniuses who arrived looked forward. The place where they arrived at Wuliangtian was very close to a city. They saw that most of the people who entered the city were at the level of gods. Of course, they were lower than the level of monks at the level of gods. There are many high ones, but in that big city, no venerable person has any status at all. Only after becoming a god will he have a little status, but it is not high.

In that huge city, the true gods were ordinary people, the gods were everywhere, and the venerables were slaves.

The first impression these nine days gave them was really shocking.

Fang Yu's expression was still indifferent. After all, he had seen the world. He had participated in many auctions back then. From the very beginning, he could enter the VIP room in the Tianren realm and gain the respect of many people. Only the small giants of Jindan could You can enter the VIP room, but masters in the Heavenly Realm can only sit in the lobby, and only monks in the Mystic Realm of Immortality and Longevity can enter the VIP room, and even monks with the tenth level of magical power who can defy heaven and change their fate can only sit in the lobby, and only those who have understood After complying with the law, only monks who have entered the Third Level Cave Heaven Realm of Immortality can enter the VIP room, while giants in the Longevity Realm can only guard the door. He has experienced all these things.

So for these things in front of me, I feel that it is quite normal. Isn't it that the venerable is a slave, the true god is an ordinary person, and only the gods have status? It is not something weird.

"Let's go to the Sea of ​​Stars."

Fang Yu opened his mouth, and there was another gate of time and space, from which he directly reached the Sea of ​​Stars.

The Sea of ​​Stars is also a mythical place in the Infinite Sky.

There are too many legends about this place.

It is said that there was a very fierce war that year. Countless stars fell. They all smashed down and the starlight was immeasurable. In that battle, there was a being who cut off the sky with a sword. Countless stars fell and directly submerged this place. The brilliance was endless and far away. It looked like a sea of ​​stars.

Afterwards, this place became a wasteland because too many stars fell from the sky and destroyed it.

The meteorites here back then all piled up into mountains, towering into the clouds, and their majestic aura overwhelmed the world.

Someone powerful took action and refined this place, so that the meteorites here truly turned into mountains, and the vegetation grew again.

This area was named the Sea of ​​Stars.

In addition to the endless stars, there are also fragments of some treasures buried here, as well as the blood and bones of supreme powerhouses buried here, making this place a treasure land, very extraordinary.

There are even rumors that there are several immortal caves here, which are submerged by endless stars and buried underground. From time to time, the aura of immortality rises to the sky, making this place full of auspiciousness.

The address chosen by Tianshen Academy is the most auspicious place. It is said that under the mountain range where it is located, there is the Immortal Cave from the previous era. On weekdays, there will be a faint fairy energy appearing in the entire academy, which is very magical and extraordinary.

This is the most ideal place for cultivation, enough for all the major ancient religions to fight for it and break their heads.

Only by using this place as the foundation of Tianshen Academy and jointly cultivating the peerless geniuses of all the major forces can the major forces be at peace and no longer risk their lives to fight for it.

This is the reason why Tianshen Academy was established here.

This area is very large, comparable to ten states out of the three thousand states.

And this place is also very lively. There are many young monks and outstanding disciples from various major forces, all going to Tianshen Academy to worship in Tianshen Academy.

Some young monks rode white ancient elephants, and some sat on dragon-patterned sparrows. Most of them were disciples of super powerful forces.

"Senior, the front is Tianshen Academy. Senior wants to establish an immortal sect in this sea of ​​stars. It wouldn't be a bad thing to meet the most powerful people from Tianshen Academy. Whether it is Tianshen Academy or the immortal sect, we will work together in the future. here."

The existence at the level of the leader of Wuliangtian said that they felt that it would be best if Fang Yu could visit the most powerful people in Tianshen Academy and communicate with them before establishing the Immortal Sect. Otherwise, some conflicts might arise.

"I established an immortal sect, so I don't need to care what others think, but I am still somewhat interested in the exchange of Taoism and Dharma."

Fang Yu opened his mouth and looked forward. He saw that Tianshen Academy was indeed a great paradise. Its splendor was much more powerful than that of the Yuhua Gate and the Star Gate back then, but it was much more luxurious than the Yuhua Gate of today. There is a lot of difference. After all, the Yuhua Sect now possesses the semi-immortal artifact, the Emperor's Script, and the origin of the entire Xuanhuang World is poured into the Yuhua Sect at all times, making the current Yuhua Sect extremely powerful.

Of course, there are almost no mountain gates in the Yuhua Sect today, the entire sect is in preparation for war, all the monks are in the Emperor's Book of Earth, and the Tianshen Academy is still idle.

In front of Tianshen Academy, there are many young masters and young ladies, all of whom are talented people in the world, and all of them have made certain achievements in cultivating the path.

Some of these young ladies are leaders of various clans, some are the heirs of the strongest in a region, and some are princesses of dynasties. Each one has an extraordinary identity and a great background.

There were so many people that it was endless at first glance. Whether it was in the sky or in the air, or on the mountain peaks, they were crowded with creatures.

At the mountain gate of Tianshen Academy, there is an aura of incomparable holiness everywhere. There are beautiful towers and jade temples on the huge mountains one after another. Divine waterfalls are falling, fairy lights are rising, and auspicious energy is lingering.

On some mountains, there are holy medicines that are fragrant and colorful, and there are even magic medicines that run around the mountains on their own.

There is also a huge lake on the mountain, in which ancient divine dragons are kept, which are used as ornamental fish and insects. They spray water and light from time to time.

Such a generous act naturally shocked all the monks who arrived.

"Even if you can't be chosen as a disciple, it's still a good thing to be a follower!"

"Yes, it may be difficult for our cultivation to become a formal disciple of Tianshen Academy, but if we can become a servant of a disciple of Tianshen Academy, it will be possible in the future. As long as we can get a little bit of inheritance, we can all rise. "

A beautiful woman sighed.

"Even though I am a princess of a country, I realized that my strength is not enough until I get here. This time I can only put down my dignity and become someone else's maid. As long as I can enter Tianshen Academy, I will have a chance."

A very beautiful woman, thinking in her heart, her identity is the royal princess of a country, her status is very important, but only after arriving here did she know that there are people outside the world, even though they are loved by countless people in their own country, in There is nothing in front of Tianshen Academy.

"Oh, I want to be the heir of my family, but here I can only become a follower of others. I am really unwilling!"

A young man in brocade robes sighed, "It looks expensive beyond words."

"Keep your voice down. If you don't want to, you can leave by yourself. If you complain like this, I'm afraid it will cause trouble."

Someone advised.

"What do the heirs of the Yi clan say? Look at the beauties and princesses of those dynasties. If they are selected, they can only be other people's maids. Wouldn't their status be more embarrassing?"

Many sounds were passed over and reached Fang Yu's ears, but the existence of the leader level was very natural.

There are very few formal disciples in this world who can enter Tianshen Academy, so many peerless geniuses hope to become followers of Tianshen Academy's disciples, so as to ascend to heaven, obtain the qualifications of the academy's true disciples, and cultivate the strongest inheritance.

Strictly speaking, every disciple in the academy is an extraordinary person. Which one has not cultivated immortal energy? Moreover, the status of these people who have cultivated immortal energy is also very extraordinary. They are all young supremes trained by various religions and the strongest races. Therefore, even if Mingzhu, the leader of other ancient regions, is unwilling to accept it, he will be relieved after thinking about it more. Because, regardless of their cultivation qualifications, those people would be above these people in terms of status.

"I hope the descendants of the Immortal Family can choose me!"

One young man clenched his fists and spoke with great hope.

"If you can be the servant of the Pearl of the Immortal Family, it will be a real profit!"

Someone else spoke, as if they couldn't wait to be someone else's servant.

The Changsheng family is a family whose ancestors had immortals. In terms of strength, even after endless years, it is still very terrifying. Even many ancient countries, holy lands, extraordinary races, etc. must be polite and respectful when facing the existence of the Immortal Family.

Because no one knows whether the former Immortal has any secrets left behind. Once it is used, it will definitely be earth-shattering, and it is very likely to kill the Supreme Being and destroy the country and the religion.

"Do you think the pearl from the Wang family of the Immortal Family is extraordinary, or the pearl from the Ning family?"

Although everyone knew that it was not good and even dangerous to discuss women from the Immortal Family like this, discussing those pearls still made some people excited.

"Are you comparing their looks or their cultivation?"

"It's better than anything else!"

"If they all compare, the young lady from the Wang family is even more amazing. I heard that young lady has cultivated three immortal energies and can be invincible in nine heavens and ten earths!"

"But the other descendants of the Immortal Family are also very mysterious, and we have never understood them."

Words like these all entered Fang Yu's ears, which greatly improved Fang Yu's power of big heart magic. The so-called peerless genius here has too many inner demons.

After cultivating to this level, their character is still too bad. If Fang Yu were willing, they would all die if he used simple big-hearted magic without using other great powers.

All must die!

Of course, with Fang Yu's current state, he would not take action against these little things. After all, he is a supreme immortal of the tenth level of immortality, and he is not here to kill anyone.

He looked more here, as if he wanted to see what Tianshen Academy looked like.

But at this moment, someone shouted: "Miss Wang Xi is here."

All the men were shocked and wanted to become Miss Wang Xi's servants immediately.

"Lots of dogs."

Fang Yu shook his head.

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