All Heavens: Invincible from the Great Xuanhuang World

Chapter 762 Perfect World, Goodbye Little One

Perfect world, all in one place.

Fang Yu's body appeared.

He stood in the void, and with a glance, everything in the billions of areas was in his eyes.

This is a very desolate place. There are only some mortals in the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles. The cultivation level of those mortals is not high. There are almost no powerful monks. There are desolate and barren mountains everywhere. There are no lakes and green mountains. Don't say it's a magical medicine or something like that.

"It turns out that this is the land of Demon State in the upper world."

Fang Yu soon knew where he was. The first two times he arrived in the perfect world were in the lower realm. At that time, his cultivation level was not high. The first time he was only in the fourth level of yin and yang realm of supernatural powers. When he saw Liu He was a god and realized the principles of heaven and man. When he arrived in this world for the second time, his cultivation had reached the level of the tenth level of supernatural power that could defy heaven and change his destiny. He obtained the Kunpeng treasure technique in the lower realm and also obtained a statue. Golden ancient tree.

Now is the third time he has arrived in this world. In a short period of time, his cultivation has reached the ninth level of Immortality, which is completely different from the past.

Virtual immortals, the essence of life already belongs to immortals, and they have cultivated virtual immortal laws in their bodies. They are just waiting to understand the law of impermanence of life and death, and then they can transform the virtual immortal laws into real immortal laws. At that time, they will become true immortals.

Now that he has arrived in this world as a virtual immortal, he has another feeling.

The entire Demon State is one of the many great states in the upper realm. This great state is larger than the eight realms in the lower realm combined. However, compared with Fang Yu's progress, his spiritual thoughts swept across the entire state almost instantly. As a Demon State, I saw many customs and customs in this large state.

The Demon State is extremely backward in this era, and there are no monks. This is because there was a fierce war here in ancient times. There were monks fighting here, which destroyed the place very seriously. There was once a monk who opened his mouth and spit out a The flames burned the land with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles into loess. There was also an ancient power who split several mountains with a sword, leaving the mountains without any life.

Of course, there is another reason why this place is called the Demon State. There is still a big sect here called the Demon Sunflower Garden, which is located in this state.

The so-called Magic Sunflower Garden is actually a group of sunflower seeds that have cultivated to a good level and established a sect. Within this force, many sunflower seeds can turn into human forms. They have a very good status in various major states and can be influenced by others. respect.

Fang Yu's thoughts were wandering, reminding him of the many non-human monks he met when he was in the lower world. Some of those monks were spiders, some were lions, some were elephants, some were apes, and some were white tigers. They all had extremely powerful abilities in the lower world. The high status requires the human race to respect him very much, otherwise a disaster will be imminent, which is completely different from the pattern of the eternal world.

In the Immortal Realm, let alone beings like him who have cultivated to the Void Immortal Realm, even monks who are in the Seventh Level Immortality Realm King Realm or even the Fifth Level Immortality Creation Realm can support many people in the Perfect Realm in their cave world. Species considered to be gods, such as white tigers, redbirds, Xuanwu, ancient dragons, unicorns, Zhu Yan, Bai Ze, etc., are just creatures raised in the body, worshiping their masters.

"Let me see where the current timeline is."

Fang Yu stood in the void, his spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire Demon State, and some pictures of the past years also appeared under Fang Yu's divine thoughts.

It can be seen that in this place called Demon State, many killings are happening every day, and recently, there have been fights one after another, in the void called Bloody Plains, in the past timeline. A silver war spear appeared. It was extremely thick, like a mountain peak, standing tall against the sky and coming down with overwhelming power.

This kind of momentum seems to have reached the tenth level of supernatural power, or even the momentum of a master in the Longevity Realm. It is enough to make many creatures on this bloody plain tremble, and make the tens of thousands of people walking on the bloody plain tremble, almost Fell to the ground.

The silver war spear was inserted directly into the ground, bursting out with unparalleled power, and the silver light illuminated the ninth heaven.

Someone screamed on the spot, Xudu's call sounded, and the earth collapsed, as if it was made of paper and was vulnerable.

A large mercenary group, guarding more than two thousand people, was completely wiped out. When the spear blade penetrated the ground, silver light intertwined, killing everyone there.

This scene was very tragic. The creatures of all races exploded one after another, and more than two thousand creatures all died in the blink of an eye.


"The gods have appeared!"

"Why is this happening? Even gods shouldn't kill people for no reason. What grudge do we have against you?"

Fang Yu's mind saw many images from the past. In that bloody plain, someone spoke angrily, accusing the "God" of innocent murders.

"The sky is changing. Those who are hiding in the dark, come out. I am here for you."

A cold voice sounded.

A middle-aged man wearing a silver shirt appeared. He stood at the top of the huge spear shaft, looking down, very cold and ruthless.

"I am not the person you are looking for."

Some monks spoke with anger on their faces.


The god in silver battle clothes pointed out and killed the monk who spoke. He showed absolute strength here and did not allow anyone to argue.

"I'll look for it myself, why do I need you to explain it."

The god spoke indifferently.

"Good guy, even more unreasonable than me in the eternal world."

Fang Yu's mind looked at what happened in the past years and saw the god going on a killing spree.

This is a useless god who has no brain cultivation and cannot scan tens of thousands of monks with his spiritual thoughts, so he uses a very perverted method to randomly kill people and oppress people to find the person he is looking for.

It can be seen that after the god killed two thousand people at random, he activated his war spear and swept in with a roar, killing thousands more people.

The cultivation level of these people is not too high, and none of them can even ignite the divine fire. Even if there are a few masters, they are just venerables, and naturally they cannot be the opponents of the gods.

The realm of this world, from the very beginning of moving blood, to the cave sky, to the transformation of spirits, to the inscriptions, to the array, to the realm of the venerable, the realm of the venerable is enough to be called the human emperor in the lower realm.

And when a monk can ascend and reach the upper world, he can ignite the divine fire from the realm of the venerable. This is the realm of divine fire. It is also called a false god. It is not a real god. It is like a virtual immortal in the eternal world. There are no true and true laws of immortality.

After the Divine Fire, one step up is the True God Realm. One step further up, some monks can experience the Holy Sacrifice Realm, and some monks can be directly promoted to the Heavenly God Realm. The next step up is the Void Dao, Kill Me, Escape. The first-level realm, reaching the supreme realm can be the pinnacle of humanity.

The higher realm is the realm of immortality.

Now Fang Yu flips the timeline and mobilizes the past time fragments, and you can see that the monks who have cultivated to the realm of gods here are taking action against the monks of the venerable realm and the formation realm to find the people he is looking for, those ordinary people. Of course the monk was no match for him.

"If you don't come out, I will kill you all."

The silver-robed god was even saying in a cold voice that if the person he was looking for didn't come out, he would kill all the tens of thousands of people here.

When Fang Yu saw this scene, he felt very funny.

Many immortals in all the worlds seem to have no brains, but the gods here seem to have no brains. In his opinion, he can find the person he is looking for at a glance and solve the problem. He must kill some innocent and irrelevant people. People who come to show their majesty as gods are really stupid and retarded.

This god, no, this god, has no brain at all.

Fang Yu looked at the tens of thousands of people, and saw a girl among the tens of thousands of people, Nana, with a beautiful body and crystal clear and smooth hair. There was a treasure on her body. If this girl and this treasure Combining them together can cause her to undergo a very powerful transformation, and in a few years she will grow into an existence far beyond the realm of a god.

Obviously this girl is the target of the god.

The story that happened here is about a hostile force purging a genius, and it is a common occurrence in the world.

But people as stupid as that god are rare.

While the god was still talking nonsense and casually killing ordinary monks he didn't know, another war broke out in the distance, which finally attracted the god. The girl here survived and was able to continue her escape.

Fang Yu looked at the people still alive here, and there was one guy he knew.

Little Shi Hao.

He has grown a bit older in the past few years, and his cultivation has also reached the realm of a venerable. He is the pinnacle among venerables. It seems that he may reach the next level at any time.

However, he seemed to be unlucky. He was with the woman who was the target of the god, and they fled together, so they seemed to be hunted down.

"This time you Celestials have gained a lot. You have actually harvested four destiny stones. If you are given time, I am afraid that the Celestial Royal Family will reappear, so you will all die!"

After the stupid god left, another female god arrived. This one was a little smarter and quickly discovered the target girl. As for the little Shi Hao on the side, it is impossible to leave now even if he wants to.

"Senior, aren't you afraid of retaliation if you intercept and kill like this and use the big to bully the small? An ancient ancestor of my Celestial Clan is still alive!"

The monks from the Celestial Race shouted loudly.

This monk is a monk in the realm of true gods. Although he has become a god, his opponent is a god and it is almost impossible to defeat him.

"Are you threatening me? If these four geniuses are not eliminated in the near future, four invincible beings will be created in the future, so you are destined to be wiped out!"

The Goddess Goddess was cold, raised her palm, and slowly pressed it downwards. The white jade hand emitted rays of light, and wherever it passed, all the guardians of the Celestial Race burst into pieces and died unexpectedly.

But the target girl did not die. At the most critical moment, a god from the Celestial Tribe arrived, and another war between gods and gods broke out.

The girl from the Celestial Clan and Shi Hao started their great escape again.

"That girl from the Celestial Clan is called Yun Xi. I saw it when I was in the lower realm. The little girl and this girl are going to the place of the Celestial Clan, and a lot of waves are about to rise again."

Fang Yu had a clear understanding of everything, and he headed towards Tianzhou where the Celestial Race was located.

When he took a step forward, many things that happened in the past time period appeared in front of him. He saw all the guardians of the Celestial Clan dying in the pursuit. Only Yun Xi and Xiao Dodian survived. He saw Xiao Dodian entering. An ancient battlefield has received a lot of blessings.

There is actually a kind of magical grass here that is immune to mana, so the pursuers must challenge them physically if they want to hunt down Xiao Doian and Yun Xi.

This is simply being a rogue.

The little one's physical body is still very strong. After being placed in the upper realm and undergoing Nirvana and reconstruction, his physical body is even more powerful. Even if the pursuer is powerful and has a high level, if he simply competes with the physical body, he will be hammered to death by the little one.

So when the master of the war clan among the races in the heavens arrived, the master of the war clan was hammered to death by the little one.

The War Clan was very powerful during a certain period of time in the Three Thousand States of the Upper Realm. It was ranked among the ten major races. It was called the War Emperor Clan. It was extremely glorious and respected by the whole world.

Although the pursuers of the War clan were powerful, they were no match for Shi Hao, because for a very short period of time, Shi Hao was immune to magic attacks and was invincible with his physical power.

Ordinary monks among the war clan were killed by Shi Hao.

The master of the divine fire realm among the war clan was beheaded by Shi Hao.

The masters of the true god realm among the war clan were also beheaded by Shi Hao.

The supreme genius War King among the younger generation of the War Clan was also beheaded by Shi Hao.

On the way of pursuit, the little boy showed his strength, leaping over the ranks from time to time and killing all the masters in the war clan.

In the end, little Shi Hao really escorted the Celestial Clan woman back to the Celestial Clan safely.

But it would be difficult for Shi Hao to leave.

After the gods of the human race arrived, they captured Shi Hao and returned to the Tianzhou where the human race was located. They said they wanted to thank him, but in fact they seemed to have bad intentions.

Because the little one has shown his extraordinary fighting power along the way, he seems to have several kinds of magic, such as the Thunder Emperor's magic and the Kunpeng magic. Although Yun Xi, a girl from the Celestial Clan, will not tell the Celestial Clan, the Celestial Clan's The gods instinctively felt that there was something to be discovered in the little boy. If there was no backing, he would capture him and ask him about his skills. This would make the Celestials stronger.

This is the way the Celestials treat guests.

"Tsk tsk. The poor little one worked so hard to escort a girl from the Celestial Clan back to the Celestial Clan, but he himself is under house arrest and can't escape. It's really miserable."

Fang Yu saw what happened in the past years and reached the land of Tianzhou in one step.

The place is lush and lush, the mountains are majestic, surrounded by aura, it is very majestic, vast and peaceful, much better than the Demon State.

The scenery is very good, but the Celestial people are very bad.

"Little one, that's my disciple. If you disrespect my disciple, you are disrespecting me. No one in heaven or on earth can save them."

Fang Yu arrived.

Perfect world, is it difficult to write about it? !

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