All Heavens: Invincible from the Great Xuanhuang World

Chapter 720: Not to become an emperor, but to become an immortal!

Killing five ancient supreme beings in an instant, Fang Yu's strength was undoubtedly revealed. His power had already fallen into the eyes of the supreme beings in various restricted areas.

At the previous moment, they felt a lot of breath, like the breath of disaster, like the breath of time, and like the terrifying sword energy. Countless fluctuations broke out in an instant, even if the supreme being was fully sublimated, They were all killed in an instant.

Five Supremes, if they attack together, even the truly perfect Emperor will never be able to kill them in an instant. They will fight to the end of the world before it is possible for a Supreme to be fully sublimated, and after the Supreme is fully sublimated, the Wuque Emperor will They may not gain the upper hand.

However, now that Master Taixuan has killed five supreme beings in an instant, this means that the strength of Master Taixuan has really reached an unimaginable level. If it were the realm of the Great Emperor, I am afraid that it will be the same throughout the ages. The most powerful emperor.

No one moved in the restricted area.

No one in the Divine Ruins, Sea of ​​Reincarnation, Immortal Mountain, Immortal Tomb, or Taichu Ancient Mine dared to speak.

Who else?

These three words echoed through the sky, and no one dared to answer.

Fang Yu walked through each restricted area, and each restricted area was very quiet, as if there were no living creatures.

He was slightly regretful.

After walking around, he returned to the ancient forbidden land and wanted to continue his previous business.

At this time, all the creatures knew one thing clearly. The five supreme beings who attacked Master Taixuan had really been killed by Master Taixuan!

This was a battle that shocked the ages. One person faced off against the five supreme beings. It was an incredible scene. No one would believe it if he told it.

What's even more terrifying is that the Taixuan leader actually killed five ancient supreme beings. Such strength is simply unheard of and unseen.

As supreme beings, if they really want to return to the imperial realm and ascend themselves, they are all supreme beings who rule the world and once ruled the entire universe in an era.

But now, the emperor who once ruled the entire universe was killed in an instant by the supreme master of Taixuan Sect. This is a huge terror and unimaginable power. Even if many ancient human emperors are reborn, I am afraid that None of them can compare to Headmaster Taixuan.

The ancestor of the Great Xia Dynasty, the Taihuang, claimed to be able to defeat immortals in retrograde motion, but he did not seem to have such a record.

The great emperor of the Jiuli Dynasty, the Jiuli Emperor, was so famous that he had never heard of a record of killing five supreme beings in one move.

There are also many great emperors in the history of the human race. Although they have achieved immortal merits, none of them can be so terrifying, not even the Great Emperor Wu Shi.

The Great Emperor Wushi was so powerful in the past that the restricted area bowed his head, but he had never heard of Emperor Wushi killing five supreme beings in one move. Rumor has it that this being had suppressed the ancient beings, but the battle lasted for a full hour.

The land of the Holy Cliff was the place where Emperor Wushi fought. It was rumored that there was a troll sealed there. It was the Invincible Emperor who fought with it for an hour and destroyed all the stars in the sky before sealing it.

Just one statue, just one hour, is naturally not as good as Master Taixuan's ability to kill the five Supreme Beings instantly.

"Headmaster Taixuan, this is the new emperor of the human race. We have always misunderstood his strength. When we thought he was a saint, his cultivation was probably already a great saint. We thought he was a great saint. By that time, his cultivation level was probably already a quasi-emperor, and when we thought his cultivation level was a quasi-emperor, his cultivation level was probably at the level of a great emperor. Although he had not merged with Tianxin consciousness, this combat power Definitely at the level of an emperor!"

"It is really hard to imagine how this being cultivates without being integrated with the consciousness of Tianxin, but has the combat power of a great emperor, and is even the best among the great emperors. We all know that it only took a few years for this being to embark on the path of cultivation. , he actually cultivated from a mortal to the realm of the great emperor in a few years. It is considered good for ordinary monks to be able to cultivate to the realm of dragon transformation."

"The person of the Great Emperor and the appearance of the Great Emperor are indeed beyond our imagination. This existence is simply a god walking in the world. He is a legend among legends and a myth among myths. We live with this existence. In one era, I’m afraid we can enjoy peace for many years!”

"This being has not yet become a true emperor with the consciousness of the Heavenly Heart. I don't know what he is thinking. Now that he has appeared in front of the rumored road to becoming an immortal, is he going to directly achieve enlightenment and become an immortal? If that is the case, Isn’t it true that we, the younger generation, can still strive for the position of emperor, and there will still be people who can prove the truth and become emperor in the coming years?”

"According to rumors, such a thing only happened in the Age of Mythology. In the Age of Mythology, the Emperor was the Lord of Heaven, and there were several Heavenly Lords under his command. It was a mythical age where great emperors coexisted in the world. Could it be that this era is also going to show the effects of the ancient times? Is it magical?"

"If this is true, then we will still have to fight for the throne. Otherwise, this prosperous age will be over before our journey has even begun!"

All the monks are thinking and shocked. Whether they are from the Eastern Barren, or the various sects and aristocratic families from Nanling, Beiyuan, Western Desert, and Zhongzhou, they all came across the void to observe the invincible Taixuan Master from a distance. What to do.

In their eyes, the invincible bracelet in the hand of this invincible being appeared again, and continued to bombard a node in the void.

It seemed like two big worlds collided together. More cracks appeared, revealing a road. On this road, a corpse fell, which shocked people. It was either the ancient emperor or the ancient Tianzun.

That kind of clothing is so ancient, so old that it’s hard to imagine.

However, as soon as this corpse appeared, it transformed into a Tao and became a ray of light rising into the sky.

At this moment, a deep imperial power came to heaven and earth. Many saints who wanted to rush to the Big Dipper from outside the territory were unable to fly for a while. If it were not for the Fu Kong Bracelet that absorbed all the breath, I am afraid that the saints would have to fly. Being hit by the light of transformation will be directly killed.

Even the light of transformation can kill the saint.

It seems that the realm of saints is somewhat worthless now.

All living beings were in fear and awe, and some even knelt down to observe the scene in the distance.

For them, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even if they kneel down, even if they die, if they can see the immortal, they will have no regrets in this life.

The old holy masters from all the major holy places, the white-haired old men who could no longer kill, all arrived at this time. They were not far from the ancient forbidden land in the Eastern Barren Southern Territory, their expressions were trembling and full of emotion.

Nangong Zheng, the former great master of the human race, has also arrived. His current cultivation level is the second realm of Immortal Stage, the realm of the Holy Lord. Seeing the many fairy lights in front of him, he can't help but feel inexplicable.

"I have finally seen the arrival of this era. Will the Taixuan Master become an immortal today?"

The Holy Lord of the human race, Nangong Zheng, had a look of emotion on his face.

He looked towards the void ahead, where an ancient road had been punched through, and things kept falling down. Some were complete emperor corpses, while others were half-burnt bodies falling.

Still the emperor's corpse.

The billowing energy of chaos erupted, and the immortal road became wider and wider. Everyone could hear the sound inside, as if there were creatures roaring.

"It's a real dragon, it's a real dragon. I seem to see a dragon flying across the sky!"

"No, that's not a real dragon. That's the emperor of the demon clan, Xue Yueqing. He almost got in, but fell down in the end. This is his regret."


Many monks saw clouds and mist billowing, as white as gauze, and extremely peaceful. It seemed that just one sip of it could greatly increase the life span of the monks.

Immediately people knew that this was real immortal energy. Some old monks wanted to rush over to get those immortal energy, but this was impossible because Master Taixuan stood in the void and had the Immortal Bracelet to destroy everything. Absorb everything.

There was a boom.

The stars were trembling wildly, and fairy lights were flying all over the sky, like fireworks.

In the clicking sound, a vague shadow appeared, standing in the endless darkness, immortal in the chaos, looking very majestic and tall.

"Is that a building in the Immortal Realm? It's too grand. Is Master Taixuan really going to open a passage to the Immortal Realm?"

Everyone was frightened, and their eyes were full of fire.

There was a buzz, and rubble really flew out, wrapped in immortal energy and carrying immortal power. People vaguely heard the cry of the immortal phoenix, and even saw the vast fairyland with abundant vegetation through the gaps.

"The fairy world, that is the fairy world we dream of, actually appears in front of us like this?"

"Have you seen it? It's a real fairyland, but it doesn't seem that easy to enter the fairyland. It's... a majestic pass?"

The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and after the billowing chaos energy was dispersed, a huge majestic pass appeared.

This heroic pass is completely condensed by laws and is full of incomparable power. Even the ancient great sages would not dare to stand in front of this great pass. The aura flowing out of the terrifying great pass will make any monk under the great sage arrive. , are all dead ends.

Nowadays, many monks in Beidou Southern Territory are mostly powerful masters of the first level of the Immortal Stage, holy masters of the second level of the Immortal Stage, and even the kings of the Tao-killing realm are rarely seen, and even fewer are the saints.

This is an era when the world has just changed. Although some monks have begun to cut the path, becoming immortals is still too far away from them.

Among the ancient races, several ancestral kings and great sages appeared. The great sage Huntuo whom I saw a few days ago appeared. When this great sage saw the rolling pass, a solemn expression appeared on his face.

Even though he is a great saint, he is nothing in front of the great pass on the road to immortality. Now that he is here, he can only be regarded as a witness.

Gai Jiuyou also came. Next to him was a girl with a bit of arrogance in her eyes. However, after seeing the Xiongguan on the Immortal Road, those arrogance disappeared.

Gai Jiuyou and Great Sage Huntuo looked at each other. Neither of them said anything. They nodded and continued to look at Master Taixuan and his bracelet standing in front of him in the void.


The roar of creatures came from the immortal road, shaking the Eastern Wasteland. At this moment, both Gai Jiuyou and the Great Sage Huntuo saw a red bird flying out of the pass, emitting monstrous fire. .

"It's Suzaku, it's a creature that belongs to the fairyland!"

Some monks were shocked and had tears in their eyes.

They were indeed very excited. Throughout the ages, no one has wanted to become an immortal, but there are too few people in heaven and earth who have the chance to become immortals, and there are too few people who can see someone becoming an immortal. However, they are born in this world. , being able to see Suzaku in the Immortal Realm is already a great blessing. Even if he dies now, he will not feel regretful.


There was another loud roar, and a snow-white giant tiger appeared, exuding overwhelming pressure, as if it were carved from white jade, and its terrifying aura shocked the entire Eastern Wasteland.

"This is the Fairy White Tiger, another creature from the fairy world coming down to the lower realm!"

The appearance of two fairy spirits made many monks cheer for joy, but the eyes of Gai Jiuyou and Great Sage Huntuo bloomed, and they saw that they were not fairy spirits, but just the laws of the fairyland. As for the real fairy gate, it is closed but not opened.

Many laws guard the pass on the road to immortality, preventing people from approaching it.

If someone wants to climb the road to immortality and pass through the great pass, the two immortal spirits that appear will never welcome him. Instead, they will turn into the most terrifying fighting method to kill the person who breaks through the pass.


After the Suzaku and the White Tiger appeared, there were green dragons flying and fairy phoenixes spreading their wings. These laws of the fairyland condensed into the appearance of fairy spirits, guarding the great pass.

Anyone who goes there will have to fight for these fairyland laws!

"Being and abiding are empty, empty is not empty."

Fang Yu softly spoke at this time. His voice was long and swaying, conveying the nine heavens and ten earths. Naturally, there was a supreme rhyme. Even in this rhyme, it also revealed a kind of great destruction of the heaven, earth and universe. The horror of the cycle, formation, residence and bad emptiness, these are four simple words, but the meaning behind them is not simple at all. They are great life and death, great disaster, great creation, great dominion, great good fortune, and great killing.

It seems that all Tao and Dharma can be revealed in the four words of formation, residence, destruction and emptiness, which contain mysteries that are unimaginable throughout the ages.

"It's empty, empty, and empty? I finally understand why those supreme Taoist friends were killed in an instant."

In the Northern Territory of the Eastern Wasteland, fairy lights are flying in the ancient mines of Taichu, stars are falling, and the weather is endless, shocking for eternity.

A unicorn opened its eyes. His body was extremely huge, tens of thousands of miles long, and his body was covered in scales and armor, as if it were made of fairy gold, shining with blue-purple light.

This is a supreme being, almost no different from the weapon spirits in the fairyland. On his skull, the beam of light reaches the sky. That is his status, proving that he was once a supreme emperor.

This supreme being had the head of an ancestral dragon, and his body was covered with blue-purple scales, shimmering with a cold metallic luster. When he looked towards the Eastern Wasteland and the Southern Territory, he listened to the terrifying young being of the Supreme Being saying that he would live and be evil. When the four words were left blank, everyone's expression was startled.

Formation, abiding, destruction, emptiness, emptiness, and emptiness.

The so-called becoming is the generation of the world.

Dwelling is the stability of the world. The world becomes stable due to creation, and everything is stable.

And bad and empty, although they are just two words, contain endless killing intent and terrifying killing calamity.

Once these four words circulate and circulate endlessly, they will be the biggest murderous intention in the world. No matter how much the ancient emperor ascends to the extreme, he will still fall.

"Is this life really the right time and the right place?"

The Qilin Emperor murmured to himself.

But at this moment, he saw the invincible young being take action. The Fu Kong Bracelet traveled across the eight wastelands, and instantly killed the Suzaku, White Tiger, Azure Dragon, and Immortal Phoenix who had manifested the laws of the Immortal Realm.

Everyone was shocked.

Qilin Emperor praised.

Happy Children's Day everyone! I’ve also thought about Children’s Day!

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