All Heavens: Invincible from the Great Xuanhuang World

Chapter 594 I have many good qualities that are worth exploring

In the Palace of Questioning, Fang Yu circulated the law of creation. As the law of creation flowed, a giant golden-horned beast appeared in front of Luo Feng, Hong, Lei Shen and others.

Yes, a living golden-horned behemoth.

The body of this golden-horned giant beast is immersed in many laws of creation. Various secret methods of practice were created by Fang Yu and entered into the body of the golden-horned giant beast.

The inheritance of this golden-horned giant beast created by Fang Yu is increasing crazily.

First of all, there are 3199 ordinary secret methods, which were created by Fang Yu with his supreme creation method.

Around Fang Yu, the laws of time and space were flowing crazily, showing a very different speed of time and space from the surroundings.

There are 3199 common secrets and 18 special secrets. The inheritance of these secrets together creates a golden-horned giant beast, and of course there are countless memory banks and knowledge about the heaven, earth and universe.

In this creation, Fang Yu became more and more familiar with the body of the golden-horned giant beast and the race of golden-horned giant beast. This race is indeed very tyrannical, except for "Absolute Space" and "Original World" , they also have combat talents - strengthening, which can quickly improve speed and combat ability, and life-saving talents - clones. You can have one clone at the planet level, and you can have a second clone at the universe level. There is a third clone at the realm lord level.

All of these resulted in the construction of a complete golden-horned behemoth. Fang Yu created this golden-horned behemoth, and his own understanding of the golden-horned behemoth was also improving.

hold head high!

A moment later, a living golden-horned giant beast surged out from the air of creation. It looked exactly like the golden-horned giant beast in Fang Yu's hand.

hold head high!

In Fang Yu's hands, the golden-horned giant beast captured by Fang Yu didn't seem to think that he could see his own kind, and made a sound of joy and anxiety.

"This, this is simply the method of the gods. Even the great powers in the legend may not have such methods."

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable. Senior Taoist Master can actually create such a golden-horned giant beast. This is not creating a cat or a dog, this is creating a starry sky giant beast!"

Lei Shen and Hong had expressions of disbelief on their faces. They thought that they were also people who cultivated their moral character and could not change their color when encountering big things. It is said that even if Mount Tai collapsed, their appearance would not change. But now, they were helplessly watching the man who asked the question. The Taoist priest actually directly created a living golden-horned giant beast, which shocked their world view!

Is there such a thing between heaven and earth? Can you directly create a starry sky beast?

Doesn't that mean that it is quite normal for such a being to create humans?

A creator, a being like the legendary Nuwa, appeared in front of them alive?

"Oh my god, damn, the master couldn't do such a thing back then. The master's cultivation back then was already among the best among immortals. It's impossible for him to do such a thing. How did this Taoist priest do it? Arrived?"

In Luo Feng's hands, the demon Babata was so shocked that he uttered dirty words.

As a life intelligence, he would not be shocked originally, but now he is also shocked, because he feels that the existence that can create life has surpassed the realm of immortality, and is an existence that he can hardly imagine.

"I do feel now that the more complex a creature is, the more difficult it is to create it. But if you create one, the subsequent batch copying doesn't seem to be a problem."

In Hong, Thunder God, Luo Feng and others' shocked eyes, the immortal law in Fang Yu's body continued to operate, so in their shocked expressions, golden-horned giant beasts appeared one after another in the void. , each golden-horned giant beast is exactly the same as the previous one.

They are real, not virtual spirits, but real species with souls and life.

A whole new life!


This is the mystery of the Creator.

"You two, you should also become a disciple. After becoming a disciple, these two golden-horned giant beasts will be a gift to you from my master."

Fang Yu looked at Hong and Lei Shen.


Hong and Lei Shen looked at each other, nodded, and turned to Fang Yu to become their disciples.

"Disciple, Hong."

"Disciple, God of Thunder."

"Meet the Master!"

Whether they are Thunder God or Hong, they all worship Fang Yudao.

"Okay, very good. Those who are here now are all my disciples from the Taoist Palace. Each of you has one of these golden-horned behemoths. You can use the method of seizing the body to seize the body of this golden-horned behemoth. From now on, After that, the golden-horned giant beast will learn it, and you will be able to learn it more easily. Otherwise, it is basically impossible for you to understand the absolute space or the world of the deity."

Fang Yu rewarded a golden-horned giant beast that he created. As for the original golden-horned giant beast, he sent it into his body and into his cave, becoming He found the guardian beast in his cave.

Using the golden-horned giant beast as a model, other golden-horned giant beasts were created, but the original golden-horned giant beast was retained by Fang Yu. This is the kindness of Fang Yu, the creator.

"hold head high!"

The golden-horned behemoth in Fang Yu's body made an extremely excited sound after discovering that he could survive. Although it was a starry sky behemoth, unruly and very noble in the entire universe, but In front of this being, it knew that it had to give up all its nobility.

No one is more noble than his master.

It is very honored to be able to become a sacred beast in its master's world.

"You guys should go down too and practice well."

Fang Yu said again.

"Yes, Master."

Everyone retreated.

And Fang Yu continued to look at the golden-horned giant beast in his body. In the body of this little guy who was only one year old, there was a transparent crystal ball covered with countless mysterious golden patterns. The transparent crystal ball, called the pronucleus, is also called the starry sky pronucleus, the world pronucleus, the soul pronucleus, etc., and is the origin of the golden-horned giant beast.

Inside its proto-nucleus, there is a very vast space, which is also connected to another world.

This world can be called the inner world of the golden-horned giant beast.

This is an independent continent. The land is about ten kilometers long and wide. Ten kilometers above the continent is covered with golden mist. There is also endless golden mist around the continent. The continent itself is also golden. There are some hills on the land. Mountains are also made of metal.

This is a metal world.

To be more precise, it can be called a metal cave.

"The creation is really magical. There is such a vast metal cave inside a golden-horned giant beast. This is just its star-level form. It is really mysterious. I spent a lot of time to understand the cave."

Fang Yu looked at the metal cave with a radius of ten kilometers and marveled.

Many creatures in this universe are very magical, and they have many benefits for him to understand the power of creation, the laws of heaven, and the power of the world.

Therefore, if he cultivates these strange creatures properly, it will also be of great benefit to his own creation and cultivation.

In the fifth level of creation realm of immortality, the power of creation is cultivated in the body. However, this realm can also be divided into early, middle and late stages. Fang Yu has just entered the fifth level of immortality and naturally belongs to the early stage of creation realm.

In the days to come, he will understand more of the mysteries of creation and continuously improve his body towards the realm of immortality.

Creation, immortality.

These two words often correspond to each other.

Of course, in this world, immortality is immortality, and immortality cannot create anything.

The realm of creation in the eternal world can move in the direction of immortality.

Everyone is practicing.

Fang Yu is practicing, and several of his disciples have obtained a golden-horned giant beast. They are also planning to use the golden-horned giant beast to seize its body and obtain the golden-horned giant beast's talent.

As for this method of seizing a body, Fang Yu does not have it here, but the inheritance of Yuanmoxing does.

The demon Babata did not object to Luo Feng's teaching of this method this time.

"Wonderful, really wonderful. Luo Feng, you now have the body of a golden-horned giant beast. You can quickly improve your strength in the years to come!"

In a palace in the Taoist Palace, the demon Babata was very happy, looking at Luo Feng who had snatched the body of the golden-horned beast in front of him.

"But does this golden-horned giant beast need too many treasures to grow up?"

Luo Feng felt the inheritance of the golden-horned giant beast that he had received, and understood his evolutionary path from now on.

If the golden-horned behemoth wants to grow, it mainly relies on the growth of the world inside its body, and if the world inside its body wants to grow, it must devour metal.

There are three main types of swallowing metal.

The first one is to swallow some alloys, spacecraft wreckage and other things, or low-level metals, which will be very inefficient. This is also the slowest way for the golden-horned behemoth to evolve, from the first level of the star level to the cosmic level. The first level takes a hundred years.

The second type is to swallow high-level pure metals. For example, the stellar-level golden-horned behemoth swallows 100% pure B-level metal. If the golden-horned behemoth reaches the cosmic level, it will swallow the corresponding C-level pure metal. This can The evolution of the golden-horned behemoth is doubled.

In other words, it only takes 50 years to go from stellar level one to cosmic level one.

The third type is a combination of metals. Just like people eat different vegetables to supplement various nutrients, the same goes for the golden-horned giant beast. For the growth of the world inside the body, you can choose to devour many technologies at the same time, and the evolution speed can be increased by one or two. Times to dozens of times.

For example, for the star-level golden-horned behemoth, the best combination for swallowing is 325 kinds of B-grade metals, and these 325 kinds of pure metals have precise proportions.

The speed of evolution can reach eight or nine times if swallowed in this way.

"Yes, the metals on the earth are really inferior. Even your gold is only A3-grade metal, and the blue gold found on the moon is only A6-grade metal. There is not even a B-grade metal. Unless It is us who fly out of the earth and into the universe.”

Demon Babata also frowned. "You must integrate into the universe as soon as possible, so as to facilitate your survival. I think your master must have entered the universe and gained huge benefits, so you must also enter the Lord of the Universe. Open an account in the 'Virtual Universe Network' first, then you can communicate with countless races."

"Well, let's renovate the spaceship. The flow of time here is different from that in the outside world. I don't want to miss the outside world for a few days, and then we can go explore the depths of the universe!"

Babata said.


"ABCDE, metals of all levels, my White Emperor Golden Emperor Slash, after practicing to this day, seems to be at least E-level metal."

While Luo Feng frowned and couldn't get the B-grade metal, Fang Yu was feeding the golden-horned giant beast with his own energy.

In this world, everything is graded, and the grading is so simple and crude that people can see it clearly at a glance.

For example, A level represents planet level, which means that it can be used at planet level, or it can cause damage to planet level monks.

The B level represents stellar level, which means that it can be used by stellar level monks.

For example, if the star-level golden-horned behemoth wants to grow, it is best to use 325 star-level metals, which can greatly enhance the strength of the golden-horned behemoth.

C-level treasures represent cosmic-level treasures. If the cosmic-level golden-horned behemoth wants to grow rapidly, it needs C-level metal.

D level represents the domain lord level. For example, Fang Yu got a D6 level rail gun in the realm of Kabu Boundary Lord. This means that if the rail gun has enough power, it can kill the fifth or sixth level domain lord with one shot. of.

Level D and then level E represent treasures that are of great benefit to the world owner. Each of these treasures is very precious, and it takes at least hundreds of Hunyuan units to purchase them.

Fang Yu is now cultivating the golden-horned giant beast with his own understanding of the Gengjin Gang Qi of creation. He feels that the strength of the golden-horned giant beast is soaring rapidly, and the cave world in his body is also rapidly improving. For him to understand that he There is a lot of help in the world.

"On this earth, there is an E-class spacecraft, which is also magical."

Fang Yu stepped out and reached the depths of the Bermuda Sea above the earth.

There is a huge silver-white pyramid in front. The entire pyramid is more than 400 feet long. Just suspended there, the surrounding magnetic field is completely distorted.

This pyramid-like thing is an E-class spaceship, and it is also a spaceship of the mechanical race.

There is currently no life in this mechanical spaceship, because the owner of the mechanical spacecraft has been killed by the Lord of the Fallen Ink Star.

Fang Yu stepped in and directly arrived at the mechanical spacecraft.

Wherever he looked, he saw a lot of energy, as well as three Star Destroyer main cannons and nine E3-class laser cannons.

Star Destroyer Cannon.

Weapons with highly concentrated technology can destroy a planet with one shot.

This level of technology is much more powerful than the human technological civilization in the infinite world of eternal life.

And the E3-level laser cannon can also deal with world lord-level technological weapons.

This E-class spaceship is very valuable, and it is more valuable than the world-in-world treasures of Lord Kabu that Fang Yu had previously obtained.

"There is still great wealth on the earth. Such a spaceship is worth one or two thousand Hunyuan units."

Fang Yu got out of the spaceship again and put the spaceship worth one or two thousand Hunyuan units into his body.

He had not studied the ways of science and technology much in the past years, but he could still study them now.

Maybe, by analogy, it would also be of some benefit to him in understanding the laws of heaven.

"The treasures on earth seem to be almost complete."

Fang Yu grabbed it with his big hand and grabbed another stone slab.

This stone slab seemed to have experienced some kind of disaster and was broken. It had six sides, and the longest side was less than a foot long. It was just a palm-sized black metal plate. As for the weight, it feels as heavy as a pencil.

However, Fang Yu used the White Emperor's Golden Emperor Slash a little, and the Gang Qi did not leave any trace on the stone slab.

"The treasure of the Yan God Clan..."

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