All Heavens: Invincible from the Great Xuanhuang World

Chapter 1143 I am the emperor in the Yuandao era!

Taoist Nirvana, Guangdu Tianzun, also seems to have a good background.

When Fang Yu moves from this era to the previous era, it will be a very advanced era. In this era, Taoist Nirvana is called Guangdu Tianzun. Deep in the Nirvana Kalpa, he is studying the various structures of the Nirvana Kalpa. He seems to be an old scholar.

This Guangdu Heavenly Lord is so powerful that even the annihilation calamity cannot kill him, it can only damage his origin.

If the origin is damaged again and again, one will also die. Therefore, the Dao Lord of Dao Lord Palace is also hiding, hiding at the end of time and space.

The Dao Lords of other eras relied on innate magic weapons to hide.

There are very few people like Guangdu Tianzun who take the initiative to enter the calamity to study the calamity of death.

This person is constantly studying the tribulation of annihilation. He wants to study the kalpa of annihilation clearly and prevent its outbreak.

"Master of Guangdu Palace!"

The low bell rang, and a piece of extremely sacred light appeared in the catastrophe of Nirvana. Several ancient Taoist monarchs stood in the light and called out: "Guangdu Tianzun, Goddess Shensang has passed away. Come and send her off." Bar!"

Guangdu Tianzun's body shook and turned into a ray of light and rushed into the Dao Lord Palace.

That is a woman, and she is also an ancient Taoist monarch, but now she is going to transform into Taoism, and she is going to transform into an innate magic weapon.

Guangdu Tianzun wanted to desperately save this woman, but was unable to do so. He could only watch as Shensang turned into an innate magic weapon.

It was a sacred mulberry tree, showing an innate and immortal flavor, but to Guangdu Tianzun, it was his lover.

This Taoist Lord took the sacred mulberry tree and sat quietly in this era. Until the catastrophe of annihilation submerged the entire era, Guangdu Tianzun remained numb.

Fang Yu continued to take action, opening up a parallel world before Shensang Daojun turned into an innate magic weapon, making the ending of Guangdu Tianzun and Shensang Daojun a happy ending, which brought him many gains.

Immediately, Fang Yu continued to move forward and reached the Yuan Destruction Era.

Guangdu Tianzun still exists in this era, and he is the leader of the Yuanji era. He has countless disciples under his command, and has his own wife, children, and grandchildren. His mother is also there. She is the mother of the Tao Lord and can enjoy boundless longevity.

"Don't worry, mother, I have countless capable people and lofty ideals under my command, and I have six Dao Lords who are sworn sworn brothers to me. What's so scary about the Nirvana Tribulation!"

Guangdu Tianzun laughed loudly and comforted his mother before the imminent calamity of death.

But the catastrophe of annihilation in this era is extremely violent. It seems that the stronger the era, the greater the power of the catastrophe. The entire era of annihilation has been destroyed, leaving only boundless corpses, the universe of annihilation, and all prosperity. , all civilizations were destroyed and died under the doom of annihilation.

Guangdu Tianzun was numb. Looking at Yi Zunzun's body, his favorite daughter was dead, his son was dead, his wife was dead, and his sworn brothers had clearly arrived at Daojun. However, this time the calamity of Nirvana was so fierce that even Dao Lord died.

His mother also died, and everything about him was gone.

The extinguished heavenly fire burned, seeming to burn the numb Guangdu Tianzun to death, but this Taoist Lord was very powerful and he was still alive.

There was a sound of bells in time and space, and the Dao Lord Palace appeared. A delicate female Dao Lord held up an umbrella and slowly came behind him, blocking countless tribulations of fire and rain.

Under the umbrella, it was peaceful.

"Fellow Taoist Guangdu, come with me."

The woman's voice was extremely gentle and entered his heart. "The Dao Lord Palace needs outstanding beings like fellow Taoists. Maybe there we can think of ways to deal with the Nirvana Tribulation."

"Who are you?"

Guangdu Tianzun asked with a hoarse voice.

The woman said warmly: "I was originally a mulberry tree in the Yuandao era. Later I became enlightened, so they called me Shenmulberry."


Guangdu Tianzun murmured and followed Daojun Shensang into the Daojun Palace.

This is what has changed in this era.

"Taoist Nie Mie, who was originally Guangdu Tianzun, lost all his relatives in the Yuan Mie era, and finally got Taojun Shensang to accompany him. However, in the next era, Taoist Shensang also died, so Guangdu Tianzun became Taoist Nirvana became the Taoist Nirvana that countless monks feared in many eras to come."

Fang Yu looked at this era and saw countless peerless geniuses. Once Guangdu Tianzun was very ambitious, but in the end he became Taoist Nirvana.

Wanxiang Dao Lord once had great ambitions, but later he became a ruthless man who killed half of the creatures in the Curse Dao era without hesitation.

Many peerless geniuses have indeed undergone tremendous changes due to the Nirvana Tribulation.

Fang Yu looked at these many imperfections and created incarnations one by one, causing a kind of great perfection to occur in the newly opened parallel worlds, and countless wishes were born in each of the parallel worlds. , countless beauties, countless wisdoms, countless joys, countless flames, lighting up each era.

In an era that Fang Yu passed through, Guangdu Tianzun was still Guangdu Tianzun, not Taoist Nirvana.

In that world, Daojun Shensang is still alive, and Fang Yu is even the Taoist brother and big brother of Guangdu Tianzun.

During the Yuan Destruction Era, in a certain parallel world, eight Tao Lords worshiped each other. The leader was Yu Huang Dao Lord, and Guangdu Tian Zun ranked second. With the help of Yu Huang Dao Lord, the Yuan Destruction Era passed safely. That time of annihilation.

Of course, in the main world line, the era of yuan destruction has become a thing of the past.

Fang Yu continued to move forward and reached the Yuantian era. The protagonist of this era was Wuji Tianzun. This man showed unparalleled talent when he was a young man. He impressively opened up the avenue of cause and effect with his own wisdom. His experience He is a legend among legends, a myth among myths, so evocative that no amount of pages can write his story.

A projection of Fang Yu entered the world and discussed Taoism with Wuji Tianzun. Wuji Tianzun was dishonest and wanted to use his own way of cause and effect to insert Fang Yu's network into his network of cause and effect so that he could transcend himself. As a result, he was Fang Yu was beaten violently.

Of course, the Wuji Tianzun in this world did not die. He gained Fang Yu's wisdom and opened up a more powerful era.

Fang Yu kept moving forward and finally reached the most powerful era. This era was the Yuandao era. This was the first era born from chaos. It had brilliance and civilization that could not be matched by future generations. It gave birth to the pioneering era. The strong men of Daojun Palace are the majestic force that makes Daojun Palace stand at the end of time and space.

In this era, there are no uninhabited areas, nor are there many great avenues in later generations. Everything starts from the starting point, and everything is created out of nothing!

This era is extremely glorious. It is an era where chaos was born. It has abundant Yuanqi, and it contains many secrets of the avenue.

Many monks explore the path of cultivation and continue to rise. The most genius among them is Jiang Taixu. In addition, there is a peerless genius named Gong Yeqian. These two existences continue to practice, practice, and soon practice. Reached the realm of Taojun.

Before Jiang Taixu and Gong Yeqian, there were already Tao Lords in the Yuandao era. However, after Jiang Taixu and Gong Yeqian became the Dao Lords, some old Tao Lords, such as Tai Luo Dao Lord and Shenyi Dao Lord, were ashamed of themselves. Fu Ru.

This era became the era of Jiang Taixu and Gong Yeqian. In this era, many monks became Taoist masters. After an unprecedented Taoism conference was held in Taixu Tian, ​​Jiang Taixu surpassed the others in skill and was called the Emperor of Heaven. , and Gong Yeqian kept pace with him and was called Tianzun.

The entire era was completely named the Yuandao era.

The universe is unified, and the Heavenly Emperor Jiang Taixu is located on the highest heaven in the Yuandao era. In the harem are the main emperor and empresses, as well as many empresses and concubines.

As time passed, there were many descendants, countless sons of emperors and maidens of heaven, who were sealed to various places and became a huge imperial clan!

Gong Yeqian is called Tianzun, but this Tianzun is a cynical person and has no descendants so far. There is only one female Taoist monarch who always goes to the Taichu Heaven.

The woman was called Daojun Yuanqing, and she had a deep love for Gongyeqian. However, Gongyeqian was not used to being restrained, so the two did not become Taoist lovers.

The entire era was very prosperous and prosperous, and masters emerged one after another.

Especially after the appearance of the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Lord, many Taoist monarchs succeeded in attaining enlightenment, and hundreds of flowers bloomed and hundreds of schools of thought contended.

Unknowingly, more than two billion years have passed, and the Yuandao era has reached its most prosperous era. The Taoism of the Emperor and Tianzun has become stronger and stronger, reaching a mysterious and unpredictable realm. There are more than 300 Dao Lords under their command, more than any era in the following years.

But one day, while the Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Lord were in seclusion, they felt that the avenue was decaying, and a disaster was brewing that could destroy everything. This disaster seemed to appear suddenly after the Yuandao era reached its peak, and was unprecedentedly terrifying.

The Emperor of Heaven and the Heavenly Lord calculated that in hundreds of millions of years, the great road between heaven and earth will be weakening, the power of Taoism and magical powers will be reduced, and life span will gradually shrink. Originally, mortals in this era who had not practiced any magical powers could live for three thousand years, but in the coming years their life span would continue to decrease, from three thousand years to one thousand years, to eight hundred years, to five hundred years, and then one hundred years.

All living beings will gradually decay over time, the aura surrounding the living beings will become dim, many monks will lose their Tao incense, their soul Tao fruits will rot, and their power will continue to be lost.

And in the end, a terrifying disaster will destroy the entire Yuandao Era and completely wipe out the Yuandao Era.

The Heavenly Emperor was shocked and called on all the Dao Lords of the Yuandao era to come and deduce the possibility of overcoming this disaster.

More than three hundred Dao Lords and more than two thousand Heavenly Lords deduced together to calculate the power and coverage of the great annihilation in the future, and whether there was a glimmer of hope for all living beings to escape the disaster. Countless Dao lights showed endless Endless different appearances, the light of the Dao shines in the Yuandao era, making it clear and audible to all living beings.

But what makes all Dao Lords despair is that no matter how they deduce, they can't find any hope.

Neither the Heavenly Emperor nor the Heavenly Lord seems to have any solution.

But at this moment, a Taoist Lord arrived.

This Dao Lord is the clone of Yuhuang Dao Lord Fang Yu.

Both Tiandi Jiang Taixu and Tianzun Gongyeqian were greatly surprised to see Fang Yu's clone. At the same time, there was a vague feeling in their hearts that the arrival of this existence might help them resist the catastrophe of annihilation. .

"I originally thought that all the Dao Lords in the world have returned to my heaven. Didn't I expect to see such an existence as my fellow Daoists?"

"When fellow Taoist arrives, there must be a way to solve the catastrophe of Nirvana!"

"If fellow Taoists have any ideas, please feel free to bring them forward. If we don't have help from fellow Taoists, I'm afraid there will be a terrifying catastrophe of annihilation in the coming years, destroying the entire world."

The Heavenly Emperor and Tianzun spoke, and in addition many Taoist Lords spoke to Fang Yu. They looked at this Taoist Lord who was not in their heavenly court, and felt the breath of life.

"I do have a way to resist the calamity of Nirvana."

Fang Yu's incarnation nodded, and as he took steps, streaks of immortal spiritual light circulated, and in the spiritual light appeared the Tao Fruit of the Supreme Being, forming an endless multiverse world.

Different changes appeared in the endless auras, causing the entire Dao of the Yuandao era to disappear from its peak state immediately after the appearance of these auras, and reach an endless point.

"I... seem to feel that our era is not at its peak, and there are still many possibilities for development!"

"Yes, originally, when our era reached its peak, we were about to encounter a certain disaster. But now, the path of our era has no end, and it has not reached its peak at all. Can this delay the disaster of our era?"

"There are so many novel avenues, how come I have never seen them before? It's so mysterious!"

"It's really unbelievable. I thought our era had exhausted all avenues between heaven and earth. I didn't expect there were so many avenues!"

"The road has no end, the road has no end! It seems that we can really survive!"

Many Dao Lords spoke, and the more than 300 Dao Lords all looked shocked. As for the more than 2,000 Heavenly Lords, they even felt the opportunity. They just saw the countless great ways that Fang Yu displayed, and they felt like it in their hearts. Involuntarily falling into a state of enlightenment, some Heavenly Lords even directly promoted to the state of Dao Lords.

"With Daojun Yuhuang here, our chances of surviving the Nirvana Tribulation are getting better and better this time!"

Many Dao Lords nodded, the Emperor of Heaven and the Lord of Heaven all nodded, sensing the possibility of overcoming the catastrophe.

Immediately, all the Dao Lords used their wisdom to make the entire Yuan Dao era continue to grow.

As a latecomer of this era, Fang Yu's status continued to rise and rise, and he was respected as the emperor by countless monks from the Yuandao era.

The emperor's character "emperor" depends on the character "emperor" of Yuhuang Daojun.

Emperor of Heaven, Jiang Taixu, Tianzun, Gong Yeqian, Emperor of Heaven, Fang Yu.

This is an era when three gods rule the world.

After many, many years have passed, the entire Yuandao era has developed to an incredible level. There are hundreds of thousands of Dao Lords alone, but the catastrophe of annihilation has still not come. The unparalleled immortal aura fills the entire universe. The world appears to have a sense of being created out of nothing, causing the calamity of annihilation to move backwards without limit, or even never come.

"There is no need to make up for the regrets of Jiangnan and Jiangzichuan. However, the regrets of all sentient beings in this world in the past years have been made up for by me, and I will also become the Heavenly Lord."

Fang Yu looked at the countless past eras in the entire world. Each era had countless projections of him, forming an endless parallel world. In that parallel world, countless happy people lived.

All living beings in the Yuandao era were very happy.

The sentient beings in the era of Yuanji are also very happy.

There is also the age of the holy way, the age of the devil, the age of the curse, etc., etc., all have happiness.

And the spiritual will in Fang Yu's body became more and more intense.

He is going to be promoted to Heavenly King. (End of chapter)

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