In the Dao Lord Palace, Wuji Shutong escaped. Such a thing was nothing to Fang Yu.

He passed through many places in Daojun Palace and gradually reached the depths of Daojun Palace.

At this moment, it seemed that an extremely ancient existence woke up from its slumber and sang the great road.

The sounds of the Taoist sounds were ups and downs, like chanting sutras, and the voices were all different. Some were old, some were young, some were the powerful voices of men, and some were the clear voices of women.

It seemed that more than a dozen Taoist Lords were chanting together.

And in this chant, a kind of innate immortal power is still growing, which is a stream of innate immortal spiritual light, turning into brilliant light like stars and rivers.

This is obviously an innate magic weapon being formed.

But instead of refining the magic weapon naturally, it seems to be humanized and turned into an innate magic weapon.

Fang Yu took a step forward and reached the depths of Daojun Palace. He saw huge pillars standing in the void in front of him. On top of those pillars were futons one by one. They were very old and terrifying. The Tao Lord sat cross-legged on the futon, circling the central pillar.

On the pillar in the middle, sits a half-human, half-treasure Taoist Lord. This Taoist Lord is surrounded by innate immortal aura. Half of his body has been turned into a magic weapon, and the other half is still a human body.

"It seems that this Taoist Lord has died?"

Fang Yu looked at the Taoist Lord and said.

"Yes, the Crazy Taoist Lord is about to pass away. All fellow Taoists are seeing him off."

The woman who had previously invited Fang Yu into the Dao Lord Hall, Tian Fei Dao Lord, spoke quietly. "The Great Crazy Taoist Lord has passed through nine catastrophes of annihilation and lived through nine eras, but this time he seems to be in seclusion. It seems that he cannot survive. Unfortunately, the catastrophe of annihilation did not kill him, and he still wants to become a Taoist. "

"Lived for nine epochs."

Fang Yu looked at the Crazy Taoist Lord. If a Heavenly Lord in the Eternal Realm can survive nine eras, then he is at least a peerless Heavenly Lord of nine eras. He is the best among the Heavenly Lords. , even the Heavenly Lord of Chaos, the Eternal Heavenly Lord, and the Heavenly Lord of Disaster seem to be the Heavenly Lords of about seven epochs.

However, the strength of this crazy Taoist Lord has not reached such a tyrannical level. Although he has survived nine epochs, he has not reached the point of eternity. He even comprehended the Tao and transformed himself into Taoism. , if no one takes action, then the Crazy Dao Lord will turn into an innate magic weapon and become someone else's treasure.

Especially since this kind of Taoist Taoist has no spiritual wisdom, it is very comfortable for future generations to use.

However, for this kind of Dao Lord who transforms into Dao Lord in the Dao Lord Palace, the innate magic weapon he transforms will not flow outside, but will stay in the Dao Lord Palace.

"The Crazy Dao Lord seems to be on the verge of becoming a Taoist, but if I take action, this Dao Lord will still have a chance to survive. It's not that easy at the end of the road. He still has the possibility to continue moving forward."

Fang Yu looked at the idiot Taoist Lord and said.

"What? Can Fellow Daoist really allow the Crazy Dao Lord to continue to exist?"

"If fellow Taoist can do such a thing, then fellow Taoist is the best fellow Taoist in my Daojun Palace!"

"If fellow Taoist can help the Crazy Taoist Lord, whatever you need, we will be satisfied!"

"Taojun Yuhuang, I also want to ask fellow Taoist to take action. I will surely repay you for your great kindness!"

When Fang Yu finished speaking, all the Dao Lords in the huge Dao Lord Hall looked over. They were originally immersed in the sadness that the idiot Dao Lord was about to become a Daoist, but when they saw someone coming, and he was also a very powerful one. Daojun, a kind of hope suddenly rose.

They cannot solve the things that the Great Crazy Taoist wants to achieve enlightenment, and in the coming years they will also follow the path of the Great Crazy Taoist. If someone can really solve such a thing, then in the coming years they can also go in the direction of eternity. And go?

None of the many Dao Lords jumped out to question Fang Yu. They all looked at Fang Yu, hoping that this Dao Lord would really have a solution.

"If a monk practices cultivation and turns it into a magic weapon without any will, in my opinion, this is the worst outcome. Human existence has always been based on spiritual will. As long as the spiritual will is there, all laws, ways, fruits, and bodies will be eliminated. , can all exist.”

Fang Yu took a step forward, and the terrifying spiritual will flowed in the void. Wherever the terrifying spiritual will passed, countless things that did not exist appeared in the void. Many Taoist fruits, countless mana, and one statue continued to In the history of civilization that has developed and grown, there are many trees of the avenue, which are growing new branches and buds all the time. Each branch and bud continues to grow, and soon countless branches and leaves of the avenue are developed.

Wherever Fang Yu walks, countless traces of avenues circulate, like the avenues of many prehistoric eras in this world, which are also circulating, and they are constantly improving, and new mysteries are evolving all the time. This place has simply become an eternal kingdom.

The speed of the Daoist Taoist transformation was also terminated in the eternal kingdom. This Taoist even felt that the so-called end of the Taoist road was not the end at all, and that his Tao was just a part of the branches of some branches of the Taoist road. However, he is cultivating the Taoism in this branch land.

He took one more look, and the Dao-transformed spiritual treasure in his body began to transform into his body again, especially his spiritual will, which continued to improve. His own Dao will in his body was condensing and condensing. , and condensed.

As a result, this Taoist king felt that he was still very energetic and had not reached the end of the road. His life seemed to be still very young.

In this moment, Daojun Dao felt a lot and learned a lot. He felt that he could even live for a few more epochs.

There was a look of joy on his face, and he even looked much younger.

And all of this is because of the Yuhuang Daojun in front of him.

"I thought I was going to die, to perish before the catastrophe of annihilation in this life. I didn't expect that meeting Taoist Yuhuang made me feel that I was still very young. Thank you Taoist, if it weren't for Taoist , I’m really going to die.”

The Crazy Daojun had completely restored his body and cupped his hands towards Fang Yu.

As the Crazy Tao Lord raised his hand, several very ancient Tao Lords also raised their hands and expressed their gratitude to Fang Yu.

"Fellow Taoist's Taoist conduct and cultivation seem to have surpassed the level of Dao Lord. If Taoist Friend hadn't taken action this time, the idiot Dao Lord would really have fallen."

"The great road has no limit. I have lived for many epochs, but today I feel the fresh breath from fellow Taoist. It's a pity that I didn't meet fellow Taoist earlier!"

"If fellow Taoists don't give up and are willing to discuss Taoism with fellow Taoists, if we can have the opportunity to discuss Taoism with fellow Taoists, we may even reach the end of the great road!"

"Tianfei Dao Zun, you invited Yuhuang Dao Lord to the Dao Lord Palace this time. This is really a great thing for our Dao Lord Palace!"

Many Dao Lords spoke up and praised Fang Yu endlessly.

Because when Fang Yu showed his terrifying way, these Taoists all felt that they had gained too many things, especially the fact that human spiritual will can make "something" out of nothing. This unique skill made them appreciate it even more. Traces of eternity.

As long as they can really create something out of nothing, then even if the calamity of annihilation arrives, they can still fight against the taste of annihilation with infinite existence.

This is a way to eternal life!

Therefore, many Dao Lords are very willing to discuss Dao with Fang Yu.

"This is natural. I really enjoy discussing Taoism with fellow Taoists. I always believe that only communication can lead us to a deeper and deeper future."

Fang Yu nodded and sat down to discuss the Tao with these Taoists.

The entire Daojun Palace became very happy, and there was an atmosphere of celebration everywhere. The loneliness of countless years was broken today.

Many Taoist monarchs sat together and talked about Taoism, the past years, and the things of their own era and era.

There were many eras in the past, one of which was the era when life first appeared and was the origin of all eras. It was called the Yuandao era.

The Dao Lord Hall was established in the Yuandao Era, but many of today’s Dao Lords are not from the Yuandao Era. The Yuandao Era is too far away from now, and many of the Dao Lords who founded the Dao Lord Hall have not survived the very ancient times. As the years passed, one after another passed away while searching for the end of the road, and many existences turned into innate treasures.

And for example, the three main hall masters of Daojun Palace in the years are all those who joined Daojun Palace in later eras. Wuji Tianzun joined Daojun Palace in an era seventeen eras ago, and gradually became the leader of Daojun Palace. The Lord of the Palace.

Taoist Nirvana has the same origin.

In the extremely long years, there are really very few that can survive forever.

Fang Yu discussed the events of the past era with many Dao Lords from the Dao Lord Palace. During the exchange of Dao, the strength of many Dao Lords greatly improved.

And Fang Yu looked towards the fairy world, and the land of the fairy world was also undergoing drastic changes.

The Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Lord set up many creations. In many void places in the Immortal World, treasures such as innate treasures were born, which caused countless monks to fight for them.

A fierce fighting unfolded in the fairy world. In such a fight, three reincarnated Taoists even fell. A terrifying storm brewed in the fairy world, and the fighting and killing became more and more fierce.

Fang Yu has almost never done anything like killing after the arrival of this world. Only when those reincarnated Tao Lords died in battle, Fang Yu resurrected them and sent them into the cosmic world he created, allowing them to Contribute some of your own wisdom again.

In the outside world, the war became more and more intense. A round pillar appeared in the eyes of many immortals. It was gray and inconspicuous, but there were countless textures of the avenue in this pillar.

The texture of these avenues is divided into nine layers. The upper layer and the lower layer run in opposite directions, like two gears turning in different directions. It is as if this pillar is composed of nine cylindrical gears. The nine-level gears are constantly rotating, representing The nine layers of void in the fairy world.

This magic weapon is the innate treasure, the Ding Tian Yuan Zhuang.

Innate magic weapon, innate spiritual treasure, innate supreme treasure.

The birth of an innate treasure is definitely a huge event in today's fairy world. In today's fairy world, even the birth of an innate magic weapon can set off a storm.

So when the Dingtian Yuan Zhuang appeared, all the big names in the fairy world appeared.

Lord Taitian, Lord Xuandu, Lord Yujing, Immortal Emperor Qianyuan, Queen Zihan, Lord Rama, Lord Maha, Ancient God Dayan, Ancestor Tianyuan, Spirit Girl and other existences at the level of heavenly kings They were the first to appear, each offering their innate magic weapons, and started fighting.

There are also many reincarnated Taoist kings, such as the Holy Demon Tianzun, Tianhuang Taoist, Wuxie Taoist, Divine Mother Taoist, Ascetic Tianzun, Lihua Taoist, Guirong Taoist and other reincarnated Taoist kings all appeared.

Another Wanxiang Taoist suddenly appeared, holding a golden light-suppressing Taoist cauldron in his hand, and said with an indifferent expression: "Haha, today we will go on a killing spree. It should be very interesting to kill all the reincarnated Taoist and indigenous heavenly kings! "

Countless blood mist appeared again, and the screams of ghosts and gods were heard in the blood mist. Big green eyes opened in the blood mist, and a sinister laughter sounded: "It's delicious, it's delicious, it will be." After they finish eating, they should be full!”

The sea of ​​​​blood fills the sky, revealing the boundless avenue of the sea of ​​​​blood. This sea of ​​​​blood is so deep and terrifying that even a being at the level of a heavenly king will be devoured by his life essence if he is not careful!

Blood Ancestor!

A big monster from prehistory, after cultivating to the level of Dao Lord, it has spanned many eras. Some Dao Lords even heard the name of the Blood Ancestor and cultivated to the realm of Dao Lord. Many Dao Lords in history were worshiped by this statue. The Blood Ancestor devoured him, creating this person's supreme evil reputation.

At this time, Dingtian Yuan Zhuang appeared, and a cruel existence like the Blood Ancestor was born!

With so many terrifying beings being born, the entire fairy world seems to be in chaos.

Fang Yu's spiritual will reflected those many existences, and he watched the Dingtian Yuan Zhuang continue to expand. The expansion broke through the fifth void, the fourth void, and then penetrated the second void and the first void, and then fell into the eight states in the center of the fairy world. center.

And the top of this innate treasure penetrates the eighth and ninth voids and stands on the zenith of the ninth void!


The entire fairy world is supported by this innate treasure and continues to expand and expand outwards.

Suddenly, the sky in the fairy world kept getting higher, and the stars were getting farther and farther away from the great state, causing all kinds of fairy energy in the void of the fairy world to be diluted.

Many large states in the fairy world are also expanding, and various mountains are rising from the ground, allowing the fairy states to gain many territories out of thin air.

This is the power of Dingtian Yuanzhu, which expands the fairy world.

Countless immortal ways emerged, strengthening and expanding the immortal space, and even the uninhabited forbidden area was affected.

For the first time, the no-man's zone was squeezed by the Immortal Realm and Immortal Dao, causing the space in the no-man's zone to be compressed, causing even the prehistoric Taoist Lord in the no-man's land to frown.

"Fellow Taoist, what's going on with this matter?"

In the uninhabited restricted area, Taojun Tianxi and Taoist Xiangkang asked Fang Yudao.

Fang Yu's body is still in this village in the no-man's land, and it seems that he has never left. However, if someone stands at the top of the fairy world and looks at it, it seems that the body of this existence appears in different time and space, and there is something in the Dao Lord Palace. , where Wuji Tianzun is, seems to be in many places.

"As the universe, why should I care about this small place? Of course, I can also collide with the innate treasures and create new mysteries. By the way, I can give some oppression to the descendants of the immortal world."

Fang Yu smiled slightly.

Daojun Xiangkang nodded, stretched out a palm, and pointed it in front of the Dingtian Yuanzhu. Immediately, earth-shattering throbbing came, as if the heaven and earth were about to be destroyed, the stars were trembling, and the galaxies were about to collapse.

But Daojun Xiangkang drew a circle, and all the fluctuations suddenly disappeared.

The expansion of the fairy world also stopped.

"My moral conduct has indeed improved a lot compared to the past." (End of Chapter)

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