Deep in the Yuhua Heavenly Kingdom, Fang Yu and Yu Huang were sitting upright.

Two people are going to practice in depth here.

"Senior Brother Yuhuang, in the past years of practice, I have acquired many secrets of existence, such as the Divine Fist of Creation, the Divine Fist of Origin, the Sword Embryo of Truth, and I have acquired the secrets of the three great Immortal Kings."

Fang Yu sat cross-legged, with countless Taoist and magical powers appearing in his body. The martial arts of the emperors were all flowing through his body. Among the many unique skills, the Immortal King's unique skills were the most powerful and unparalleled. It is not comparable to the martial arts of the emperors.

"What, Junior Brother Fang Yu, you actually got so many secrets from the Immortal King?"

There was a look of shock on Emperor Yu's face, as if he had not expected that this peerless genius of the Yuhua Sect would have such an adventure. His face was full of admiration and emotion, "My founder of the Yuhua Sect, Hua Tianjun, Although I was favored by the Immortal King of Creation back then and was rewarded with good luck, I didn't get any Immortal King's divine fists like the Divine Fist of Creation. However, junior brother, you can get so many secrets from the Immortal King. I really doubt that you are the Immortal of Creation. The reincarnation of a king, or the reincarnation of a certain important person."

Emperor Yu looked Fang Yu up and down with an expression of admiration on his face. "Only a peerless genius can obtain the secret knowledge of the Immortal King. That is already an unimaginable adventure. How can there be someone like you, my junior brother, who not only obtained the secret knowledge of the Immortal King of Creation, but also the Immortal King of Truth and the Immortal King of Origin? I have dabbled in all the secret arts, and I really doubt that you have obtained the secret arts from other Immortal Kings. Having a presence like you in our Yuhua Sect can indeed make my cultivation a step further."

Yuhuang, this peerless being who has the same life span as heaven and earth, looked at the Sword of the Temple next to him. "Holy Church, cooperate with me fully. Let's understand the power of creation, the power of origin, and the power of truth. This is our great opportunity. We have never had the opportunity to obtain these immortal king's secret skills in the past years. Now under the guidance of Junior Brother Fang Yu, With the help of others, we can have such an opportunity, and it’s really our chance.”

While Yu Huang was speaking, he clenched his big hand, and the Holy Temple Sword fell into his hand. Together with the Holy Temple Sword, he immediately understood the rumored Divine Fist of Creation, Divine Fist of Origin, and the Embryo of the Sword of Truth.

His face suddenly showed the light of enlightenment.

"Feathering and ascending, the mysterious power of the Great Dao."

Yuhuang roared repeatedly, and the passage of time changed in his body. It seemed that a moment passed in the outside world, and hundreds of thousands, or even tens of millions, of years passed in his body.

As he roared, many original charms appeared in his body. It was a little bit of the power of creation, the power of origin, and the power of truth. As soon as these great powers appeared, they entered him. In his body, a series of changes occurred in his body structure.

As a being with the same life span as heaven and earth, Senior Brother Yuhuang comprehended the magical power of the Great Dao faster than anyone else. He didn't know how many times he comprehended it in an instant.

With his cultivation level, it would be very difficult to break through in normal times, but once he breaks through, it will greatly improve his strength.

"The Sword of the Temple is promoted again, interprets the truth, and is made immortal!"

He holds the sword of the temple and stabs into the void. Every time he strikes out, the void will burst, and the sword energy leads to the distant depths of time and space, to an unknown alien space.

Every time those alien spaces break, a stream of thoughts and breaths are transmitted.

Finally, Yuhuang's whole body was trembling, and he stabbed out with a sword, penetrating the past and the future. Suddenly, a world like the treasure world was opened directly, and countless long rivers of crystal treasure energy came out of the air, and all of them were integrated into the temple. In the blade of the sword.

The entire sword of the Temple Sword buzzed, and it seemed that a kind of promotion had also occurred.

"One sword cuts off cause and effect, two swords cut off fate, three swords break thoughts, and four swords create immortality!"

After Emperor Yu suddenly obtained countless treasures of light from the treasure world, he slashed out four more swords. These four swords could be said to be the manifestation of his great progress in cultivation. Each sword struck out cut off cause and effect, fate, and earthly thoughts. Forge immortality.

This means that Yuhuang's cultivation has indeed taken a step forward, and he has improved a lot in the realm of the same life span of heaven and earth, and has improved a lot from the position of heavenly king.

The Supreme Lord of Heaven is free from cause and effect, cause and condition, karma, heaven and earth.

"Temple, how do you feel?"

Yuhuang threw the sword into the air and levitated it.

"Very good, the treasure energy of the treasure world is of great benefit to my sword body and body. If I can continue to absorb it for many years, I will definitely reach the peak of the king-level immortal weapon and surpass the spear of judgment!"

The twelve-winged woman from the Sword Tomb of the Holy Temple said, this woman is also full of joy now.

"Now the number one king-level immortal weapon in heaven is the Spear of Judgment. It is infinitely close to the holy-level immortal weapon. Its power is about several times yours, and it also surpasses mine."

Yuhuang said. "This time, with the help of Junior Brother Fang Yu's power of the truth of the origin of creation, we can cut off the connection with the treasure world and absorb their treasure energy. This can be described as stealing, but it cannot be absorbed on a large scale, otherwise it will definitely attract the attention of big figures in the treasure world. , until then, stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice."

"Senior Brother Yuhuang, in fact, I have been comprehending the mystery of making something out of nothing these days. The word "treasure" in the world of treasures represents preciousness. It seems that deep in the human heart, something can be made out of nothing."

Fang Yu opened his mouth and said, a precious word "treasure" appeared in his hand. As the word circulated, countless noble auras flowed out. First there were wisps of aura, and then the aura condensed into rivers. , these treasures were created by Fang Yu's treasure character. Although it seems that it cannot be a real treasure world, this treasure character also shows many mysteries.

"Okay, okay, Junior Brother Fang Yu, you really have too many fantastic ideas. This kind of thinking makes me surprised. Although these treasures are not as good as the treasures in the treasure world, they are not much different. If Such things can be born in our hearts. Maybe we can really build a treasure world that belongs to us. Now I even suspect that the Duobao Tianjun who created the treasure world may have used the word "宝" to create this treasure world. Another world.”

Emperor Yu looked at the treasure character displayed by Fang Yu and praised it.

"We will study carefully today, and I will also tell you, my junior brother, about the supreme mysteries I have obtained and the true scriptures of belief. This unique knowledge was handed down from the Holy Church in ancient times. The ancient Holy Church was before the establishment of Heaven. I don’t know how many years ago the Lord of Heaven was destroyed by the Immortal King of Creation and disappeared into the dust of history. However, this true scripture of belief is comparable to the Taoist skills of the Immortal King of Creation. It is precisely because of this true belief that I Only by cultivating through sutras can we reach the realm where heaven and earth have the same life span."

Yuhuang said, and also taught the supreme secret knowledge and the true scripture of faith that he had obtained.

While imparting this supreme skill, Emperor Yu also showed many experiences of those who were promoted to the Immortal Emperor. That is the memory of how to promote his spiritual will into the supreme way. For a saint like Fang Yu, It is absolutely very precious.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Yuhuang."

Fang Yu was naturally very happy to see Senior Brother Yuhuang share such experience.

With a little thought, he figured out how to be promoted from Saint Immortal to Immortal Emperor.

The two peerless masters communicated with each other and understood each other in the depths of the Yuhua Sect. Each person's cultivation and Taoism improved.

For Emperor Yu, Fang Yu, his junior brother, is simply his noble person. This junior brother has actually received the inheritance of many Immortal Kings. It seems that he was a great man in his previous life. What is the secret skill of the Immortal King of Creation, the Divine Fist of Creation? , this junior brother knows everything about Origin Immortal King’s secret skill, Origin Divine Fist, and even Truth Immortal King’s secret skill, Truth Sword Embryo.

In addition to the secret skills of these three great immortal kings, our junior brother Fang Yu actually knows the supreme secret skills of King Buddha of the World, and even the Hongmeng Heavenly Way of Hongmeng Taoist. For example, Hongmeng Taoist's Hongmeng Heavenly Way, even if his cultivation level reaches Even though heaven and earth have the same life span, they can't understand it.

But even so, this made Yuhuang even more shocked. He really suspected that this junior brother Fang Yu was the reincarnation of one of the Immortal Kings.

He became more and more enthusiastic about Fang Yu, who might be the reincarnation of the Immortal King, and taught all the scriptures of his faith to Junior Brother Fang Yu. In addition, he also had many unique skills and many supreme methods. Whether it was from the Yuhua Sect or he got it from other places.

As a being who has cultivated to the realm where heaven and earth have the same life span, he knows a lot of immortal arts, much more than any saint, such as the treasure saint, the sorrow saint, and the illusion saint. The three of them combined have mastered the magic. Not even one-tenth of his ability, now he has directly taught these supreme immortal skills to Junior Brother Fang Yu, allowing Junior Brother Fang Yu to further improve his Taoism.

It can be said that after receiving his teachings, Junior Brother Fang Yu has gained a supreme treasure house. This treasure house is a treasure house that exists as long as the heaven and the earth. It is huge for the saints and even the supreme immortal emperor. benefit.

This is a drastic improvement.

Both beings have greatly improved their strength due to the exchange.

At the same time, in a wonderful world.

This world is filled with treasure energy everywhere. The sticky treasure energy is as heavy and gorgeous as mercury. As soon as it flows a little, a rumbling sound can be heard in the air.

This precious energy was formed by countless magic weapons over countless billions of years. Every trace of precious energy passed on is a peerless material for forging magic weapons.

In these precious auras, there are countless magic weapons growing, as many as the sands of the Ganges River. They are all fairy weapons. Swimming in the precious auras is like living in heaven.

What is very miraculous is that many immortal weapons are combined in pairs. Male weapon spirits and female weapon spirits can give birth to new little magic weapons with the help of precious energy, just like a Taoist giving birth to a child.

This is a world of magic weapons, a world of treasures.


Among the countless immortal weapons wandering deep in the treasure world, suddenly an extremely powerful eyeball-shaped magic weapon appeared. The powerful momentum displayed by this magic weapon made some king-level immortal weapons look at it.

"The Eye of Insight has appeared. Did it find something to report?"

"Master Eye of Insight is responsible for monitoring the entire treasure world and guiding many magical treasures from the heaven to ascend to the treasure world. Something must have happened this time, otherwise this master would not have hurried to the Duobao Palace."

"Master Eye of Insight's cultivation is really getting higher and higher. I'm afraid it's already comparable to the number one king-grade immortal weapon in heaven, the Spear of Judgment."

"I don't know. Master Eye of Insight has never fought with the Spear of Judgment."

"There is no point in fighting with the Spear of Judgment. It is also a magic weapon. I hope that whether it is the Spear of Judgment, the Lost Sword or the Spear of Vengeance, they should all become members of our treasure world. So many of our magic weapons should be completely Unite and enslave the monks, rather than being enslaved by the monks!”

In the treasure world, there are many powerful king-level immortal weapons, some of which are equivalent to saints, and some to the Supreme Immortal Emperor, and they are all talking about them.

And that eye of insight transformed into a majestic man while walking towards the Duobao Palace, and entered the Duobao Palace.

In that hall, the auras of several holy and immortal weapons appeared.

This is the true controller of the entire treasure world.

It is precisely because of the controller of this holy immortal weapon that the treasure world has not been destroyed by the heaven. Otherwise, a world composed of such a powerful magic weapon will be coveted by any powerful existence.

"Several ancestors discovered something strange."

After the man transformed by the Eye of Insight entered the hall, he immediately started calling.

"whats the matter?"

"I found that there are masters who have practiced the method of communicating with the treasure world, but after the treasure energy was transmitted, there was no feedback. It seems that someone used the treasure energy of my treasure world, but cut off the connection with my treasure world. Do you want to conduct a thorough investigation and directly arrest and kill the person who stole the treasure world?"

The eye of insight said.

"Is there such a thing? I'll observe Zhou Tian."

A great voice resounded.

"Wings of Freedom, there's no need to check. I can probably guess who that person is."

Another great voice resounded.

"Oh? Legendary Staff, who is that person? I am a little curious, who is so powerful that he can directly cut off his connection with our treasure world."

"That person ascended from the lower world. He has very strong opportunities and luck. He also has a lot of power behind him. Although he refined a clone of me, it has been difficult for me to feel his presence recently."

The being named the Legendary Staff spoke.

"Oh, the person behind him looks very powerful. Could it be Tianjun? Could it be some ancient Tianjun. The legendary staff, the big man who can blind your perception, must have lived for several epochs. Well, masters of this level are definitely not unknown people, are they the ones from heaven, or the ones from another world?"

The words of Wings of Freedom rang out.

"Freedom, legend, do you want to deal with the people I protect?"

At this moment, a very powerful thought observed the treasure world, condensed into the main hall, and then condensed into a tall and chaotic figure in the main hall. The boundless chaotic will almost destroyed this main hall. Turned into a chaotic world.

"The Lord of Chaos!" (End of Chapter)

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