Chapter Sixty-Eight Revenge Simulator, the Swept Gold Fleet, the Arrival of the Diamond Brain Demon!!

After all, the main continent is rich in sunshine, colorful, and full of beasts.

And here.

It’s like the wreckage of an old era.

The world is negative.

Some of the waste and wreckage of the Heavenly Origin Realm were piled up here.

Alice was nostalgic.

With the Tyrant, Silver Wing, and several Roshan zombies, in the center of the Ash Continent.

A new bear market was rebuilt.

Also count as a sacrifice. Groundbreaking the old world.

Some dangerous experiments, etc., can be carried out here.

“In the past few years, how have you explored the Treasure Universe?”

Su Bai continued to ask.

Before going to bed.

He also gave zombies all kinds of talents.

Among them is the orange talent of the universe control.

In addition, there is also a golden hell melting pot, and it is not afraid of cosmic radiation.

Tyrants, Silver Wings and other elite zombies should all be out of the world to explore.

“Thanks to your blessing, the world is empty, and not a single waste stone can be found to say this.”

Alice looked at him strangely.

Such a clean near space, she was still the first time to see it! It’s still hard to forget.

When you take someone to the sky.

See the dense unicorn beasts, just like bees collecting honey.

From the universe, the picture of constantly bringing back all kinds of space junk.

“It is because the nearby resources have been lighted, and the development of the world has stagnated.” In order to seek a breakthrough, I decided to go to the other world. ”

Su Bai explained.

“Haven’t you always been curious about what kind of prophetic power I have?” I’ll take you to see it today. ”

Alice’s eyes flickered. Sure enough, curiosity was provoked.

She reviewed it afterwards.

I felt that I could defeat myself with 320 kilometers of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

Many of these achievements are not replicable.

All the arrangements on his side seemed to be clear.

If only it were a fair fight.

99% chance of winning is yourself!

No matter how bad it is, it can detonate the nuclear bomb and die together.

Su Bai naturally intended to simulate again.

As the Metaverse has evolved today, both landmasses are 1,000 kilometers in size combined.

Add to that Alice, the Tyrant, Godzilla, the Lord of the Seas, the four golden creatures and many top silver masters.

This combat power does not go to the meteorite belt for revenge, what are you waiting for?! According to the simulations of the previous times.

In that meteorite belt lurked a gold-level fleet.

There are only two golden creatures.

Just be careful, don’t be discovered by the brain demon in advance, use the technology equipment, then you can easily take it down!

But consider the consequences of defeating the fleet.

Su Bai naturally planned to use the simulation to wade through the water first.

“Inform all believers that a new round of deductions is about to begin.”

“Please be prepared!”

Temples everywhere glow at the same time.

Su Bai’s voice resounded in everyone’s head.

“Extrapolating the future?”

Alice and the tyrant are one eye to the other.

There was doubt in my eyes.

“Is it borrowing a super brain, or some kind of divinity, artifact to deduce?” Does he have this treasure in his hands? ”

“If that’s the case, it’s not unjust to lose to him.”

Experience the simulation of Alice and other zombies for the first time.

Waiting with joy.

And Su Bai’s figure also disappeared into the Ash Continent.

His consciousness re-entered the Creator’s perspective.

“Open God Simulator!”

First of all, Su Bai first checked the creation value.

After the plane war, only 2000 remained.

But at this time, its bright and dangling numbers, bright Su Bai is happy.

【Genesis Value:20000】

“How did it become so much?”

He thought about it carefully.

It’s not a day and a night of hard work that reaccumulates.

Instead, it is a one-time reward for digesting the zombie world.

“With these, there is no worries. Solve that fleet first, I don’t think they have been happy for a long time! ”

On the side of the bed, do you allow others to snore? So close to the starry sky, staying a bunch of brain demons.

Which world lord dares to be at ease?

The cosmic storms and other natural disasters that the Heavenly Element Realm encountered from time to time before were their black hands!

Not to mention.

Su Bai’s men did not know how many times they had died at their hands.

Now the strength has increased greatly.

Don’t beat them out of.

Is it worth the analog line that died before?

And the brain demons themselves are a great treasure.

Leave aside for a moment the immeasurable value of the Golden Brain Flying Saucer.

Just the Brain Magic Chip.

It’s a sky-high fortune!

A tiny spirit vein in the meteorite belt was also something he must get.

Although the world has advanced.

But the family is big, and the expenses are also big.

Four Gold Levels, and two Super Big Stomach Kings.

Coupled with the breeding of more and more dinosaur people, Kou Tao fish people, and other giant beasts.

The origin of the world is also often lacking.

The 10,000 brain nuclei that were just brought back yesterday are already two-thirds less.

With a belief in revenge, Su Bai clicked “Start Simulation.”

“Start the journey of creation——]”

【Genesis value required for this simulation: 1000!] 】

“As the world progresses, even the creation value doubles.”

Su Bai clicked OK a little heartbroken.

So it seems that twenty thousand creation values are not enough for twenty simulations.

Not as much as I think.

【Turn on ten consecutive draws!】 The long-lost lottery screen appeared in front of me.

Su Bai smiled and clicked.

Ten talents of different colors come into view.

He glanced at it.

Slightly disappointed. There is only one purple talent, the others are white and blue.

He quickly selected three and continued to click.

[Cautious Heart (White): Your men are in awe, and they are steady and cautious in whatever they do! 】

[Flash of Inspiration (Blue): When fighting, there are often whimsical ideas. Conducting scientific experiments occasionally pops up genius-like ideas. 】

[Iron Body (Purple): Your men, the overall defense power +10%, inside and outside, no fear of internal injuries! 】

Simulated text – emerges in front of your eyes.

[Early First Age: Alice, who has not yet figured out what the situation is, has been wrapped up in blood-boiling dinosaur people, dark tyrannosaur beasts, etc., and rushed to the sky.] 】

[In the process of hurrying, Alice learned.] It turned out that a meteorite belt more than 20 million kilometers away in space had their mortal enemies. 】

Alice wondered why they were not afraid of death. But still carefully understand the intelligence and count the troops. And try to know more enemy arrangements from the veterans’ mouths, so as to plan the next step. 】

[Talent: Cautious heart to launch.] 】

[But the vengeful Super Bido Beast, the anger in the heart of the interstellar dinosaur overwhelmed the caution, and only wanted to squash the brain demon!] 】

【Ding-dong! A point of divergence of fate appears. 】

“So fast?”

Su Bai, who had not yet returned to God, saw two branching options appear in front of him.

[Fate Difference: There is a difference of opinion between the old and new teams of the space march, and a voice needs to be in the team, as the lord of the world, support the leader of the world? 】

[1. Support the king of dinosaur people to ascend to the throne: they have made contributions to the world and left blood for space. The chance of revenge should be left to them! 】

[2. Support Alice: In my opinion, Alice is more flexible, you are too stupid. 】

“This is not just a superficial chieftain struggle, but also a secret contest between the two sides.”

Su Bai was clear.

Know the deeper levels of awareness.

Comprehensive judgment, Su Bai decisively chose 2.

After all, the brain capacity of dinosaur people is really not large.

Instead, Alice was impressed by the layers of matryoshka dolls in Resident Evil.

As he makes his choice.

Simulated text emerges quickly.

Under your oracle, Alice becomes the commander-in-chief of the expedition. The other chiefs were not willing in time. But still means to listen to your arrangement. And told her the intelligence of the Brain Demon Fleet. Alice fell into thought. 】

[She counted the number of expeditionary troops, in addition to the remaining world, there were 3,000 unicorn beasts, 8,000 dragon knights, 8,000 Kou Tao fishmen, and many leaders including the Lord of the Four Seas.] 】

[Considering the danger of the other side’s high-tech weapons, as well as the caution of the brain demon.] Alice Soldier is divided into two ways. 】

Middle of the First Age: After a long journey, the expeditionary force has reached the meteorite belt. 】

[Alice exhibited strong spiritual powers, carefully finding the warning meteorite buried in the periphery, camouflage the meteorite.] Among them, the Eye Demon Elder, with ten Eye Demons, many of his subordinates touched the Golden Brain Base Camp. 】

[Dark Tyrannosaurus Beast, the Blade Zombie with 5,000 Dragon Knights, touched the hidden position of the Silver Bunker.] 】

[It is very surprising that Alice’s spiritual power scanning, on the contrary, when approaching the Golden Brain, exposed the position in advance, and under her order, the two armies moved ahead of time!] 】

[The Lord of the Four Seas, who had been waiting for a long time, erupted, and hundreds of tentacles wrapped around the Golden Brain to prevent the enemy from escaping.] A thousand divers, many eye demons, Alice herself broke into the Golden Brain. 】

[The enraged golden brain demon, shocked to find that there are times when they are calculated.] It ordered the golden deformed monster to kill them, stalling them for time. 】

Unexpectedly, he was bitten by Godzilla, who had been waiting for a long time, and tore it into pieces on the spot, and swallowed it. 】

At the same time, Alice, who had infiltrated the saucer, exploded the heads of the three Silver Brain Demons and destroyed the key structures inside the machine with the power of the mind. The Eye Demon occupies the key place and occupies the position of the escape saucer in advance. 】

[The Golden Brain falls, and the leader of the brain demons is desperate and tries to launch a final counterattack, using brain waves to forcibly control Alice.] 】

Unexpectedly, the Lord of the Four Seas on the periphery gave a spiritual whisper and reversed it to the brain of the brain demon leader, causing his mental confusion and serious injury! 】

Alice unites with the tyrant in time to cut the head of the brain demon. The corpses are separated. 】

The Brain Demon Leader’s residual consciousness detonated the head, destroyed the chip inside, and killed several Eye Demons, seriously injuring the Eye Demon Elder and other leaders. 】

Another silver bunker had long since been captured. 】

[This golden fleet was completely destroyed!] 】

【You have gained control of the meteorite belt!】 】

[Alice and others also found the spirit mine, a box of magic stones, many precious materials, etc.] 】

【The most precious nature is the Golden Brain itself, as well as a group attack artifact: Storm Oscillator, and a single attack artifact: a diamond-level laser cannon!] 】

The Eye Demon Elder was furious to find that the previous storms had indeed been brought by this machine, and as long as it was given time to expand, it had the power to destroy a small 2nd order world! 】

[As for that laser cannon, it is even more terrifying, if it is fully charged, it is equivalent to the full force of the diamond-level creature, even if it is Godzilla, the Lord of the Four Seas will die!] Almost a nemesis below the diamond level. 】

[As the party was celebrating the victory of revenge, the Lord of the Four Seas, who was wrapped around the Golden Brain, noticed that the hull of the ship was hot, and he was keenly aware that a special message was being transmitted.] It was familiar with the volatility, but for the first time it was so close. 】

[When Alice was packing up her loot, she accidentally discovered the very center of the Golden Brain.] The core of the Golden Brain is a modified diamond-level brain magic brain!

At the same time, it also controls the center and uploads information to the brain demon headquarters in real time at any time! 】

[Realizing that their every move may have been sent to the Cosmic Brain Star Domain.] Alice immediately cut off the diamond’s brain and the saucer itself. 】

[And led his men, taking only the most important treasures, and then nervously embarked on the return journey.] 】

[Defeat a gold-class Brain Demon fleet and reward 2,000 Genesis Points.] 】

“It turned out to be a ghost of it.”

Seeing this, Su Bai suddenly realized.

Several times before.

One defeats the Golden Brain.

It immediately attracted retaliation from the other side.

The speed of time, the speed of reaction, and the clarity of purpose are jaw-dropping.

It turned out that there was also a real-time monitor in the fleet.

“With Alice there, her spiritual power, the power of mind can play a lot of roles. Su Bai silently wrote down the focus of this time. ”

If the Diamond Brain is cut off in advance, the connection with the Golden Brain UFO is severed.

Can it prevent the subsequent retaliation of the brain devil?

This requires continued simulation experimentation.

This time, after all, it is to probe the intelligence as much as possible. When Diamond Brain uploads real-time intelligence.

It’s already too late.

But he was unexpected.

Unlike the previous metal meteorites that are coming soon.

It wasn’t until the group rushed back to the Heavenly Origin Realm that the enemy came.

[Middle and late First Age: An expeditionary force that has just returned home discovers a large meteorite descending from the sky.] When I got closer, I found that it was a metal flying saucer, and from inside there were thousands of brain demons, led by a diamond-level brain demon! 】

[The metal flying saucer fired a Star Destruction Bomb, blowing up the Celestial Realm.] And emit light energy lasers to kill many dinosaur people. 】

[The Lord of the Four Seas, Godzilla and others roared and fought against the diamond-level brain demon fleet, but in the end they were powerless to return to the sky, and they were quickly killed by the diamond brain demon, and the body was brought back to study.] 】

【This simulation is over!】 】

【Comprehensive evaluation:D—】

[Summary: Playing GG with more than twice the strength of the other party is a complete failure. Maybe you can learn from your failures and avoid not doing them again next time. 】

[Cooldown: 10 minutes.] 】


After reading the end, Su Bai let out a mouthful of turbid breath.

It seems to spit out the depression in my heart.

“Our every move is monitored by the brain devils, and we don’t know what other means they have at their disposal to detect their companions being killed.”

“If you do this every time and can’t defend the fruits of victory, it will be in vain.”

Simple words reveal terrifying messages.

It is the assessment of the strength of the expeditionary force.

The Brain Demons sent a diamond-level fleet.

If only they were stronger.

It is estimated that it is not a fleet.

No wonder people say that the brain devil will be rewarded.

Count to the point, like to calculate others the most.

Su Bai is an understanding.

Why can a silver chip sell for a high price of 3.1 billion.

It’s a rarity!

The revenge of the brain devils is not fake! And the chip that sold.

It was still left by the seriously injured brain demon who had wandered to the vicinity of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

Wait a while.

The Golden Fleet awakens to find a dead companion.

Will definitely look around.

So how could such a large Heavenly Origin Realm hide? At the moment they still have the initiative.

Wait for the demons to wake up and give them time to prepare.

Then it will be Su Bai who will die!

So the Meteorite Belt’s Brain Demon Fleet must be solved! The sooner the better.

Whether it is a threat to their own survival.

Or it blocks the development path of the Ying Puzzle Star.

【Please choose a temporary curing item from the following talents!】 】

All three talents are average.

Su Bai chose the Iron Body at will.

Another line of new text emerged.

【Please select from the following items!】 (Note that there can only be one identical thing in the universe)]

[Golden Brain, Silver Flying Saucer, Intact Silver Brain Demon Corpse, Broken Golden Brain Demon Corpse, Diamond Brain!] 】

Among these items.

Su Bai actually found the culprit!

Although the extraction price of the diamond brain is as high as 1.2 million genesis value.

But if only it were now.

Doesn’t it mean that the Golden Brain Flying Saucer has lost its center and has become scrap iron?

Can’t contact the cosmic brain at any time and upload intelligence?

His eyes lit up.

Feel like you’ve found a loophole in the tiger. But think about it carefully.

Su Bai was stunned again.

“If I take out the diamond brain now, the brain demons in the meteorite belt will definitely wake up.”

“The center of control is gone, perhaps more expensive than their fleet itself. Will definitely report it. ”

“Then, when a stronger enemy comes, won’t I die a worse death?”

He was overjoyed. Fortunately, there was no impulse consumption. That’s it.

Su Bai felt that the simulated extraction was not so fragrant…

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