Chapter 60 The simulation ends, and the brother stands tall on the earth and starts the real war!!

“Just simulation, the Super Bido Beast seems to have evolved into the Silver Intermediate True Asura Mode.

Doesn’t that mean…”


Su Bai’s eyes lit up.

I thought of the key points that had been ignored before.

At the same time, he looked down.

The super bido beasts in the crowd did become much stronger, and the bright red armor vaguely reflected the purple luster.

Its realm seems to have advanced – it has reached the Silver Intermediate Level! After the simulation of the experience, the level is still preserved!

“Trapped by the lack of the origin of the Heavenly Origin Realm, it restricts the evolution of many of his subordinates.”

“But now it’s another world!” Single-wheel origin, I’m afraid the zombie world is three times bigger than mine. ”

“There’s no reason not to stalk its wool!”

Just one second. Su Bai had an electric flint in his brain.

Many thoughts flashed by.

Massive amounts of information simulated twice. – It flashed through my mind.

The brain nucleus, the energy core of the zombie, the attempt of the evil eyes, the ultimate golden crystal nucleus in the corpse carp’s body, the lord of the four seas who was killed.

All relevant information is aggregated.

Su Bai had a flash of inspiration.

“We must feed the war with war!” The decapitation itself is correct, ordinary zombie ants bite dead elephants, as long as they hunt and kill the elite zombies in command, they will not be a big problem. ”

Without further ado.

After determining the planning policy in the brain again.

Su Bai began the third simulation!

【Day 1: You use the prop immune agent X5…

The Eye Demon injects the entire warrior with a vaccine. 】

[Under your oracle, Baby Godzilla, the strongest leaders of the Super Beast Beast, hunts the Spirit Zombies at great speed, and gives priority to the Eye Demon Research, using!] 】

[When Baby Godzilla attacked Antarctic City and killed the three leaders of the Tiger Zombie, the Gatling Zombie, and the Eagle Banshee Zombie.] 】

The Evil Eye Demon has studied how to use the tentacles to carefully absorb the crystal nucleus! 】

[Among them, the spiritual crystal nucleus has a very strong effect on the eye demon, and the eye demon officially evolved into a silver level.] The Heavens and Heavens are in effect! 】

[Eye Demon turns into Eye Demon Elder (Elder’s Eye), multiplies the spiritual power tenfold, unlocks spell casting, charm ability.]

And because of the duty of the Tianyuan Divine Sect sacrifice, you can initially perceive the value of faith, and at your behest, learn to perform magic, heal, and assist others! 】

【The strength of the Eye Demon Elder has greatly improved, and the efficiency of using brain nuclei is getting higher and higher, and ten Bronze Peak Eye Demons have been cultivated!】 】

With the help of many evolved evil eyes, the spiritual zombies in the battlefield could not hide. 】

The Eye Demon Elder found at a glance that a silver junior spiritual zombie was in charge of the overall situation of Antarctic City. 】

[Under the fire suppression of baby Godzilla, in less than half an hour, several leaders such as the Violent Tiger Zombie, the Gatling Zombie, and the Eagle Banshee Zombie were all killed, and the brain nucleus was dug out!] 】

[Other spiritual zombies hiding in the tide of corpses, accurately discovered by the ten eye demons, destroyed the King Dragon, the King of the Dinosaur Man focused on sniping.] 】

[It wasn’t long before the 100,000 zombies in Antarctic City, and tens of thousands of zombies from all over the world, were leaderless and could no longer threaten you!] 】

[The will of the zombie world feels a mortal threat and is in a hurry.] The manipulators behind the zombies were also shocked, anxiously directing the zombie leaders everywhere to pay attention to protect themselves. 】

[In Antarctic City, you guys trim it up a bit.] According to the study of the Eye Demon Elder. Zombie brain nuclei also have different properties.

The closest attribute to the devouring, in order to help themselves evolve, otherwise the attribute will collide, self-destruct and die. 】

[The Tyrannosaurus Zombie brain nucleus was assigned to the Destruction King Dragon, and the Eagle Demon Demon brain nucleus was eaten by the Super Beast.] Gatlin’s zombie brain nucleus was handed to the King of Dinosaurs. 】

[Among them, the Elder of the Eye Demon accidentally discovered that the baby Godzilla had a nuclear reactor in his body.] Brain nuclei of any attribute can be taken, and after looting thousands of brain nuclei of different grades hidden throughout the city, all of them are swallowed by baby Godzilla.

[After an hour, everyone who has digested the whole city’s heritage has made great progress!] 】

[Baby Godzilla grows to 60 meters, evolves into Silver Intermediate, and is affected by the zombie virus to transform into a zombie Godzilla!]

The eruption of the breath turns a poisonous green color, not only can burn, but also with a strong corrosiveness, once contaminated, like a bone-attached gangrene, until it is burned to ashes! Ten thousand times stronger than the white phosphorus bomb! 】

[Zombie Godzilla stands on the ground.] 】

[Destroy the King Dragon to activate the talents of the Heavens and Worlds, obtain the monster attributes with the closest bloodlines, and evolve into a silver-level zombie tyrannosaurus beast!] 】

【Super Bido Beast has accumulated enough energy in Asura mode and can transform normally!】 】

[Other leaders, etc., have no small evolution!] 】

[You issued the oracle, ‘Strike all out to the north!’ ’】

[This time there is the Eye Demon Elder, and the 1500 faith points you have accumulated have been greatly utilized, making the Dragon Knights rush and save effort, leaving hundreds of thousands of corpses behind.] 】

[The lords of the eastern and western cities led a small number of elites to urgently support the Arctic City.] In order to prevent you from sniping the leader again, the spirit zombies huddled together. 】

[Noon on the first day: When the soldiers approached the city, you arrived at the North Pole City.] There are also chainsaw zombies, Komodo zombie lizards, Blade Zombies and other elite tools gathered in this city. 】

[Earlier, you secretly sent the Chaobido Beast to take the Eye Demon Elder and take another path.] 】

[Because you are moving too quickly, only the North Pole, the native zombies of the two cities of Little Bear City are in a hurry to fight, and the grassroots strength is actually your superiority! 】

[You used the last drop of divine power to restore the spirit of your subordinates, and make them double their strength in a short time!] 】

This is a signal. Suddenly, riots broke out in the harbor behind Little Bear Market, and a tsunami flooded half the city. A huge tentacle monster wrapped around the head of the corpse carp and began the battle of fate! 】

[The battle between the two giant beasts caused a great chaos in Little Bear City, many buildings were overwhelmed, and many fortifications were destroyed by the aftermath. 】

[At the same time, at the key node of the Golden Gate Bridge, 5,000 Kou Tao fishmen came out, like an uncertain prophet, detonating the bombs on the bridge in advance and blowing up the bridge.] And sneak up to open the gates of Arctic City, Little Bear City! 】

[Zombie Godzilla took the lead, flew to a very high level, and erupted green flames from the sky, corroding the Arctic City and exploding the entire mountain range.]

Letting the zombies surround them will not help.

Internal and external troubles.

In less than half an hour, Arctic City was breached. 】

[Zombie Godzilla falls into Bear City and besieges the Zombie Fish with the Lord of the Four Seas.] 】

[The zombie tyrant transforms into the third stage, but is unexpectedly resisted by the super bido beast that appeared out of nowhere.] This time, with the help of its huge power, the Chaobiduo Beast forcibly suppressed him! 】

[The battle situation is urgent, and the rest of the zombie leaders are mad.] The zombie tyrannosaurus beast leads the primitive dinosaurs to fend off the reinforcements of Arctic City. 】

The Elder of the Eye Demon takes ten Eye Demons and finds Alice in Little Bear Market!] 】

[Alice was shocked, seeing that the overall situation was irretrievable, no longer in love with the war, and flew to the mountains with the silver-winged zombies! 】

[The green flame of the zombie Godzilla is more restrained by the corpse carp, and joins hands with the lord of the four seas to successfully kill the corpse carp at the cost of the lord of the four seas being seriously injured.]

And throw the ultimate crystal nucleus into the deep-water harbor temporarily. 】

[The zombie tyrant pulled away the life of the Super Beast before he died, and the Ultra Beast was seriously injured and died!] 】

[Other men also suffered many casualties.] Many zombies began to explode themselves. 】

[Zombie Godzilla, Lord of the Four Seas and other strongest combat forces besieged the mountains.] 】

Alice, who was planning to detonate a nuclear bomb, looked at the empty launcher with a confused face, leaving only a large dark hole in the mountain. 】

The Eye Demon Elder arrogantly said that he had taken it with himself. 】

Alice in the ashes, carrying the Blade Zombie and other last men, desperately counterattacked. 】

[Alice’s mind exploded, and she received the final regurgitation of the will of a world.] Exploded the heads of the Eye Demon Elders, many Eye Demons.

After paying a great price, she was finally buried in the tentacle death entanglement of the Lord of the Seas. 】

[The other zombies fought back on the deathbed, pulling away the king of the dinosaur people and many elite dragon knights.] 】

[You have successfully defeated the zombie world at half the price!] 】

【This simulation is over!】 】

See this.

Su Bai breathed a long sigh of relief.

“It’s done! Feeding war with war is the king. It’s just that Antarctic City has evolved so much. ”

“It is wise to feed the Elder of the Eye Demon in advance, and its auxiliary role often plays an unexpected role.”

Third simulation.

The enemy rhythm was completely mobilized by him.

Many ordinary troops did not arrive.

Had to hastily build fortifications in Arctic City.

And the presence of the Kou Tao fishmen doomed their proud fortifications to fail.

In front of his eyes, another line of text appeared.

【Comprehensive evaluation: B+ grade】

[Summary: After several defeats, you have achieved a strategic victory over the zombie world. It’s just that the price is also quite a lot, forcing the enemy to a dead end, and you are not happy.”

“Is it still just a B-grade evaluation?”

Su Bai was a little disappointed in his heart.

Looking at it this way, there is still a lot of room for improvement?

The problem is that only one last simulation opportunity remains.

His thoughts flashed quickly in his mind.

Think about how to avoid war damage.

“That tyrant is not a vegetarian, and as the strongest fighting force on the surface, he has pulled the Super Beast away several times. Unless the Super Bido Beast evolved to the Silver Level, it could have the confidence to survive. ”

“Or it’s up to the zombie Godzilla to deal with the tyrant.” But the problem is, without it.

The Lord of the Four Seas alone dealt with the corpse carp under great pressure, and it was very likely that they would die together, and even overturn the ship in the gutter! ”

Don’t look at the last two simulations.

The corpse carp did not shine.

It was attacked in advance by the strongest combat force of the already side.

Just by virtue of its terrifying size, giving it the slightest chance to wield power, it has a strategic-level destructive power.

Without the zombie Godzilla to restrain its attributes, it will be extremely difficult to kill.

And the zombie Godzilla, as the strongest combat force on the surface, is full of firepower.

Attack the city strategically, without it can’t work.

Super than many beasts, eye demons as high machine power. But there is no shadow and no trace.

The silver-winged zombie could not contain the two of them.

But they have the daunting task of stealing nuclear warheads and are destined to disappear for some time.

A summary. Su Bai found out, in the end.

Or too few cards in hand! He pondered.

Extract undiscovered blind spots from the simulated text.

Among them, the Destruction King Dragon, the Eye Demon, died prematurely before, far from the shining point after that.

He looked around.

The Destruction King Dragon has turned into a zombie bone that is exactly the same as the digital world.

The most eye-catching thing is also an orange-red one carried on the back ridge, and the cruise missile is powerful and can be reborn.

The leader’s new appearance startled the primitive dinosaurs around him.

Those who don’t know think it’s a necromancer.

Others have changed a lot to a greater or lesser extent, especially baby Godzilla.

It grew 5 meters tall out of thin air, and its originally red body turned pale.

A pair of green eyes stared at the zombie tyrannosaur beast full of bones, not knowing what to think.

“Now the Destruction King Dragon should not be afraid of any zombie virus.” If it is fed to other brain nuclei, will there be new changes? ”

Su Bai felt that there was a lot of promise.

Speaking of which, the other leaders have evolved a lot.

The original strongest lord of the four seas was because of his heavy responsibility.

The feast of not being able to participate in the division of brain nuclei is now even a step back.

When I regret it.

Su Bai suddenly thought of a bold idea.

I still have a panacea in my hand.

If it is used well, it can play the role of a button! This time, he deduced it several times.

Finally made up your mind.

Open your hands and point north.

“The whole army obeys the order and marches to the northern cities!”

“The Elder of the Eye Demon led the Evil Eye to inject vaccines for all the warriors.”

“Super Bido Beast, Zombie Tyrannosaurus Beast, you hunt and kill the spiritual zombies in the corpse tide, take their brain nuclei, and fully supply the eye demons with food!”

“The rest of the different attributes of the brain nucleus, each divided!”

His voice resounded like thunder in the hearts of the people.

It made the blood of his men boil.

I know the real thing about this move! A primitive dinosaur roared.

The roar of the dragon shook the clouds.

It made the zombies in the distance uneasy.

The Dragon Knights held aloft their Dragon Guns and responded loudly, “Battle! ”

“This world is ours!”

“I have come to obey the oracle to save the fallen world. Bury this group of putrid corpses! ”

“Dust to dust, soil to earth.” Let the undead go to hell! ”

Tens of thousands of troops crossed the portal of light.

Time to return to normal order.

Su Bai did not use the last simulation, but ordered the whole army to attack! Standing high in the air.

Su Bai could vaguely feel the oppression of the world, as well as the strong hostile malice.

At present, the strength of all fighters has been weakened by 5%!

At critical times, it is extremely important.

It can only be corrected if a home field is conquered.

If the east, west, south, and north are all destroyed, all four main cities will be destroyed.

Not only has the world’s power declined by the most part.

The soldiers under Su Bai’s hands will also gain many evolutions.

But there is a price to it!

That is to give Alice a strategic time to mobilize the army of corpses! At that time, even if there is no small evolution.

Surrounded by a tide of half a million corpses. Also doomed to failure! Su Bai had already seen it.

The sky was dark.

From a distance flew a putrid mourning crow.

The experienced army of Dragon Knights did not care about them, but charged north with all their strength at the same time.

The 2,000 air force led by the Chaobido Beast, each unicorn carried an evil eye, hidden behind the back.

Evil Eyes began to use tentacles to vaccinate them.

Do surgery on the march!

“This is not a simulation, but a real war!”

“From this moment on, every minute cannot be wasted!”

Su Bai’s will affected the army.

The zombie tyrannosaurus beast, the original Destruction King Dragon, is not afraid of being poisoned and injured.

He broke through the tide of corpses from the temporary encirclement. Many fusion zombies were crushed and devoured by it on the spot.

It even strengthened part of the body.

The most important head is a spiritual zombie, hidden in the shadows to command.

Follow their plans.

Enemies shouldn’t have spotted them so quickly.

But that material.

The unicorns scattered everywhere seem to have installed monitors.

Accurately descend from the sky, use the horn to resist the spirit zombie, and bring it into the air to kill.

Also cooperate with each other.

He took out the brain nucleus and handed it to the eye demon.

They cooperate with each other skillfully.

The zombie horde that the world’s will urgently pulled over did not involve a few minutes at all.

After 12 minutes.

In the simulation, the Arctic City seen several times appears in front of you! At the same moment.

Little Bear City Port.

In a hidden underground base.

A blonde-haired, pale, bloodless girl who looked to be only 14 years old opened her blue eyes.

She had just seen the enemy through the eyes of a psychic zombie.

“This time the enemy seems a little unusual. Very clever. ”

“It’s the route of a wild dinosaur, and the bodies are huge.”

“That big guy 30 meters tall gave me an ominous premonition.”

“Big Miss, you have defeated ten so-called Creators. If human civilization hadn’t closed the portal in time, we would have been able to devour ten worlds and rise to a stronger level than at its peak. ”

Nearby, a female zombie in silver armor and carrying silver wings said.

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