[The volcano erupted, and the already scarce aura completely dissipated.] 】

At the same time, a breath of despair lingers in the hearts of all living beings, making people unable to raise hope. 】

[The first dinosaur people to suffer were extinct, and the lord of the four seas, the evil eye who hid underground and tried to survive, was also quickly killed.] 】

【This simulation is over!】 】

【Cooldown time required 30 minutes!】 】

The end of this time made Su Bai very sad.

“Seeing the rise of the apes, the egg of the volcano has not hatched yet.”

“How did it end?”

He was very impressed.

But the text soon reminded him of his talent for solidification.

“Prehistoric behemoths are a good gift to keep keeping.”

“I don’t know what talent I can brush up today.”

Su Bai also worried about the opportunity to solidify once a day.

It’s currently more than one o’clock in the afternoon, and there should be enough time to brush out the talent.

【Please select Extract from the following options!】 (If an item requires a card to appear, the card needs to be consumed before it can be extracted.) )】

[1. Destroy the King Dragon].

[2. Dinosaur Man].

[3. Mutated semi-hatched dinosaur eggs].

【4.5000 Templar Dragon Knights, Titan Pythons, Mutant Apes, etc.!] 】

Many things are closely related.

Su Bai thought about it

I think the previous flame egg is very good.

Plus now the creation value is abundant.

Just keep all the items of interest.

“Extract dinosaur men, Destroyer dragons, dragon knights, mutated dinosaur eggs, and mutant apes!”

The choice was a bit too much, and the Genesis value dropped to 9000.

Among them, what surprised Su Bai the most was the dinosaur egg.

It consumes 2000 Genesis Points in one sitting!

As several of them went from nothingness to nothingness, they slowly emerged on the earth.

The Dragon Blood Card in Su Bai’s hand also turned into a point of light and merged into them.

The dragon egg that he focused on,

Only when I saw it with my own eyes did I think it was magical.

More than a meter tall.

The whole body is fiery red, and the eggshell is carved with wisps of flames, and from time to time flames erupt from the eggshell.

Before I got close, I felt a burst of heat.

“Didn’t we die under the volcano?”

“Oh, it’s these big evil bugs, aren’t they exploring the universe?”

“Whoops, how did I come back?” The saplings of the forest grow so small. ”


The newly born Destruction King Dragon and Dinosaur people were full of consternation.

The unicorns showed a look of disgust.

As if to say, “Look, these hillbillies, they don’t even know the power of God.” ”

They also retain memories in simulations.

And there is already some understanding of the matter.

Just at this time,

A flash of light flashed from the air.

It was Su Bai who solved the puzzle to the dinosaurs.

Only when you can see them with your own eyes do you know that they are huge.

Among them, the dinosaur man is fine, just about three meters.

All-over cyan, a bit like a lizard man, but much stronger than them, with a look of wisdom in his eyes.

The 20-meter-tall Destruction King Dragon was full of tendon flesh and was unusually majestic.

There are other primitive dinosaurs that are also full of wild atmosphere.

However, it may be because of the dragon blood infection, coupled with the thin aura in the Heavenly Origin Realm.

They are very wise, and actively crawl at the feet of the Dragon Knight as mounts.

“Since you have returned to the true world, everything has begun again. Continue to multiply on the earth. Waiting for my next calling. ”

“At the same time, this mutated dragon egg, you take it back to hatch, preferably placed in volcanic lava.”

After explaining this.

Su Bai turned his gaze to the monster, the inconspicuous giant ape.

“This group of apes has a lot of potential. Just let them live. I’m afraid I won’t be able to survive for a few days in the increasingly bad Heavenly Origin Realm. ”

Su Bai thought about it and specially divided a position for the giant apes in the southern forest.

“The Venerable Creator, with each time there are more creatures. The world is a little cramped. ”

Among them, the Chaobido beast raises confusion.

At the end of the simulation, the Celestial Realm reverted to 115 kilometers.

Plus, in memory.

Got the memory of the two races fighting. The Ultra Bull Beast naturally had this concern.

“I will grant you all living beings the ability to live in the universe.”

“Instead of competing on the land, it is better to expand the world.” If a second continent is opened up, it will be blessed by the whole world. ”

“Chaobiduo Beast, you led your people to salvage meteorites before, do you remember the coordinates everywhere?”

“Remember! Remember every one. ”

The Ultra Beast replied triumphantly.

“Then sweep away the space as soon as possible and strengthen the origin of the world.”

The Chaobido Beast was happily taking on the task when something suddenly came to mind.

Hurry up and carefully add:

“O Creator, I look at that star in space very well. If you pull it out, the world will definitely be able to advance. Maybe there will be a few more pieces of land. ”

The ideal is full, the reality is cruel.

Su Bai just let him lead his people to open up a route first and investigate the danger of the Confused Star.

Anyway, this time will cool, Su Bai simply arranged for them to explore the universe.

Seems to have thought of something,

Su Bai took out another card.

“For Purple Talent Cosmic Creatures, use the B-Level Talent Upgrade Card!”

As the cards turned into dots of light, they merged into the Super Bido Beast.

A mysterious force transforms its body.

The Ultra Beast didn’t know what was going on, trembling.

At the same time, a reminder sounded.

【You have successfully upgraded your talent!】 】

“This is a magic trick that can make everyone go to heaven.”

Su Bai opened the Creator panel,

In the self-realization talent, see the new orange talent!

Cosmic Mastery (Orange): The person carrying this talent will be able to survive in space. Not only can you move freely, but you can also absorb radiation, strengthen yourself, and get a certain increase! And extremely adaptable to cosmic pressures! 】

“It’s worth even as much as a golden talent.”

After reading the introduction, his eyes immediately lit up.

Don’t look just a little adaptation to space.

But it can enable millions of creatures, overtake in corners, and embark on the road to space to pick up garbage in advance.

And at this time.

The other apprentice creators, I’m afraid, are not cultivating their subordinates to make stone tools?

With a wave of his hand, countless multicolored rays of light melted into the bodies of dinosaurs, primitive dinosaurs, and even giant apes.

[Important Log: You gave all your subordinates the talent of “Cosmic Control”, and from now on, all creatures born in the Heavenly Origin Realm will automatically understand that they can live in the universe by nature! 】

Many powerful creatures were shocked and felt that something had changed.

Among them, the Lord of the Four Seas in the deep sea feels the deepest.

It dances its tentacles and feels its resistance to pressure intensify again.

“The fusion of this talent and my memory will transform me into the master of the universe!”

The eyes of the Lord of the Four Seas flickered with flames.

It is not that it likes to sleep, but that the body is too big.

A movement makes the ocean choppy.

Now that you have a new talent, can’t you fly to the sky?

And with the help of its tentacles, the efficiency of the Super Bido Beast will be greatly enhanced!

“The Ultra Bull Beast is credited to the world. It’s just the beginning. Next, you should consider how to upgrade civilization and build space vehicles to facilitate the movement of a large number of people. ”

Su Bai gave them another task and then went back.

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