Chapter 89

Bao Zeqing should have jumped out to find something in advance!

It just so happens that today the old hatred and the new hatred are counted together.

A cold light burst into Wang Teng’s eyes, with no expression on his face, and he walked towards the elevator.

“Wang Shao, wait for me, that Bao Zeqing has brought a lot of people, let me accompany you up there, by the way, I will also call a few people strong.”

Lao Sun hurried to catch up, took off the walkie-talkie on his body, and shouted, “Hey, Chen Ergou, did Chen Ergou hear?”

“Where, here, what do you want from the boss?” There was a thick, mad, but flattering voice from the walkie-talkie.

“Hurry up to the meeting on the eighth floor, everyone has called, you don’t know yet.” Lao Sun roared angrily.

“Which bastard is so daring to come to our Xingteng to make trouble, I will come right away.”

There was a sudden jump on the side of the walkie-talkie, only to hear Chen Ergou yelling at someone, “Working!”, and then there was a busy tone.

The old grandson looked embarrassed and said with a smile: “Wang Shao, my nephew, although he doesn’t have much culture, he still has a momentum! You will see his performance later.”

Wang Teng didn’t say anything, and walked into the elevator with Lao Sun and went directly to the eighth floor.

After looking at the familiar and unfamiliar surroundings, he walked to the meeting room according to the memory deep in his mind.

As soon as I walked to the door of the conference room, I heard the angry voice of Wang Teng’s mother Li Xiumei.

“Jia Guiren, my husband treats you very well, you actually took advantage of his accident to collude with outsiders and try to seize shares in the company.”

“Mrs. Wang, don’t say it so badly. Mr. Wang is really good to me. I am grateful, but there is a way that water flows to low places, people go to high places, and good birds choose wood to live, Mr. Bao. A talented talent and a general plan, his company obviously has more potential, of course I am more willing to follow him.”

A man’s voice also came out afterwards, with a wave of hypocrisy, which made Wang Teng frown and his face became colder.

“This Vice President Jia usually looks pretty good, but he didn’t expect to be such a person.” Lao Sun said in disgust.

Without a word, Wang Teng pushed open the door of the meeting room.

In an instant, all eyes looked over.

“Xiao Teng, why are you here?” Li Xiumei said with a tired face when she saw Wang Teng in surprise.

“I have to come and see if something like this has happened.”

Wang Teng walked into the conference room, his eyes were on a few suits and leather shoes, he looked like a successful person, at this moment the old god swept over the man sitting in the chair.

“President Xiao Wang, this is an adult’s business, so don’t come here to join in the fun.” said a man in his forties who was wearing gold glasses.

“Jia Guiren!”

Wang Teng smiled faintly, sat down beside Li Xiumei, and pulled out the chair for her by the way: “Mom, sit down, aren’t you tired to stand!”

As he said that, he saw Li Xiumei sitting on the right hand side of a young woman in her twenties, surprised:

“Cousin, you too!”


Wang Yanan nodded to Wang Teng: “Grandpa is worried about this happening at home. Let me see if I can help.”

She is the daughter of Wang Teng’s uncle Wang Shenghong, an authentic top student from a prestigious school. After graduating from graduate school, she joined the Rongsheng Group founded by Grandpa Wang Teng.

Already able to be alone!

The uncle asked her to come and help, obviously he also believed in her ability.

Seeing Wang Teng ignoring him, Jia Guiren frowned, a look of anger appeared on his face.

In the past, Wang Shengguo often told him about Wang Teng’s deeds, and Jia Guiren could hear calluses in his ears.

And it’s such a dude who actually ignores him!

“Hehe, Xiao Wang is still the same, he has no respect for my elders.”

A gloom flashed in Jia Guiren’s eyes, and he took the opportunity to give eye drops to other senior executives of the company present.

You see, Xingteng’s heir is like this, with no respectability, do you count on him?

Many company veterans present immediately frowned slightly.

They have also heard about Wang Teng. If it is just a dude, it would be nothing. After all, under the arrogance of the elders at a young age, it is inevitable that this is the case. When they mature in the future, it will be fine.

But if there is no respect for the elders, then it is really disappointing.

Everyone’s reaction caused Li Xiumei and Wang Yanan to secretly say that they were not good. They looked at each other, showing a hint of helplessness.

The sudden arrival of Wang Teng caught them by surprise.

The situation was originally very bad, but now Jia Guiren has caught Wang Teng’s character and made a fuss about it. Any small problem may be magnified and shake the military spirit of the company’s veterans, which makes them very passive.

“President Xiao Wang, we are in a meeting. If you have nothing to do, go out first.” A company veteran said unhappily, as if he felt that Wang Teng was making trouble unreasonably and lost their face.

“Why should I go?” Wang Teng put the Tibetan weapon box on the ground, resting his right hand on it, and said lightly.

“Hehe, Mrs. Wang, it seems that your family tutor is not good enough. This little Wang always doesn’t understand etiquette and has no respect for the elders.

“And I think Mr. Wang is not too young anymore. It’s time to be disciplined, otherwise he will definitely get into trouble in the future!” A middle-aged man with fat head and big ears was sitting beside Jia Guiren, who said with a smile at this time.

“If you are not willing, you might as well let me take care of you.”

Jia Guiren couldn’t help laughing as if he heard something interesting.

The other company veterans looked at all this indifferently, but there were a few people who wanted to say something, but at this time the situation was unknown, and they were unwilling to take the initiative to avoid being targeted by Bao Zeqing and others.

This time Bao Zeqing was clearly prepared, and Wang Shengguo happened to have something wrong again. There has been no news so far, and the company is in jeopardy.

No one knows whether the company will survive in the end?

If they were really annexed by Bao Zeqing by then, they would still have to look at his face.

But at this moment, a short middle-aged man suddenly stood up and pointed at Bao Zeqing angrily: “Bao Zeqing, you are also a man with a good face anyway, while we are not here, trying to invade the astrology. Teng, still insulting his wife and children in this way, what are you capable of.”

Bao Zeqing looked at him mockingly, but before speaking, Jia Guiren spoke first: “Haha, Lao Guo, didn’t you see that you are still a loyal dog!”

“You…” Guo Mingda was speechless.

With Li Xiumei’s self-cultivation, she was also trembling with anger at this time, her face already ugly to the extreme.

But when she was about to have a seizure, Wang Teng grabbed her hand and patted it lightly for comfort.

Then he stood up slowly, and everyone couldn’t help but look at him.

But seeing him press his palm on the marble conference table in front of him, the force bursts and his strength explodes.


Cracks appeared on the entire marble tabletop, and then instantly shattered, crashing to the ground in front of everyone.

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