Chapter 750 Clean Up and Rescue


The blue-haired youth opened his mouth to say something, but every time he was pressed back into his mouth by the brick, he could only make a string of painful whimpers in the end.

Bang bang bang…

The air also echoed with the dull sound of a brick hitting his face.

This scene is horrible!

Everyone couldn’t help but put aside their heads, even if it was an enemy, they couldn’t bear to look again.

Misery is really miserable, this face has become a pig’s head, and one head has swollen into two big ones.

None of the alien warriors dared to speak, for fear that following Zi Lin’s footsteps, Wang Teng would be unhappy and pointed to death.

It’s just that they saw the blue-haired youth being beaten into a pig’s head, and they couldn’t help but be frightened.

This Earth Star native is a werewolf at all!

Can’t afford to provoke~

A group of alien warriors quietly stepped back, just wanting to stay away from Wang Teng.

After a while, Wang Teng finally stopped the movement in his hand, and the brick disappeared from his hand, as if he had never appeared before.


Wang Teng took a deep breath, looked at the attribute bubbles falling around, nodded in satisfaction.

Pick it up!

【Imperial Spirit*12】

【Imperial Spirit*15】

【Emperor Realm Comprehension*15】

【Imperial Realm Comprehension*14】

【Imperial Spirit*10】

This wave of Wang Teng gained 128 imperial realm spirit attributes and 142 imperial realm savvy attributes, and his energy was not wasted.

The blue-haired youth was lying on the ground at this time, looking at the sky blankly, as if he had been played badly.

Wang Teng patted his face and said with a smile: “You did a good job, let’s save you a little life for now, let’s play slowly later.”

The blue-haired young man’s head was in confusion. Hearing what Wang Teng said, he was startled and angry. He vomited a mouthful of blood, his eyes blacked out, and he fainted.

“Tsk, this psychological quality is not good, I was dizzy after only a few words.” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment and shook his head.

Everyone: “…”

God’s psychological quality is not good!

Is this a matter of psychological quality? It’s strange that you don’t get dizzy if you go to death like that.

Wang Teng put the blue-haired youth on the shackles of imprisoning the Force, and then threw him into the cage. Seeing the doubtful eyes of everyone, he explained: “Let’s ask about the situation first. These aliens suddenly invaded the land. I am afraid that the picture is not small, and as far as I know, there are not only alien invaders in Xia Country, but also in other countries. We must be prepared.”

Tan Taixuan and others suddenly realized that they were almost dazzled by hatred. Fortunately, Wang Teng reminded them that otherwise they might have killed the blue-haired youth directly.

Wang Teng turned his head to look at the other alien warriors.

“How to deal with these people?” Ye Jixing asked.

“Let’s get detained first.” Although Wang Teng wanted to kill these people, he did want to get some information from them, so he could only wait.

“Kneel down and surrender, otherwise you will kill you without mercy!”

“Dead or alive, you choose yourself.”

Wang Teng glanced around and said coldly.

The alien warrior suddenly looked ugly and felt extremely humiliated.

The natives of the Earth Star wanted them to kneel down and surrender. It was a deception.

But when they think of the fate of the blue-haired youth, their hearts are chilled.

Even their young master, in front of this Wang Teng, said to step on and then to fight, and the final fate was extremely miserable, they were nothing.

If you resist, I am afraid it will be even worse…



As a result, the alien warriors knelt down very carefully, not even dare to let go.

No matter how proud, you must kneel before absolute force!

This scene made the surrounding Earth Star Martial Artists feel very happy, and the eyes looking at Wang Teng became even more in awe.

“Organize the manpower to detain them first, and then rescue the martial arts leaders.” Wang Teng pointed at Tantaixuan and Ye Jixing.

The two nodded and started to act immediately.

At this time, Wang Teng was already a strong man far surpassing them. When the two heard his instructions, they both subconsciously chose to obey.

But Wang Teng turned to look at everyone in the Wang family, his gaze swept across the faces of Father Wang, Wang Shengguo and other relatives, and he couldn’t help but feel guilty and said: “Sorry, everyone is a burden!”

“Stupid boy, how can you be blamed!” Father Wang patted him on the shoulder, and said distressedly, “You have done a good job!”

“Son, are you injured?” Li Xiumei stepped forward and held him to look around. When he saw the large and small scars everywhere on his body, tears were distressed.

“Mom, I’m fine, it’s all skin injuries.” Wang Teng said.

“Really? Don’t lie to mom.” Li Xiumei asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry, your son is so powerful, how could he be injured?” Wang Teng smiled and patted his chest, and said.

“It’s OK, don’t shoot, so big hands.” Li Xiumei hurriedly stopped.

“It’s okay, you are more important than anything else.” Wang Shengguo said from the side, his eyes were a little red, and he was obviously extremely worried about Wang Teng.

“By the way, go and see your classmates, they seem to be seriously injured.” Grandpa Wang said suddenly.


Wang Teng nodded, and quickly stepped forward to check the injuries of Baili Qingfeng and others.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

“It’s okay, they were just stunned and didn’t hurt the root.”

Speaking of taking out a few healing pills and taking them to a few people, their breath soon calmed down.

“It’s okay. These children were hurt like this because of you. You have to cherish such friends.” Old man Wang couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Whether it’s Lu Shu, Baili Qingfeng’s several Wang Teng’s college classmates, or Xu Jie, Bai Wei’s childhood playmates, they have not shown the slightest compromise in the face of the threat of the blue-haired youth, which shows that they are truly sincere to Wang Teng. The friendship between you is truly commendable.

See the truth in adversity!

In the eyes of Mr. Wang, they are all friends worthy of deep friendship.

Wang Teng nodded, his gaze swept across a few people, and there was a soft flash in the depths of his eyes.

“Wang Teng, all the alien warriors have been imprisoned, and none of them ran away. As for the major cities across the country, there are still a few alien warriors, because they are far away and cannot be cleaned up temporarily. They can only wait for the incident. Let’s arrest again.” Tan Taixuan said from the sky, saying.

Wang Teng nodded and said, “Grandpa, Mom and Dad, first find a safe place to stay. I will rescue the martial arts leaders first.”

“You are busy with you, don’t care about us.” Old man Wang said.

Wang Teng and Tan Taixuan left and flew towards the alien spacecraft overhead.

“This alien spaceship is so big, I don’t know where the martial arts leaders are locked up?” Tan Taixuan frowned.

“I was here last time and I know where it is.” Wang Teng said.

“Have you been here?” Tan Taixuan was surprised.

“If you want to deal with alien warriors, you must naturally understand their strength. As early as the day they descended on the Earth Star, I came to test it.” Wang Teng said lightly.

He said it was easy, but Tantaixuan was able to guess the difficulties and dangers.

This guy really dares to do it!

Tan Taixuan’s heart is extremely complicated, and she has to lament that she can’t compare with him.

The two of them converged with Ye Jixing, and then entered the alien spacecraft. Under the leadership of Wang Teng, they went directly to the place where the martial arts leader and others were imprisoned.

This is a prison-like room, completely enclosed all around. An alien warrior guarded the side. He was shocked when he saw them coming, and shouted: “Who?!”

This sound alarmed the martial arts leaders and others detained in the room, and they opened their eyes one after another and looked out.

When they saw Wang Teng and others, they were all taken aback, and then they showed a look of surprise.

Why are they here?

The words of the alien warriors, Wang Teng and the three did not understand, because he spoke a language they had never heard before.

Seeing that they didn’t answer, the alien warrior rushed straight forward. When his face changed, he blasted towards the three of Wang Teng with a punch.

The strength of the 13-star warlord level broke out directly!

If it were before, Wang Teng would be very troublesome to deal with this kind of strength, but now he hasn’t paid attention to it at all.


He didn’t see any movements, a cold drink burst out from his mouth, and a white light pierced out of his eyes.

Mental piercing!

The alien warrior froze in place, still maintaining the posture of punching, but his eyes were loose and he lost his look.

When Wang Teng passed by him, the body of the alien warrior fell to the ground and lost his vitality.

Tantaixuan and Ye Jixing couldn’t help being aghast.


A 13-star general-level warrior was directly drunk to death. Is the strength of the planetary star really so terrifying?

The martial arts leaders and others are also slightly lost, as the alien warriors guarding them, they naturally know his strength very well.

That was a strong man at the top of the 13-star warlord level, and his original force was not the ordinary force of an earth star warrior, and his strength was extremely strong. Even the martial arts leader couldn’t guarantee that he could beat him.

As a result, after Wang Teng drank it, he was so drunk to death!

When did Wang Teng possess such strength? ?

Everyone was full of doubts.

Tan Taixuan and Ye Jixing immediately stepped forward, trying to open the door and release the martial arts leader and others, but they embarrassedly discovered that this door was too high-tech, and they didn’t know how to open it.

Wang Teng is experienced, picking up the alien warrior on the ground, making his face bang on the wall next to the door.

With a beep, the door opened!

“That’s it?” Tan Taixuan and Ye Jixing said in a daze.


“That’s it!” Wang Teng threw away the body of the alien warrior and walked into the room.


“Why are you here? What’s the situation outside now?” the martial arts leader asked immediately.

Even though he has maintained a calm posture, he is actually extremely anxious and worried about Xia Guo’s situation.

“Don’t worry, the aliens in the group have been resolved by Wang Teng, and now this spaceship has been taken by us.” Tan Taixuan said with a smile while opening the shackles to them.

“Solution… solved!”

The martial arts leader, the three marshals and others felt extremely incredible, and looked at Wang Teng in disbelief.

So the terrible alien invader was actually solved?

real or fake?

“I have been promoted to planet star!” Wang Teng nodded.

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