Chapter 731 There is an old man-Yu Xiuxian!

The voice fell, and a group of people walked in from the gate.

The three headed by them all wore military uniforms, with bright red stars on their shoulders, shining brightly under the lights of the hall.

No matter where the trio goes, they are extremely powerful lineups.

Whether it is Xiao Nanfeng or Zhou Xuanwu, they are all big-shot figures, dominated by a legion, and they have made great achievements in suppressing the cracks in the dark.

They deserve everyone’s respect!

And in the middle of the two, a young, unspeakable youth overwhelmed the light of these two men and attracted all eyes to him.

I saw that on the red carpet, the young man had a calm expression, but silently released a powerful aura. When he walked and scanned the surroundings with his deep eyes, almost all the martial artists present felt trembling and couldn’t help themselves.

Even if there is a commander-level powerhouse, they are shocked in their hearts, silently sighing at the extraordinary and powerfulness of this young man!

This person is surprisingly Wang Teng who accompanied Zhou Xuanwu and others to the dinner party!

“Admiral Zhou! Lieutenant General Xiao! Major General Wang!” Several military commanders who were in charge of the dinner tonight hurriedly stepped forward to respectfully greet them.

“Thanks!” Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng nodded at them, knowing how to do so.

Wang Teng followed the kindness and nodded at them.

“No hard work!” Several school officers were flattered and led the way.

“You take Wang Teng around, we don’t have to worry about it.” Zhou Xuanwu waved his hand, said a word, and walked away with Xiao Nanfeng.

They quickly merged into the people around them, and immediately someone they knew started talking with them.

“…” Wang Teng was speechless for a while when he saw these two people abandon himself.

Is this really good for you?

Abandon the comrades who used to fight side by side, go to Xiaoyao Gaole by yourself, is there any sympathy?

“Major General Wang, please come with us, and we will introduce you to some important guests.” Several school officials said.

Wang Teng felt a headache.

But there were a lot of people at the banquet, and he was considered the protagonist tonight, and he had to socialize because of his feelings and reason.

Although Wang Teng felt bored, he had no choice but to walk away.

“You are all busy and go, just leave a person to accompany me.” Wang Teng said, admitting his fate.

Several school officials did not force it, and finally left a female school officer who looked like her in her twenties.

She took Wang Teng to a closer old man, and said, “This is the grandson of Sun Tianhua, the patriarch of the Xiadu Sun family. The Sun family is a well-known martial arts family. There are many warriors in the family. exist!”

The helms of many families around saw that Sun Tianhua took the lead, and they were immediately envious.

Wang Teng was ready to be a tool man, nodded at the other party, and wanted to slip away after a few polite words.

However, the other party didn’t seem to want him to do what he wanted.

“Major General Wang, you are not as well-known as meeting, and meeting is worse than hearing. It is indeed young and promising, extraordinary bearing, worthy of the name of a generation of arrogance…” Sun Tianhua smiled and was extremely enthusiastic, almost holding Wang Teng’s hand. I have a long conversation.

“You are polite!” Wang Teng secretly said that this old man can really speak.

Look at what I said, it’s better to be famous than to meet, and to meet is worse than hearing. There is more level, more culture, and more connotation!

He likes this kind of polite and sweet-mouthed person!

It seems that this dinner is not so boring.

The schoolgirl led Wang Teng to the next guest.

“This is Governor Li of Jinlin, this time I came here to congratulate you.”

“Thank you Governor Li!” Wang Teng nodded.

“That fellow Lao Jiang is really lucky to have cultivated your true dragon in the East China Sea. I’m not as good as him!” Governor Li was tall and straight, with extraordinary temperament, shaking his head and smiling.

“This is Minister Qu Liangyongqu, Minister of Education!” The female school official brought Wang Teng to a slightly chubby middle-aged man and introduced.

“Minister Qu!” Wang Teng looked surprised and quickly thanked him.

This is a big-time figure in the Ministry of Education, and the martial arts students in universities across the country can be said to be his protégés.

“Good! Good! Good! It really is the dragon among the people!” Qu Liangyong was very happy, patted Wang Teng’s hand affectionately, and even said three good words.

“Director Qu praised.” Wang Teng smiled.

“This is not an award, your talent is the only one in the world!” Qu Liangyong exclaimed.

“If you praise me again, I’m afraid the Earth Star will not be able to tolerate me.” Wang Teng joked.

“Hahaha…” Qu Liangyong laughed and pointed his finger at him, waved his hand: “Go, go, there are many people waiting for you, don’t play with me.”

“Then I would be more respectful than fate.” Wang Teng smiled slightly and followed the schoolgirl to the next guest.

Not long after they came to an old man, he was sitting alone in a corner, and many people around wanted to go up and talk, but seeing that there was no one around him, they seemed to understand something and didn’t dare to bother him.

The female school official seemed to respect the old man very much, and gave him a slight salute, and then solemnly introduced: “This is the principal of the first college… Mr. Yu Xiuxian!”

When Wang Teng heard this introduction, he couldn’t help but stunned slightly, looking at the kind-looking old man in front of him, like the grandfather of the neighbor, how could he not see that this was a figure like Taishan Beidou in the education world.

At this moment, he couldn’t help thinking of the situation when he applied for college.

The enrollment teacher of the First Academy once said that the principal of the First Academy wanted to see him very much and asked the teachers of the First Academy to take him back to the First Academy.

I don’t know whether this statement is true or false now.

But Wang Teng was really impressed by this old man.

Yu Xiuxian looked at Wang Teng, as if seeing his younger generation grow up to be so pleased and kind, and smiled: “I thought you were unusual at the beginning, but unfortunately you chose Huang Haijun Academy in the end, but I am able to get to this point today. I am very happy for you.”

“To get to this point at this age, talent is important, but you must have suffered a lot. Xia has you, and you will be there in the future. We old bones can rest assured.”

Wang Teng was stunned. From this old man’s words, he felt a different kind of feeling and a kind of deep and heavy love.

Darze helps the world!

The whole world is hidden in this old man’s heart!

He is full of hope and fraternity for all his successors!

Wang Teng did not expect that there really were such people in this world. In ancient times, such people might be called…Holy!

Wang Teng’s heart was shaken, his head slightly lowered, and he bowed in a salute.

Yu Xiuxian smiled and nodded, turned around and left. He didn’t wait much, and he left the hall and disappeared at the gate, as if coming tonight, just to take a look at Wang Teng, take a look at this outstanding young man, take a look at it. Look at Xia Guo’s future…

Wang Teng watched him leave silently, and many people stopped talking, watching the old man leave, and the hall fell into silence.

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