Chapter 74 Star Bone! !

The next day.

The written examination is set at nine o’clock.

But it was only seven o’clock, and the candidates were awakened by Lieutenant Luo’s whistle.

They were so hilarious last night.

However, as a result, a group of candidates were stunned by those soldiers, each with a loud and scary voice, and their singing skills were good, and they did not see any hoarseness after two hours of singing.

Can’t afford to provoke!

Slipped away!

Jun Hua didn’t see it, and was ashamed.

The candidates were awakened by the whistle, still a little confused, but when they thought of what Lieutenant Luo said last night, they were suddenly excited.

Cancel the exam qualification?

Woke up!

Woke up completely now! !

Everyone finished packing as quickly as possible, rushed out of the barracks, and assembled in front of Lieutenant Luo.

Everyone looked at Lieutenant Luo with an expression—you resent!

However, Lieutenant Luo turned a blind eye, chatting and laughing with Liu Wenshi’s leaders of the Education Bureau there. He looked at his watch from time to time, which made people itch with hatred.

“Okay, time is up, collect the count!”

After the candidates have reported the number, naturally no one will drop the chain at this time. Even if the speed is slow, the students next to him will help.

Second Lieutenant Luo took everyone to eat breakfast, and then led them to a multimedia building. The candidates waited for an hour to start the exam.

Two hours later, as the bell rang, the candidates left the examination room.

The written exam went well, at least Wang Teng felt so.

However, looking at the appearance of some candidates, it seems that the test is not very satisfactory. They sighed as soon as they left the examination room.

“Hey, many test sites have not been reviewed, this is the end!”

“That is to say, there is only two weeks, it is too late, some topics have impressions, but I just can’t remember them!”

“What do you choose for the third multiple-choice question, is it A?”

“Is it B?”

“I choose C.”

“Damn, I chose D…”

Hearing the discussion of several students next to him, Wang Teng almost didn’t laugh. There are four answers to a multiple-choice question.

There is no one!

“Look at your appearance, you did a good job!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but see the relaxed smile on Lin Chuhan’s face.

“It’s okay, it’s not difficult to take the test!” Lin Chuhan didn’t deny it either. Sure enough, for her kind of study of God, the written test is not too easy.

“I’ll just say that this year’s written exam will not be too difficult.” Yang Jianli ran out to show his merit.

He did say before that because of the special circumstances this year, the exam questions would not be too difficult, but he didn’t expect that he was right.

There was nothing wrong in the afternoon, and the candidates visited the barracks under the leadership of Lieutenant Luo, as well as the drills of the soldiers and so on.

Of course, some confidential places are not allowed to be visited.

When visiting the military drills, Wang Teng picked up some strength and speed attributes.

But since he can’t get too close, he won’t be able to pick it up too far, and now the pure strength and speed attributes don’t improve him too much.

For the warrior, the original force is the fundamental.

The force is strong, the physique will naturally be stronger, and the strength and speed will follow.

This is the difference between warriors and warriors!

Later, Lieutenant Luo took the candidates to the shooting range to shoot a gun, which made the candidates very addicted to guns.

Wang Tengle was over.

Unexpectedly, there will be this benefit.



After a wave of picking it down, Wang Teng’s spear fighting skills improved.

Gun Fighting: 210 (Getting Started)!

From the original 1.8 to 2 points, it is better than nothing, gratifying!

It’s a pity that even in the army’s shooting range, they didn’t directly pick up the spear skill attribute.

It was nine o’clock in the evening.

Wang Teng was about to rest when Liu Wenshi suddenly found him.

“Uncle, why are you here?”

Yang Jian, who was lying on the bed and about to sleep, saw Liu Wenshi walk into the barracks and immediately jumped up.

“I’m here to talk to classmate Wang Teng!” Liu Wenshi said.

“Looking for me?” Wang Teng was a little surprised. It seems that he and Liu Wenshi have nothing to do with each other. Why is he looking for himself?

“Yes, classmate Wang Teng, let’s take a step to speak.” Liu Wenshi nodded.

The two walked out of the barracks and found a place where there was no one.

“Uncle Liu, what do you want me to do?” Wang Teng asked.

Hearing Wang Teng’s name, Liu Wenshi was still very happy. He was still such a young man with potential, but he respected himself. He smiled and said, “Actually, I am not looking for you, but someone wants to see you. .”

“Someone wants to see me, who is it?” Wang Teng was even more puzzled.

Liu Wenshi stepped aside, and a fat middle-aged man walked out from behind the barracks.

“It’s me, classmate Wang Teng, it’s easy to see you.” The middle-aged man smiled.

“This is our situation!” Liu Wenshi introduced a little respectfully.

“He Ju!” Wang Teng was startled. Thinking of Liu Wenshi’s identity, He Ju could only be the leader of the Education Bureau.

“I don’t know what the bureau is looking for?” He asked.

Seeing that Wang Teng had guessed his identity, He Ju smiled and said, “Student Wang Teng, you are already a martial artist!”

Wang Teng’s heart was shocked!

I have been exposed? ?

How did he find out?

Impossible, he has never revealed any flaws, is he cheating himself?

Liu Wenshi was originally curious. It was really puzzling that he went to this barracks in the middle of the night to find a student of Wang Teng.

Although Wang Teng showed the strength of the ultimate warrior, it was too much!

Now, he finally knows the purpose of the game!

Wang Teng is actually a warrior? ! !

Liu Wenshi had some doubts that he had heard him wrong, but He Ju’s remarks were obviously not aimless, and 80% had a basis.

“He Ju, you’re kidding, I’m just an extreme martial artist, how could I be a martial artist?” Wang Teng said with a smile without any change in the expression on his face.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it.” He Ju smiled nonchalantly, and said again: “But I hope you can get the top spot in the actual combat assessment tomorrow, and be more eye-catching, so that everyone can see. ”

“Don’t worry, the college entrance examination is very important to me, and I will definitely try my best.” Wang Teng ran the train with his mouth full.

try best!

Do you know how much I can do? Ha ha!

He Ju didn’t say anything, but he took out a box from his pocket. It could be seen that there was some pain in his face, but he opened the box in front of Wang Teng.

“This is?”

Inside the box is a palm-sized bone. The whole body is dark green, crystal clear, but exudes a metallic luster.

Very unique and beautiful.

“Star Bone!!!” Liu Wenshi exclaimed.

“Yes, it’s the star bone!” He Ju nodded, the flesh on his face trembling slightly-[Distressed] jpg!

“How’s it going? In the actual combat assessment to show the strength of the martial artist, this star bone is yours!”

He Ju said to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng took a deep breath. Of course he had heard of Star Bone. This is the most quintessential part of the Star Beast, and the chance of appearing is very small.

Only some star beasts with powerful strength, unique living environment, and unique talents can give birth to star bones in their bodies.

And every star beast generally only gives birth to a star bone.

These star bones are not very big, some are as big as a palm, and some are even the size of a glass bead.

The most important thing is that every star bone contains special abilities!

The role of star bones is very wide. You can make weapons and attach special abilities to weapons. These weapons are rare treasures.

Therefore, the rarity and preciousness of star bones can be seen.

How could he be willing to take this thing out? ?

“Why?” Wang Teng asked without being confused, staring at He Ju.

“For promotion!” He Ju smiled, did not conceal, and said straightforwardly: “I have been in this position for many years. If there is no opportunity, I will probably have to retire, but God still favors me, you That’s the opportunity!”

“Furthermore, when I am up and down, I have reached this age. I have already lost the forge ahead in the martial arts. If this star bone has the defensive ability, maybe I will use it myself, but unfortunately it is not, so I originally wanted to bring it. As a reward to win over others.”

“It’s just that I haven’t met anyone worth giving away, but you are different. You are so young and have great potential, and you can help me further. Although the star bones are precious, there is still something slightly better than it in my heart. ”

He Ju was very straightforward and even showed his ambitions.

Wang Teng stared at him for a long time, did not see anything suspicious, that fat face was surprisingly sincere!

What a hell!

But Wang Teng knew that these people were old foxes, and he still hesitated in his heart.

Although the star bones are good, if the martial artist’s strength is exposed on such a major occasion, I don’t know what big trouble will happen!

“I know what you are worried about!” He Ju seemed to see what he was thinking, and said lightly: “I warn you as a person over here.”

“Warrior, must fight!”

“Warriors are different from warriors. The competition in the world of warriors is much stronger than that of warriors. A warrior who wants to climb to the top needs to consume a huge amount of resources that you can’t imagine. There will only be more and more warriors, but the resources are limited.”

“Then where do these resources come from?”

“Naturally, they were all grabbed from someone else’s hands!”

“Even if you don’t fight, don’t grab, others will fight with you, fight with you, if you are mediocre, but you are good enough and potential is amazing, then your competitors will only be more and stronger, and there will be countless ‘S genius competes with you for resources.”

“So even if you choose to be low-key and concealed now, it won’t be long before you will be exposed. Unless you are willing to be a turtle and give up the resources at hand, others will force you to show your strength.”

“You can’t hide!”

He Ju’s words made Wang Teng a little bit deaf and shocked in his heart.

Warriors must contend!

Wang Teng thought of two warriors fighting to fight for an egg, and also thought that another warrior would find him for the belongings left by his companions, and finally ended up dead.

They are all fighting, all forcing him to take action!

He Ju’s words seem to make sense, but he always feels a little weird!

“Student Wang Teng, you have disappointed me too much. You have great potential, but if you don’t have a matching temperament, you may not be able to go far in the future!” He Ju sighed, with a look of disappointment and regret on his face.

“Forget it, I don’t make it difficult for you, just assume I haven’t been here tonight.”

He turned around and left, as if he didn’t intend to say more to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng just watched him walking away step by step, watching, watching…

“Ahem, classmate Wang Teng, do you think about it again?”

Seeing that Wang Teng hadn’t stopped him for a long time, He Ju scolded his mother in his heart and had to turn around and lick his face.

“Oh, demo!”

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