Chapter 644 I will let you hang, let you hang…

The golden light is scattered all over the sky…

A fierce invisible force swept across with the golden light, and blasted directly on Freita’s body.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Fretta’s mouth, and the whole person was knocked out, and there were several clear noises in his body.


He was violently knocked out more than ten meters by that violent force, and fell to the ground like a meteor.

Cracks appeared one after another, and a deep hole suddenly appeared on the ground.


Freita spouted two mouthfuls of blood again.

Wang Teng slowly put away his fists, stood with his hands down, looking down with a plain expression.

Freita’s face was pale, desolate, and face dull, she couldn’t believe the result!

The blow that contained his strongest mood was broken by Wang Teng’s punch.


Just a punch!

“How is this possible!” Freita looked lost, unable to accept the result.

He is the Paladin of the Archer Palace, he has the name of the strongest archer, but his strongest arrow was smashed by a punch!

Strong confidence is hit hard!

On the other side, the two of Elifas in the poisonous silk screen were shocked, looking at the situation here, they could not speak for a long time.

Especially Elifas, his complexion was ugly at this moment, and even a trace of panic appeared in his eyes.


Even Freita was defeated!

Among the seven Paladins, none of them were Wang Teng’s opponents, and all of them were pushed to the bottom by him.

This is… what a irony!

At this time, as if to confirm his thoughts, Wang Teng said lightly: “Paladin, it’s nothing more than that!”

Indescribable contempt!


Rodney, Bloomfield, Fred and others did not pass out completely. Hearing his words, they only felt a puff of blood rushing to the forehead.


What did Chi Guoguo’s humiliation regard them as Paladins?

Wang Teng ignored their anger, stepped into the sky, and walked towards the two of Elifas.

Eli Faston’s complexion changed drastically.

“What do you want to do?” His eyes flashed crazily, and he couldn’t help but step back.

Chi Chi!

As a result, he accidentally touched the poisonous wire mesh, his skin was burned by flames, corroded by poisonous mist, and unspeakable pain invaded his nerves.

Elifas couldn’t help letting out a painful hum.

“Aren’t you very arrogant? Unbelievable, as if you can control everything, and you have summoned a Paladin to arrest me, why are you afraid now?” Wang Teng said coldly.

“Wang Teng, don’t think you dare to be presumptuous after defeating a few Paladins. They are just the weakest. The real strong have not yet taken action. The temple is not something you can speculate. If you run wild here, you will eventually be punished! “Elephas shouted inwardly and introvertedly.

“Dare to be tough!”

Wang Teng’s face became cold, and he took a step, straddling a distance of tens of meters, came to Elifas, and looked at him jokingly.

“Now that you fall into my hands, what do you think I should do to you?”

“I am a sage of the temple, dare you to move me!” Elifas’s heart tightened, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

“Sage, what is that?” Wang Teng contemptuously, the golden brick appeared in his hand.

When Elifas saw this scene, the corners of his eyes couldn’t help but twitch, and Bloomfield and others were beaten into pigs. Is he going to follow in his footsteps?

And Wang Teng’s indifferent tone made him feel aggrieved.

The dignified shrine sage.

Under a few people, over ten thousand people, how high a status is, it turned into something in Wang Teng’s mouth.

“Do you dare to despise the temple!” Elifas said in anger.

“So much nonsense!”

Wang Teng shook his head and appeared in front of Elifas. He was trapped by the poisonous silk net around him, and there was nowhere to hide. He could only watch the bricks in Wang Teng’s hand whizzing down.

“Wang Teng!”

Elifas screamed bitterly and was hit by a brick on the front door, right in the center.

Bang bang bang!

Wang Teng shot his hand like an electric light, shone his head, and slammed the bricks down.

The dull sound made the muscles on the face of Frost twitch, frightened and shivered.

Eliface’s head quickly swelled, his nose and face swollen, it was not miserable.

Wang Teng was really cruel.

This guy is the most hateful. From the very beginning, he was aloof and self-righteous. He regarded him as a weak object that could be captured at will, and even wanted to execute him with a vicious mind.

People like this are also worthy to be sages.


“Ah…” Elifas kept screaming, his voice resentful: “Wang Teng, this is the holy mountain, the temple will not let you go.”

“It’s really brave, I respect you as a man!” Wang Teng’s face was indifferent, he was not threatened at all, and his shot was even harsher.

It hit his head all at once.

“I have really tolerated you for a long time. I was beeping at the beginning, you are very hanging, I let you hang, let you hang…”

Bang bang bang!

“Keep hanging, hanging, why don’t you hang it anymore!”

Bang bang bang!

Eliphas’ entire head swelled up a whole circle, and he could no longer see the pampering appearance. There was only one slit in his eyes, two nosebleeds from his nose, and his face was alternately blue and red.

His whole body is groggy, his head has become a mass of paste.

But Wang Teng felt that it was not enough. He grabbed Elifas’ arm and twisted it lightly. The opponent’s arm was suddenly twisted into a twist.


The crisp sound of bone cracking sounded.

“Ah!” Elifas screamed, and a spirit regained consciousness, his head awake again.

His eyes were full of horror!


This guy is a devil!

How could he be so cruel.

Frosh had already shrunk into the corner, even if his skin was burned and corroded by the poisonous wire mesh, he did not dare to say a word, for fear of being noticed by Wang Teng.

Bang bang bang!

Wang Teng raised the bricks and continued to smash madly, looking angry, and crusade loudly:

“I provoke you to provoke you, ah, tell me, I provoke you to provoke you, why do you want to target me and dare to catch me? Who gives you the face to catch me!”

“Why are you so hungry? Why, why, what do you say!”

Wang Teng yelled, stunned Elifas.

People who didn’t know thought that Wang Teng was the victim.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is the worst bullied!

Eliface’s eyes were dizzy, and he was groggy again, and he couldn’t hold it anymore.

Wang Teng did the same, twisting his other arm into twists, and Elifath was once again excited, so clear-headed!

“Ah!” he yelled in pain, suffocated to the point of vomiting blood

Why not let him faint, why!

He never thought that one day it would be a happy thing to pass out, but now he really felt it.

Because it’s too painful to be awake!

Bang bang bang…

“Don’t, don’t fight!” Elifas couldn’t stand it anymore, and said in a weak voice, leaving only fear and regret in his heart.

He really shouldn’t mess with this devil!

This Wang Teng is not a human at all!

He is too cruel, he is too cruel!

At this moment, the sage of the temple finally felt the malice from the world.

It turns out that being alive can be so painful!

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