Chapter 634 Underworld burial!

Lord of the world!

Just thinking about it makes people excited.

But Wang Teng knew that in order to raise the space debris to that level, the required attribute bubbles were absolutely massive.

The space attribute bubbles are rare, so this road is definitely not as easy as imagined.

For a long time, Wang Teng could only be a reserve.

Even, it may always be reserved only.

But this did not dispel Wang Teng’s excitement and restlessness.

After taking a few deep breaths, he gradually calmed down.

Countless thoughts flashed in Wang Teng’s heart, and he immediately looked at Margus on the opposite side.

All that just now was a long story, but it was just a few breaths.

At this time, Margus also took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and stared at Wang Teng angrily: “Destroy my dead space, you must die!”

Wang Teng’s face was cold, and he looked at each other blankly, killing intent surging in his heart.

He will never be merciless if he wants to kill him!

Arudis from Taurus Palace and Kao from Gemini just intercepted him and did not intend to kill him, so he did not kill him either.

But this Margus…

When Frosh heard Marcus’s words, his face changed drastically, and he immediately said: “Marcus, Wang Teng is a guest of Lord Saintess, don’t mess around!”

“Fros, you said it too late.” Margus stared at Wang Teng, and said indifferently: “The dead space is the inheritance of Cancer Palace through generations. There is no room for loss, but it was ruined by this kid, I I have no face to face the ancestor, today I will kill him, and after killing him, I will apologize for myself!”

Frostton was speechless, he underestimated Margus’ determination, a man with a determination to die, what reason could he have to stop him?

He felt that things were rushing toward an uncontrollable situation more and more.

This is how to do?

The situation at this moment can only be resolved by asking the saint to come forward.

Frost gritted his teeth and left Wang Teng and Margus behind, rushed out of the Cancer Palace and galloped towards the top of the mountain.

Wang Teng did not stop them.

“The person who got in the way has gone, now fight to the death with me.” Margus said.

He knew that Wang Teng was also a space warrior, and had powerful methods he didn’t know.

For example, the violent space energy that destroyed the dead space before, but Margus already had a determination to die, naturally there was no fear.


The momentum broke out, and the original force surged wildly, rushing to the top of the Cancer Palace.

Even his hair is standing upside down!

The pupils in his eyes suddenly became extremely deep, as if they had completely lost their emotions, indifferent and sacred.


The entire Cancer Palace seemed to feel his anger, and then it exploded, and an even more ancient and powerful aura rose into the sky.

At the same time, in the starry sky, a bright light flashed suddenly in the Cancer constellation 520 light-years away from the earth star.

A trace of boundless and profound power travels a long distance through a certain special connection and descends to the earth star.

All over the world, countless powerhouses have felt the coming of this power, and they all looked up to the sky, with a hint of doubt and a hint of astonishment.

For a while, the strong from all countries are watching the Nordic direction!

They felt that the place where the power came was in Northern Europe.

At the same time, the rest of the paladins of the zodiac got up in shock and walked out of their guard palaces quickly.

They all looked in the direction of Cancer Palace.

“What the hell did that guy do to force Margus to such an extent?” In the Taurus Palace, Arudis said to himself with shocked eyes.

Gemini, Kao also looked horrified, and couldn’t calm his heart.

“Who is in the palace?”

“And Margus, if it’s just an ordinary person in the palace, why use this power?”

In the other palace paladins above the Cancer Palace, countless questions appeared in their hearts, and they were extremely puzzled.

Among the temples on the top of the mountain, many high-level temples were alarmed.

In an auxiliary hall of the temple, the great sage of the temple preached: “Go and check what happened?”


Someone led away outside the door.

The old sage of the temple has a worried expression on his face and muttered to himself: “At this time of great changes, can even the holy mountain not be able to take care of ourselves? No, I have to see the lady.”

He hurried away, heading to the deepest part of the temple.

At this moment, the Cancer Palace was connected to the sky, and then the mighty power from the starry sky, and finally belonged to Margus.

Standing in front of Margus, Wang Teng felt the most clear.

At this moment, Margus became extremely terrifying, and even he felt a little jealous of that terrifying power.

He raised his head and looked at the sky with a strange look in his eyes.


At this moment, Margus moved and turned into an afterimage, straddling the space distance, and appeared in front of Wang Teng in an instant.


“Fuck you!” Wang Teng snorted coldly, and he blasted out a punch without fear.


The fist light collided with the opponent’s palm knife, and the two of them were shaken apart at the same time, and they took a few steps backwards.

But the next moment, they turned into afterimages again, and each rushed to each other.

Boom boom boom!

The roar continued to sound, and the two collided frantically, using their space power to the extreme.

Margus is blessed by the power of the stars, and the power of space is sublimated. If there is divine help, every attack will bring a powerful space attack.

One palm can split space, one punch can shatter space…

Such an attack would be difficult for ordinary warriors to resist.

However, Wang Teng’s spatial talent has been raised to a very high level, and he is not afraid of the opponent. His attacks also bless the power of the space, extremely powerful, and can directly offset the opponent’s spatial damage.

The more Margus fought, the more solemn his face became. He had the power of the stars to exert his spatial ability to such an extent, and Wang Teng was actually comparable to him.

How evil is this kid? !



The two suddenly separated, Margus panting heavily, and a trace of madness flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly, the black light on his body was strong, spreading to the surroundings, and soon swallowed countless rays of light, and the entire Cancer Palace fell into pitch black again.

“What does he want to do?” Wang Teng frowned.

In the darkness, Margus disappeared completely, and there was no sound around him.

There was something wrong in Wang Teng’s heart, he couldn’t help looking around, but he didn’t find anything.

At this moment, Margus’ voice suddenly sounded.



The sound seemed to reverberate in the empty valley, like a circle of sound waves, resounding endlessly.

The darkness around him shrank sharply, and it was Wang Teng where he came together.

The darkness was enveloping him.

Wang Teng was full of force, and the sapphire glaze flame wrapped his whole body, wanting to resist.

However, the darkness eventually shrank into a black spot, passed straight through the cyan flame, and instantly disappeared into Wang Teng’s eyebrows.


His mind was shaking, his body was shaking, it seemed that his soul was going to be shaken out of his body.

But at this moment, a wave of power entangled his soul, as if it turned into a mountain to suppress it, making his soul stand still.

“Impossible!” Magus’ unbelievable voice was heard in front of him.

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