Chapter 588 Sorry, I accidentally confiscate your hands!

Fortes thought he was very handsome, and the only regret that turned into a beast was to become ugly.

Originally, he ignored it automatically, and immediately returned to the original state after playing this game.

Which pot does not open and which pot.

Why is this kid so annoying.

“Humans have finally evolved from wild beasts to civilized species, you are good, and crawled back on your own, is it fun to be wild beasts.” Wang Teng seemed to not see Ford’s face, shook his head, and continued.

Ford’s face was black like the bottom of a pot, which was irritating.

This Wang Tengzui is too owed!

It is unbearable to treat the genetic abilities they are proud of as beasts.

“You said that you are such a good person. You have to be a beast. Do you like this tune?” Wang Teng asked suspiciously, touching his chin.

“…” Fortes.

“…” Everyone in the Bald Eagle Country.

“…” Warriors from all over the world.

“…” Tan Taixuan and others.

Does God like this tune?

What do you think of them from the Bald Eagle Country? Are you perverted?

Wang Teng’s voice was not loud, but everyone was a warrior, so he could hear clearly, and suddenly he was full of black lines.

This guy is so black-bellied, what he said would be maddening.

Everyone looked at the bald eagle national warrior, somewhat gloating.

“I heard about your Bald Eagle Country…” Wang Teng wanted to say more, but Fortes couldn’t listen anymore.

“Shut up!” Fords completely exploded, roaring, disappearing in place, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Wang Teng.

“Go to hell!”

Regardless of the speed and the original force of Fortes at this time, they were all improved, much stronger than before.

The original force exploded on his body, condensed into sword light on the two-handed sword, and slashed brazenly.

Golden sword intent, 50%!

Ford’s golden sword intent seemed to have been boosted. At this moment, it had reached 50%. It was extremely sharp, as if splitting the air, and there were also sword marks on the hard ground of the arena.


Wang Teng was under that powerful sword intent, like a weak and helpless grass.

“Can he stop it?”

Warriors from various countries are paying attention to the situation in the field, and this question emerges in their hearts.

They attach great importance to the genetic abilities of the warriors of the Bald Eagle Country, and want to see the gap between the normal warriors and the warriors of the Bald Eagle Country under the increase in genetic ability.

However, what was unexpected was that Wang Teng didn’t make any movements, letting the sword light fall.


Jian Mang completely submerged Wang Teng’s body, the force explosion filled the area, and the aftermath was extremely terrifying, spreading to the surroundings.

“This… defeated!”

Luo Cheng and the others looked down unbelievably, how could the Tianjiao who surpassed them so defeated?

“in the sky!”

Tantai Xuan looked towards the sky.

Not only her, but many warriors from various countries have found anomalies and looked up one after another.

There was a trace of surprise in the eyes of the priest of the temple, and he looked at the sky: “This kid, it’s really interesting.”

I saw a black shadow falling from the sky, and a golden glow flashed across, drawing a beautiful arc.

Ford was shocked, leaning back, trying to avoid.

But how could Wang Teng fail to see such a simple dodge, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, his body sank, and the bricks were sent to Ford’s head.


This slab was held firmly, and Fortes’s body was smashed a dozen meters away, and he fell heavily to the ground.

After Ford became beast, he also shook his head, leaped up, roared and rushed to Wang Teng again.

“The head is quite hard!”

There was a slight difference on Wang Teng’s face, and his figure disappeared in place.

When Fortes saw him disappear, his heart jumped. He had suffered under this weird body before, and he was called his head unsuspectingly. Now he still has lingering fears.

The other party is too insidious!

Specially under cold bricks.

This time he also learned to be clever, and couldn’t find Wang Teng. Fortunately, the two swords danced and the surrounding defenses were airtight.

“I’m here.” Wang Teng’s figure suddenly appeared on the left side of Fortes, grinning.


Ford had been prepared for a long time, and his long sword suddenly slashed out to the left.

It’s a pity that Wang Teng has long since disappeared, leaving only an afterimage in the same place.

“Where are you hitting? Are you dazzled? I’m here.” Wang Teng’s voice came from behind him.

Ford was taken aback, and before he could think about it, the sword suddenly cut out.

However, it failed…

Next, Wang Teng flashed around Fortes and disappeared again, forming afterimages, which made him dizzy and dizzy. He couldn’t tell which was true and which was false.

“Ford is going to lose.” Neon Country, Tong Ji shook his head.

Gerald from the Great Eagle Nation, Valeria from the Great Bear Nation and others also shook their heads, obviously seeing Ford’s defeat.

“This idiot!” On the side of the Bald Eagle Country, Ute looked ugly, cursing in his heart.

Quincy and others also looked gloomy and felt extremely aggrieved.

This is definitely a joke!

That Chinese warrior is too bad.

In the arena, Wang Teng saw that Fortes had completely lost his footing, his eyes were blood-red, and he bombarded and roared frantically. Knowing that he was almost squeezed, he took a sudden step and penetrated into his dancing sword. In, a brick exhales.




Wang Teng didn’t keep his hands at all, and the bricks hit his face again and again.

Ford was beaten up, spinning around in circles, staring gold stars in his eyes.

A comrade-in-arms-level powerhouse was so muddled to the point that Wang Teng’s attack was cruel.

In a short while, Ford’s face was swollen like a pig’s head, and his head was covered with a large bag, extremely majestic.

No matter who sees it, I’m afraid it will give it a compliment-a magnificent head!


There was a loud shout from the auditorium of the Bald Eagle Country.

Wang Teng paused, the golden slab in his hand stopped on Ford’s face, no more than ten centimeters away, and then turned his head to look at Ute.

“We admit defeat!” Ute said coldly.


As soon as the voice fell, the brick in Wang Teng’s hand suddenly fell.

Fortes was smashed into the air, fell to the ground severely, rolled his eyes and fainted completely.

“You!” Ute was furious.

“Sorry, I accidentally confiscated my hand, I didn’t mean it.” Wang Teng looked at him, full of innocence.

“This bitch!” Ute wanted to vomit blood angrily. This bastard was so nasty, he was not a human being.


When the battle was over, everyone looked at Fortes and couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

Too ruthless!

Ford was beaten and he couldn’t even see his appearance, his head swelled to at least twice its size, miserable.

At this time, even a quasi-war fighter-level warrior had to be smashed out of a concussion.

Everyone looked at Wang Teng in the arena, and saw that he blew the bricks, as if to blow away the dust on them, it looked like a treasure.


This kid is definitely a weird thing!

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