Chapter 574: Phoenix King Fighter, Let’s Go!

The next day.

Xiadu Military Region, the airport!

A jet-black rune fighter was parked on the open space. The streamlined fuselage was sharply angular, and the whole was triangular in shape. Its wings were like two sharp blades.

When Wang Teng saw this fighter, his eyes lit up.

Men, love cars, also love fighters more!

The black fighter in front of him is obviously more high-end than the one he flew before, and the difference can be seen with the naked eye.

If you compare it with a car, the one he was riding in before was regarded as an ordinary car, and the fighter in front of him was the Lamborghini and Ferrari in the luxury car.

“Why, like it?” A voice came over with a faint smile.

“Hong Shuai!” Wang Teng hurriedly saluted when he saw the thin old man walking in front of him.

“Wang Teng!”

Behind Hong Shuai, Long Shuai and Yong Shuai also came over.

Wang Teng paid a courtesy.

“This fighter is the latest generation of rune fighters-the Phoenix King! The performance, speed, defense, and rune power are all extremely powerful. You will travel across two continents in Northern Europe this time. You may encounter powerful star beasts on the road. , This fighter can solve a lot of troubles for you.” Seeing Wang Teng constantly looking at the fighter, Yong Shuai smiled and explained casually with a hint of curiosity on his face.

“It turned out to be the latest generation of rune fighters!” Wang Teng was secretly shocked.

“Do you want it?” Hong Shuai asked with a sudden smile.

Wang Teng looked at Hong Shuai in surprise, and said with a smile: “Of course I want to want, but I just think about it.”

“Young people, should be a little bit pursued, don’t control your jade look so strictly.” Hong Shuai said.

Long Shuai and Yong Shuai laughed and said nothing.

Wang Teng’s heart moved slightly, but he just looked at Hong Shuai and didn’t speak.

“Hey, you kid!” Seeing him like this, Hong Shuai couldn’t help but cursed with a smile, and said directly: “I won’t go around with you. This time, as long as you defeat all the younger generations of strong people from all over the world, I will do it. Be the master and give you a’Phoenix King’ rune fighter!”

“Really?” Wang Teng asked incredulously.

Can this rune fighter be given away casually?

But this was spoken from Hong Shuai, one of the three marshals, and the credibility was still quite high.

When Tan Taixuan next to him heard this, his face also showed a trace of envy. This is the latest generation of rune fighters, and now only the top legions are equipped, Hong Shuai actually wants to give Wang Teng one.

“Naturally it is true.” Hong Shuai was not angry at Wang Teng’s doubts, but smiled.

“Wang Teng, Long Shuai and I have worked together to witness this incident, but it can still be tricked.” Yong Shuai glanced at Wang Teng and said with a smile.

“Hehe, isn’t it a little too incredible!” Wang Teng scratched his head and said with a smile.

“How is it? Are you sure to defeat the arrogances of all countries?” Hong Shuai asked.

“Then you have to try it.” Wang Teng didn’t say anything.

The three marshals were suddenly disappointed. In recent years, Xia Guo did not achieve any impressive results in this grand event, so they did not hesitate to spend a lot of money and wanted Wang Teng to go all out to win back that honor.

“But…” At this moment, Wang Teng spoke slowly again.

The three marshals couldn’t help but look to him.

Wang Teng’s scalp was numbed by their eyes, and he quickly said, “But I think this fighter can be prepared in advance.”

The three marshals looked at each other and couldn’t help laughing.

Hong Shuai pointed Wang Teng with his finger, and said cheerfully: “Okay, I will prepare this fighter in advance for you, don’t let us down!”

“Don’t worry, you!” Wang Teng moved in his heart and asked again: “If I get this fighter, can I open it in Xia’s airspace?”

“Don’t worry, we will naturally handle these procedures for you.” Hong Shuai waved his hand.

Wang Teng was happy in his heart and nodded: “Then it will be troublesome!”

“Little things!”

Wang Teng smiled and didn’t say a word. It was indeed a trivial matter for a person with the status of the three marshals, but if he really wanted to solve it by himself, it was not that simple.

Although he can do it in his current capacity, he doesn’t know how many procedures he has to go through to get it done in the end.

It is naturally the best result that Hong Shuai can help him handle it.

While speaking, a group of people came from a distance.

“They are here!” Long Shuai said.

Upon hearing this, Wang Teng turned to look at the people walking behind him. He was surprised to see many familiar faces among those people.

It was the opponents Ren Qingcang, Ji Xiuming, Luo Cheng, etc. met in the martial arts competition…

“They are here too!” Wang Teng couldn’t help muttering in his heart.

There are others, which seem to be slightly older, but they should not be more than twenty-five years old. They have a restrained aura, and most people can’t see much.

Wang Teng turned on his spiritual vision and immediately found that three of them had reached the rank of quasi-war generals, and one of them was of the rank of inferior generals.

As a warlord-level powerhouse, these people have no reputation, which is really surprising.

Everyone walked to the front and saluted the three marshals.

“Don’t be polite!” The three marshals nodded and said.

Ren Qingcang and others also noticed Wang Teng, and a trace of complexity flashed in their eyes.

How long did the young man in front of him leave them far behind after he hadn’t seen him for a long time, how embarrassing they were.

When Hong Shuai saw the eyes of everyone around him, he broke the atmosphere and introduced: “This is Wang Teng. Many of you should have seen it. I won’t say more about the specifics. You can communicate on the road by yourself.”

Everyone nodded.

“Wang Teng, you come to lead the team this time, and you will be the captain.” Hong Shuai said again.

“I’m the captain!?” Wang Teng pointed to his nose and shook his head: “Otherwise, it’s better to change someone. I think the strength of these people is above me.”

As he spoke, he pointed to the three quasi-war generals among several people, and the lower general.

Several people were suddenly shocked. Wang Teng was obviously not a casual person. He had seen their cultivation realm. Otherwise, why didn’t others point at them, but instead pointed at them.

Several people were a little dissatisfied when they heard Hong Shuai let Wang Teng be the captain. At this moment, Wang Teng’s inadvertent hand made them hesitate.

“What do you think?” Hong Shuai looked at the four young men.

“We have no opinion.” The four of them glanced at each other, and finally shook their heads.

Wang Teng was a little puzzled, these people obviously didn’t convince him, why didn’t they say anything, he didn’t want to be the captain of this team, thankless, wasting his precious time.

If these people jumped out, he would just be able to push them away.

Unfortunately, this wish did not come true.

Wang Teng had some regrets in his heart.

When everyone saw him, they were a little speechless. If you were the leader of the team, they looked up to you. What’s the matter with your disgusting look!

Hong Shuai glared at Wang Teng, and then said, “Since there is no doubt, let’s board the plane.”

After hearing the words, everyone no longer hesitated, and with Wang Teng as the leader, they boarded the Fengwang fighter one after another.


The sergeant below suddenly saluted at their backs and shouted loudly.

Wang Teng and the others couldn’t help but look back, then stopped, looked solemn, and saluted.

The cabin door slowly closed, and the Phoenix King fighter jet rushed into the sky like a black shadow, disappearing into the sky instantly.

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