Chapter 569 Super? Really? A Serious Punch!

Tan Taixuan was in the distance, still wanting to help, but after seeing Wang Teng’s sudden expression of excitement, she felt that her worries might be unnecessary.

That’s right, Wang Teng was able to knock this lower lord-level python star beast into the air with one punch. It can be seen that even without using his utmost skills, he might not be able to defeat this star beast.

With the 11-star quasi-war general level against the 12-star lower lord level star beast, the higher the level, this guy has gone farther and farther on the road of invincibility!

No, as his former teacher, how could he fall behind!

Tan Taixuan gritted her teeth secretly, and the strong belief in her heart rose instantly.

She is already a top-notch genius warrior, otherwise she would not reach the level of warrior at the age of twenty-seven or eighteen.

Now that Wang Teng was caught up by a latecomer, she was naturally unwilling.

Tantai Xuan looked at Wang Teng who was facing the ice python in front, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

What is this guy excited about?

The ice-blue giant python swam slowly, staring at Wang Teng in front of him vigilantly.

This human makes it feel dangerous!

Especially the look in his eyes seems to have changed too…


It uttered a tentative roar at Wang Teng, and its head suddenly stretched out…

Wang Teng was motionless.

Then the ice python retracted back and did not launch an attack.

“What is this silly python doing?” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, his head full of confusion.

So just now it was… a fake move?

The dignified lord star beast actually made fake moves, do you think this is playing ball? Also fake.

This ice python doesn’t seem to be very clever, isn’t it because he just broke his head?

Wang Teng’s gaze looking at the ice python suddenly became pitiful.

It’s pitiful, the lord-level star beast is not easy to grow up, and it is so stupid.

Forget it, this star beast is stupid and can’t take it anymore, let’s kill it and eat it.

I wonder if the meat of the ice star beast is delicious?

He hasn’t eaten it yet.

Wang Teng couldn’t help thinking in his heart, his body suddenly disappeared in place, turned into an afterimage, and strode towards the ice python.

The fist is raised, and the force of the gold element surging out, forming a strong gang strength, condensing on the fist.

Heavenly combat skills-Jin Gangquan!

The profound meaning of power!

Super, true, serious punch!

At this moment, the ice python felt extremely terrifying power from Wang Teng’s fist, and the fist was constantly enlarged in its pupils, like a mountain pressing down.

“This is?” Tan Taixuan seemed to feel something, her eyes widened suddenly, her heart shaking.


The ice python roared, quickly condensing ice blue light in his mouth, and spit out loudly.


The ice blue light slammed into Wang Teng’s fist.

The light of the original force burst out, and the attacks of the two sides swirled with terrifying vigor and rushed to the surroundings.

The light burst in the center!

Tantai Xuan narrowed his eyes and stared at the center of the light.

“Roar!” The ice python roared from the front, with pain in his voice.

Tantai Xuan’s expression moved, and it seemed that the ice python had suffered a lot from the confrontation just now!

The smoke and dust rolled up by the strong wind in front of him slowly dissipated, and the situation finally emerged.

A deep hole appeared on the ground, and the huge head of the ice python fell on the ground and was embedded in the ground. The hard scales were broken a lot and scattered around.

Large swaths of blood flowed down from its head, looking extremely miserable.

On its head, there was a figure standing upright, and it was Wang Teng.

“Dead?” Tantai Xuan raised her brows. This result was a little bit beyond her expectation. There were differences in the realms of the two sides. As a result, the ice python was defeated so easily by Wang Teng.

Is this ice python an insignificant commodity?


At this moment, the ice python suddenly opened his eyes, roared, and his body twisted wildly.

Wang Teng stood on top of the ice python’s head and was not thrown out. Instead, he grabbed a sharp corner of the ice python and his eyes were cold: “Negative corners resist!”

The ice python shook his head vigorously, trying to throw Wang Teng out of the top of his head.

At the same time, a chill surged from its sharp corners, which instantly spread to Wang Teng’s arm.

A thick layer of ice froze Wang Teng’s arm.

“Want to freeze me!” Wang Teng sneered, the sapphire glaze flame gushing out, wrapping his arms from the inside out.

Flames have restrained the ice, not to mention the sapphire glazed flame is still the fire of heaven and earth, there are not many ice that can stop it in the world.

The ice of this ice python obviously can’t reach that level.

That thick layer of ice was completely melted immediately.

Wang Teng did not put away the sapphire glaze flame, but let it spread out and landed on the sharp horns of the ice python.


The ice python’s eyes burst and roared.


So hot!

What did this human do? ?

Where does the ice attribute star beast can withstand the scorching heat of the sapphire glaze flame? For it, such roasting is the greatest punishment!

Wang Teng’s eyes were cold, his other hand grabbed the other corner of the ice python, and the sapphire glaze flame poured out from this arm, wrapping it up.

The two ice-blue sharp horns of the ice python became fiery red at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they were about to be cooked…


The ice python roared, his voice changed, and he seemed to have suffered a great deal of pain.

Tan Taixuan watched this scene from a distance, and suddenly stood in silence for the ice python.

That’s horrible!

Encountering Wang Teng who owns the fire of heaven and earth, this giant python is unlucky enough to be home, and it almost ends up being abused.

The cyan flame wrapped the two sharp corners of the ice python, and the hot temperature poured into its body along the sharp corners, the ice mist was evaporated, and plumes of smoke emerged.

No matter how hard the ice python struggles, he can’t get rid of Wang Teng.

It has realized what despair is!


At a certain moment, the ice python stopped struggling, and the huge body crashed to the ground, and there was no more movement.

Smoke rose from its head, as if it had been cooked by…!

Only then did Wang Teng calmly leaped from the top of the ice python’s head, glanced at the attribute bubbles falling around, and his mental power swept out.

Pick it up!

【Ice Force*230】

【Ice Force*560】

【Ice Force*360】

【Ice Force*420】

【Advanced Ice Talent*156】

【Blank attribute*640】

Wang Teng silently felt this wave of attribute gains, and he was secretly happy.

The Ice Force is 1,570 points, plus the previous 229 points, for a total of 1,799 points, which is really a lot!

[Ice Force]: 25074000 (7 stars)

Wang Teng looked at his own ice force, and this harvest made his ice force rise to the middle level of the 7-star warrior level, and his breakthrough was only close to 1,500 points.

what is this concept?

It’s very simple, kill another lord-level ice star beast, sure enough!

At this moment, Wang Teng was full of motivation, and he couldn’t wait to find another Lord-level star beast immediately, and then gather a wave of ice elemental force attributes to make the ice elemental force break through to the 8-star warrior level.

In addition to the ice force, Wang Teng also got 156 points of advanced ice talent and 640 blank attributes, which was quite good.

This virtual reality is really a good place!

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