Chapter 491 Wake up!

The sky was dark as twilight, covered by dust and haze, and layers of dark clouds condensed.

In the dark sky, there is no trace of sunlight.

In the dark clouds, dark red lightning flashed from time to time, interlaced with each other, and fell from the distant sky.

The cracked and barren black-gray ground, undulating and rugged spreading far away.

Mountain ranges that resemble huge scars lay across the earth, and a gray-black forest sea that could not be seen to the end seemed to spread from underfoot to the end of the sky.

Everything in this world seems to be dark and black, dark and mysterious, lacking a trace of life.

Large swaths of gray fog permeated the black forest, making the entire forest even more weird and full of dangers.

From time to time one or two dark red lightning flashed down in the sky like a snake, slashing some huge trees straight, and halting them.

The big tree that was being split lit up with blue smoke, but it didn’t seem to ignite. The blue smoke blew for a while, then disappeared, leaving only half of the charred dead wood.

I narrowed my eyes, and the ground was covered with all kinds of weird plants, countless huge trees covering the sky all over the forest, these trees are very big and abnormal, each tree needs several adults to hug it, and the branches are lush. , It is difficult to see the gap, the thick roots of the tree broke out from the ground, and crawled on the ground, like a giant python.

At the same time, there are a variety of sturdy accompanying vine plants entangled with each other, or strange-shaped plants and mushrooms are densely scattered everywhere.

Sometimes one or two strange creatures emerged from the vegetation, looked around very vigilantly, and then quickly disappeared between the shadows of the vegetation.

These plants and creatures have adapted to the gloomy low-light environment of this world, so the color and lustre are quite dull, or it is the gray color that lacks vitality, and they all have very different growth and development mechanisms.

At this moment, in a corner of the forest, a black “little thing” was lying motionless in a thick grass like palm leaves.

There was a gleam in its eyes, it seemed that it was waiting for something, and it was extremely patient. In fact, it has been lying like this for most of the day, and it has never received any goods.

Suddenly, a dark shadow sprang out from the grass.

The little thing lying in the grass suddenly moved. It was extremely proficient, moving in one go, like a juvenile cheetah, rushing out almost at the same time.



It fell into the quagmire next to it!

It’s not that the ground is too slippery, but its two short legs…numb!

The black shadow that sprang from the grass was a small, dark green lizard-like creature. Seeing a fish lip creature that fell into the mud and fell into a dog biting mud, it was taken aback for a moment, and its eyes seemed to be exposed. There was a sneer, and then the figure disappeared into the jungle with a flash.

It’s not stupid. The fish-lip creature in front of him looks at its eyes, obviously wanting to eat dinner.

When will you not leave at this time!

The ‘little thing’ struggled to get up from the quagmire and threw out unwillingly, but still did not leave tonight’s dinner.

It murmured something in annoyance, then got up from the ground, ignoring the muddy water on its body, limping towards the forest, limping on its body.

It was very careful along the way, and it seemed to have innate keenness, always able to avoid danger, and finally came to an extremely hidden hole.

This hole is under the root of a big tree, surrounded by vines and various plants, it is difficult to find.

It cleaned up the traces and smells around, then opened the grass and crawled into the hole along the tree roots.

This is its nest, a shelter from wind, rain and danger.

Only in this place can it find a sense of security.

The underground space is not small, and there are many passages leading to various relatively safe places. Even if a hole is found, it can also escape from another hole.

It took a long time to dig and build this small nest, and it is very satisfied with its masterpiece!

But recently it has fallen into hesitation, it is considering whether to move!

Because just two days ago, an uninvited guest broke into its den.

But what makes it wonder is how did that ‘big guy’ get into its nest through such a small hole?

Even the softest creature it has ever seen can hardly squeeze its body into its den without leaving a trace around the hole.

And it has checked all the openings and confirmed that there are no traces of crushing damage.

So it really doesn’t understand.

And the reason it is still hesitating, instead of fleeing immediately or killing the ‘big guy’ who invaded its nest, is because that ‘big guy’ seems to be dead!

It couldn’t feel any breath of life from that ‘big guy’, and the ‘big guy’ was full of wounds and blood. In its cognition, the injury was so severe that it would definitely not be saved and could only be eaten.

But that ‘big guy’ looks a lot like it, so it can’t speak.

The little thing crawled into the cave along the entrance of the cave. At the bottom of the cave, a black shadow was lying there curled up, eyes closed, no breath appeared on his body, as if he was dead.

The little thing squatted next to Sombra, reached out his hand and poked Sombra’s…butt, and muttered: “Why the big guy’s body hasn’t rotted a bit? Such a big one, if it is forced out, it will definitely destroy the hole. .”

It frowned in distress and sighed deeply.

It was very cautious, but it didn’t have enough knowledge. The situation before it was beyond its knowledge, so it couldn’t make up its mind.

“What if the big guy is still alive? Or else move away… But I have been looking for two days, and I still haven’t found a place to hide. If I leave like this, I might be eaten in the middle of the night.” His eyes appeared. The color of fear, as if thinking of something extremely terrible.

It was hesitant and anxious, stood up, circled the ‘big guy’ twice, and then kicked the ‘big guy’ severely.

“I blame you!”

Seemingly not suffocating, it kicked again!


Under this foot, the silent black shadow suddenly moved, and he slowly opened his eyes, but his eyes, which were as dark as ink, were shining brightly.

This kind of light thing has only been seen in the light of the stars in the night sky.

But at this time, its heart was filled with invisible fear, and bursts of chill emerged from its heart.

It backed away quietly, its back pressed tightly to the corner of the cave, letting the shadow hide its body, and then it slowly moved towards the entrance of the cave step by step.

It’s a pity that things backfired, and the two bright eyes looked at it accurately.

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