Chapter 488 Huang Huang Tianwei! (4000+two in one)

In the sky, as Wang Teng tried his best to operate the Array of Thousands of Thunder and Extinction, countless thunder descended, converging towards the same place!

Lei Guang is dazzling, and the sky is mighty!

Amidst the thunder light, a giant thunder beast that looked like an ancient divine beast appeared.

Its image is very similar to the legendary unicorn, cast by thunder, majestic and sacred, overlooking the world.


A roar that seemed to come from ancient times came from the mouth of Thunder Beast, resounding through the world.


The people on the battlefield below looked at this scene in shock, and took a breath.

“This is actually what Wang Teng summoned?” Kong Li looked at the majestic and huge thunder beast in the sky in disbelief, and cried out in disbelief.

“This guy really is a peerless evildoer!” Niu Li’s eyes flashed, shocked.

Thinking that when Wang Teng had just arrived in the Black Sparrow Legion, their leader instructed him specifically that this kid must not wait to take it lightly.

A series of events later proved that this was indeed the case.

As soon as he entered the military headquarters, he defeated Lieutenant Yuwen, a 7-star warrior-level military leader, and lost his face. Later, he discovered the conspiracy of the Dark Seed and made great contributions in the first mission, which is really unexpected…

But compared with today’s scenes, these are reduced to trivial matters!

Control the two large formations with one’s own power, and fight against the Black Nightmare Lord alone, and even the twelve rune masters have become foils.

All of this is surprising enough to be placed on the strong man who has been famous for a long time.

What’s more, it is placed on a young man who is less than twenty years old.

At such an age, it will naturally appear more dazzling and dazzling!

Beside Kong Li, Yu Wenxuan’s gaze was only full of shock, and he couldn’t think of a comparison with Wang Teng anymore.

That guy is simply a monster!

Compared with him, he is asking for hardship at all!

“This scourge is so strong!” A rich purple thunder light reflected in Xie Xueyan’s eyes.

In the thunder light, it was the tall and tall figure.

It’s like… Thor is coming!

This scene was deeply imprinted in her memory and could not be erased for a long time.

There are also the Black Widow, Cold Wind, etc. Wang Teng’s subordinates are all staring at this moment.

Is this really their captain? ?

Too strong!

Although they knew that Wang Teng was a martial artist of Tianjiao, they couldn’t imagine that he would be so strong that he was so inhumane, he was going to go against the sky!

Tantaixuan and other general-level powerhouses were also shocked and speechless. Even they felt the horror of the thunder beast and did not dare to despise it, which shows how terrifying things Wang Teng has done.

“What a strong breath, I am afraid that the general level is under this thunder beast, and it will not be spared!” Finally, a general level powerhouse returned to his senses and muttered to himself.

“This little brother is indeed the arrogant of the world, and he may not be able to produce one in ten thousand years!” The bearded warrior-level powerhouse exclaimed.

“Unfortunately, why doesn’t our Xingwu Continent have such a Tianjiao!” There is a general-level powerhouse who shows regret, it seems extremely regrettable.

Seeing a peerless arrogant rising up, the result has nothing to do with them, thinking about it, I feel that it has lost several trillions.

Tan Taixuan heard a group of commander-level powerhouses complimenting her disciples, and suddenly felt that she was a little redundant.

This kid has improved so fast!

She, the master, is going to be shot to death on the beach!

At this moment, Tantai Xuan is full of miserable heart…


The Black Nightmare demon was roaring and roaring, struggling to rush out of the big net woven by the cyan flame, and the bloated and huge body was crushed in the direction where Wang Teng was.

Rune masters such as Goring, as well as warlord-level powerhouses such as Tantai Xuan, have all changed their faces.

The current Black Nightmare Lord is weird and terrifying, Tantai Xuan and others can clearly feel that it is several times stronger than before in this state.

At that time, if they faced the Black Nightmare Lord in such a state, they might not be able to support the master of Rune to restart the formation.

But even if they knew that the Black Nightmare Lord was extremely dangerous, they couldn’t help much at this time.

They are not rune masters, and rushing into the formation may only add to the chaos.

However, in the face of the black nightmare demon king who came violently, Wang Teng’s face did not fluctuate, and his eyes were calm and staring at the front indifferently.

In the next moment, the cyan flames gathered in front of him again, and then suddenly the room rushed towards the huge body of the Black Night Demon Lord.


The powerful cyan flame slammed into the body of the Black Nightmare Demon Lord, knocking it back several tens of meters.

It roared, the flesh on its body was burned in large areas, turned into black smoke and penetrated into its body again…

Wang Teng didn’t relax at all, and the power of controlling the thunder continued to gush out from the formation.

Three groups of thunder lights appeared again in the sky! ! !

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

They originally thought that Wang Teng condensed a thunder beast to be the limit, but they didn’t expect it to be just the beginning!

How big is this to do? ?

Goring and other rune masters glanced at each other, and their eyes were full of shock, but the next moment, they merged their spiritual power into the big formation, and tried their best to cooperate with the operation of the formation.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he suddenly felt a little bit of pressure

With the help of the twelve rune masters, more and more terrifying thunders gathered, and the three groups of thunders swelled crazily, as if something was brewing.

But it will take time!

Boom boom boom!

The cyan flame intercepted the angry and violent Black Nightmare Lord, and kept making violent noises.

It got closer and closer, and two blood-red eyeballs stared at Wang Teng with malice and madness.

Wang Teng frowned slightly.

The look in his eyes was very uncomfortable. It was difficult for him to find words to describe it, just like…like a mentally disordered person, but more chaotic, disordered, and even evil.

It seems to be the entanglement of countless mental illnesses, and then turned into such an evil monster!

The Black Nightmare Lord noticed Wang Teng’s gaze, and the huge grinning mouth suddenly grinned, showing a…smile at Wang Teng!

Wang Teng’s thinking was infested, and an evil spirit penetrated into his mind.

His complexion changed, and the imperial spirit in his mind burst out.


An expansive spirit crushed past, and all the negative emotions were crushed and shattered into dregs.

A trace of sorrow flashed in the eyes of the Black Nightmare Demon Lord, and then bursts of anger rose in his heart.



Why is this human kid so strong!

This is impossible!

“Dead! Dead! Dead!”

The spirit of the Black Nightmare Demon Lord was completely violent, ignoring the cyan flame on his body, his body burst open, turned into countless tiny pieces of flesh, and shot towards Wang Teng.

Because of the smaller size, those pieces of meat were burned by the blue flame in mid-air. This time, even the black smoke did not return to the body, and was instantly swallowed by the blue flame.

But still a large part of it came to Wang Teng in an instant!


Tantai Xuan, Goring and so on screamed!

Wang Teng’s complexion changed drastically. He didn’t expect the Black Nightmare Demon Lord to be so crazy that he actually used this method of killing one thousand enemies and harming himself eight hundred.

He didn’t have time to think about it, his thoughts moved, and the formation was swiftly running.


The thunder beast in the sky uttered a huge roar, and its body flashed and swooped down.

It turned into a purple thunder and lightning, straddling the space between the lightnings, and appeared in front of Wang Teng, like a loyal patron saint, pounced fiercely at those meat pieces!


The thunder was blasting, and the power was terrifying.

Those fleshy screams and screams were painful, just like countless people wailing, their voices were extremely penetrating and penetrating people’s hearts.

Tan Taixuan and others frowned, feeling bursts of pain in their heads!

The human warriors on the battlefield below all had blood flowing out of their ears, their faces showed pain, and they covered their ears one after another.


The roar of the Lei Beast sounded again, overwhelming the wailing sound of the meat and dispelling it.

But the Thunder Beast also exhausted the power of Thunder and dissipated in the world!

After a while, the thunder light dissipated, and even the sound disappeared, and the surroundings were terribly quiet!

Everyone looked at the situation in the big formation, glanced around, looking for the figure of the Dark Nightmare Demon Lord.

“do you died?”

This is the thought in everyone’s mind.

Everyone is full of expectations. The Dark Nightmare Lord has appeared in the human world several times, each time bringing destruction and leaving endless nightmares to mankind.

Everyone who knows about the existence of the Dark Nightmare Lord is nothing but a discoloration!

Today, the people present were almost slaughtered, becoming another brilliant record of the Dark Nightmare Lord.

Fortunately, Wang Teng, the arrogant talent, turned out to turn the tide!

If the Dark Nightmare Lord has been killed, then this battle, human beings will be the winner.

Everyone held their breath and was very nervous.

Even Tan Taixuan and others are no exception.

“No, it’s impossible for the Dark Nightmare Demon Lord to be killed so easily!” King Yang frowned.


Suddenly, there were bursts of exclamation in the distance.

Everyone looked for reputation, and immediately saw a very terrifying scene.

Black smoke appeared on the ground, and the dark seeds that fled to the distance were entangled by the black smoke and flew into the sky involuntarily.

Those dark species seemed to know what was going to happen, and they kept crying in horror.

“The devil, please spare your life!”

“do not want!”

“The devil is forgiving…”

They desperately begged for mercy, their bodies struggled wildly, trying to break free from the shackles of darkness, but it was of no avail, and they were all dragged and flew into the big formation.

“Damn it, the Dark Nightmare Lord is not dead!”

Tan Taixuan and others immediately realized something, and their complexions were extremely ugly.

Wang Teng’s eyes moved, and he looked not far away, a blood-red eyeball floating in the sky, staring at him coldly.

“It really belongs to Xiaoqiang!” Wang Teng was helpless, and looked up at the three remaining light groups in the sky: “I thought it would be useless, but I didn’t expect to rely on you in the end!”


The thunder converged, and the three thunder light clusters slowly turned into shape…

At the same time, he was not idle, pointed at the bloody eyeball, and the cyan flame rushed towards it.

But those bloody eyeballs seemed to be wise and cunning, hidden in the void and disappeared.

Then he appeared from a distance, staring mockingly at Wang Teng.

Countless dark species flew from outside the big formation, screaming in horror, and rushing toward the blood-red eyeballs with the black smoke.

As soon as the black smoke touched the blood-colored eyeballs, it suddenly became extremely rich, completely swallowing those dark seeds.


The scream stopped abruptly.

Then, one after another, the dark seeds melted into the black smoke with the blood-colored eyeball as the core, causing it to expand again, wriggling and turning into huge pieces of flesh.

But this time, there were a series of hideous faces on the flesh. Those faces opened their eyes and opened their mouths, as if they had endured great pain before death. When people looked at them, they felt hairy in their hearts and bursts of cold. .

Wang Teng frowned, this look was too weird, even more weird than the previous appearance of the Dark Nightmare Demon Lord, making him feel extremely tricky.


A helpless sigh sounded in his heart.

The power of thunder in the formation is not enough!

Without any hesitation, Wang Teng ran the training method of “Thunder Body” frantically. Thunder fell from nine days and fell on him.

He needs more thunder!

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

But when the power of thunder entered his body, cracks appeared on his body.

His physical body had endured too much power of thunder, and it had already reached its limit before. At this moment, when he forced the thunder, his physical body showed signs of collapse.

The blood donated sprayed from the cracks and dyed his clothes red!

“Wang Teng!”

Tan Taixuan, Goring and others noticed the situation on his side, and their eyes showed concern.

Wang Teng’s current situation seems to be terrible!

But they also know that now they can only rely on Wang Teng.

“Damn, we can’t help.” A warlord-level expert clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth.

The other commander-level powerhouses were silent, they had not been able to defeat the Dark Nightmare Lord before, not to mention that it has become more and more weird and powerful now.

“Cheating, the level of training in “Thunder Body” can’t catch up for a while, otherwise, how can you not support the power of thunder in this area, and you will die!” Wang Teng felt helpless in his heart, feeling that he might be a martyr.

But he glanced around and suddenly became firm.

What the big man does!

Isn’t it just death? People who have died once are afraid of a ball!

Besides, there are so many people in the world, and the setting cannot be collapsed. If you run away, you will be laughed to death!

All kinds of bad thoughts flashed in Wang Teng’s mind, and then he grinned at the corner of his mouth.

Thunder and lightning!

The three groups of thunder light in the sky seemed to be stimulated, the light was shining, and it took shape quickly.

On the other side, another light group appeared, also expanding at an extremely fast speed, and caught up with the previous three light groups.


The Dark Nightmare Lord regained his body, with countless dark species as his flesh, becoming more terrifying and terrifying.

The countless faces on the flesh seemed to be its faces, looking at Wang Teng all together, then opened his mouth wide, spitting out a rich black light.

The pupils in Wang Teng’s eyes shrank sharply, and he quickly looked up.





Almost at the next moment, four different roars and chirps resounded throughout the world.

The four light groups are completely formed.

Thunder Dragon roars up to the sky!

The Thunder Tortoise supports the sky on four pillars!

Lei Feng keeps ringing for nine days!

Thunder beast and unicorn look at all directions…

The four behemoths of thunder and lightning bowed their heads towards Wang Teng, and then landed on the four sides of the large array. They opened their huge mouths, and four dazzling purple thunder lights burst out from their mouths and spewed out at the same time.

At this moment, the Dark Nightmare Lord was below, and a black beam of light rose from his mouth, rushing towards Wang Teng with a force of destruction.

The four behemoths of thunder and lightning were full of anger, divine might be like a prison.

Huang Huang Tianwei, nothing more than that!


The terrifying roar shattered the space, and the dazzling light burst open…

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