Chapter 476

In front of the cyan spar, Wang Teng’s figure stood there quietly. He closed his eyes, and his mental power slowly penetrated into the spar.

He wrapped his mental power on his palm, so that he would not be hurt by the temperature emanating from it.

At the same time, the mental power slowly extends in.

With the deepening of mental power, Wang Teng perceives a very wonderful world.

As if being in flames, surrounded by extremely strong fire spirit power, and condensed into a blue light, these fire spirit powers burned his mental power.

Wang Teng frowned, and he felt that his mental power was constantly being consumed.

If it continues in this way, I am afraid that it will not take long, even with his mental power reserves, it will be useless.

The next moment, as soon as he gritted his teeth, the speed of his inward exploration suddenly increased, like an arrow from the string rushing towards the depths of the cyan spar.

Wang Teng could feel that there was a group of hottest existence inside the cyan spar, faintly coming from the depths if there was nothing.

This saves him to look for it.

There is no doubt that the hottest place is the sapphire glaze flame!

However, the more inside, the higher the temperature, the faster the consumption of his mental power.

Wang Teng frowned and increased the output of his mental power. He knew there was only one chance. Otherwise, if you keep the sapphire and glazed flames here, it is always unsafe. Who knows if they will be taken first by others.

Therefore, he was almost desperate, and all the spiritual power of the king realm came out at this moment.


It was like a dragon entrenched in his mind suddenly awakened!

Finally, in the perception of mental power, a beautiful, dazzling blue flame floated quietly in front of him.

Wang Teng’s breathing was stagnant, but he did not hesitate.

There is nothing to hesitate, to subdue with mental power, there is no technicality at all, just a word…reckless!

At this time, under Wang Teng’s control, the mental powers gathered together, as if transformed into a big net, instantly shrouded in a blue flame.

If those who had conquered such strange flames knew of his fierce operation, they would break their eyes.

You must know that when they conquer the flames, they are all cautious, using various methods to reduce the risk, until they feel the most secure before starting.

It’s like Wang Teng, he rushes up as soon as he meets, he looks like a man who hasn’t seen a woman in eight hundred years.

Facing the intrusion of external forces, Qingyu Liuliyan instantly resisted, and the cyan flame suddenly flourished, expanding outwards, trying to break through the blockade and control of mental power.

Wang Teng’s complexion was pale, and the imperial force was constantly shrinking, and a few thin needles were formed to pierce into the sapphire glaze flame, and hit its core!

The two sides suddenly fell into a stalemate, and no one could do anything for a while.

Outside, the Ironclad Flame Scorpion was always paying attention to Wang Teng’s movements, and seeing that he had not been backlashed, he couldn’t help but become suspicious.

Could it be that this human youth hasn’t started to absorb it yet, otherwise, why would there be no reaction at all?

Is it waiting for it to do it?

Ironclad Flame Scorpion’s heart jumped, the more I thought about it, the more I felt like this.

What a cunning human!

Humans are really not good things!

Seeing that his face turns pale, Bacheng is pretending to come out, can’t he see such a flamboyant acting skills?

The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion was contemptuous in his heart. Fortunately, he lay down and thought hard in his heart: “I don’t believe that you are indifferent to this blue flame. When will you start to absorb it, when is your death date, I can wait for the old scorpion!”

It absorbs the surrounding fire force to recover its injuries, while waiting quietly.


Not long after, Wang Teng suddenly screamed and spouted a mouthful of blood.

The Iron Armored Fire Scorpion’s eyes lit up and laughed. It suddenly got up, crawled towards Wang Teng, and said triumphantly: “Human, you really got caught up in the blue flames, and you will never be able to recover within half a year. You are done!”

Wang Teng clutched his chest with a horrified expression, pointed at the Ironclad Scorpion, his fingers trembled: “You are so mean!”

“Hmph, you take advantage of the danger of the scorpion and want to seize my precious flame, you humans are the despicable villains.” The Iron Armored Fire Scorpion snorted coldly.

“Fart, obviously you gave it to me yourself. I only agreed to accept it because you were pitiful. Now you are raking you down. It’s too shameless.” Wang Teng said angrily.

“Fuck, if it wasn’t that I was seriously injured, and I was afraid that you would shoot me, how could I give you the baby flame.” The Iron Armored Fire Scorpion became angry with anger.

“Hehe, so it’s my fault!” Wang Teng mocked.

“Stop talking nonsense, humans and our star beasts are originally hostile, and I will eat you today. The flesh and blood of human warriors is a great tonic!” The Iron Armored Fire Scorpion showed a bloodthirsty sneer.

“You, don’t come over!” Wang Teng seemed to be frightened, and kept moving backwards, trying to stay away from the Ironclad Flame Scorpion.

“Be obediently, I can give you a good time. You will definitely not live today.” The iron armored flame scorpion had a cold voice, and quickly crawled towards Wang Teng. After eating this human youth, its injury will recover faster.

“If you have something to discuss, I can give you benefits, as long as you spare my life.” Wang Teng said with a trembling voice.

“There is nothing to discuss. After eating you, everything on you is naturally mine.” The Iron Armored Fire Scorpion didn’t move at all, and rushed forward, and the huge claws smashed towards Wang Teng’s head.


At this moment, a sigh came from Wang Teng’s mouth.

“Why bother!”

The color of horror on his face disappeared completely, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, he stretched out his palm, and a cyan flame bloomed like the most beautiful flower in the world!

The blazing temperature spread to the surroundings instantly.

The armored flame scorpion bears the brunt of it, the extremely hot high temperature almost melts it, but the human youth in front of it drags the cyan flame so plainly, not being affected at all.

“Impossible!” It exclaimed, there was incredible in its voice, and there was a trace of unconcealed panic.

“How was my acting skills just now?” Wang Teng laughed.

“…” Ironclad Flame Scorpion.

MMP humans are really despicable!

And the human youth in front of him is especially sinister!

When Wang Teng saw it not speaking, he shook his head and said, “I originally wanted to spare your life, but now I don’t have to think about it!”

As he said, his fingers were slightly bent, as if he wanted to bounce the flames in his hands towards the Ironclad Scorpion.

The Ironclad Scorpion’s pupils contracted and yelled in horror: “Wait!”

“Why, what else do you want to say?” Wang Teng paused and asked.

“Let me go, I will give you all of my collections. Over the years, I have collected many rare ores, spiritual objects, etc.” The Iron Armored Scorpion hurriedly said.

“Kill you, these things are mine.” Wang Teng returned the words he had just said.

“…” The ironclad flame scorpion has a green face.

“It seems that you have nothing to impress me.” Wang Teng shook his head and said regretfully.

Then I have to continue to do it…

“Don’t, don’t do it, I can, I can…recognize you as the master!” The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion seemed to have made a great determination, although there was a hint of hesitation, he finally shouted out.

It knew that it had no choice. This human youth received a blue flame, and it felt a huge threat above the flame.

This flame is far more terrifying than the flame it usually absorbs. I am afraid that as long as it is touched, it will be burned to ashes by the cyan flame.

No one knows the power of cyan flame better than it!

“Recognize me as the master?” Wang Teng tilted his head to look at it, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

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