Chapter 445 The error-correcting machine of no feelings!

Goering and the others left after giving an explanation, and threw all these young rune masters to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng looked at the group of unruly people in front of him, and felt a headache.

There is no doubt that these people can become the disciples of the rune master, naturally they are all genius-level figures.

They are very well-behaved in front of the rune masters, but it does not mean that they are also the same to Wang Teng. At this moment, everyone is quietly staying in place, wanting to see what Wang Teng will do?

Wang Teng had no expression on his face, and said lightly: “I don’t care what you think in your heart, since the masters are holding me in charge, you have to listen to me obediently.”

Hearing this sentence, everyone suddenly showed disdain.

This guy really dare to say, let them all listen to him, really think he is so amazing.

“If you are dissatisfied, you can stand up!” Wang Teng said.

Ni Wenguang looked upset, wanted to say something, but was pulled by a young man next to him, who shook his head at him.

Although the others were dissatisfied, they did not stand up.

“It’s a pity!” Wang Teng waited for a while, and finally shook in disappointment.

“…” Everyone was full of black lines.

Do they really think they are fools? Who can’t see such an obvious trap!

Ni Wenguang’s complexion changed and he gave Wang Teng a fierce look.

He almost stood up just now.

It turned out that this guy was waiting for them to make a fuss, Nima’s heart was too dark!

“Since there is no objection, then everyone is taking action for me now, everyone is responsible for an area, and began to arrange the Yimu Melting Fire Array!” Wang Teng swept his eyes, and said coldly: “The formation is very important. Shangxin made a mistake. Don’t blame me for being unsympathetic and kicking him out of the team.”

Everyone’s hearts suddenly tightened, this Wang Teng is so majestic!

Wang Teng continued: “I am more careful, whoever makes it difficult for me to do, I will make it difficult for others, even if you say that I avenge my personal revenge, I don’t mind, because it is the case!”

“It’s just that, if someone is kicked out of the army by then, I don’t know what his teacher will look like?”

When everyone heard the words, their complexions suddenly changed.

Wang Teng’s words can be regarded as hitting their weakness, none of these talented rune masters counseled, but they counseled their teacher.

If their teacher knew that they were kicked out of the army, they would definitely not be let go.


This is definitely a threat from Chiguoguo!

This guy is so shameless!

Even the words of public revenge and private revenge were spoken without any scruples. How could there be such a person who played cards in an unreasonable manner?

Even if they were angry and unwilling, they had nothing to do with Wang Teng unless they voluntarily withdrew.

Obviously, no one wants to give up this opportunity.

Many people frowned, as if unconsciously, they had fallen into Wang Teng’s rhythm.

Under Wang Teng’s indifferent gaze, everyone was stunned, and in the end they could only start to work honestly, and set up a formation under his arrangement.

“Small, I still can’t cure you.”

Wang Teng curled his lips. These so-called genius rune masters just hadn’t cleaned up, so they would be honest if they rubbed them on the ground.

He didn’t do it himself, just let these young rune masters be coolies, desperately urging:

“Hurry up, hurry up, why is it so slow, have you mastered the foundation firmly?”

“The speed is so slow, you are also worthy of being called geniuses, inscribed with runes, not only must be steady, but also fast, understand?”

“Who, Ni Wenguang, right? Is your rune taught by the Blacksmith?”

The faces of those talented runes showed anger, and Ni Wenguang furiously said: “Wang Teng, you dare to insult my teacher!”

“Fart, when did I insult your teacher? It’s obviously an insult to you.” Wang Teng said blankly.

“You…” Ni Wen was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

This bastard must have deliberately targeted him.

Others looked weird, wanted to laugh but felt unable to laugh, otherwise, wouldn’t it have contributed to Wang Teng’s arrogance.

But this guy is really weird!

“What are you? The sixteenth rune is wrong. I need to remind you of such a simple thing.” Wang Teng pointed to his nose and cursed.

“You are talking nonsense, how could I be wrong?” Ni Wenguang subconsciously looked at the sixteenth rune, then his complexion changed and he was extremely ugly.

He was really wrong!

When other people saw this scene, they were extremely surprised. It seemed that Ni Wenguang really made a mistake. The worst part was that he was found out by Wang Teng.

This is shameful!

“Hurry up and change it, wait for me to teach you?” Wang Teng squinted in disdain.

Ni Wenguang didn’t say a word. This mistake made him unable to raise his head, and he didn’t have the confidence to say anything, so he quickly bowed his head and changed it.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little solemn.

Others are more cautious, but after all, they are all young rune masters, and it is the first time that such a large rune formation has been deployed, and mistakes cannot be avoided.

“Who, go down the seventh rune!” Wang Teng’s voice sounded again.

The face of the person named changed slightly, thinking a little, and changing silently.

“The one with the ponytail next to you looks pretty clear, but your head is not working well. There are three things wrong, the fifteenth, the twenty-third, and the twenty-sixth path. Change it yourself!”

Wang Teng sat aside, with his legs crossed, and opened the potato chips bought by Bao Dixing. He ate boredly, and the sound came out one after another. Everyone was ordered, and some were ordered several times.

Now everyone has no idea to make fun of others.

Everyone is the same, no one is qualified to laugh at anyone.

They were shocked. This Wang Teng was too terrifying. It seemed that all the runes were familiar to the heart, and he was able to find out everyone’s mistakes.

They even suspected that if he were to arrange the Yimu Melting Fire Array alone, I am afraid that there would be no difficulty at all!

But how is this possible!

He is at best a senior runeman, how can he arrange such a big formation? ?

But the facts are in front of you!

Wang Teng’s excellence was beyond their expectations. These genius runes were so shocked that they doubted their lives, and they had no idea of ​​contending for victory.

Moreover, under Wang Teng’s continuous correction and constant urging, everyone was exhausted, feeling that Wang Teng was even harsher and harsher than their teacher.

This guy is an error correction machine with no emotions!

Everyone was slandering in their hearts, and even a trace of panic appeared in their eyes.

too frightening!

They are not people of the same world at all.

Isn’t this Wang Teng an old monster with a young skin?

All day, they were in a nightmare, experiencing what is called the fear of being dominated by the error correction machine.

However, the results of this day are very good, even a little more than one-third completed.

And later, these young rune masters became more and more adaptable to Wang Teng’s squeeze, the speed continued to increase, and the efficiency was extremely high.

“As expected to be a genius, it seems that tomorrow we can continue to press harder!” Wang Teng muttered to himself, touching his chin.

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